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Mystery Bug Fix in Electron v26 and Mac App Store build

I have an Electron app that uses a native add-on to access the Photos library on macOS. This feature didn't work in the MAS (Mac App Store) build when the sandbox is enabled. Here is what I observed: ...
Hao Xi's user avatar
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Deeplink to Capacitor Electron is opening the wrong Electron App

I have a capacitor-community/electron app on a Mac with deepLinkingEnabled and my own deepLinkingCustomProtocol set. When I use the deeplink to it, it opens this Electron app instead of the one I'm ...
Rozgonyi's user avatar
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Does Google allow trusted web applications to access USB devices? If so, how can it be set up? [closed]

I work for an information kiosk development company and I was given the task of creating a library for working with USB devices. I implemented this using "navigator.usb", but ran into a ...
Bekhruz's user avatar
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electron-forge require function outside of exe

im making a electron based app and want to require every file from custom/scripts folder in forge.config.js i have already made the folder to not be included in the exe ... packagerConfig: { asar: {...
ancym0n's user avatar
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signInAnonymously() not working and heartbeats undefined appearing

I used to use the www.gstatic/ to import the firebase but now that I migrated to electron I started using the local sdks instead. Currently when I start up the app I get seven duplicate console logs: (...
Falling10fruit's user avatar
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Facing permission issue on mac while try to run electron js app [closed]

I am facing an issue in mac while I am trying to run sudo yarn dev for elctronjs app. My mac version 14.5 and electron version ^32.0.1. below is the entire error log enter image description here /doc-...
mohit tailor's user avatar
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Capture mirroring display on Windows

I'm working on capturing mirroring display on Windows at Electron. Mirroring display is external screens that checked the mirroring option at the display settings. npm systeminformation package ...
Flashback's user avatar
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Electron Forge with TS and Webpack - navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia error with admin permission

I'm using Electron forge with TS and Webpack. Problematic part is navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia. Everything is ok when app is running as usual, but I need to run as administrator. Running as ...
Nuss's user avatar
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Method for exporting a page from an Electron app?

In Chrome/(most other modern browsers), you can right-click anywhere on a page and click Save as.. to export a page with all resources. This will also save it as the page is currently displayed, not ...
ItsCube's user avatar
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Electron App Window Runs in Background and Is Not Visible

image of the codeI'm developing my first Windows application using Electron with JavaScript and HTML for the UI. However, the application window starts in the background and isn't visible on the ...
tatatoubouma's user avatar
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Does playwright support windows application scenarios like exe installation, running powershell script or clicking windows application?

I am searching for open source which can be used for functional automation testing tool which can automate Electron application as well windows application automation. So Does playwright support ...
Lalit's user avatar
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Webpack HTML loader doesn't work along with CSS loader

Issue I'm creating a project with Electron Forge and webpack. I added a 'public' directory to my project, and a HTML-loader plugin to resolve the imports in the HTML files. Some parts of my webpack ...
Yoojun Zhou's user avatar
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Invalid module ".prisma/client/default" is not a valid package

Getting an error in my main.js file while importing Parisma client. [ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER]: Invalid module ".prisma/client/default" is not a valid package name imported from D:\clip-...
Mohsin Raza's user avatar
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Is there an alternative way to access the Google Picker API in an electron App while still using the file:// protocol?

I am trying to create an integration with Google Drive. Now the authentication with google drive seems to be working fine. The struggle came upon the integration with the Google Picker API. I am ...
GithyCody's user avatar
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Electron app is not connecting to backend server after "make"

I have some trouble with electron or electron-forge. In general I have an Angular frontend and a node backend. The frontend make a http request to the backend node server. Everything works fine when I ...
Lars's user avatar
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Trying to access a value from an element in an array [closed]

I am trying to retrieve a value that's located inside an element, which is inside an array, all of that comes from a JSON file that is parsed to be usable. But, although I can acess the element, I can'...
kouketsu's user avatar
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Electron - Transfer logical from Main process to the Renderer process when click <a target="_blank"> in Main process

is there any ways to transfer the logical in Main process to Renderer process when we click tag with target="_blank". I will call tag is "Google" ("My link" will be ...
JtaDD's user avatar
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Serialport error in vue-electron on Windows 10

First , I create a project vue create demo cd demo vue add electron-builder It's ok here, then the error yarn add serialport yarn add v1.22.19 .... └─ [email protected] $ electron-builder install-app-...
kerwin xu's user avatar
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Can we control system master volume from electron app?

