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Is there any solution for agora screen sharing for web in flutter [closed]

Actually we have implemented video call functionality in flutter by using agora package. But my problem is screen sharing functionality how to implement in android, ios and web. Web is main problem to ...
durga bhavani's user avatar
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The argument type 'Future<dynamic>? Function(String?)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'DidReceiveNotificationResponseCallback?'

there's an error while trying to update onSelectNotification to onDidReceiveNotificationResponse flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initSettings, onDidReceiveNotificationResponse: ...
KingsGuardGT's user avatar
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Send http command to chromedriver, it receives the command but not rendering

I'm doing flutter integration test. In this integration test, a chrome driver session will be started by flutter integrationt test framework. I'd like to send some commands to this chromedriver ...
user3502708's user avatar
-1 votes
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Centre the appbar with extra icons

I am new to Flutter and I have used two icons in the leading because of that my title is not centred I have also used centre widget, but that also didn't work. Here's my appbar code: appBar: AppBar( ...
Tanu Purohit's user avatar
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Flutter update single data records in FutureBuilder

Situation: I am using Flutter Web only (requirement). I have some kind of a DataTable (wrapped for style issues)in a StatefulWidget, which shows the customer data fetched from the backend. The ...
Nico R.'s user avatar
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Issue with Sending Multiple Deep Link URLs to DraftKings App

I'm developing a Flutter application where I need to place multiple bets on a sportsbook application, specifically DraftKings. I have individual deep link URLs for each bet that need to be sent to the ...
Joe Joseph's user avatar
-3 votes
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Suitable plugins version for Flutter 3.24.1

Recently I upgraded my Flutter version from 3.22.2 to 3.24.1, should I update my Kotlin/Java/Gradle as well? If yes, what version should them be respectively? Is there such a table to show all the ...
Sat's user avatar
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how to style lable of bottomNavigationBar to gradient color when active?

enter image description here NavigationBarTheme( data: NavigationBarThemeData( indicatorColor: Colors.transparent, labelBehavior: NavigationDestinationLabelBehavior....
Văn Thuận Lê's user avatar
-1 votes
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MacOS 14 sudo gem install cocoapods error WARNING: Invalid .gemspec format

WARNING: Invalid .gemspec format in '/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/specifications/minitest-5.11.3.gemspec' WARNING: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `licenses=' for #Gem::Specification:...
doctor pc's user avatar
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I've using upi_pay & flutter_upi packages, I'm getting an error "upi_pay/flutter_upi -> ext.kotlin_version should be above 1.5.40 or more

I've tried the below to resolve it updating the version in the package (upi_pay.dart & flutter_upi.dart) to 2.0.10 updating the ext.kotlin_version of my project/gradle to 2.0.10 forked those ...
Deepiga Dharshini's user avatar
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Why won't the permission_handler request permssion for Video on Android SDK 34?

I am using the permission_handler package for my flutter app and with a Pixel 8 Pro API 35 emulator, I am trying to request access to device gallery. This is the error i get when trying to request ...
Spencer's user avatar
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I can't access sub url from fluter web page after deploying it with github actions

I create .github/workflows/workflow.yml to deploy flutter web with github actions. name: gh-pages on: push: branches: [main] jobs: build: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: ...
Hyejung's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Messaging onBackgroundMessage only being called in debug mode, not in production on IOS

When adding a onBackgroundMessage listener to my flutter app, the callback is only being called when debugging not when the app is built for production. Here is the Firebase Function in Node.js used ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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How can I set the maximum frame rate in Flutter Flame?

