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how do view id datas in firebase [closed]

import { initializeApp } from ""; import { addDoc, collection, getFirestore, getDocs, deleteDoc, doc} from "https://www.gstatic....
sri mathan's user avatar
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SwiftUI with FirebaseFirestore

I've googled a lot but haven't found an answer yet. I'm a beginner who just started programming SwiftUI with Xcode. This is a very simple example. I tested with Xcode 15.4, Firebase 11.1.0, ISO 17.5 ...
Daniel Lee's user avatar
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Firestore security rules - securing collection group subpath based on

I have a Firestore collection group query like so: collectionGroup('test').where('businessId', '==', '123').get() I'm trying to secure it. I have read I need to use wildcards to secure collection ...
DarkNeuron's user avatar
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Is It a Best Practice to Use Direct Script Calls Instead of API Routes for Fetching Data in Astro? [closed]

I’m newbie on Astro and am trying to fetch data from a Firestore database. Initially, I created an API route to handle data fetching, but I ran into issues with using the browser's fetch function on ...
Dimas Alfiansyah's user avatar
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Firestore error "User document does not exist"

I'm working on a project similar to Linktree and have implemented Firebase for authentication and Firestore for the database. The authentication system is functioning correctly, and user data is being ...
Grenish Rai's user avatar
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Firebase: How do I inform the client that the CloudFunction executed [duplicate]

When a CloudFunction is started by an EventTrigger: onDocumentCreated, onDocumentUpdated, onDocumentDeleted, onDocumentWritten ... the code execution may be successful .then(...) or unsuccessful ....
pax's user avatar
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Firestore Security Rules: (minimal) code that doesn't work against these rules

I'm working on setting up Firestore security rules, but I'm facing an issue where my custom function getUserOrganization() doesn't seem to return the correct value when used in matching conditions. ...
Mohd Hassan's user avatar
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Firestore Security Rules: How to Securely Allow Users to Access Members Based on Group Assignment?

I'm working on a Firebase Firestore project where I have three collections: users, groups, and members. Each user can belong to one or more groups, and each member belongs to a specific group. I want ...
Kolavi's user avatar
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Facing issue while trying to read collection from firestore using Firebase Kotlin SDK

I am facing ClassNotFoundException while reading collection. I have added all the needed dependencies in gradle file. I did the sign in process with custom token. Exception I am getting is mentioned ...
user320676's user avatar
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Adding exemptions in Firebase automatic indexing

I'm storing data in firebase with this structure: /aggregate_data/{user id}/{product id}/data The aggregate_data collection is the root collection ID and the rest subcollections and documents under it ...
Mudasir Zahoor's user avatar
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How to accurately determine if a Firestore document does not exist using StreamBuilder in Flutter?

In Flutter/Dart, using Firebase Firestore, when setting up a StreamBuilder using a Stream of DocumentSnapshot objects like this: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ...
User45i6h45ih3455's user avatar
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How to use StreamProvider with a FireBase QuerySnapshot

I'm following a very old tutorial which use StreamProvider. The API has changed quite a bit and now has an intitialData argument but I don't know what to assign it. The class Home.dart looks like ...
cberube's user avatar
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What is the best practice for storing documents in Firestore? [closed]

A Car has a Brand. So, many Cars have the same Brand. How do you do to map these objects to store in the Firestore? What is the best practice for that? We need to think that a Brand can change, so we ...
rphl's user avatar
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API to create recurring notifications in Firebase node express [closed]

Title: Why is my API endpoint not pushing FCM notifications with schedule? Body: I'm working on a Node.js/Express API endpoint to schedule push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). ...
Red Neck's user avatar
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in Firebase firestore. are collection names case sensitive

i want to ask in Firebase firestore. are collection names case sensitive. I know keys and values ​​in firestore are case sensitive, but I'm not sure if collection names are. I tried searching on ...
Nguyễn Mạnh Cường's user avatar
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Not able to access gcp firestore while using it from docker, Getting "'@type':"

docker run --rm sh -c "gcloud firestore databases list" ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.databases.list) [[email protected]....
Ganesh Singh's user avatar
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"Your connection is not private" ERROR in firebase for some wifis [closed]

