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Error using Firebase Auth through vscode Live Server extension [closed]

I am trying to test my firebase app using vscodes live server extension, but when i try logging in it gives unauthorized domain error. Im using vanilla js firebase skd. This is the url: http://127.0.0....
Julian's user avatar
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Firebase App Check with DeviceCheck Fails to Generate Assertion on iOS 17.5.1 - DCErrorInvalidInput

I've been using Firebase App Check with DeviceCheck for weeks without any issues. However, out of nowhere, I started encountering the following error while testing some UI changes on my actual device. ...
Smitch15's user avatar
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SwiftUI with FirebaseFirestore

I've googled a lot but haven't found an answer yet. I'm a beginner who just started programming SwiftUI with Xcode. This is a very simple example. I tested with Xcode 15.4, Firebase 11.1.0, ISO 17.5 ...
Daniel Lee's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. Firebase, Flutter

This error started to appear when i tried to do Firebase Authentication (Sign up/ Sign in). Tried different ways still don't know what's the error about. My code would be little messed up after trying ...
Tahmeed Zamindar's user avatar
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How to move a file from Google Drive to Firebase storage? [closed]

I have an app (NextJS, TypeScript) that allows you to upload your files (images, pdfs, texts) and then we do some AI magic on them to help solve a certain usecase (can't talk about that). However, my ...
decipher.11's user avatar
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Deploy angular app to firebase hosting 404 error

After "firebase deploy" command, I have a 404 error... I'm trying to deploy an angular app on firebase hosting but I have a 404 error (don't find index.html). firebase login : is OK firebase ...
Thomas PIRAUX's user avatar
-3 votes
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I get an error when I run my project via Expo [closed]

This is the error Hello friends, I got an error when I started my project through expo and tried to run it with expo go, can you help? When I ran my project, I should have seen my project in expo go, ...
Gumballdore's user avatar
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Firestore error "User document does not exist"

I'm working on a project similar to Linktree and have implemented Firebase for authentication and Firestore for the database. The authentication system is functioning correctly, and user data is being ...
Grenish Rai's user avatar
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When I deploy a Google Cloud Function in Typescript, it also deploys my .ts files

I have my file structure like this: tsconfig.json package.json src/ts files.. lib/js files.. When I deploy the function using firebase deploy, I notice that it also uploads the .ts files. Is that the ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Flutter - dependencies incompability of geolocator and firebase_auth

I'm trying to use two packages: geolocator (version: 13.0.1) ( firebase_auth (version: 5.2.0) ( I want to use the mentioned ...
XeeMpee's user avatar
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Firebase: How do I inform the client that the CloudFunction executed [duplicate]

When a CloudFunction is started by an EventTrigger: onDocumentCreated, onDocumentUpdated, onDocumentDeleted, onDocumentWritten ... the code execution may be successful .then(...) or unsuccessful ....
pax's user avatar
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Show disabled- and emailVerified-status of FirebaseAuth in users-list for admin [closed]

For my app (FlutterFlow with user-management in Firebase) I am creating the admin-panel in which I have a list of all the users of the app. I pull this data from the Users-collection, which shows all ...
webwurm's user avatar
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I want to do something using notification data when tapped on notification when app is running. How do I implement this in flutter

I have setup firebase push notifications and notifications are receiving in my flutter app. this is how I have handled it. Future<void> init() async { if (Platform.isIOS) { iosInit(); ...
Shehan DMG's user avatar
-2 votes
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HOW to improve this node express server code and its code ? and how to improve the recurring notification api [closed]

Title: Why is my API endpoint not pushing FCM notifications with schedule? Body: I'm working on a Node.js/Express API endpoint to schedule push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). ...
Red Neck's user avatar
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Firestore Security Rules: (minimal) code that doesn't work against these rules

I'm working on setting up Firestore security rules, but I'm facing an issue where my custom function getUserOrganization() doesn't seem to return the correct value when used in matching conditions. ...
Mohd Hassan's user avatar
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I want to upload large video files to firebase storage from my flutter app

here's how the uploading happens the code has flutterflow functionality in it as well since it was migrated from it and I am gradually shifting away from its functionality I checked the firebase ...
Salil's user avatar
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iOS app shown in Firebase `Release Monitoring` but not in `Analytics Dashboard`

