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FATAL ERROR: JavaScript heap out of memory only when deployed in Azure container apps

I have deployed the same (no code change) Node.js application in both Docker containers and Azure Container Apps. I've noticed a discrepancy in memory usage between the two environments. In Azure ...
Amrish 's user avatar
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Azure Container App - Failed Deployment with no errors

Got a weird one and our support havent been very helpful. Our Container apps across 3 subscriptions stopped working and wont Start. If you click Start, it says successful, but none of them actually ...
Chris O's user avatar
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FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory When deployed in Azure container app

I am running my application in both Azure container apps and docker container. But I could see the below error frequently when the memory reaches 2GB in Azure container apps only. Why? But in Docker ...
Amrish 's user avatar
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Monthly Automatic Replica Replacement in Azure Container App

I am running my application in Azure Container Apps, and I have observed that, each month, old replicas are automatically destroyed and new replicas are created within the same revision across ...
Amrish 's user avatar
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Azure container APP : how to nat for a network vitual appliance?

I'm new to Azure container application and networking. I have an internal environment in a private VNET. I use a virtual network appliance to publish my application ( ADC VPX CITRIX ) If I understand ...
Xavier's user avatar
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Python Azure Function Blob trigger concurrency problem [closed]

I developed an OCR in python using pytesseract and cv2. It takes files for a blob container and extracts text from them. I deployed it to an Azure Function container. I used a container because I need ...
Mihai Podaru's user avatar
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Azure Container Apps: Volume mount fails

I have this error when trying to mount a volume in azure container apps with terraform. Everything looks configured properly as per the documentation, so I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas what ...
user3620514's user avatar
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Apache Airflow configuration in reverse proxy using Azure Application Gateway

I'm using docker image to deploy it into Azure Container Apps with reverse proxy using Azure App Gateway. Whenever I use the gateway url ( it is navigating me to https://...
user25982998's user avatar
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Keycloak 25.0.2 not running over HTTP on Azure Container App

We are deploying Keycloak 25.0.2 in Azure Container App, and we want to run Keycloak over HTTP (without certificate) but trying to access to URL exposed by Azure Container App with HTTPS (https://...
Jesus Corral's user avatar
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Azure Container Apps Job

I'm trying to implement an Azure Container Apps Job environment with KEDA scaling enabled for Azure Pipelines. Ideally we want to enable Managed Identity for the authentication so that we can use the ...
Rick's user avatar
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Scale an Azure Container App by messages in a Service Bus topic subscription?

I'm looking to setup auto scale rules in my Azure container apps, based on messages in an Azure Service Bus Topic by subscriptions. I do see the documentation on how to setup autoscale based on ...
Kevin M Ziegler's user avatar
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Debugging why Azure Container Apps internal communications are returning HTTP 404

Summary: I cannot get Azure Container Apps to communicate with each other internally, without exposing the app ingress to public. I get the blue, "Error 404 - This container app is stopped or ...
user3386507's user avatar
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Azure Container App Jobs: Accessing Azure Files fails with mount error(13): Permission denied

I am trying to write data to an Azure Files share from an Azure Container App Job. What I have done: I have created the share I have added it to my Container App Environment under the tab Azure ...
kiesel's user avatar
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Azure container apps and azure application gateway integration - Which ports are actually used?

So I have integrated my application gateway with azure container apps. I have the following ports exposed in my container app: 8080 5000 9000 I have the following nsg rule: security_rule { name ...
Jeppe Christensen's user avatar
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ContainerApp not pulling images from new Azure Container Registry

I have a Container App in Azure Cloud and I have created a new Azure Container Registry(ACR). With my pipeline I am generating image in my acr and then updating the container app to use the new ACR ...
Sumit Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Why I my Azure Container App cant access ACR

Hi guys I have an issue. I pushed my docker image to ACR and when I tried to configure it in Container app to create a container to deploy it in Cotainer Apps Env..It throw me an error saying that ‘...
Yusry Yesneen's user avatar
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Deploy azure container app from VisualStudio - Error 404

