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Node.JS - Why is the cookies / session missing sometimes after the payment gateway

I am doing a webiste using Node.JS and it including a payment features where it will post form submission using javascript from ejs file, and then being redirect to the payment gateway.After the ...
Terry Ng's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

calculate the input value and update 3 results when click calculate button with JavaScript

I have 4 calculations that I have set up to spit out results when an integer 1-100 is typed into the input. right now, the values automatically update as I am typing, but I want them to wait until the ...
notAGoodDeveloper's user avatar
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2 answers

JavaScript to queue submit request on client side and Trigger Submit Button at a Specified Time

I am working on developing a script that triggers the submit button at the end of a form at a specified time on client side. The goal of this test is to simulate a scenario where multiple users submit ...
Zmaray's user avatar
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Formio Odoo: State not changing to "completed" after submission

Subject: Formio ODOO. The issue is the state is not changing to "complete" after clicking submit button and the data submitted is not being saved in the form either. I can see the green ...
carlosmlarrauri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

useFormState never gets message from server action Next.js

I want to get message back from server action, based on if validation and authentication was successful or not. Login method is being called properly, I tried it out. The problem is that message is ...
Skar's user avatar
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React Native: Error during account creation with Appwrite - cyclical structure in JSON object

I'm working on a React Native project using Appwrite for user authentication. I'm encountering an error when trying to submit a registration form. The error message is: Error during account creation: [...
Esther Iyege's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does Google reCAPTCHA v3 take significantly longer after the first token request?

I'm using Google reCAPTCHA v3 in my web application. I've implemented a function 'runCaptcha' that utilizes 'grecaptcha.execute' to obtain a token. However, I've noticed that each time I call this ...
Denis Campara's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Data Display Issues on Index Page or form submission in .NET Core with AngularJS

I am encountering an issue with my .NET Core and AngularJS application where form submission and data display through the database are not functioning correctly on the Index page. Interestingly, the ...
Arslan khan's user avatar
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How to get sent to my email the url of the page on which a form has been submitted?

I use Brevo(SendInBlue) to create forms for my website. My website is built in WordPress. Could you please help me find a way through which I could get sent to my email the url adress of the page on ...
sacramento's user avatar
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React start async submit process only once

We have a form with a submit button, and the OnClick starts the submit process. This submit process is async, takes long. During that process, we should not let to start the submit again, causing ...
Zoltan Hernyak's user avatar
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My php form on my website is ending blank submissions to my email [duplicate]

Below is the php code i have on my website. We have been getting some email form submissions that are working but we have also been getting a large amount of empty submissions. When i try to submit a ...
ilana a's user avatar
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Submit form from Modal and only refresh the modal?

I have a main.html HTML page with some buttons that opens a modal. Depending on which button is clicked, the modal will dynamic load content from an external PHP script - each button calls a ...
rolinger's user avatar
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Unable to upload courses to the database in a Laravel Project

I'm on a Laravel Project. The characteristics: Laravel Framework 10.48.12, Composer version 2.7.7 2024-06-10 22:11:12, PHP 8.3.7 (cli) (built: May 8 2024 08:56:56) (ZTS Visual C++ 2019 x64) Copyright ...
Essossolim Cyrille HALIYA's user avatar
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preventDefault() not preventing page redirect on form submission

I have a simple form being submitted into a third-party form/db location (Acoustic) and I'm trying to prevent the page from being redirected after submission. <form method="post" ...
Matt Smith's user avatar
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Contributte Live-form-validation - prevent double submit

I am using Nette, Contributte Live-form-validation to validate my forms and Naja in web apps. I would like to prevent double submit form my ajax and non-ajax forms.
Vladimír Mlázovský's user avatar
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ajax does not activated in codeigniter3 view page

i have following form submission in codeigniter3 view blade php code: {!! form_open('#',array('class'=>'text-left mt-2','id'=>'BOS_FORM','onsubmit'=>"ajax(this,'".$user_base_url.&...
Solmaz's user avatar
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Fields located in inactive tabs not being validated upon form submission

I want to use this validation: function prueba(){ console.log("hola") } $("#boton").off("click").on("submit", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); prueba(); }); .tabset > ...
Jorge Mantilla's user avatar
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Table data in jQuery Dialog not refreshed after Spring webflow form submit

We are migrating out old web application from Java 7 to java 8 including JQuery 1.4.2 to JQuery 3.5.1. Current problem is after submitting the form using Spring webflow the table in the page is loaded ...
Sathesh S's user avatar
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How does one add or append additional name-value pairs to a form-data object?

