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'npm run dev' result: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/ddev/project-name/node_modules/@vue/apollo-composable/src/useApolloClient.ts']

I took over a Craft CMS project, which I successfully upgraded to the latest version of Craft 5. When I run the command needed to build the JS and CSS files npm run dev I get the following error: ...
cjhdev82's user avatar
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0 answers

How to register an Asset Bundle in Craft CMS 3.x to style a Twig template?

I'm trying to create and register an Asset Bundle in Craft CMS 3.x to include a custom CSS file for styling a Twig template. I've followed the official documentation provided by Craft CMS: Asset ...
clawe's user avatar
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Is there a efficient way to cache the data after fetching from the graphl ql in craft cms?

Hi I want help on this scenario , so I have a template that will fetch the data from the graphql and I am using sprig to render a template for that data but the issue here is whenever I reload or go ...
Brijesh Gurung's user avatar
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OpenSSL unable to sign data In Firebase JWT sign in PHP

We are trying to send push notifications in PHP, but we are getting this error: [queue.ERROR] [FBM_ERROR] OpenSSL unable to sign data {"trace":["#0 /var/www/html/sites/
David's user avatar
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Craft CMS v4 -> v5 upgrade *** failed to apply m230511_215903_content_refactor

I'm trying to upgrade a local Craft CMS site from the latest version of 4 to the most recent version of 5. I've followed the official upgrade guide but i'm having an issue when the migrations are ...
Curtis McCaw's user avatar
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Determine Event/Trigger order in Craft CMS

I have an plugin installed in Craft that makes changes to the headers of Craft. I wrote a module to make changes to the headers AFTER the plugin made it's changes. However the event in my plugin is ...
Redox's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Unsupported Gulp Version. for Gulp 5.0.0

I have created a Craft 4 project and I am installing Gulp on my project. I have installed he latest version of Gulp(Gulp 5) and the moment I run the gulp command, i Get this: . I have tried Gulp 4 as ...
Manroop Singh Nanda's user avatar
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CRAFT CMS: Create a product type programmatically from a module

I need to create a product type from my module Ccreate my product after that with the product type created before. Create the default variant how can I achieve that? for example: // First, let's ...
Ezequiel Fernandez's user avatar
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CraftCMS 3: Template not found: dashboard

I am trying to set up and existing CraftCMS 3 installation on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine with PHP8.1. The deprecation errors I can fix, no problem. DB imported, it's accessible, no biggie. All pages load ...
Robin K's user avatar
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CraftCMS upgrade issue from 3 to 4

I'm trying to upgrade CraftCMS 3 to 4 version successfully completed until database migration step, When i try to run php craft migrate/all command getting the bellow migration error, columnSuffix ...
Gihan Dilusha's user avatar
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Craft CMS 3 GetQueryParam Query parameter always coming back as null from user input

Implementing a search bar in craft cms 3 application and query is always returning null from user input. Entries are always fetched correctly, searchTerm as shown in the code is always null. NO errors ...
Alyx's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple section query with section wise ordering in Craft CMS

I have multiple 2 sections named 'Events' and 'Latest News' in Craft CMS. I post entries with date in these sections. My problem is I have slick carousel in front end, where I want to display entries ...
Mitesh Tandel's user avatar
-3 votes
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I need to add an SSH key to run inside my DDEV Docker container

I have just pulled a repo from BitBucket and attempted to run 'composer install' from inside my docker terminal. The composer.json file has additional respository dependancies which need to be pulled ...
DieselHashtag's user avatar
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DDEV Share not loading images or CSS on Craft CMS

I am trying to use the Ddev share command to view my local Craft sites on seperate devices using the ddev share command. The share url is working however my site is only loading the html and not ...
Matt B's user avatar
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ddev not starting correctly

I am new to ddev and am using mac os 13. I used the following tutorial. But when I run the ddev start command, ddev doesn't work properly. Related to this, the docker ...
Madhawa's user avatar
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CraftCMS 3 Install from Backup - HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable HTTP Exception

I messed my CraftCMS installation up trying to run an update. I uploaded my local backup files to the server, but now I get a 503 error and I can't figure out how to fix it. HTTP 503 - Service ...
Jeff Fulton's user avatar
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How can I resole a fatal error that appeard after updating Craft CMS?