I am using firebase/firestore for the backend in my react-native app. The problem is, when I connect to some public wifi networks, the images don't load. When I copy paste the url in browser, i.e ...
JeremyFc's user avatar
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How to Use a New Firebase Firestore Database (Multi-Region 'nam5') in a Flutter Project

Problem: I have an existing Firebase project where I've created a new Firestore database in the 'nam5' multi-region location, named 'newDb', to improve efficiency. However, I am facing issues with ...
Aniket Chavan's user avatar
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(on MacOS, Android Studio Koala) 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart' => Target of URI doesn't exist ERROR

I have set up flutterfire CLI and logged in, tried -flutter pub get , -flutter clean, -flutter pub add firebase_core, -flutterfire configure, -flutter clean, -flutter channel stable. I've restarted my ...
LI SZE HAN RYAN's user avatar
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TypeError: this._firestore.native.documentGet is not a function (it is undefined)

I'm trying to implement a "recommended friends" feature, and users have "following" and "followers" lists in firestore database. For some reason I keep running into this ...
shell's user avatar
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Error getting data from firestore: _TypeError(type Future<List> is not a subtype of type List in type cast

I’m having trouble getting a List<Event> to display in the Calendar I’m developing. Despite calling it from Firestore, I’m not able to retrieve the list of events. I suspect the issue may be ...
Oula R.'s user avatar
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API is working at development, but in production fails

I am trying to run my site in nextjs (typescript) with my API. When I run it in development, the API works, but when I run on production (vercel), it throws a timeout. In the API call, I pass one ...
Matan15's user avatar
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Very strange React Native Firestore issue - Error: [firestore/permission-denied] [duplicate]

TLDR: My react native mobile app randomly starts having this permission denied error when calling firestore emulator on localhost. It would be working at first but then randomly stops working without ...
yha's user avatar
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How to get the authenticated user with uid through onDocumentCreatedWithAuthContext

All Firebase users in my app has a document in the Profile collection. All my profile document ids are equal to user.uid when I created them in Flutter like this. Within the profile document, there ...
gd08xxx's user avatar
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The data on my firebase dosen't display on my website [closed]

I'm creating a blogging website and the data(images, title, and date) on my Firebase doesn't display on my website. let blogId = decodeURI(location.pathname.split("/").pop()); // Define ...
zapred0629's user avatar
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How do I create a Firestore document using ESP8266?

I'm pretty new at firebase and in my arduino project, where I use an ESP8266 01S module, I want to hardcode an Id, representing the Arduino project. Then with that Id I want to create if not already ...
Joaquin Hazzi's user avatar
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How to Insert an Array of Objects into Firestore [closed]

I want to insert an array of objects as a field in a Firestore document. What I have is: struct Race { ...other properties results: [RunnerResult] } struct RunnerResult { ... } func saveRace(...
J. Holliday's user avatar
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FireStore "NotIn" Query not recognized SWIFT [closed]

I have the following query code: let collectionToCheck = db.collection("OpenChats") // Create a query against the collection. collectionToCheck.whereField("Incident ...
Mason Ballowe's user avatar
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Firestore snapshot cursor with timestamp vs document

I have an infinite scroll list in my app. On page load, I subscribe to the initial 50 items and then when a users scroll down I subscribe to the next 50 items and so on. const firestoreQuery = query( ...
Damjan's user avatar
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Firestore query with orderBy and limit in infinite scroll list

I have an infinite scroll table of items in my app. Once the table is rendered, I subscribe to first 20 items. This is the query in my listener: const firestoreQuery = query( collectionGroup(firestore,...
Damjan's user avatar
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How do I filter chats messages for multiple users in vue and firebase?

Hi I am trying to create a chat feature between multiple users, but each chat must be only shared between the two members that are talking, I have done chats in the past that have been between an ...
Epimetheus14's user avatar
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Why am I not seeing any return results for my firestore vector embedding search?

