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How do I make cards inside a container blurred but not the first card inside of the container?

So to breakdown what I am trying to achieve: I want all the cards inside of a container to be blurred besides the very first card, until you actually hover on the next card in the container to which ...
Callum Luxford's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to make divs hight flexable inside another div? [closed]

"SearchForm" has a display of none and a height of 40px. The display is toggled to block with JavaScript onclick of a button. I need "AppAccordion" and "SystemMenu" be ...
DUSTIN ANGELETTI's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How can I remove the red part of the svg so that whatever behind it is showing?

How can I remove the red part of the svg kinda like how when you remove the background of an image for example the file turns into a png and the part you removed shows the checkered pattern. After ...
base's user avatar
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How to integerate Saleor in my Django project

I have an existing Django project that I've been working on, and I'm interested in integrating the Saleor dashboard as an app within this project. Ideally, I would like to access the Saleor dashboard ...
Yassin Rakha's user avatar
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2 answers

My flex-boxes are not aligning properly / overlapping

I'm working on a section of a basic website that requires an image and text on the left and other smaller boxes on the right side. The left side is supposed to take 60% of the available screen and the ...
Zack Riquelme's user avatar
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How to Convert Bootstrap Nav Tabs to a Dropdown Menu

I have a list of Bootstrap nav tabs and I want to convert them into a dropdown menu instead. Here’s the original code that generates the tabs: <ul id="manifests-all-tabpane" class="...
minul hemasara's user avatar
-1 votes
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dropdown list row height increased after updating googlechrome to the latest version

this was the previous version that is working fine. after updated to the latest google chrome, it become like this. I've tried changing css, or using select2, still does not work. here is my code: ...
wyncent's user avatar
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How to use variable within the linear-gradient property of border-image on iOS 16.2

It doesn't work in iOS 16.2, but it's works in iOS 17.4.1 I'm testing animation using linear-gradient for border-image. I've checked that most browsers on Windows are working properly. But when I ...
NINE's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I add a white border inside the shape?

How can I add a white border inside the shape like this? The code below was from I just made some slight changes. .hexagon { width: 200px; display: ...
base's user avatar
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Vertical gaps between table cells and their contents [duplicate]

I have a tabular layout which contains graphical contents. I understand that using tables for layout is no longer a best practice, but I'm exploring this approach for educational purposes and to ...
Humberto Fioravante Ferro's user avatar
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Why does a relatively positioned element share stacking context with sticky (or fixed) preceding element? [duplicate]

codepen There's a pretty length MDN page describing stacking context, which contains rules for creating a new stacking context. Of note is: Element with a position value absolute or relative and z-...
Rollie's user avatar
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1 answer

Eggshell gradients in css

What is the best strategy to creating subtle complex gradients like the attached. I tried to see what the css was in this element, but it may be set in the canvas javascript itself. I am not sure if ...
The Old County's user avatar
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Css transform zoom in and out scrolling issue

I have 3 divs with the transform being on the 2nd div which has a div inside of that. I have added zoom in and zoom out buttons but when I zoom in I can't scroll all the way to the left and top but ...
user26813661's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to trigger multiple animations when the user clicks on the <a> (link)

I have this Html code and I want all the animations to be played after clicking on the link : document.querySelector('.play').addEventListener('click', function() { document.querySelector('....
Mehrad's user avatar
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How can I display chart js graph data line like a heartbeat design?

I make an graph for my project. Everythings seems working well. I just wanted to show my graph data line like a heart beat design. If i manually do that, seems like i need to insert so many data. I ...
Rejuan hossain's user avatar
-4 votes
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What is the lowest and highest zoom settings we should accommodate for? [closed]

When creating websites, just how accessible should our layout be for zoom? I was practicing responsive design specifically when the question dawned on me that I'd have to also accommodate zoom ...
meAndTheBirds's user avatar
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How can I make a responsive CSS layout with cards, keeping the top and bottom sections of the cards the same height as the tallest in the row

I have a layout where I want to display multiple "cards." Each card will consist of 3 sections laid out vertically. The top section will contain text that will be different lengths for ...
Elezar's user avatar
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Dealing with transparent backgrounds when using framer motion

I am currently designing a UI for a website I am working on, and have an asset of a png with a transparent background. I can sucessfully make the background of the image appear transparent, but the &...
H I's user avatar
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Background Image Not Displaying on Smaller Screens with Tailwind CSS

I’m having trouble with a background image not displaying correctly on smaller screens in a Tailwind CSS-based project. The image is correctly showing up on larger screens, but it's not visible or ...
doneil chapman's user avatar
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How to make HTML table responsive?