I want to update to a newer craft CMS version, and I tried to do it in the control panel. The latest available version was 3.7.12. After I clicked on update all I got the following error: Fatal error: ...
Nicky Ichov's user avatar
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Custom plugin method won't be triggered when submitting ajax request

I have created a custom plugin in Craft CMS 4 that has to decode data and store it in it's corresponding entries. However, while developing I fired the method in my init function so on every pageload, ...
Stef Verniers's user avatar
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Craft CMS Utilities misses email option

I'm new to craft and I have to make a school project. At the moment I'm stuck when it comes down to sending emails. When a visitor lands on a page it can choose to subscribe to a fictional newsletter. ...
Stef Verniers's user avatar
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Craft CMS WYSIWYG Editor Issues

I am using Craft CMS and just getting used to it. Seems like a great CMS, but I do have a question: Whenever I add any of the WYSIWYG editors to Craft, all of them have an "Available Volumes"...
JoethaCoder's user avatar
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I want to use query by calling globalset in CraftCMS all child fields should be return

I want to use query by calling globalset in CraftCMS all child fields should be return, because the query that were used in prod are diffrent than queries we use in normal graphql explorer, after some ...
Farman's user avatar
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How to add a custom language in Craft 4

Context I am now working on a trilingual website in Craft CMS. It needs to be available in french, english and inuktikut (a native american language). Obviously french and english is easy as 123 but ...
Maxime Doré's user avatar
-1 votes
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Craft CMS 4 multi language best practices

Most multi language sites show the locale in the URL. For example: With Craft the issue seems to be that the default language seems to also work without the locale in ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Trouble connecting to the database in a Craft CMS project with DDEV and TablePlus, how can I fix this?

I'm trying to upgrade from Craft CMS 3 to Craft CMS 4 and am running into some issues. I am trying to migrate my project in Craft 3 from using MAMP Pro to ddev and had some success in the start. I ...
SebastianN's user avatar
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Make JS call to custom Craft CMS plugin

I'm trying to build a custom plugin for Craft CMS in which I have a button. I have managed to create the plugin and a Widget. I can add CSS and JS for the widget. Now I would like to make a call with ...
Matthias's user avatar
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How to get the route from UrlRule in yii/craft cms

I have route in my routes.php file and I also have routes in my module like so: return [ 'analytics/<tenantSlug:{slug}>/modules/' => ['route' => 'analytics/modules/list', 'name' => '...
Ross Lote's user avatar
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1 answer

How to migrate posts from Craft CMS to Wordpress?

I have about 160 posts on a Craft CMS site that I need to migrate to a new Wordpress build. Whats the easiest way to do this? Surprisingly not seeing much info on this.
user2593661's user avatar
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Craft CMS: action input module controller results in 404

I'm making a custom contact form in Craft CMS with a module. The goal is to view all submitted forms in the dashboard and have the possibility to mail after submissions. Submitting the form results in ...
jelle.rondas's user avatar
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Craft CMS: sending email after entry is published

I want to create a site with a channel. On this channel, I want to post activities. Inside the entry, there will be a category selectable with an email address within. Once I publish the entry, craft ...
Remo's user avatar
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1 answer

'Request missing required body param' when submitting front end entry form - Craft CMS

I'm pretty new to craft and creating my first front end entry form using the demo code provided by craft. For some reason I'm getting a 'Request missing required body param' error. I've tried adding &...
George Bleasdale's user avatar
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User permissions on subfolders in a Craft multisite environment

I have a craft multisite environment with three sites: site-one site-two site-three and three usergroups to handle permissions for the sites users site-one users site-two users site-three users in ...
karlitten's user avatar
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Redactor/HTMLPurifier won't allow entry update CraftCMS

I'm fairly new to all this.... can you guys help me work out what is wrong here? Most of my site is fine. When I try to edit a Redactor Field however, I get the error Class '...
Joe Hughes's user avatar
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yii2 equivalent of yii1 model()->findById() construct

I am a Yii newbie, attempting to convert a Yii1-based Craft plugin to Yii2. In the plugin, there are several uses of the following construct: return MyRecord::model()->findById($id); What is the ...
Haydentech's user avatar
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For Craft CMS, how do I include a category and asset in a GraphQL entry mutation?

