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Is the method subscribe in angular 17 is not working

export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { data: any; constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { } ngOnInit(): void { // Substitua 'your-endpoint' pelo seu endpoint real this....
Alelix's user avatar
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Angular 17 Reactive Form: Radio Buttons Always Checked on Load Despite Boolean Values

I'm working on an Angular component that uses reactive forms with radio buttons. I want to create three radio buttons representing a boolean choice (true or false). The radio buttons are initialized ...
nakis93's user avatar
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i have 4 mat tab labels in a mat tab group and i want to position 2 of them left and another 2 label to right how to achive this one for angular 17

I require one and two mat tab labels to position on left side and three and four mat-tab-labels on right side of the page. I tried giving margin but the the element is expanding all the way to right ...
saketh's user avatar
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How do I transpile Angular 17 ES6 app to ES5 for Android 10 devices

Working on a web app for a specialized device that runs Android 10 (Webview uses Chromium <80). When I try to serve the app and test on the Android device, I get errors for using optional chaining ...
ianrose2k's user avatar
3 votes
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ngx-mat-intl-tel-input not working properly in Angular 17

I am using Angular 17, with following Versions/Details Angular CLI: 17.3.8 Node: 18.20.2 Package Manager: npm 10.5.0 OS: linux x64 Angular: 17.3.12 I want to import library ngx-intl-tel-input to ...
Kishan Bhola's user avatar
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Keycloak: Angular 17 app logs out whenever I refresh the page

I'm facing an issue in my Angular 17 application integrated with Keycloak for authentication. The application is using keycloak-angular and keycloak-js libraries to manage authentication and protect ...
Dileep Gireesh's user avatar
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Error: NG05105: Unexpected synthetic property @if(uploadProgress) found

I am using @if template syntax of Angular 17 in my code <div @if(uploadProgress)> <progress [value]="uploadProgress" max="100"></progress> </div&...
Hardik Sanghvi's user avatar
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In Angular 17, if I try to compare a variable with 'undefined', while compiling it automatically replaces 'undefined' with 'null'

I have used Bootstrap DatePicker which on emptying return undefined event. When in my TS file: I try to compare if event is undefined, it never goes in that if block. Because in my browser when I ...
Pulkit Goyal's user avatar
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Custom web component Stack view issue with NX & Angular 17

We are using NX with Angular 17 in our monorepo, which includes custom web components built with Angular. One of these components is a Stack View, which acts as an overlay at the top of the screen (...
Gokul Deva's user avatar
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Developer tool network tab is not showing API calls

I am unable to see the API calls in network tab. Sometimes I saw them whenever I get CORS error or something but not able to see them. Is there any java backend functionality or angular 17 ...
Tripti Verma's user avatar
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I'm using Angular 17 and wanted to use ngx-owl-carousel but having this issue,

The error `TypeError: e.animate is not a function at xc._triggerWebAnimation (/node_modules/@angular/animations/fesm2022/browser.mjs:4027:20) at xc._buildPlayer (/node_modules/@angular/animations/...
Naveeth's user avatar
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Angular 17 Hydration failed to enable when serving the application

I upgraded angular 12 up to angular 17 and now I'm experiencing the following warning pop-up in my console when serving my angular application locally via ng serve. NG0505: Angular hydration was ...
Malstar's user avatar
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While upgrading webapp from angular14 to angular17 facing indexedDB issue : "ReferenceError: indexedDB is not defined"

My webapp was in angular14, there indexedDB working smoothly , but recently while upgrading to angular17 this issue occuring "ReferenceError: indexedDB is not defined" at DB creation point &...
Soumyadip Chakraborty's user avatar
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How to remove toggling from <mat-chip-option>

I wanted to remove the toggling affect from <mat-chip-option>. When I click on "Accent fish" chip (video here) it should get selected as shown in the video but when I click it again it ...
user977263's user avatar
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Angular 17 @Input with setter [closed]

I'm migrating my Angular application to 17th version. I have the following @Input set and regular @Input: @Input() a: A; @Input set b(val: B) { console.log(val, this.a); this._b = val; this....
alex4540's user avatar
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Angular ngStyle directive not working: style properties don't update

I'm trying to use the [ngStyle] directive in an Angular 17 app to dynamically show or hide an element, like this: <div [ngStyle]="{visibility: loaded ? 'collapse' : 'visible' }"> .....
Master_T's user avatar
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How can I make my disabled mat-tab ripple or underliner appear

