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FATAL ERROR: JavaScript heap out of memory only when deployed in Azure container apps

I have deployed the same (no code change) Node.js application in both Docker containers and Azure Container Apps. I've noticed a discrepancy in memory usage between the two environments. In Azure ...
Amrish 's user avatar
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Docker container path check fails

I am working on a python project and I need to create a docker image for testing. The folder structure of my project is currently the following | |--parcellation_env.yml |--module |----...
Neskelogth's user avatar
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FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory When deployed in Azure container app

I am running my application in both Azure container apps and docker container. But I could see the below error frequently when the memory reaches 2GB in Azure container apps only. Why? But in Docker ...
Amrish 's user avatar
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Docker-compose service is not restarting

I am using restart: always but my service still looks up after it crashes. company: build: dockerfile: Dockerfile context: ./company container_name: company ports: - "3005:3005" ...
Ahmet Said Barkahan's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I access localhost across docker containers?

I have a run config1 like so docker run \ --name webapp_postgres \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='abc123' \ -e POSTGRES_DB="webapp" \ -p5432:5432 \ -d postgres and config2 like so docker run \ --...
9 Guy's user avatar
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-4 votes
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docker assigning descriptive url to my docker container web applicaiton [closed]

Im new to docker so I apologize if that sounds silly. Im running a web application in docker container. The application starts a jitty webserver . If I assign localhost or the FQDN machine name Im ...
samer saleh's user avatar
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How to overwrite file in docker container?

I have a docker-compose file: services: artemis: image: <artemis-image> ports: - "8161:8161" - "61616:61616" environment: ...
AbrA's user avatar
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Automatically running "composer install" after container is built

setting up a web development stack with NGinX, PHP and composer. My docker file looks like this: FROM php:fpm # Install dependencies and PHP extensions RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -...
PHP Addict's user avatar
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How to handle graphics output with Container2WASM

I wanted to see if container2WASM could compile a docker container containing a game like Speed Dreams (open source racing game) to WASM. I am unsure however how to output the graphics from the ...
Priscilla Lagunas's user avatar
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Docker-compose is able to compile program but is unable to open link to Local host

I have a basic Django project that I have put into a docker container. Currently I have it running on https locally just for the development phase because it is a requirement. When I run my program ...
user124e's user avatar
-5 votes
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Docker container progress output

I am using a docker container, that dies after the function it has to perform has been finished. I want to know is there a way to know the progress of the docker container, like how much has it been ...
Ishan Shah's user avatar
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Prefect is not running on Docker Container

I'm new to docker and prefect and trying to run a basic prefect flows with docker container from my local windows. Here is my Docker file # We're using the latest version of Prefect with Python 3.10 ...
user25982998's user avatar
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Intellisense in Visual Studio 2022 with Docker Container does not recognize Qt libraries

I am developing an application on Visual Studio 2022, using docker container. I am using CMakePreset to configure the system and I can open the container successfully and execute and debug the ...
Roberto Ciardi's user avatar
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How to connect from my host system to a Spark Container?

I have a container running Spark on port 7077 and got the container IP Address through the Docker inspect command, I'm trying to create a SparkSession through my host machine (I'm using Jupyter on my ...
anpan A's user avatar
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Docker containerized application not able to connect

I am using a spring cloud config server to externalize the configuration properties for my project For this purpose I have created these microservices configserver accounts cards loans Rabbit Mq ...
Anshu's user avatar
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How to fix Bad Gateway error after API calls of app running in Docker Container (nginx server, windows)?

I have just run an app consisting of MongoDB, a REST API and a web app running with nginx with Docker (docker-compose, webapp is at port 8888:80, but the following problem also occured on 80:80). ...
Max Weber's user avatar
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When running selenium in docker, when will chrome automatically exit?

