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Angular 16: My form's input values are not cached by the browser when the form is inside an ng-container

In my Angular project I have the following form. test.component.html: <ng-container *ngIf="{ loading: loading$ | async, options: options$ | async, } as vm" > <form [...
Eirini Tepelidou's user avatar
3 votes
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Buildable libraries cannot import or export from non-buildable librarieseslint@nx/enforce-module-boundaries

I am working with an Angular monorepo using Nx, and I've run into an issue while trying to build a component library that's set up to be publishable to npm. My project structure is as follows: nx-...
KRISH KAMANI's user avatar
1 vote
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Jasmine test: Expected spy updateValueAndValidity to have been called

I have an Angular component with this method: deleteRule(index: number): void { this.rules = this.formGroup.get('rules') as FormArray; if (this.rules.length > 1) { this.rules....
CJe's user avatar
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Angular 17 SSR, detect component output event subscribed or not

Using Angular 17 SSR, developing a toolbar component, which carries action button. This is a generic button. Here Im trying to detect component output event are observed or not, depending which ...
Varanasi Phaneendra's user avatar
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want to pass Ip, country for all http request header and after save all data

When I use that way all the time IP and country pass null in the backend I need to pass the value for the activity log I use the backend for Java Spring boot And use AOP for this I solve below ...
Md.Arif Shakil Nobin's user avatar
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Why is the Calendar Icon Displayed Instead of the Default Right Arrow in ion-datetime?

I’m encountering an issue with the ion-datetime component in my Ionic application. When I use the ion-datetime component inside an ion-popover, the calendar icon is displayed instead of the expected ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Issue with Push Notification Logo on Motorola Devices (Ionic 6, Capacitor 5, Firebase)

I'm developing an app using Angular 17 with Ionic 6 and Capacitor 5. I'm encountering an issue with the logo in push notifications sent from Firebase. While the logo displays correctly on some devices,...
Matías Sanchez Villar's user avatar
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Can standalone components handle nested ngModules?

How to correctly handle below scenario ? StandaloneComponent ( needs for example ReactiveFormsModule ) ModuleA ModuleB ( imports ReactiveFormsModule) If I got above structure reactive forms module is ...
ruddnisrus's user avatar
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Replay a failed request with new token

I am trying to replay a failed request once a token has been refreshed. Following this as a guide. My http interceptor: isRefreshingToken: boolean = false tokenSubject: Subject<void> = new ...
lostintranslation's user avatar
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Angular sidenav combined with scroll restoration

Currently working on an Angular project that requires to add the ability for scroll position restoration. I have enabled scrollPositionRestoration etc, no problem here. However, as I want a layout ...
mr3k's user avatar
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OpenLayers SVG alignment with background

I am trying to do an example similar to the one provided in OpenLayers documentation. My main layer is a static image instead of a world map. I want ...
Aya El Hariri's user avatar
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Can we stop Guard to proceed until api loads data in Angular

I have applied guard to route, before guard return true/false, I want to load sidebar menu from api. It loads and works perfectly but when I refresh the page guard proceeds as false and did not wait ...
Muhammad Arslan's user avatar
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Why is extra space being added to bottom of the "mat-form-field" tag

I tried to create a table and one column has a input field i used mat-form-field to create that input field.The following is the how i did it: <ng-container matColumnDef="marks" > &...
darshan k's user avatar
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CkEditor 5: How to customize track data plugin

I've a project were we use ck editor track changes plugin to track changes a user do in a given text input. The difficulty is that ck editor track changes only actually track the changes from user if ...
Felipe Issa's user avatar
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Deploy angular app to firebase hosting 404 error

After "firebase deploy" command, I have a 404 error... I'm trying to deploy an angular app on firebase hosting but I have a 404 error (don't find index.html). firebase login : is OK firebase ...
Thomas PIRAUX's user avatar
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ngx-editor-menu message error translation

Im using angular 16 with the ngx-editor and I cant finding anywhere a way to translate the error messages from the "link" option, I manage to work arround a solution but its not great ...
Daniel Cunha's user avatar
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Is the method subscribe in angular 17 is not working

export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { data: any; constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { } ngOnInit(): void { // Substitua 'your-endpoint' pelo seu endpoint real this....
Alelix's user avatar
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Custom error handler pipe operator function for RxJS

My goal is to create a new custom RxJS pipe operator which can handle every input like this constructor(private errorHandler: ErrorHandlerService) { const voidStream$ = of() as Observable<void>...
Christopher's user avatar
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Why do my Angular Material Icons look different from Google Fonts Icons?