I'm trying to deploy the Web API template in an azure container app. The deploy finish with successful but when i navigate the Url it return 404 error. I've enabled External traffic but still ...
Matteo Beretta's user avatar
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Access docker container running on Azure Function App

I deploy a containerized python function on Azure using the official Microsoft guide. The application is running and I am able to call my function (it's an http trigger function), but I don't know how ...
Mihai Podaru's user avatar
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.NET Azure Function in Azure Container App setting the listening port

I'm attempting to host my azure function app inside an azure container app. The app consists of a couple of event grid trigger functions, written in .NET. It seems to be running locally when started ...
user26672111's user avatar
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JavaScript file upload to container app slower than to app service [closed]

We have an Azure container app with the following specs: Single-revision mode Consumption only 1 CPU, 2 Gi memory 1 minimum replica 10 maximum replicas The container app is hosting a small Python ...
damiangelis's user avatar
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Health probe with errors in Azure Container App

I have an application running nodejs and redis services. The exposed port is only 3000. This application is an api that queries and stores data in a postgresql. The services run in a single container. ...
Cristopher's user avatar
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The revisions freeze when a new revision is created - Azure Container Apps [closed]

It's my first publication so excuse me if I skip any rule, we will progress along the way ;) My problem: I have an application container that in opportunities when a new revision comes on the way it ...
Cristopher's user avatar
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Constant flow of GET requests to root returning 404 response in Azure container app visible in App insights

We have an ASP.NET Core 8 API running in Azure container app. Recently we connected Azure application insights to it and we see a lot of requests being made to root of azure container app. They are ...
cah1r's user avatar
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Azure Pipeline AzureContainerApps@1 not deploying new image

I'm trying to deploy an Azure Container App using an Azure DevOps Pipeline. It's pushing a new image to my ACR but the Container App is not running the new image. My understanding is that it should be ...
Mog0's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a little more control of container apps http scaling

I have an application (SonarQube) that is used relatively infrequently. Basically it just does a few code scans a day and which point a developer may visit the application for a few minutes and look ...
bloveless's user avatar
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POST request body is an empty string during service invocation between Dapr sidecars

I have deployed two services on Container Apps, both setup using Fastify, both with Dapr enabled. I cannot seem to get the POST requests between the two services working. If Service A make a POST ...
Yick Kiu Liam Leung's user avatar
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How to create a container app scale rule based on a service bus message queue length

I have a azure container app that I want to scale based on a Azure service bus queue. The app is already configured to process the queue and every instance processes two messages at a time. With ...
Jürgen Steinblock's user avatar
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How to use appsettings in Azure Container App?

Currently we are migrating our .NET Framework WEB APIs to .NET 8. Along with that, we are migrating from service fabric to Azure Container App. We want to use app setings from AppSettings.json file in ...
Bharti Tijare's user avatar
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Migration of ASP.NET MVC application to Azure Container app (Windows container)

I have an application in ASP.NET MVC & want to modernize it and move to cloud using Azure Container apps. However I found Azure Container app will deployed app on linux container & my ...
Nikita Pawar's user avatar
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Azure App Container and App Gateway - "host name" is not correct

I've implemented a Container App with an Application Gateway on Azure. In the Application Gateway, the "Backend Setting" configuration is set as follows: "Override with new host name&...
vlauciani's user avatar
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Unable to setup continuous deployment in new Azure Container App due to "deny assignment" error

I've successfully completed the tutorial for containerized functions on Azure Container Apps. Now when I go to setup up Github Actions for continuous deployment from the container app in the Azure ...
Peter Radocchia's user avatar
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Bind managed certificate to Custom Domain for Azure Container App with az CLI fails

I am trying to create a shell script to automate the creation of a managed certificate for a Custom Domain for a Azure Container App using az CLI. The problem I am experiencing is related to an error ...
Riccardo Barbieri's user avatar
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Get template name from variable and run template?

I have an Azure DevOps repository that I want to fill with a number of (pipeline-)templates. Each template-file represents an Azure Container App Job. On merge to production I would like the pipeline ...
kiesel's user avatar
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Chromadb not able to write SQLite database in Azure file system

I created an application using Chainlit, LangChain and Chromadb deployed on Azure Container Apps. I created persistent storage using Azure storage account and mounted on Azure Container Apps. The ...
Nitin Mehta's user avatar
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how to switch azure container app workload profile from consuption to dedicated workload profile?

