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Unhandled 'error' event with self-signed TLS certificate on node:http2 and wget

I created a simple HTTPS server with node:http2 package and self-signed certificate. This is a code for this app server: import {createSecureServer} from 'node:http2'; import {readFileSync} from 'node:...
Alex Gusev's user avatar
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troubleshooting curl: (51) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name

Even though we think we have a valid certificate, curl is still not liking it. Trying to ask here and see if there's any suggestion to debug the issue. Here's the symptom [root@myclient whitelist]# ...
user1763590's user avatar
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Expo Go HTTPS-Request doesn't work on android but works on every other OS. (HTTP-Requests are working)

When I change my environment variable from to http://37.XX.XXX.XXX:XXXX, my Expo Go app on Android works, but the HTTPS request doesn't. Versions: EXPO-Version: 0.18.26 Expo: 51.0.24 ...
TonyShark007's user avatar
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Web app not accessible after DNS being configurated

I have a web app running in docker on an Azure server. Previously it was accessible via https://servername:4200, since the company hasn't configurated the DNS for me. Today, the IT inform me that DNS ...
AoLiGei's user avatar
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Running the application ASP.NET Core 6 as a Windows service

My problem is that when launching the ASP.NET Core 6 application through the windows service, I get the following error: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint. No ...
mmm's user avatar
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Unable to upload file to server in react-native

I've been trying to upload a file (Encrypted DJI Log file) to a server in order to decrypt it. All of this within my react native expo app. I have not managed to get the server to accept my file when ...
AxaQuilPre's user avatar
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ThingsBoard Server-Side RPC Issue: no_active_connection Error After Device is Online for a Few Weeks

I’m experiencing an issue with ThingsBoard regarding server-side RPC for a NodeMCU ESP8266 device. The RPC initially works perfectly, but after a few weeks, I encounter the following error: Error: ...
Abyan Ramzi's user avatar
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Is there any solution in regard to inaccessible forwarding URL (https) ngrok provided? I can only access http runned by laravel

my .env file: APP_NAME=Laravel APP_ENV=local APP_DEBUG=true APP_URL= my AppServiceProvider.php: <?php namespace App\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use ...
Shoooooosh's user avatar
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Trying pushing to remote repository, permission denied and received error 403

I created a local repository on my laptop (MacOS) and started a project. After working on it for some time I wanted to sync it with an empty remote repository I made on GitHub. I tried to link the ...
user26739125's user avatar
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JSON request in C with HTTP

I'm trying to make a JSON request in C with HTTP, but whenever I run my code it returns that there are no values ​​to be processed. I changed the https and accesskey path for security reasons void ...
Felipe Vieira's user avatar
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Memory usage with node js and chunk

I try extract data in chunks in order to reduce memory usage. The original file size is 2.24MB The data size that I need to resolve is 0.2mb But no matter what I do it seems like measuring the ...
benny hassan's user avatar
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Multiple agents in Node.js

Is it possible to use 2 agents when making an HTTP request in Node.js? I need one agent to use my corporate proxy to access the internet, and I need one more to do the client authentication with a ...
Filip Todosov's user avatar
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Base address of HttpClient not been assigned anymore on Blazor Web App

The code shown here works in an ASP.NET Core 8.0 Blazor server-side project, but it is not working in a Blazor Web App built with "Interactive render mode: Server" and "Interactivity ...
Ben Junior's user avatar
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Apache HttpClient - SSL failures

I'm trying to connect to an endpoint using Apache's HttpClient 4.5, and am running into the below exception: DEBUG [main] (RequestAddCookies) - CookieSpec selected: default DEBUG [main] (...
quantumferret's user avatar
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facing Invalid intermediate certificate with a governmental site! [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]

I'm trying to fetch some data from a market exchange website using python with httpx library. when I make a request to the api I get an error message.. httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: ...
Bassel Fathy's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I send a GET Request to DirecTV's Sport Domain?

Let me start off by saying, I do not know the best way to title this problem, I apologies if the title is misleading, please feel free to leave suggestions. I am fairly new to sending POST & GET ...
VoidSharp's user avatar
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Secured local WebSocket (WSS) works on PC but fails on mobile in LAN

I'm developing a Node.js application that uses a secure WebSocket (WSS) server for local network communication. The WebSocket connection works perfectly on the same PC where the server is running, but ...
kndxiu's user avatar
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HTTPS not workin on AWS Elastic BeanStalk single instance Java platform

I configured my AWS Elastic BeanStalk single instance to use the HTTPS protocol for my custom domain attached to it, using the official documentation provided by AWS for the JAVA SE platform (...
BR4TO92's user avatar
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Delphi/Android application error: EidOSSLcouldNotLoadSSLlibrary

My Delphi/11.3 multi-device application needs HTTPS communication and I use Indy components. Running it in windows/32 mode works ok. Running in Android/32 mode, when it makes an HTTPS call it fails ...
JimPapas's user avatar
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HTTPS disconnected - Kestrel

I'm looking for suggestions why I get disconnected from my Web Service. In a web browser, I get ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Or in Fiddler Classic: HTTPS handshake to (for #82) ...
EdH's user avatar
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Sign in pop up appearing when access site after Windows Server updates

I am using IIS on a Windows Server virtual machine where my applications are deployed. Windows Server received the updates and it restarted after the updates finished. After the restart, When I ...
ABDUL MOIZ's user avatar
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How do I specify https for an express app when serving from AWS?

