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Can Not Receive Offered Verifiable Credential From Issuer - credo-ts

To issue a verifiable credential to a specific holder, I send a credential offer to the holder that is connected beforehand by DIDComm but the holder cannot receive/accept the credential offer. I use ...
Chalex's user avatar
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Could Not Connect to Hyperledger Indy Test Pool via Python Wrapper - Error: indy.dll not found

I am trying to create and connect to a local Indy test ledger using the Docker image file from the indy-sdk repository. However, my Python code is giving the error: '_load_cdll: Can't load libindy: ...
grncds's user avatar
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As an issuer in Hyperledger Indy/Aries, do I need to create a separate DID for each user? Likewise does a user create multiple DID for each isssuers

I am going through Hyperledger Indy document here. It is mentioned here that: A user registers for a service's website by creating and giving the service a new, never-used-before DID, and receives ...
nelaturuk's user avatar
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unable to resolve DID document's short URI after reigisting and publishing it in ION chain

My problem is that I am unable to resolve the Decentralized Identify (DID) document using short-Form URI after publishing it to ION chain. Thanks if you can help correct me or some suggestion. A ...
shijie xu's user avatar
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construction of ES256KSigner throws mis-match private key length

I tried to build a siger to sign a verifiable credential using jwt format. But the construct of ES256KSigner fails Invalid private key format. Expecting 32 bytes, but got 43. I am not familar with ...
shijie xu's user avatar
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Corda 5.0 centralized vs decentralized

Corda supported a decentralized model until 4.x The Corda 5.0 model is about virtual nodes and seems to go away from the decentralized model. How does this dilute the decentralized model where every ...
user3760894's user avatar
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How does correlation prevention work in the self-sovereign identity model

The self-sovereign identity model is based on this triangle of trust: The issuer issues verifiable credentials (VC) to the holder. Then the holder can present those VC to the verifier. Because the ...
user1195883's user avatar
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Decentralized identity vs Decentralized identifiers

I am a newbie to decentralized identity concept. While I am reading on that, I notice two similar terminologies; Decentralized identity and Decentralized identifiers I am wondering whether ...
Sophie algera's user avatar
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Using JWS for digital signature with content encryption

I am creating a system that acts as a mediator between two entities. A sender initiates a request, my system creates a payload, then forwards it to a recipient which has the identity details of the ...
Decrypter's user avatar
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QR Code Got Expire ? with azure verifiable credential

I used "" api to generate my QR Code Response is { "requestId": "799f23ea-5241-45af-99ad-...
Maulik Dave's user avatar
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Azure AD Verifiable Credential from where i can get public key private key values?

I m working on one of solution with azure VC where i will need to use private key pubic key of azure VC. as we follow azure VC steps i have created key vault and i have seen sign in and other key are ...
Maulik Dave's user avatar
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Custom MSP for Hyperledger Fabric

I'm trying to use DIDs/VCs from hyperledger Indy with Hyperledger Fabric. Simply I want to replace Fabric's certificate based identity/MSP with DIDs/VCs. However, as far as I understand this is not ...
Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne's user avatar
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How to ensure that the verifiable credential issuer is a legitimate issuer?

I am interested in verifiable credentials and how they work and doing some reading about it recently. While doing the reading I had a question that I can't seem to find an answer (or don't know whom ...
vpv's user avatar
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Where can I find an example of Decentralized Identifiers

I am looking for examples that use Decentralized Identifiers to run on my computer, but it seems that is hard to find one. I have also searched for an example that works with Microsoft ION, but I ...
xeon's user avatar
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Generate DID in ION SIDETREE testnet

I have succeeded deploy the ION SIDETREE testnet. I followed this install instruction. But when I created DID, it returned DID for mainnet. I don't know where it's wrong. Here is my configuration: ...
ThanhLam112358's user avatar
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How do you confirm a website is decentralized?