How to add an array to the last in this object: const formElment = document.querySelector(".form"); formElment.addEventListener("submit", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); ...
lasith amanda's user avatar
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How do I fix this unwanted button behavior in ReactJS?

I'm trying to conditionally switch between two HTML buttons in ReactJS based on wether the form is shown or not. Basically if the form is shown, show a submit button and if not shown, show a regular ...
Carlos Sosa's user avatar
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keep selected option visible in dropdown after submitting

I am using the following script to retrieve data from my mysql db and to fill a dropdown. Retrieving, selecting and submitting are working perfectly. The only thing is that the selected option falls ...
renevl's user avatar
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livewire form submit button reloads the page and appends a "?" at the end of the url

this is my livewire component named locations in the views <div> <x-slot name="title"> {{ __('Location Management') }} </x-slot> <x-slot name=&...
Chiku Thomas's user avatar
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Unable to submitting the form using jquery post request like a form submit

Using Form Submit redirecting page from one page to another page and the page is redirecting successfully but the parameter value getting length 0(if array) or null(if string) based on the data passed ...
ashok's user avatar
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Next.js Write to Google Sheet from Child Component

I'm facing some issues where I wanted to save user entered data from a HTML form to Google Sheet. Here's my file structure: I'm currently facing these errors: Failed to load resource: the server ...
Ariel's user avatar
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How to redirect to thank you page after submitting a Google form embedded into a Google Site?

I have a google form embedded into my home site. How to I get users to redirected to a thank you page after having submitted? I have tried using the code below but it cannot load after i submit the ...
Linh Trinh's user avatar
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i am having 400 POST bad request error and having this error in status "json value could not be converted to syatem.string. path"

400 POST bad request I want when I submit form then it will submit details and do not show 400 Post bad request error...submit my details and refresh form and it will not show me "json value ...
Pavan P Jangale's user avatar
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Capture Squarespace form submission data for enhanced conversions

I'm working with a client to setup enhanced conversions for their form submission google ads conversion event. For this, I'll need to capture their email, first name and surname from the form, and ...
All_Ads36475's user avatar
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I want a message box to appear once i click submit

<form name="contactForm" class="customform" action="contact.php" method="post"> <div class="s-12"> <div class=...
Saad Abbas's user avatar
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Unable to Send Form Data from SvelteKit Server Endpoint to

I'm working on a SvelteKit project where I need to send form data from a server endpoint to an external API ( I'm able to send the form data directly from the client-side (in a +...
Matteo Trupia's user avatar
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FormSubmit email arriving blank

As the title suggests, the form submit emails sent from my website are arriving but without the name or the email or the body. There are several other posts about this specific issue and none of their ...
Emlf9's user avatar
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Uploading images using FancyFileUpload and regular form submit without using Ajax

I like the interface of FancyFileUpload that's why I'm try to implement it on my already existing form submit. The existing form submit works just fine and can save data into database and upload files ...
0x9342812j1o's user avatar
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How to only allow form submission containing certain words

I use a Joomla Extension for a form (Convert Forms), and want to allow only users to submit that form when typeíng a certain keyword out of a given list into a given text field (kind of a code). The ...
burf's user avatar
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NextJS 14 server action throwing "cannot redefine property" error

I am working on a NextJS 14 project and struggling to implement the new server action feature introduced my NextJS some time back as an alternative to regular API calls. Here’s a stripped-down version ...
Ubiquitous Ubuntu's user avatar
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Google Forms API - navigation pages (Go to Section) don't work as configured