I am looking for a way to control master volume of windows and some type of observer to know it's state whether it's mute or what's it's current value. I have a idea how to control app specific sound ...
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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How to let Electron main and renderer use their own node_modules?

As we know Electron has a main process(backend) and renderer process(frontend). They are treated differently. but I don't know why do they use the same node_modules. How to let the main process and ...
qg_java_17137's user avatar
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Error "@serialport ... is not Win32 application" when using electron-builder

I have an app that should read serial input from a external scale and for that I made an electron app. I tried searching for fix, but I could not find one suited for my needs or they don't work... I ...
MuxBH's user avatar
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How to use Worker threads?

Recently I've create and app and needed to use workers in it but faced some annoying problem. So, here is an example of how I use it. Everything looks like it works fine, but it seems that worker ...
baton41ik's user avatar
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Electron app cant keep entry in Privacy & Security > Screen & System Audio Recording

Some very few OSX users of my Electron app cant seem to be able to keep the app entry in the list of Privacy & Security > Screen & System Audio Recording allowed apps. After they manually ...
FranticNoise's user avatar
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Electron and React app experiences refresh-like effect during IPC database operations

I'm developing a desktop application using Electron and React, and I'm encountering an issue where performing write operations to a SQLite database via IPC causes a refresh-like effect in the UI. This ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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Why is there an installing window when I open the sample app built by electron?

I am learning to use electron to build a Windows desktop application. When I built an application using the official quick start tutorial (, ...
XYZABC's user avatar
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tailwindcss not working in my electron project

I'm following a tutorial on Youtube. I try to do exact the same as the tutorial but it seems tailwind didn't work my electron app: this is my tailwind.config.js file, i try both /** @type {import('...
Tran Duc Minh's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do / should desktop apps store versioned data in the appdata dir?

How do / should desktop apps handle storing user / data files in their appdata folders? Some (my own terms - not necessarily official commonly used) terminology: top_appdata_dir = (cross OS ...
The Truth's user avatar
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electron-builder makensis process failed ERR_ELECTRON_BUILDER_CANNOT_EXECUTE - no useful error?

I have an azure devops pipeline which uses electron-builder to package and publish a windows executable installer. It worked until recently, with no changes made to code or pipeline it began to fail ...
Alex's user avatar
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Electron process names on production

Electron launches multiple instances/process for each visible window plus main renderer, chrome, GPU and other with the same name, making it very difficult to find out who's who in the task manager. ...
Colas's user avatar
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How to make node thread workers not to freeze my Electron Vite app?

I'm trying to implement file importing into my electron app using web workers to not block my main process. I already did everything they wrote in electron-vite docs (spoiler alert its not much) but ...
UnderMan4's user avatar
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How do I stop a working mp3? -"file.mp3");

I want to make an MP3 player that plays music with electron (javascript). Play music no problem but I can't stop it. npm i sound-play const sound = require("sound-play");"...
Pro Medya's user avatar
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Electron opens all windows on macos only

I have an electron app which can open a child window when in main window I receive a call. When this window is shown and main window is minimized, only the child window must be shown. It works exactly ...
Foraminifera's user avatar
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How can I debug my own Chrome extension in the electron project? I noticed that background.js doesn't seem to be working

I developed a Chrome extension that is a DevTools extension, similar to the Network panel, used to record and manage frontend-to-backend data interactions to improve team development efficiency. ...
fjxfitst's user avatar
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ElectronJS - Listen for wireless display added in windows

In my electrojs app, I want to listen to an event or use some API to find if there are any displays connected to my windows laptop (via wireless display option). Below code doesn't get fired on ...
ANKUR BANSAL's user avatar
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How do I set up a custom exit in electron-vite?