Right now because my table has many columns, right side of table overflows outside of the screen. I want to make it responsive so that the table wraps itself below for more columns. I want the table ...
 Asadullah khan's user avatar
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How to force a animated background in a website to run on a mobile? [duplicate]

I'm encountering an issue with my code. I want to set a video as the background of my website. While the code runs perfectly on my computer, the video doesn't play automatically on my phone. Instead, ...
Othman Oo's user avatar
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How to prevent the right and bottom edges of my grid from being white on certain grid sizes?

I have an etch-a-sketch program which works fine apart from one small issue. When I click the "change grid size" button and enter certain numbers (such as 51, 44, 45), the right and bottom ...
alexanderherta's user avatar
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aspect-ratio in grid container is ignored by other columns

I'm encountering an issue with a CSS Grid layout that works as expected in Chrome but exhibits a problem in Firefox. Specifically, the second column of the grid seems to ignore the first column in ...
Yura Beseda's user avatar
-3 votes
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strange ‘height:fit-content’ value based on ‘position:fixed’ in safari under ios 15.4

css behaviour is strange in safari below 15.4: if I have ‘position: fixed’, the height of the .box class is 26px instead of 52px. From 15.4 it's 26px, does anyone know why this is? image i want the ...
jinseok kim's user avatar
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In Streamlit framework how to customize the st.file_uploader i need only browse file button. Tried all the custom css method but didn’t worked

st.file_uploader() ` Tried the custom css but may class name got changed Had also tried the bidirectional way using custom component but it didn’t worked had used JavaScript to handle the file and ...
Snje's user avatar
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Biomejs won't address CSS files

I'm using biomejs for some tooling on a project. It ignores my CSS files, and I'm not sure why. biome.json in the root of my project { "$schema": "
Jake Loew's user avatar
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Calendar ‘Print’ not showing grid lines and Text light gray

When clicking the ‘Print’ button the grid lines between each day don’t show and the test shows as light gray for a calendar event when I print to a printer or print as PDF. Is this a fix that can be ...
developer8492's user avatar
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Smooth slide on details disclosure not working (using jQuery slideUp)?

I'm sure Im just missing something silly here, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand what's going wrong here. I have a details disclosure section that I'm trying to use slideUp and ...
Myzwer's user avatar
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Remove blank space in HTML Table

I have an HTML Document that I'm using to create warehouse labels. I have this formatted currently, but am trying to add barcodes to display in a table side-by-side. Here is the image: Barcode Label ...
AlliDeacon's user avatar
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How to apply a .css style to a div tag with air flight board effect

I have the following "div" in HTML, <div id="random_decimal" class="departure-board"> {{ x }} </div> Even though the departure-board class is applied to ...
Ramiro's user avatar
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1 answer

Alternative solution to Tailwind CSS dynamic classes for CSS Grid layout

Context I am using Tailwind CSS and I am basically trying to create a table using Grid where the number of columns is the same number of items I have in an array called cols. Then, I am trying to fill ...
IdoBa's user avatar
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How to Inject Color and Control Size of Dynamically Fetched SVGs in React?