I am using docker image is the standalone-chrome officially provided by selenium, connecting to the webdriver in this container through Remote, and then the program runs locally, which is equivalent ...
touero's user avatar
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Docker logs inside docker container

Is there any way we can see logs of running container inside container. For example, if we are running Alpine container, can we see its logs in Alpine container while it is in interactive mode? I ...
arujjval's user avatar
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Error when running mysql 8.0 container using docker-compose

I am trying to run mysql 8.0 image on m1 mac using docker-compose I was able to do it till few months ago, but now i am getting an error and i can't I am using m1 macbook (ventura) First, I ran docker ...
RomeoHY's user avatar
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Unable to connect to MySQL database: ConnectionRefusedError [SequelizeConnectionRefusedError]: connect ECONNREFUSED

I running docker compose but for some reason i cant figure out, the node_server container cannot run, it keep exiting due the above error. Here is my docker compose files services: mysqldb: ...
TeddPaul13's user avatar
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Copy HyperVM Iotedge docker container offline files into Local Drive

I'm having a Windows 10 host with Hyper-V Linux VM having IOT EdgeAgent and EdgeHub modules installed. I have provided storageFolder mount to EdgeAgent & Hub to store offline files at var/iotedge/...
user25065003's user avatar
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Docker attach remotely to a container running on a different Machine in the same LAN [Solved]

I have a laptop running Ubuntu 22.04, and a desktop computer running Ubuntu 24.04, within the same LAN. I would like to be able to attach a docker container running on the desktop, from the laptop. ...
Daniel Rossi's user avatar
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Docker is not running In windows Standard User throwing Error. How To Resolve the Issue

I download the docker for windows 11 and i installed. after installation i try to open the docker its throwing ERROR: open .\pipe\docker_engine_linux: The system cannot find the file specified. I need ...
user25141587's user avatar
2 votes
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How to run Puppeteer and Node.js inside a Docker Container?

I have build a scraper using Puppeteer and Node.js and now i want to dockerize it. I've tried multiple ways to tackle this, but encountering issue when puppeteer tries to start the browser for ...
Parv's user avatar
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Why jupyter hub spawner fails during startup

I have pulled the jupyterhub/jupyterhub docker image into my local machine. When i launch it, it asks a username and password that i don't know. What should be a defaut username and password ? I tried ...
Moctar Diallo's user avatar
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What is the password for jovyan user in jupyter lab docker container?

I have pulled the jupyter/datascience-notebook:latest image from docker hub and launched an instance container of it. I logged into the container through bash. Now i want to restart the server itself ...
Moctar Diallo's user avatar
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Execute command before killing/stopping a docker container on windows

I want to copy the files generated inside a docker container, to the local storage before stopping/killing the container. I am creating an docker image. I am using docker run --name <...
Andrei Cezar's user avatar
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How do I run a Python application as a process?

I received a test task that says that my Python application should run as a process and not as a Docker container, what does this mean? Thank you in advance. I tried to find the answer on the Internet,...
Egor Baranovskij's user avatar
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Installing cuda on Docker on Ubuntu

I'm trying to use CUDA and tensorflow on Docker on Ubuntu. My machine has a GPU (GeForce GTX 1070) and of course I'd like to use it through Docker. Ubuntu(Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS) was newly installed the ...
hopstepforward's user avatar
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Connection processing ended abnormally. System.InvalidOperationException: Handle is already used by another Socket

When running my .net core 6 mvc app in linux (debian 11) container getting below error after certain successive calls to same controller action. This action readd the http response body and perform ...
Tathagata Nandi's user avatar
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Installing application on Windows container

I'm trying to install my application using a Windows container. The installation copies the files that are needed and runs a Windows service as a local system when the installer finishes copying the ...
Yana R.'s user avatar
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Manage redeliveries in Spring Apache MQ on container

I am trying to put a spring consumer application to docker. This application listens to a queue (apache mq) and processes the message. It has an existing logic: If(msg.isRedelivered)    Do ...
hsuyip_coder's user avatar
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Cannot set up a gitlab docker container with custom SSH-port

When setting up a container through docker compose, I can push to an empty repo over port 22, but I can't seem to customize gitlab to use a port of my choice. This is a snippet of my docker compose, ...
A_Weierstrass's user avatar
-1 votes
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Docker: Accessing a host folder from a container folder

I want to access some files kept on the host from the docker container. Edit- My use case: I have a Spring Boot app (rest-service) that reads a file stored on the local(host) system. It's jar will ...
log0's user avatar
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How to "docker compose down" for certain service?