I'm working on an Angular 15 project, and I've noticed that the mat-icon components I'm using look different from the icons displayed on the Google Fonts Icons website (
K. van den Berg's user avatar
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Angular 18 Migration: 'TypeError: res is not iterable' Error due to spread operator

I recently migrated my Angular project from version 9 to version 18. After the migration, I started encountering the following error: ERROR TypeError: res is not iterable onEscalate details....
Saurabh's user avatar
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How can I improve the performance of a large single-page application (SPA)? [closed]

I'm working on a large single-page application using React (or Vue, Angular, etc.), and I've noticed that the application's performance has degraded as it has grown in size and complexity. What are ...
AMazumdar 's user avatar
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Angular 17 Reactive Form: Radio Buttons Always Checked on Load Despite Boolean Values

I'm working on an Angular component that uses reactive forms with radio buttons. I want to create three radio buttons representing a boolean choice (true or false). The radio buttons are initialized ...
nakis93's user avatar
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Angular 17 unable to debug with vite dev-server

I have an angular 16 app that I have successfully upgraded to 17. The app is fully standalone. When I try to debug it in vsCode, launching ng serve form the debug menu builds the app and starts it. ...
Alfonso Moscato's user avatar
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AAD Authentication .NET Web API via Standalone Angular App using MSAL and OAuth2.0

I'm struggling to authenticate my API using my Web App, I've managed to add a login authentication to access my Web App but I can't get my authentication credentials/token to authenticate API calls. I'...
jammyjoe's user avatar
-1 votes
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All data in an entity shows in in the same page, table is required [closed]

I have generated an application with some entities. What happens when you insert 300 or a thousand rows in a table (entity)? It seems that all the rows are displayed on the same page. Will there never ...
masoud mohammadi's user avatar
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Why is the JSessionID changing on initial requests in my Angular + Spring Boot application?

I'm working on an Angular application with a Spring Boot backend, where we use sessions for managing user state. Here is a brief overview of the setup: The frontend is built with Angular, and I have ...
Stefan Leithenmayr's user avatar
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Updating to latest version of ngx-bootstrap

I have an Angular project that uses Bootstrap 3.4.1. I can't update it to 4 or 5 since it will break all the styles. I'm also using ngx-bootstrap in the project. After updating to Angualr 17, I can't ...
Chameera Dulanga's user avatar
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What is the best way to share SCSS variables between libs and apps in an Angular Nx Monorepo [closed]

I'm working on an Angular project structured as a Nx monorepo. The directory structure is as follows: nx-monorepo-root │ ├── /apps │ ├── /app1 │ └── /app2 │ ├── /libs │ ├── /shared-ui-lib (Common ...
tyler's user avatar
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How could I increase minimal range in mat-slider element of Angular framework

I'm using Angular v16. I'm creating a range slider using mat-slider element. By default, the logic is that maximal value cannot be lower than minimal value, but they can be equal, so minimal range ...
lia-ail's user avatar
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Prevent Angular router from reloading a Micro Frontend component

I'm using the Native Federation architecture to load a Micro Frontend into a Shell. The Micro Frontend contains an iFrame which loads a legacy AngularJS application. The AngularJS application uses an ...
Bernd's user avatar
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mat-select options are not scrolling with page scroll in iPhones [closed]

In screenshot you can see that options are Cause dropdown options but when mat-option panel was opened then I'm able to scroll page but with page scroll this options are not scrolling. I need to ...
Aman Gojariya's user avatar
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Docker fist implementation: not showing Angular frontend

I am trying to set up Docket in this stack: Angular 18.2, Python 3.12.5, Django 5.1, Posgres 16.4. I tried setting up a Dockerfile in each of the Backend and Frontend folders, also I created docker-...
Phabreetion's user avatar
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How to combine string and array in string interpolation of ngfor in Angular