How can I set the maximum frame rate in Flutter Flame? It seems that it's not mentioned in the documentation. I couldn't find it. Is it not possible to change it?
shingo.nakanishi's user avatar
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How to make gridview FixedCrossAxisCount fit width when scroll horizontal in Flutter?

class GridViewCalendar extends StatelessWidget { const GridViewCalendar({super.key, required this.monthData}); final Map<String, dynamic> monthData; @override Widget build(BuildContext ...
MavWolverine's user avatar
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i trying to add app badge on my flutter project on android mobile

i try many lib on iOS its working even if they say the lib support a android but its not working on testing on Samsung device no im trying to make it with kotline and communicate with my flutter ...
Anas Sa's user avatar
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Flutter Data Table Not Clearing Previously Typed In Cells When Switching Filter

I am currently developing an app with Flutter. I am having an issue with the data table. The way my table works is that the user can filter between different table types with a drop down button. So ...
Evanwelborn4's user avatar
-1 votes
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Flutter vs React Native, which is better for my app [closed]

Hey so I’m making an uber eats clone app and need to track drivers location by sending their location every certain time interval to the server. I need this process running whether the app is in ...
James carter's user avatar
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Flutter: 'build_runner' not generating the '.g.dart' file

running 'dart run build_runner watch' isn't generating 'g.dart' file Here is the code - annotation provided, 'part' added - name of the file is correct. Dependencies are added correctly. When i run ...
user27088974's user avatar
-1 votes
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I can't run Flutter.bat

me esta surgiendo un problema con Flutter, donde no puedo ejecutar flutter.bat en la consola. Cada vez que coloco "flutter doctor" o alguna palabra que sea comando de "flutter" no ...
sebas ninni's user avatar
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Can I load a flutter module from a remote github repository in iOS swift App?

I am trying to add a flutter module to existing iOS native app by following Add to App flutter guide. But I want to load module in the iOS pod file from a github repo instead of using a local path. Is ...
Anand's user avatar
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Gesture Detector not working with a stack even when HitTestBehaviour set to translucent

I am using a CarouselView on Flutter, and I want to be able to click on each of the ClipRRects that are members of the carousel to go to a new page. The carousel consists of ClipRRects which contain ...
ss123's user avatar
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How to Implement Consistent State Management in a Python GUI Framework Similar to Flutter?

I'm working on a custom GUI framework in Python that aims to mimic the behavior and experience of Flutter. The framework uses HTML and CSS for rendering the GUI inside a PyWebView window, targeting ...
red X's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. Firebase, Flutter

This error started to appear when i tried to do Firebase Authentication (Sign up/ Sign in). Tried different ways still don't know what's the error about. My code would be little messed up after trying ...
Tahmeed Zamindar's user avatar
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Error Compiling Flutter APK: resource android:attr/lStar not found

I'm working on an older Flutter application that was removed from the Play Store due to outdated API levels. I'm currently trying to update and re-release it, but I've encountered these issues during ...
NicoNicotina's user avatar
-1 votes
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Twitter sdk dependency In flutter

I am using Flutter package for share content in different platforms.flutter_share_me. It is working fine when I implement it in the code but after a month I get an error Execution failed for task ':...
304 Khilan Vitthani's user avatar
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Unit testing for controller initial state GONE WRONG

I have a test testing for the initial state of a controller. It keeps failing saying no matching calls, but my other controller tests using the same code are fine (the difference is they have an ...
steve's user avatar
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Flutter super_sliver_list performance usage report

Who has used super_sliver_list? I want to know how much the list.builder has improved. Is there any specific performance test data or code?
laterday's user avatar
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Flutter-Dart 'print' and 'log' not printing to console in Android Studio

I tried to print to console but can't get it to work. I have checked other forums and tried their recommendations but no result. import 'dart:developer'; log('your message here'); // nothing or ...
TryCatchFinally's user avatar
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How can i make this functionality in flutter

I have tried Dismissible widget and slidable widget inside list view builder but not getting the required functionality. If i slide item left there should be red background with delete icon and if i ...
Abubakar ijaz's user avatar
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Gradle module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin

what is this error? C:\Users\ram\.gradle\caches\transforms-4\15687967c7e724ad5f240d62785d9655\transformed\jetified-play-services-measurement-impl-22.1.0-api.jar!\META-INF\
DDeveloperDeep's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make this type design in flutter

enter image description hereI'm trying to create a ticket-like design in Flutter similar to the attached image, which has a dark and light theme. The design features a QR code, event details, and a ...
Md. Khadimul Islam's user avatar
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Double notification