I have been stuck on a mutation graphql query in Craft CMS for an entry. This entry I am trying to create includes a category and asset property. I am not sure how to get the category type or asset ...
Alyssa Jackson's user avatar
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How to create simple plugin in craft CMS4

I am new to this craft cms and plugin creation. I did research lot to build a really very simple plugin in my local machine and try to install in craft cms 4 but no luck. I have followed this document ...
Kishan Mistry's user avatar
2 votes
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Craft CMS category count by slug

I created categories in craft and I'd like to get total amount of entries related to individual category. Right now I have a query that returns my categories: query categoriesQuery { categories(...
Remigiusz Kocjan's user avatar
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Unable to save an Entry because matrix field is invalid - Craft CMS 2

I'm trying to save an Entry but Craft errors because of an invalid matrix field. The Entry includes a matrix field but I haven't changed it. I'm trying to edit another field. When I save the entry ...
Hadi Farhat's user avatar
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I have plugin built in craft cms3, I want to use same plugin in craft cms4

I have simply copy and paste plugin( plugin name is websitetoolbox) folder to craft cms4's vendor folder. And modify root composer.json like below. { "require": { "craftcms/cms&...
Kishan Mistry's user avatar
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3 answers

Error with autoloading. Class does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping

This Error happens when update to composer 2 from composer 1 Class moduleNema\twigExtensions\NemaTwigExtension located in ./modules/moduleNema/twigExtensions/NemaTwigExtensions.php does not comply ...
Ledif's user avatar
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How to submit matrix and category fields in frontend

So i have an entry to submit games. The games entry has a lot of different fields, and one of the fields is: a field with fieldType "category" linked to a category a field with fieldType &...
Hannes De Baere's user avatar
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Multiple Load More OOB Button Sprig

I am trying to create multiple dynamic load more oob buttons using Sprig plugin in Craft CMS and they are appearing properly. But the issue comes up when one button is due to be swapped with the ...
Clarisse Joyce's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to check if user is logged in and display the user name

I want to check if the user is currently logged in. If the current user is logged in I wanna display hello with a user name. How can I do that!?
Xenna's user avatar
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I am going through project configuration in craftcms

I am going through documentations for project configuration in craftcms not sure what is the different between project-config/write and project-config/modify?
Xenna's user avatar
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Custom Craft CMS plug-in template changes issue

Somebody has developed a custom plug-in for a project of mine. I now want to change some templates from this plug-in and no matter what changes I make to these templates, nothing changes! I don’t ...
Sérgio Duarte's user avatar
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Loop through entries within a category loop but only show once?

In a CraftCMs site I'm trying to loop through a couple categories, then loop through entries within each of those categories, but without duplicating the entry if it is in both categories. Here's my ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Have to restart docker every ddev stop

I'm just starting out playing with DDEV and hit an annoying roadblock. It doesn't matter if I'm adding a new project or running ddev start on an existing, the project will only start and be accessible ...
theTechnician's user avatar
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CraftCMS custom entry query

I'm trying to create a custom query for a page in CraftCMS but it seems that, if I link an entry to a template, entry query is already loaded as the entry variable. I know that I can create a twig ...
Mario Škrlec's user avatar
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Matrix block is unable to use text method

I am brand new to Craft CMS and just learning the basics. I've been following along with the tutorial included in their docs ( but when I try to ...
C. Mack's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create a dropdown in Twig using the syntax in the manual?

I'm trying to follow the syntax in the docs: to output a select. I tried all sorts of syntax but I couldn't get it right… 😅 From the docs, I ...
Yann's user avatar
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How to implement branding in Craft CMS?

I am looking for ideas for what is the best way to implement branding in a Craft CMS website. I essentially would like to display different logo, images, text, URLs on pages based on the brand ...
jpoiri's user avatar
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