I have an array of objects, I would like to combine a string and an array while showing in ngfor iteration. temp: [ { "value1": "as", "value2": "[a, b, c, ...
Naeem Akhtar's user avatar
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Images loading too slow on azure kubernetes deployed frontend [closed]

I have my backend and frontend deployed on azure kubernetes services, i also have an ingress controller for routing traffic to the frontend and backend. The ingress is exposed through a load balancer ...
Abhinav's user avatar
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i have 4 mat tab labels in a mat tab group and i want to position 2 of them left and another 2 label to right how to achive this one for angular 17

I require one and two mat tab labels to position on left side and three and four mat-tab-labels on right side of the page. I tried giving margin but the the element is expanding all the way to right ...
saketh's user avatar
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Ckeditor5 custom build integration in angular application

I am trying to use ckeditor 5 in my angular application. I have installed respected libraries and used. But default ckeditor5 only shows limited tools. So i am trying to integrate custom build using ...
Phanindra Kumar Pedipini's user avatar
-2 votes
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angular formControl using for if else [closed]

im currently try to use angular but i have this code below that check all form while i want only some object to show, could anyone help me how to use formControlName to call specific object for ...
マキマ's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to determine if client is inside or outside the office network using angluar [closed]

How to identify the user is accessing our our application from inside office or outside, based on that we have some functionality to build. hence what the recommendation to find the way to UI to ...
Krish's user avatar
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Having trouble using a local php script as a mailer for my Angular app

I'm having two problems here actually. I have the following in my service: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; @Injectable({ providedIn: '...
Reverend Bubbles's user avatar
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Angular two way binding broken in production build - TypeError "st is not a function"

I have a project that is using Angular 17, application builder, standalone components, with NgModule imports. In Development, it builds and runs just fine, but when building in Production, the ...
ZrSiO4's user avatar
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AuthO Tenants for Application

I am new to the security realm and advanced authorization and authentication subjects like OAuth and OpenID connect. I am trying to secure a simple application with has an Angular front end and ...
Spindoctor's user avatar
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How can I test an Angular component property value updated by observable callback before finalize() is called?

I have a component property that is updated in the next method of an observable I subscribe to that represents the upload progress of an http event. When writing unit tests for this method, I want to ...
Rick's user avatar
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Angular 17 update "Unable to resolve @nx/workspace:run-commands"

Currently i updated my project to Angular 17 with nx and when i try to build my application, i get the error which wasnt happening before : Cannot find executor 'run-commands' in C:\Users\tamart\...
tlq's user avatar
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Angular 18 upgrade module failures

I've got three angular 17 projects; a library and two applications that use the library. i'm trying to upgrade to a18 and am having nothing but trouble. following the upgrade guide, i started by ...
mike's user avatar
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Application state breaks when a blank array of data is returned from service

Problem Using ngrx in an Angular 18 application I have set up an effect with the following code (I apologize for the odd naming conventions as I had to obfuscate the data): loadAnalytics$ : Observable&...
Mark Hill's user avatar
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Angular Direct Routing Not Working When Copying and Pasting URL

I'm facing an issue with routing in my Angular application. When I directly copy and paste a URL into the browser (e.g.,
Kristijan Nikoloski's user avatar
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How to cover with unit test a settimeout in a event listener in angular method?

Using jasmine and karma, I can pass the unit test using fake async and using a real event, but the coverage is not correct, the settimeout call back is ignored. @Component({ selector: 'slider', ...
Tabares's user avatar
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Npm Angular Warning while installing Angular CLI

I am getting npm warnings when I am trying to install CLI via: npm install -g @angular/cli: C:\Users\myuser>npm install -g @angular/[email protected] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module is ...
furrytoby's user avatar
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Angular navigation item: on first click navigate to page AND open dropdown?

I have Angular navigation item component: <div(click)="handleToggleDropdown()"> <a[routerLink]="route">{{ text }}</a> </div> import { Component, Input } ...
Nataša Kunić's user avatar
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How to modify PrimeNg pTooltip directive to stop listening on Escape button

I have a list of 1000 rows and each of them has pTooltip on it. <div *ngFor="let l of longList"> <div [pTooltip]="'Hi'">Text</div> </div> When I press ...
Borneo777's user avatar
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