I have made a composite index as per the firebase docs gcloud alpha firestore indexes composite create \ --project=[Insert Project Name Here] --collection-group=elements --query-scope=COLLECTION \ --...
Joseph Reece's user avatar
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Google Cloud Run Firestore: [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: "length" is outside of buffer bounds

I'm using the Google Cloud Run Firestore integration, which worked fine until recently. I can't do any CRUD operations aynmore, while I'm able to authenticate. This only occurs on the Google Cloud Run ...
Julian's user avatar
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Deploying indexes to a specific firestore database

I have the following index in my firestore.indexes.json "indexes": [ { "collectionGroup": "programsForQuery", "queryScope": "COLLECTION&...
RyanY's user avatar
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Why is there no option for User's collection when I'm trying to add firestore rules in FlutterFlow

This is my users collection and I have already populated it with sample data. However looking up on a youtube tutorial and the document I am supposed to be using Users collection so only users can ...
newbiecoder's user avatar
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Connecting firestore using laravel

i have been trying to connect firestore using laravel 11 but it is not working, i have tried laravel 11,10 and 9 but to no avail. if i run my php artisan serve after creating code to insert into ...
Happiness Jen's user avatar
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Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unauthenticated" exception

I create a simple c# app to query data in Firestore. The code is as follows: string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"data\firebase.json"; FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create(&...
verybusy's user avatar
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docs changes in a specific collection in firebase in my flutter app

I have already implemented the logic but when the listener triggered after updating only one document or adding or deleting it the whole docs fetched to me but is their any way to fetch only the ...
Ali Kassem's user avatar
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What's the system that I can create a new collection of a document in Firebase Firestore?

I explored the docs but couldn't figure out that how can I create a new collection of, suppose this default user which is located in users collection. Now I created a collection for this document ...
Jahin Ahnaf's user avatar
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Add a List of Document References into a flutter/firebase document field

I got this code: var testList = <String>[]; await db .collection('tests') .where('user', arrayContainsAny: [db.doc('users/' + uid)]) .get() .then((value) { ...
Constantine Nikolopoulos's user avatar
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Flutter set dynamic home in Main.dart

A user in my app goes through registration (using Firebase as backend) before accessing the app. I have a global class method where variables are stored. class AppData { static var _appdata = ...
Eben Oasis's user avatar
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I created a function to write with Firebase, but there is a problem with implementing the search function

I made a writing function with Firebase, but when I search for the title if it's "ice cream", it comes out when I search for "ice cream", but it doesn't come out when I search for &...
최경민's user avatar
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Google Datastore/Firestore - generational timestamp

Is it scalable to index a daily timestamp on an entity that only increases in value once per day? In essence, similar to a generation field as explained in the best practice docs here (although that ...
Micro's user avatar
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Whats the process for updating existing user data in Firestore when a new feature requires data to be added/different? [closed]

I've found several other posts asking similar questions but they all have a specific code element to them and this question is much more on process or best practice with regards to Firebase and NOSQL ...
Nick's user avatar
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Firebase docData stream emits identical object values multiple times in a row

This is my code: import { doc, docData } from '@angular/fire/firestore'; const gameDocRef = doc(this.firestore, 'game',; const game$ = docData(gameDocRef, { idField: 'id' }) Somehow the ...
frontend-ux-ui's user avatar
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What does the ! do in dart [duplicate]

_firestore.collection('users').doc(userCredential.user!.uid).set({ In this line, what does the ! next to user do - This is with dart and firestore I'm just curious and want to know what it does from ...
Cash Oto's user avatar
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Modeling a game leaderboard with Firestore - does this count as a monotonically increasing field?

I have a video game model where I have a User collection in Firestore where each document has a score field. I want to query to get all users sorted by their score, from highest score to lowest. To do ...
Micro's user avatar
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Firestore cycle for and update function are not in sync

I'm new to firestore cloud functions. I'm trying to write a function that based on the change of one collection should be updated the data of another collection. I create cycle for on the ingredients, ...
user2996767's user avatar
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Access Firestore subcollection in Flutter

I have a Flutter chat application. The structure of FireStore is: chats (collection) > roomId (random generated id, which is a document) > users (collection) > email (email of the user, which ...
Rohith Poyyeri's user avatar
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flutter app fire base firestore database configuration error for run time app

Accessing hidden method Lsun/misc/Unsafe;->putObject(Ljava/lang/Object;JLjava/lang/Object;)V (greylist, linking, allowed) 2 : Accessing hidden method Lsun/misc/Unsafe;->putLong(Ljava/lang/Object;...
Dimmithra Perera's user avatar

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