About six months ago, I upgraded the Firebase version used in the iOS app I'm working on from 10.3.0 to 10.21.0 and created a new app release. Since that app release, I am no longer able to view ...
Jesse J's user avatar
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Internal Conversion loses integer precision

I installed Firebase with Auth, Firestore, Functions, per pod and I was filled with alerts that I was solving little by little, after that configure and test firebase functions and works fine. The ...
Gonzalo M. Rivas's user avatar
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Erro de login flutterflow depois da atualização do Firebase [closed]

O login com redirecionamento de origem cruzada no Google Chrome M115 ou versões mais recentes não tem mais suporte e vai deixar de funcionar em 24 de junho de 2024. Tenho um app web no flutterflow e ...
felipe marinello's user avatar
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I had an issue when trying flutter run [duplicate]

**Flutter Fix ** [!] Your project requires a newer version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin. Find the latest version on, then update the version ...
Manasseh Kabutey's user avatar
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Error initializing Firebase Admin in onRequest using Cloud Functions v2 defined secrets and strings

Hi I am upgrading my firebase cloud function from first generation to the second generation; with callable function I can initialize the firebase app with no issues, with onRequest function, with the ...
arpho's user avatar
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how to make autentication that integrated firebase with esp32 [closed]

I want to create an integrated circuit between the application that I created through appinventor, firebase as a database, then esp32. I have created appinventor and firebase connected as ...
Gotarizzz's user avatar
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Repeating Notification from Firebase Massaging

We have a Flutter app and we need to send a repetitive notification with same content to our users. I have create a notification from Firebase Messaging console which is supposed to send a ...
Salar Azad's user avatar
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signInAnonymously() not working and heartbeats undefined appearing

I used to use the www.gstatic/ to import the firebase but now that I migrated to electron I started using the local sdks instead. Currently when I start up the app I get seven duplicate console logs: (...
Falling10fruit's user avatar
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start alarm in background passed on firebase notification [closed]

I have Android Native App that contain Firebase Messaging services I want to create alarm that keep repeating when I receive data from the notification and I want the alarm is triggered off when user ...
Abdo Badr's user avatar
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Firestore Security Rules: How to Securely Allow Users to Access Members Based on Group Assignment?

I'm working on a Firebase Firestore project where I have three collections: users, groups, and members. Each user can belong to one or more groups, and each member belongs to a specific group. I want ...
Kolavi's user avatar
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Firebase autogenerated keys usage in Node.js json

So I am creating a project using a Firebase database and React / Node.js to consult it. I created a couple of entries via POST request like this: const res = await fetch(`${MYFIREBASE}/posts.json`, { ...
Cristofer Villegas's user avatar
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Facing issue while trying to read collection from firestore using Firebase Kotlin SDK

I am facing ClassNotFoundException while reading collection. I have added all the needed dependencies in gradle file. I did the sign in process with custom token. Exception I am getting is mentioned ...
user320676's user avatar
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Adding exemptions in Firebase automatic indexing

I'm storing data in firebase with this structure: /aggregate_data/{user id}/{product id}/data The aggregate_data collection is the root collection ID and the rest subcollections and documents under it ...
Mudasir Zahoor's user avatar
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Why don't Angular ng build creates me a HTML file (Even though no build error)

I want to deploy my Angular app to firebase. However, I found that my ng build (with or without production flag) will not create me a proper index.html file that I can use for hosting. This is my dist ...
Peter W's user avatar
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How to accurately determine if a Firestore document does not exist using StreamBuilder in Flutter?

In Flutter/Dart, using Firebase Firestore, when setting up a StreamBuilder using a Stream of DocumentSnapshot objects like this: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ...
User45i6h45ih3455's user avatar
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Is there a way to customise the sign in / register links that Firebase auth provides in a Flutter app?