I'm using Angular Material for my project's tab navigation, and I'm trying to style my mat-tab component to achieve a specific design. Current Design vs. Desired Design: enter image description here ...
Ktarch's user avatar
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Custom errors on formControl are not shown on template

I have a simple scenario, where I am trying to show error from server to field level. But error are not shown on template. Following is the code and package.json contents @Component({ selector: '...
Atif's user avatar
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Relative path of Parent Component is added to asset path when page is reloaded

So I have Ng routing for Angular18 configured as below for app.routes.ts which is default routing import { Routes } from '@angular/router'; import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component'; ...
Binary Dharma's user avatar
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How to mark a input field required when I select any value from a dropdown list in Angular 17 reactive form?

I have a dropdown list of 5 items.Whenever I choose a value from it one of my input fields will be marked as required. Otherwise the input field will be a non mandatory field. How to dynamically mark ...
PPP's user avatar
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I am trying to upgrade angular version from 16 to 17 but it throws below error when I run npm start

./src/main.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js): Error: Cannot resolve type entity i11.MatLegacySelectModule to symbol ./src/polyfills.ts - Error: ...
Sonamdeep Kour's user avatar
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How to Add Secondary and Success Colors to a Custom Material Theme?

I'm working with Angular 17 and have successfully created a custom Material theme with primary, accent, and warning colors. However, I would like to add additional colors such as secondary and success ...
coder's user avatar
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Is fullcalendar 5 compatible with angular 15+?

I'm in the process of updating my angular project from 13 to 17 and currently using fullcalendar/angular version 5.11.2. Is this version compatible with Angular 15 to 17 ? I managed to use version 5....
MattD's user avatar
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Smooth Scroll Between Sections on Mouse Wheel in Angular 17

I have an Angular 17 application with several sections, and I want to implement smooth scrolling between these sections when the user scrolls the mouse wheel. Specifically, I want the following ...
Hamouda Elyes's user avatar
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Signal store rxMethod not concluding when running component tests

I have an rxMethod which I call on the onInit hook inside the signal store. // // rxMethod that does session polling startSessionPolling: rxMethod<void>(() => { return ...
Greggz's user avatar
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Unable to get non default method from the controller in ASP.NET Core 8 with Angular frontend

I am using ASP.NET Core 8.0 with Angular v17+ frontend. I can only get my default get method from the controller but not my other one. My controller looks like this: [Route("api/values")] [...
C.Ikongo's user avatar
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Angular 17 <router-outlet> works wrong

So i am building projects in angular and i found out that in devtools i can see my router-outlet and components are generated outside of it like that: app.routes import { Routes } from '@angular/...
Amadeusz Kobos's user avatar
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How to use angular flex-layout in angular 18

I have a large application built in Angular 17 that I've recently updated to Angular 18. Since the flex-layout packages do not officially support Angular 18, What can I do instead of overriding them ...
Alireza Ahmadi's user avatar
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ESLint is not reading the rules specified in the eslintrc.json in my Angular v17 Project

ESLint is not reading the rules written in the eslintrc.json file. It is displaying all the problems as errors even though I have set values of some rules as warn. Moreover, it is displaying errors ...
T. B. - Tantiya Bichchu's user avatar
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Facing problem with angular 17 and firebase

When I tried to add package in my angular 17 application, it can't install the package. it always show this error given below. ng add @angular/fire Skipping installation: Package already installed ...
user26393343's user avatar
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How can i implement export functionality for the angular material table into csv format?

Earlier version of angular almost worked with MatExporter but currently in angular 17, this module has been deprecated and i am facing issues. Is there any other library to use for exporting into ...
Aditya Parida's user avatar
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Angular 17 with Angular-Datatables: Unable to Re-render DataTable

I'm working on an Angular 17 application using Angular-Datatables, and I'm having trouble re-rendering the DataTable when updating the data after a search. Below is the relevant code for my component: ...
tyler's user avatar
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Unable to invoke a dialog component via MFE

I need to load a remote module for an angular based app. The remote module is also angular based and part of another FE. Here is the code I'm using: loadRemoteModule({ remoteEntry: 'https://...
Abhishek's user avatar
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How to upgrade CDK Virtual for loop for angular 17

Im upgrading code to angular 17 and needing to update if statements and for loops as i go. I have noticed that if statements and for loops are easy enough but im struggling to move the cdkVirtualFor ...
Joelad's user avatar
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Primeng carousel duplicate HTML code after setting autoplay Interval props

The carousel duplicate HTML code after setting autoplayInterval props even though I set the numVisible to 1. I'm using PrimeNG v17 on the Angular 17. The source code: <p-carousel [value]="...
M7moud7's user avatar
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How to Keep Angular Material Datepicker Always Open After Date Selection for Single and Range Selection.?