I am using awesome notification While my app in foreground or background i have received two notification , One is Awesome notification and second is firebase default notification While on checking if ...
Hamza Ch's user avatar
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not able to connect flutter app with node server

iam trying to connect my flutter app to a node server the flutter application has a registration screen that accepts username,password and email from users and it should be reflected to mongodb using ...
meet panchal's user avatar
1 vote
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The method 'createTicker' isn't defined for the type

I was trying to create a simple ticker: Ticker? ticker; @override void initState() { super.initState(); ticker = createTicker(tick); ticker!.start(); } @override void dispose() { ticker?....
Avarage cat enjoyer's user avatar
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Flutter listview refresh bug after renaming a bunch of files

I have a listview: ListView.builder( itemCount: files.length, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { return Padding( ...
balzamon's user avatar
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Failure: build failed with an exeption

Launching lib\main.dart on CPH2015 in debug mode... Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeExtDexDebug'. ...
Azzahira Calista's user avatar
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Textfield Focus inside dialog is rebuilding page

I have the following page but there is an issue, anytime I open any dialog and focus on a textfield, the dialog remains open, but the page behind it rebuilds, making it scroll to the top, even before ...
Rúben Silva's user avatar
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Flutter - dependencies incompability of geolocator and firebase_auth

I'm trying to use two packages: geolocator (version: 13.0.1) ( firebase_auth (version: 5.2.0) ( I want to use the mentioned ...
XeeMpee's user avatar
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Flutter Apple Carplay variable not reactive

I'm developing a radio app using the flutter_carplay package. The app updates the currently playing track and the next track every 10 seconds via a network request. Here's a summary of the issue I'm ...
Sacha COHEN's user avatar
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Google map tiles built over grey background

Google map in my Flutter map is being rendered tile by tile on a dark grey background after flutter updation(also the map package) from an older version. It was a brighter color previously. Now it ...
Shanu's user avatar
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Stripe , Theme isn't set to use Theme.AppCompat or Theme.MaterialComponents

I am facing an issue when trying to implement Stripe with flutter , I did all what they said in the readme , but I still have this problem : Your theme isn't set to use Theme.AppCompat or Theme....
MehdiDx's user avatar
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How do I temporarily pause / stop the Semantic Focus in Flutter programatically?

I am aware of this FocusSemanticEvent and I have used the clearSemantics() But I don't want to clear the focus instead I would like to pause/stop the whole semantic focus in system level. Is there any ...
Balaji's user avatar
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Show disabled- and emailVerified-status of FirebaseAuth in users-list for admin [closed]

For my app (FlutterFlow with user-management in Firebase) I am creating the admin-panel in which I have a list of all the users of the app. I pull this data from the Users-collection, which shows all ...
webwurm's user avatar
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How to Programmatically Open a Flutter App When It Is in Background or Terminated State Upon Receiving a Call Notification?

I'm developing a Flutter app where I need to handle incoming call notifications. Specifically, when the app receives a calling notification while it is in the background or terminated state, I want to ...
Syeda Romaisa's user avatar
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I want to do something using notification data when tapped on notification when app is running. How do I implement this in flutter

I have setup firebase push notifications and notifications are receiving in my flutter app. this is how I have handled it. Future<void> init() async { if (Platform.isIOS) { iosInit(); ...
Shehan DMG's user avatar
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Failed to transform permissions-3.8.aar (

I try to build my my Flutter project i get this error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. > Could not resolve all ...
Feadl van Krockk's user avatar
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When using CameraPreview, the camera screen is in Landscape mode and the Aspect Ratio is slightly off

Problem: When using CameraPreview, the camera screen is in Landscape mode and the Aspect Ratio is slightly off. This is quite strange because the same code works fine in other projects. What could be ...
jiyong Yoon's user avatar
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Text Size and Boldness Issues on iOS App Store Version (Correct on Simulators)

I’m encountering an issue with my Flutter app where text sizes appear correctly on simulators but become larger and bolder when users download the app from the App Store. The issue seems to be ...
Taimoor's user avatar
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xcodebuild: error: Timed out waiting for all destinations matching the provided destination specifier to become available

I am getting this error while running flutter app in iPhone 15 Pro Max Whole error log: Running pod install... Running Xcode build... Xcode build done. ...
Harsh Patel's user avatar

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