Fox Broadcasting Company (FOX), a unit of 21st Century Fox, is home to some of the highest-rated and most acclaimed series on television, including American Idol, The Following, New Girl, Glee, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Simpsons, and Sleep Hollow. FOX is the third-largest major television network in the world based on total revenues, assets, and international coverage.
“X-Team always delivers. Always.” (Fox Broadcasting)
X-Team helped FOX develop and maintain the website for one of America’s largest TV networks on a modern Drupal-based publishing platform.
Project Description
New and increased demands for advanced publishing functionality meant a shift in technology when FOX Broadcasting decided to make the transition to Drupal 7. In a total replacement of the legacy content management system, X-Team contributed to the project organization consisting of multiple vendors on the supply side and a large group of stakeholders on the client side.
With a limited time to implement and high priority from the business, the project required a high level of expertise from the developers as well as great team skills. X-Team contributed with flexible developer resource scaling that accommodated needs as the project’s scope changed.
The existing site was in need of a major overhaul in terms of both technology, process and content. Requirements had changed with market demand and in response, FOX was expecting:
- Improved tools for content producers
- Capability for faster implementation of design changes
- Better integration of 3rd party content providers, i.e. video content and social media
- A closer relationship with their audience, i.e. the ability to track favorite shows
- Compatibility across browsers and devices
With requirements changing often and tight deadlines in place, a fixed project scope wasn’t an option as constantly creating new SOW’s would be exhausting and time consuming. An agile team wouldn’t be possible in the traditional project-based setup.
X-Team provided a flexible, scalable and distributed team of 8 full-time developers, allowing for 24/7 development coverage to help achieve their deadlines. The migration to the new content management platform made it possible to:
- Improve time-to-market through a faster deployment process
- Implement better video presentation capabilities (clips and full episodes)
- Integrate personalization, i.e. log in with cable subscription
- Increase productivity with optimized cross-team process and project management
- Faster reaction to design changes
- More up-to-date content, new video added daily
- Continuous adding and improvement of functionality
- Higher number of visitors to the website
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