I'm using the Google Forms API to create a form where one of the alternatives is "submit this form" while the others will collect the necessary information, as in the example below: The ...
lu.c.n's user avatar
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On submit event get fired multiple times when there's multiple forms

I have multiple forms in a php page, I added forms in the parentForm array like this parentForm.push($('.js-address-form form')); The issue is when i submit one form the onsubmit event get fired for ...
tarek fellah's user avatar
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Python Selenium submit works only in debug mode

My python program with selenium has a strange behavior : it works very good when I start it in debug mode but not in normal mode. The FromDate is not taken into account in normal mode. I thought it ...
Jean Marc Canon's user avatar
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LogicException: The selected node does not have a form ancestor

I'm trying to submit a sonata form using crawler but i noticed that sonata moved the submit button outside the form so when i try to submit i have this error: "LogicException: The selected node ...
Sevenis's user avatar
-2 votes
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"event.preventDefault();" doesn't work with a submit button

The problem is, when I click on a submit button the page is reloading, preventing the code to work, despite the fact that I have "event.preventDefault();". HTML: <form class="links-...
Danil Yahin's user avatar
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Symfony6 input submission and routing for GET from twig template

I am working in Symfony6 getting info from a readonly endpoint. I am rewriting an existing but severely deprecated app, so I know exactly how the stuff needs to go together to update what is retrieved....
Maggie may's user avatar
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501 views not working - no action on submit

I refactored my website (I'm very junior!) and I can't get the subscription via FormSubmit to work, even though it used to work before. I must be doing something wrong, but for the life of me I can't ...
Kate Dames's user avatar
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Wordpress trigger submisson form after video

I’m struggling to find a solution for this maybe you can help me out. I’m working for first time in Wordpress. I’m using twenty twenty four theme. My code skills are close to nothing. So… what I would ...
Orange_LX's user avatar
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How to avoid showing an input text box so that a predetermined value is always sent on 'submit'

I have an input text box in react that corresponds to a transaction date. The input always has to be 'null' so that Java backend can create the date. Is there a way to eliminate this input box ...
Daniel Claire's user avatar
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What's the correct method to embed features on a website

I'm making a website that displays a feature for the user to donate/ volunteer, but I don't have a clear idea on how to go around and embed it, I want the user to actually have their money sent to ...
Leon's user avatar
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Knowing focused element id before form submit

I want to return focus to the html element (that fires submit of my form) after ajax checkings. because always my form is submitted the last focused element is always the submit button. How can i know ...
mdromed's user avatar
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Javascript form submit/click a button to link to another page [duplicate]

I'm writing some automation script to click a button (which directs the browser to another page), but having problem getting the script to work. Note that there is no unique id to get element for. The ...
Kaico's user avatar
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How to pass to a POST controller action method the model, including the contents of a List object member property?

I have a Razor page in which a controller GET action method returns the model to the view. That model contains a member which is a List<int> ids Now I want to call a POST method on the ...
sergiol's user avatar
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How do I make so the input submit element appears after my input checkbox element has been checked off

I am trying to code a fake reCAPTCHA box for a school project. I have the code finished but I want to make it so you can first submit your answer from the input elements above after having checkboxed ...
Mars's user avatar
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POST form submit doesn't return anything

I'm creating a higher or lower game in PHP, so far everything is done but I'm having a problem with the POST. Basically, when an user compiles all the 3 fields (choice, bet and number) and he press &...
JasonDeRue's user avatar
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Form data validation with javascript is not validating input fields

I've been trying to solve this issue with javascript form validations. I'm submitting with a validateForm() function on the form. I was expecting the form data to be validated when clicking on submit ...
hamza muzafar's user avatar
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55 views "_next " tag not redirecting even with fully qualified url path

Team working with in capture form submissions and send an email. However, when leveraging the _next tag as described on the documentation, the form does not redirect to a success page ...
Andrew Sliver's user avatar

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