I have created an azure container app with quick image. Here my container app is in consumption workload profile as when deploying with quick start image there is no option to select between workload ...
Vivek Panchal's user avatar
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Deploy container image to azure container App with environment variables

I've setup one pipeline in azure devops to build container image, push to ACR and deploy to container app with environment variables. Below is script which i was trying, but unable to set environment ...
shah harshil's user avatar
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Azure Loadbalancer with public IP forward traffic to Container Apps

We have deployed a azurerm_container_app_environment and a azurerm_container_app using terraform. resource "azurerm_container_app_environment" "myenv" { name ...
Fabry's user avatar
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Logging from next.js application in an azure container app

I have a next.js application running in an Azure container app. The container app has a "log stream" feature. In this view I can see that the next.js application is starting up: ▲ Next.js ...
Nikolaj's user avatar
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How to Configure Container App Job to use Accurate KEDA

We are having some difficulty figuring out how to configure the auto scale rules on our Azure Container App Job to use the "accurate" calculation method vs the default when determining the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Azure container apps using docker nginx proxy_pass to another container

Update 07-05-2024 After some digging, I was made aware that Azure by default uses http protocol http 1.1 between app containers. After reading through some more nginx docs I discovered that the nginx ...
zigaio's user avatar
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Azure Keyvault not loaded by Dapr Client during Asp net core web api app start

In Azure Container apps; I have configured the Dapr Components and have assigned all System Identity permissions as shown: In the ASP Net Core WebApi Startup or program.cs I have added below code: ...
Zenwalker's user avatar
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Connecting Azure Container App to Azure PostgreSql Flexible Server

I am trying to run FusionAuth inside an Azure Container App and use Azure Postgresql Flexible Server for its configuration. I can access the FusionAuth instance via the Azure URL and it comes up with ...
Alan Rutter's user avatar
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How can I override the default startup command for an Azure Container App using Azure Cli?

I would override the startup command to my Mosquitto image on the Azure Container App to start with an anonymous user config. It is a simple bash command that can run as shown below. When I use this ...
Siamak Ferdos's user avatar
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How to establish authenticate, authorize from AKS deployed Container to Azure Event Hub

Apologies if my question is trivial. I have limited knowledge with Azure security. ( Identity , principal id, entra id....) In my container app model, identity was created and used in Event Hub role ...
Kris Swat's user avatar
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Datadog - Grok / Pipeline nested JSON

I currently have multiple container app deployed on Azure running Spring Boot and NodeJS api's. I'm trying to get my api logs (standard out) into Datadog in a readable format via dashboards etc. For ...
MetaCoder's user avatar
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Azure container app job 'no space left on device' - how to get more space?

I am running a container app job which pulls some git repos and scans the code of the repos. However, in my log i can see that i keep getting the error that there is no space left on the device. And i ...
MarcBrejner's user avatar
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Pass list of objects into Terraform module as a parameter

I am using this module in my Terraform script to create an Azure Container App. I need to pass in a complex object with all the values needed to create a Container App. In the file of ...
JordanBean's user avatar
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Allowing Azure Container App to communicate with SQL Server and Blob storage through NSG

I have an app hosted in an ACA instance, I've attached an NSG to the Subnet that the ACA is hosted in and blocked all outbound comms. As expected, this stops my app communicating with both my Azure ...
Slicc's user avatar
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Can you add a custom domain to an app in an internal Azure Container App environment

I can successfully add a custom domain on external container app environments. But when I try the same on an app in an internal container app environment, the validation process just hangs (More than ...
Sello Mkantjwa's user avatar
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Providing custom arguments to Azure Container Apps Job works in the portal, but not via Azure CLI with --args or --command

I have an Azure Container Apps Job that requires a custom argument for each run (a request ID telling the container which request to process). If I open the job in the portal, go to Containers -> ...
hingst's user avatar
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