I'm using the Firebase auth package to allow logins / sign-ins in my Flutter app. You can see the two screens attached: one is a SignInScreen() and the other is a RegisterScreen. However, on both apps,...
Arcadious Wade's user avatar
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Cannot find namespace 'AppProviderContext' when use AppProviderContext.Provider

Cannot find namespace 'AppProviderContext' when i trying to return <AppProviderContext.Provider value={{ rooms, members, selectedRoom, isAddRoomVisible, ...
FGTv GAMING TV's user avatar
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Appscript cant connect to firebase via API

I tried to create a function to connect my Appscript to Firebase database. for some reason it shows me: 2:29:44 PM Error TypeError: file.blob is not a function getServiceAccountKey @ firebase/...
Humphrey_wes's user avatar
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How does the one cart checkout from multiple websites in websites like revolve or apps like Styl.AI work? [closed]

I am currently beginning to learn web/app development and was curious as to how different multi-brand aggregation platforms like Revolve or the newly launched iOS app Styl.AI do this? Do you need to ...
Sachin Peruri's user avatar
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Flutter pushing a page onto Context after google sign in

Just starting a flutter personal project. I'm working on onboarding pages in a Flutter application that will come up after a new user is made. There are presently two ways to make a user: email/...
Dahlia_y's user avatar
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How to use StreamProvider with a FireBase QuerySnapshot

I'm following a very old tutorial which use StreamProvider. The API has changed quite a bit and now has an intitialData argument but I don't know what to assign it. The class Home.dart looks like ...
cberube's user avatar
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Firebase Phone Number Authentication doesn't work no matter what

I am creating a login with firebase, the one with phone number, I have set up everything correctly, yes I have enabled phone sign in. I get invalid credentials error, it is working fine with fictional ...
Aditya Pradhan's user avatar
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What is the best practice for storing documents in Firestore? [closed]

A Car has a Brand. So, many Cars have the same Brand. How do you do to map these objects to store in the Firestore? What is the best practice for that? We need to think that a Brand can change, so we ...
rphl's user avatar
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Can't change background color of Android notification using Firebase and dotnet Maui

I am using Firebase to send push notifications to a .NET8 MAUI app... The notifications work, but the background color of the notification shows as a very light grey, making it impossible to see the ...
Mike Luken's user avatar
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For a Firebase-only backend, how to run a WebSocket CLIENT that Listens to Remote Push Events [closed]

This seems like an obvious question, but it's not been solved on the internet. I want to make a WebSocket Client, and I am using Firebase. That is, I need to listen to a ws url that pushes events ...
AlexK's user avatar
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I'm having trouble configuring CORS

I'm working on a frontend application using React with Redux and a backend in NestJS with Firebase. I'm facing a CORS issue that I can't seem to resolve. I've configured CORS on the backend, but I'm ...
Vitor Diamantino's user avatar
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API to create recurring notifications in Firebase node express [closed]

Title: Why is my API endpoint not pushing FCM notifications with schedule? Body: I'm working on a Node.js/Express API endpoint to schedule push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). ...
Red Neck's user avatar
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Firebase's heartbeatservice.ts triggering unwanted console logs

I just added Google Analytics to an application which leverages firebase. I noticed that my console is flooded with these logs: heartbeats -> [] after digging deeper I found a node module at: - @...
tdammon's user avatar
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Why is every instance of Google getAnalytics() triggering a console log [closed]

I am implementing Google Analytics into an application using Firebase import { getAnalytics, logEvent } from "firebase/analytics"; It looks like every time my code runs this line: const ...
tdammon's user avatar
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Firebase prepare domain namn with SSL before changing my DNS record

I have created an app in Firebase hosting. In a few days I want to change the DNS record for my domain name and point it to the Firebase app I just created. If I do that, I will have downtime until ...
Albert's user avatar
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Scheduled function sometimes throws error when using sendToTopic

I've implemented a scheduled function in Firebase (1st generation) that runs every 5 minutes. The code snippet below is a simplified version of the function, which shows just the problematic part: ...
Alex's user avatar
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in Firebase firestore. are collection names case sensitive

i want to ask in Firebase firestore. are collection names case sensitive. I know keys and values ​​in firestore are case sensitive, but I'm not sure if collection names are. I tried searching on ...
Nguyễn Mạnh Cường's user avatar
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Unable to redirect back into Capacitor App when authenticating using firebase auth

I have recently extended my React webapp with Capacitor to produce a webview-based native app on android. I am impressed with Capacitor so far, as the app was nearly completely functional out of the ...
Sam Holden's user avatar
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React Native Firebase Crashlytics - Expo. Can I use Crashlytics as a logging tool to record logs even if the app does not crash?

Can i use React Native Crashlytics as a logging tool to log data? I want to use this as a logging tool so that it can send logs to the Firebase console not only when the app crashes but for example ...
gem1234's user avatar
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