X-Team Blog - The Most-Loved Company for Engineers

Heroes Pack 24

Written by Ryan Chartrand | May 9, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Today we’re excited to welcome four new members to the League of the Extraordinary, the honorary group of X-Teamers who have proven they are true superheroes.

An X-Teamer is only able to unlock their superhero once they’ve consistently shown they know how to unleash their potential through various personal achievements.

With Heroes Pack 24, we honor Jose Buitron (Ecuador), Giannis Katsanos (Greece), Nick Plekhanov (Russia), Ali Uz (Unleashed edition) (Turkey) and Alexis Hevia (Panama/Brazil).

Congrats to all :)

Jose Buitron

Giannis Katsanos

Nick Plekhanov

Ali Uz (Unleashed)

Alexis Hevia