I'm working on a React application where I need to fetch SVG icons from a URL and apply a custom color to them based on a value from my Redux store. Additionally, I want to ensure that the SVG scales ...
bo bo's user avatar
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How to create Octagon Border, HTML/CSS [duplicate]

I tried and I searched and with acquired knowledge I tried - many times over - to create an html/css element that resembles a traffic sign/roadsign: the STOP sign, octagon shapped, with something else ...
Gabirobertz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to overlap divs [closed]

I am trying to produce the following result: Desired outcome However I am getting this so far and I am stuck. What I am getting This is my code: .base { background: #e2e2e2; width: 1020px; ...
-1 votes
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Unable to show/hide element on button click [closed]

I coded it so when I press the button on a mobile/mobile screen size button it should show a menu but it does not seem to be working. This is my app.js: 'use strict'; import { fetchData, url } from &...
Aiden Knight's user avatar
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1 answer

How to properly filter the coordinates of touch event here

I have html, css and js codes for a simple cake on which I want to place some candles. But i want the candles to be placed only on the icing layer of the cake marked with the css property .icing. An ...
Ayus Chatterjee's user avatar
-2 votes
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link not clickable with z-index [closed]

I have an a href in a section with a video background, but the link is not clickable. The link is positioned on top with z-index. I can't select the h2 or h3 tag and the link is not clickable. The ...
Matthijs Mejan's user avatar
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Swiper Slide on Web Site [closed]

GitHub Reprository of Project I have started a new website and it features a homepage with a 3-image slider. I want to add a swiper effect to this slider, but during transitions, the previous image ...
Murat Abbaslı's user avatar
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Word break not working properly in exported document from html template

I am trying to export a word document from html. A lot of items are inside a table. When there is a large text without space, the td content takes a lot of space and the title of the table row shrinks ...
Saigal Amatya's user avatar
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Fixed-positioned SVG header causes card elements to shift downwards

I'm working on a web page where I have a set of cards displayed on the page, and I want to add an SVG header that stays fixed near the top of the page. However, when I add the SVG header, the elements ...
murat taşçı's user avatar
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How to disable "not-allowed" cursoe while dragging an element

The add button adds a new card and the position of card changes with my drag and drop input. Whenever i drag the cursor changes to "no-change", i want the cursor to be "grabbing". ...
Sunny Reddy's user avatar
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Vertically align in middle [closed]

I just need the image icon.svg to be perfectly centered vertically at the same line height as the option value text inside the select box. I tried everything from top, bottom, to transform, items-...
Boq7's user avatar
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how to achieve the effect of the text background in the picture [duplicate]

How to achieve the effect of copywriting in the picture, the background color with rounded corners only follows the text area, not the entire block area. Can the effect in the picture be achieved ...
zq010's user avatar
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Side content at the same Y position, but stackable

I would like to create a sidebar with comments to the main text like in Google Docs. I would like the comments to be at the same Y position as text, BUT if text is too long, or there are multiple ...
Bob's user avatar
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Animation-Delay in Infinite Loop aren't consistent

I've created a hover effect for containers via css animations. It's not so much about the color change, as the final solution is to switch images instead of divs. The loop works, but the timings don't ...
Fantasterei's user avatar
-4 votes
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mat-select options are not scrolling with page scroll in iPhones [closed]

In screenshot you can see that options are Cause dropdown options but when mat-option panel was opened then I'm able to scroll page but with page scroll this options are not scrolling. I need to ...
Aman Gojariya's user avatar
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Select all merged rows in a table with merged rows (using rowSpan) only having single checkbox for merged rows [closed]

I want to build a table using antd design (and React) where all merged rows (using rowSpan) can be selected with a single click on the checkbox. The merged rows should also only have a single checkbox....
sg_dev's user avatar
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Make the element sticky untill the scroll driven animation is finished

Here's what I'm trying to achieve: -when the elements become visible to the user, the scroll-driven rotate animation starts on them one-by-one,and all 3 elements become sticky (meaning that they do ...
kirvel's user avatar
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Prevent unwanted user interactions on HTML canvas

I am creating a game using JavaScript an HTML canvas on my webpage. I want to make the experience as smooth as possible, so I want to try and prevent any user actions, eg. scrolling, zooming, ...
mini.daniel's user avatar
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How to check css property already present in an element in javascript

I have a div <div id="myDiv" style="border:1px solid white; width:20px; height: 100px">....</div> now in Js, if border css property is already present I need to remove ...
Vikas Acharya's user avatar

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