My app is frameless and I want to set up a custom logout, but I end up getting app reload errors. How can I get an instance of the application to set up custom logout? If anyone has encountered this ...
clfrx's user avatar
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Electron won't open window after calling `electron .`

This is using Electron with Angular 18. All the setup seems fine, as per creating a JS file to host electron, include it in package.json. What is one of the reason it don't open upon calling electron ....
Wabinab's user avatar
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Disable code signing for package electron app using electron forge

I am trying to disable the code signing functionality when packaging my electron app using electron forge so I can test my app's functionality on .pkg file distributable. The point is to not get a ...
Sir lethian's user avatar
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NSH gives me error when i'm building electron app

i'm trying to include font installation with myproject.exe , everything is working until i include nsh script, what could be the problem? !macro customInstall # Set the font directory path ...
Luka Kavtaradze's user avatar
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Connect to an auto updating server using NodeJS, Electron Forge, and Vite

I have been attempting to connect to an auto-updating server. I am currently using NodeJS, NPM, Electron Forge, and Vite. I have tried to use SQL Server multiple times, but I run into a circular ...
Kyle Nutter's user avatar
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how to solve electron-builder build c++ module error?

An error occurs when electron is packaged or when running electron-builder install-app-deps. Has anyone encountered this problem The node version is 21.2.0 The electron version is 29.4.3 electron-...
宁豪杰's user avatar
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Determine if current connection is wired or wireless with NodeJS on Windows

I'm running an Electron app on Windows and I need to determine if the current connection is wired or wireless. I've found a solution for Linux systems here tail -n+3 /proc/net/wireless | grep -q . ...
Pedro Henrique's user avatar
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Detect stylus/pen vs mouse vs touch input

I am trying to build a tool (JavaScript website or software with Electron or Tauri) that acts like a drawing app. It should be able to differentiate between stylus (digital pen) input, touch input and ...
JJ77's user avatar
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Override first menu item in Electron

The first menu item in Electron app is apparently the app name, but when I try to run my application it always says "Electron", even after explicitly setting the variable in main.js....
Antariksh Pratham's user avatar
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No webpack folders when running npm init electron-app@latest testApp -- --template=webpack

When i run npm init electron-app@latest testApp -- --template=webpack, to create an electron application, it doesnt create any webpack folders. I am following along with this tutorial https://www....
Joey's user avatar
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WebdriverIO with electron and splash screen cannot find second window

I'm starting to setup a test environment for my electron application. I'm trying to use WebDriverIO for this. The application starts-up with a splash screen which gets closed when the main window is ...
RedX's user avatar
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How can I print to a thermal printer XP-80C in a MERN stack environment

I have tried a number of library, some do not even install with npm install especially printer and electron. Other Libraries I was able to either throws an internal error that is not from my code or ...
Afolabi Opeyemi's user avatar
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Installation of electron-winstaller is so slow

[2/4] Fetching packages... [3/4] Linking dependencies... [4/4] Building fresh packages... [1/2] ⠠ electron-winstaller [2/2] ⠠ electron When I install the dependency, it always gets stuck in ...
宫Allen's user avatar
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Using Electron, can I find out the extension of a local file when the user clicks on it? [closed]

I am creating a desktop application using Electron, React, and TypeScript. My application is running in the background, and when the user clicks on an image file or any file, I want to know the ...
user26676509's user avatar
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Issues Creating Windows Installer for Electron App with Electron-Builder and Reducing Application Size

I'm having trouble creating a Windows installer for my Electron app using electron-builder. My app is built with React, and I've configured my package.json scripts to handle the build and packaging ...
prodipdev's user avatar
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How to implement tabs in Electron: Render offscreen WebContentsView

There is a new powerful feature WebContentsView, which allows to render multiple kinda BrowserWindow inside a single native window fully isolated. It there a way of rendering them offscreen? It looks ...
Kirill Vasin's user avatar

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