If you look at DApps like Sushiswap, Pancakeswap, Curve, AAVE etc, how do you actually confirm that the web interface is hosted on Web3.0, ie a decentralized host server? The Dapp looks ...
AndiAna's user avatar
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Sidetree protocol

I started studying the sidetree protocol but I can't understand how it works and the architecture. The documentation says ( that sidetree is ...
Mario Roma's user avatar
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Decentralized identifiers (DIDs)

I started studying DID a few days ago but I have a doubt. A transaction is always associated with the public key of a DID right? Each transaction is written in the blockchain and is immutable. Suppose ...
Mario Roma's user avatar
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Error when starting aca-py agent with the help of seed parameter

I am trying to start the aca-py agent with the command :- aca-py start --wallet-name user3 --wallet-key user3 --wallet-type indy --genesis-file /<PATH_TO_GENESIS_FILE>/...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar
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What is the tails-server-base-url? and how should it be configured?

I have installed the indy-sdk in my system and started the ledger network (It is running). After that I setup the aries-cloudagent and ran the agent (as a steward) using the aca-py command. Now, with ...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar
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Errors while creating pool using indy-cli

I have ran the indy_pool network and it is up using the command : docker run -itd -p 9701-9708:9701-9708 indy_pool Now, I have installed indy-cli in my system Now when I am trying to create a pool ...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar
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In Sovrin, Identity owner have multiple public key?

Sovrin can use multiple DID. DID means that owner's public key address. I have question that. Possible multiple DID means does the onwer have multiple public key? Or does the single public key ...
beomseok's user avatar
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Anybody succeed in making DID Registration on test (Decentralized Identity Microsoft SDK)?

I was able to register DID on ion-test, but the instructions on test seem weird .pem files are generated but then the example uses ....
Andrea's user avatar
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Hyperledger Indy - error on startup - Invalid library state: MerkleTree contains invalid item

I am attempting to set up a 4 node Indy network but I'm getting an "Invalid library state" error when I try to connect. This is what I've tried: # MACHINE 1: sudo -E apt-key adv --keyserver ...
simbro's user avatar
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Can't find the private key the example-user-agent creates when creating a new DID

I am trying to get this project to work: The user agent states that it generates keys and that the private key is stored on my local ...
Yillemsen's user avatar
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5 answers

Key differences between Hyperledger Aries and Hyperledger Indy?

Both Hyperledger Aries and Hyperledger Indy are platforms for building distributed ledger applications for identities. What are the main differences between them? When to choose one over the other to ...
asing177's user avatar
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Hyperledger Indy basic concepts

I am reading the Indy walkthrough: and I am trying to figure out what is the Indy nodes pool? And ...
MarcosF8's user avatar
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OIDC cloud agent vs SIOP edge agent

We are starting a POC (proof of concept) with Decentralized Identity (DID) and a got a document talking about the authentication method to use: OIDC cloud agent vs SIOP edge agent. I don't ...
MarcosF8's user avatar
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Why do we need distributed ledgers? Can we just always send our public key along with the verifiable credentials for validation?

Instead of having decentralized identities, we can just use public keys directly and attach that to verifiable credentials for proof validation?
rafael lean ansay's user avatar
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Does Decentralized Identifiers cover Decentralized PKI

I am learning about Decentralized Identifiers(DIDs). The DIDs specifaction says that: This architecture not only eliminates dependence on centralized registries for identifiers, but also on ...
adem caglin's user avatar
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How Identity is decentralize in Hyperledger Indy?

I want to ask a basic question. I am following story of Alice from Indy offical docs. When Faber College issue identity to Alice then faber college and Alice both know the identity of Alice. It means ...
Rohit Kumar's user avatar
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Receiving bad request response when trying to register using ion method

I tried to follow the steps that are defined in the link "" as is with out any changes to create a sample and complete DID registration to ...
Aparna Tata's user avatar
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Advantages of Decentralized ID (DID) over federated identity

The Decentralized ID (DID) standard is currently being developed by the W3C (see here). What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new standard compared to existing federated identity ...
Sigmatics's user avatar
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Where can I learn more about decentralized identity?

Decentralized Identity is an new form of identity technology and emerging standards based on decentralized/distributed systems - where can you learn more?
csuwldcat's user avatar
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