I'm working on an Angular project using Angular Material's mat-datepicker and mat-date-range-picker. I want to modify the datepicker so that it remains open even after a date or date range is selected....
Anurag Singh's user avatar
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export pages form to pdf and include select value

I am working with Angular 17 and firebase, and I have a form report that the client wants to export to PDF. The problem is that I have some select elements on my pages, and when I convert it, it is ...
sacha baranes's user avatar
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Angular 17+: How to lazy-load 3rd party libraries that are only used by one standalone component

I have a large Angular app and need to reduce the bundle size. I recently migrated to Angular 17 and made all of my components standalone, and started separating out which routes should be lazy loaded....
David Milne's user avatar
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Adding provideMomentDateAdapter(MY_FORMATS) globally in Angular 17+ project does not recognize the format change

I am trying to use date format 'YYYY-MM'DD' in my date picker field. But the date picker only shows the default format date 'MM-DD-YYYY'. If I provide the provideMomentDateAdapter(MY_FORMATS) at the ...
Learner's user avatar
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angular 17+ssr project build infinit loading

My angular 17+ssr application show infinit loading while execute build cmd and does not build dist output. It's a full fledged e-commerce application. I completed the project 80%! Configuration ...
Berlin Johns. M's user avatar
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Angular 17 ESBuild Configuration for environment variables

Just migrated from Angular 15 to the 17. And currently it is possible to build and serve with esbuild instead of webpack. With webpack there was a way use a custom webpack config for things like, ...
Semedmar's user avatar
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Error: The Angular Webpack loader requires the AngularWebpackPlugin

Error: The Angular Webpack loader requires the AngularWebpackPlugin. while making build for production i am getting this error while using webpack in angular 17 i was expecting a sucessful production ...
49Anwar Shaikh's user avatar
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Web Workers with Angular 17 works in development mode but not in production build

I'm coding an Angular 17 app and I need to use Web Workers. The problem is that this is working in my development environment but not in my production build. I do something like this: // in a random ...
Danilo Bassi's user avatar
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Angular 17 | ng build --configuration production converting special characters to unicode

We successfully upgraded our Angular application from version 11 to version 17, tested the functionality, and took a dev build. However, we are currently using the command ng build --configuration ...
sujith karivelil's user avatar
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Angular 17 AngularFireModule Not Provided in AppModule' When Executing FirestoreDataService Test Cases with Jasmine and Karma

jasmin-karma error image , import module image import { ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core'; import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { getFirestore, provideFirestore } from '@angular/...
vatsal's user avatar
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Angular 17 auxiliary route

I am trying to configure auxiliary route in Angular 17 but have some issue most likely due to the change to standalone components. Here is my configuration: export const FEATURE_ROUTES: Routes = [ { ...
camel's user avatar
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Angular mat-paginator not working with Parent to Child passing DataSource

I want to use the mat-paginator inside a child component. The mat-paginator should change the data of a mat-table which is in same child component. Tried available solutions but not working. ...
Kashmira's user avatar
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In Angular 17 we are unable to load images from assets folder which we usually use to place in src of the root directory

So currently if I place assets in src my assets folder path is not being read. ** The only solution I could find for it was to place the assets inside the pubic folder (because I found the favicon ...
simran nigam's user avatar
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Angular SSR ngIf rendered when value is false

I got this weird stuff going on and I can't understand why {{!loggedIn}} <div class="flex gap-4" *ngIf="!loggedIn"> <...
Stefa's user avatar
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How to Configure proxy.config.json file with ssr server.ts file in angular version 17.3

I am using proxy.config.json to handle CORS errors in my app. However, the ssr server.ts file can't deal with this proxy config in development and as a result for all HTTP request its response is HTML ...
ahmed mostfa's user avatar

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