I have a a script which builds docker image, loads it to docker, updates docker-compose.yml then it calls docker compose down and docker compose up. After the Docker compose up services are recreated ...
Maxim Kitsenko's user avatar
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RUN behaving weird in Dockerfile [duplicate]

This is snippet from my dockerfile SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN mkdir -p /tmp/env/ COPY var.env /tmp/env/ RUN . /tmp/env/var.env i.e I want to inject env variables from a file ...
Chetanya Chopra's user avatar
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Load balancing using NGINX between sites that are in different docker-containers in the Portainer environment

I am not experienced in this. I need to do load balancing between three sites located on different containers in the Portainer. So far, the problem is the following. I have two containers. There is a ...
Даня Чуйкин's user avatar
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PowerShell: create a WMIClass (Win32_DCOMApplicationSetting) to modify Launch and Activation Permissions in DCOM

I am running a Docker Container with an Application. That tries to access an COM+ Application (to validate Licences), but can't because it lacks access-Rights. That's why I try to create a WMIClass (...
Falcas's user avatar
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how to run shell commands inside docker container?

import docker # Initialize the Docker client client = docker.from_env() # Define Docker run options docker_run_options = { 'name': 'container-name', 'user': 'dafoamuser', 'mounts': [ ...
Mohsin Bashir's user avatar
-4 votes
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Docker: mariadb cant be accessed via phpmyadmin with 'localhost' as server

This is my docker-compose.yml configuration: version: '3' services: web: build: context: . dockerfile: './apache/Dockerfile' restart: always ports: - '8100:80' ...
Maciej Koson's user avatar
1 vote
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Docker Container Error: OCI runtime create failed: invalid rootfs

I'm new to docker and I'm encountering an error when trying to run a Docker container and access its shell. I've built an image named "friendnet-client" successfully. The image sets up a ...
Haitam-Elgharras's user avatar
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I am using docker-compose.yml to generate a docker container and initial schemas. Everything loads fine, but the initial table is nowhere to be found

I am trying to use an sh script to create a docker container with preloaded initial schemas. This means that I have a python file that runs a bash script with the following code: rm -rf ...
not-real's user avatar
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How to deal with a HTTP POST method status code 404 (Not Found)?

am running some docker containers inside a virtual machine. As I come to understand, each docker container has a different ip, as well as the virtual machine itself of course. When trying to run a web-...
Filippos Germanopoulos's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway for nginx configuration that runs inside a docker container

I'm trying to deploy a web app using a VPS. I currently have two Docker containers, one is running Angular + Nginx (Angular is running on 4200) and the other is running the Spring Boot backend and the ...
ЗЛАТЕН's user avatar
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Why can't QNAP and its containers be pinged by name, while others can?

In my local network, I have set up static DNS on the MikroTik router. All devices and PCs in the network are pingable by name, and on those where it's supported, you can also access them by name in ...
DyadyaGenya's user avatar
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Not able to access file in docker

I am running localstack in docker container and in localstack docker container i have a file at /etc/localstack/init/ready.d/ location with executable permissions. but while runnning app ...
Anonymous Dev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Docker Container Error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement autopepli (from versions: none)

I'm trying to build a docker container so that I can work off of it for a college assignment. The build process seems to work fine, until it reaches #12 [7/8] RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r ...
Austin's user avatar
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Local Host Did Not Send Any Data

I created a docker image with this docker file # Use latest nginx image as base image. FROM nginx:latest # Install wget and unzip RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install wget -y &&...
dhebbie Godspride's user avatar
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How to Visualize the Safety_Lidar/Depth camera data on RViz from Docker Container

I am currently collaborating with a mobile robot, as depicted in Image 1. Image 1 The robot is equipped with two sick_safety scanners, positioned at the front and rear. The data nodes/topics are ...
Md. Sajib Pramanic's user avatar
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Unable to Access MySQL Logs (in local docker container) in MySQL Workbench Despite Correct Configuration

I'm currently experiencing an issue with MySQL Workbench where I'm unable to access my server logs in local docker container. I have confirmed that the log files do exist at the specified path in my ...
XBan's user avatar
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