I've deployed both a frontend react app and backend node/express app on AWS lightsail. I've configured my frontend to use https using bncert, but I need to make my backend use https now. I added this ...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Local env. communication between two dockerized API Platform apps

I have to repos, both of them having two API Platform based apps: Now, both of them are dockerized with the default Docker configuration that API Platform is shipping. I have the following scenario: ...
Red Alpaca's user avatar
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Dependency installation and permission issues with HTTPS setting custom server

I'm encountering issues with my Docker setup for a Next.js application, specifically after setting to a custom server with HTTPS. Here are the problems I'm facing: When I run the container(docker ...
Lee Jaeha's user avatar
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Which is the correct way to use for SSL connections with .p12 file?

Our application should make use of (whose implementation is provided by resteasy-jaxrs-3.0.19.Final.jar) to perform an HTTP POST request to an external service whose URL ...
SagittariusA's user avatar
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Error: EACCES: permission denied when configuring https server on AWS Lightsail

Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.key' at Object.openSync (node:fs:596:3) at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:464:35) at file:///home/...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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HTTPS Proxy for IP and Geolocation

I have the following problem: I want to start a proxy on a server that client PCs can access. Currently, the ps1 script starts an HTTP proxy and also runs an HTTP-to-HTTPS script that redirects all ...
DxrkBlo0d's user avatar
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Node - File Upload works with http but not with https

If I use const http = require('http'); then the upload works correctly, the files are transferred, but if I change it to const https = require('https') then it no longer works and throws code 500. I ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Docker Container - No response on https port in Visual Studio 2022 Debug build

i am trying to move an aspnet core application to docker. Unfortunately i can't get the application run on port https 8081. I tried several things (see my config below) but when trying to open the app ...
meisterd's user avatar
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Laravel Reverb: solving webSocket SSL connection issues on local

Laravel (11.9) Reverb (1.0) If you're encountering errors while using Laravel Reverb with HTTPS and a self-signed certificate, here's a solution that might help. After struggling with this issue for a ...
Francis Pocket Lacerte's user avatar
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Tomcat Server doesn't start with Https configuration "Tag number over 30 is not supported"

I am trying to convert from http to https in my server So I created self-signed certificate using keytool in jdk 17 and this is the version I use to run my server This is the command I use to generate ...
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed's user avatar
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GitLab runner and SSH cloning of submodules - is an SSH key required even if main repo and submodules on same GitLab instance? How to setup?

I prefer avoiding relative paths for submodules even when on the same instance since these are prone to errors, sometimes finding out the relative path is time consume and there may be issues with ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
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How to access https proxy dev server on WSL in windows web browser?

WSL2. Ubuntu-22.04 LTS Next.js Run dev with mkcert and local-ssl-proxy, so dev server run on wsl via https proxy with custom domain. But, I can't access that server in Windows web browser. Only ...
sole77850's user avatar
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how to post data in node.js with content type ='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' with package https

how can the package "https" be used to send a POST Call but with urlencoded body? I can't use any package other than https "data" needs to be URL encoded, since the target Endpoint ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Chrome and Edge reset connection when a client certificate is used

I am trying to connect to a website that uses an SSL certificate, when the attempt does not include the certificate installed on the local machine in the current user, the connection is successful but,...
Felipe Bustamante's user avatar
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git clone with https using token

I am using a MacOS, and i have my ssh keys, when I try to git clone from gitLab using git link it works great, it uses my ssh key. But when I try with an http link, it asks me my login and password. ...
zero's user avatar
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AWS ALB Listen for HTTPS and send to ECS as HTTP

I have an ECS Cluster with a task listening on for HTTP traffic on port 9090. I want to create an ALB to do the SSL termination and send the request onto the ECS task on port 9090. I got it to work ...
Gandalf's user avatar
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How to configure Python ssl server ciphers to match client's

I'm trying to run this simple socket ssl server in python import socket, ssl context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) bindsocket = socket.socket() bindsocket.bind(("", ...
GopherM's user avatar
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Https calls not working with Webclient with self signed p12 certificate

I have enabled HTTPS for my Springboot Webflux (using Netty server) microservices by creating a self-signed certificate using keytool keytool -genkeypair -alias mycert -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -...
soumitra goswami's user avatar
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How to setup local dev environment with docker compose and few web services that share common domain

I need to have locally setup docker compose with 3 services that are map to subdomains, f.e.: It is important to share common domain ...
masterdany88's user avatar
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Selenium webdriver returns ERR_CONNECTION_RESET for reachable webpage

I am trying to setup a selenium webscraper in jupyter notebook on Azure Databricks (on a linux cluster). I am able to set up the service, options, and driver without issue. When I use driver.get(url) ...
python_prometheus's user avatar
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adminer on docker compose: How to secure connection?

I am using adminer over nginx-proxy. Relevant docker-compose lines: version: "3" services: nginx: image: "jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest" hostname: ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
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How can I get around an unresolved hostname or unrecognized name error using HTTP(S) in java or python?

I a trying to access a website's information programmatically, but on both Java and Python it is unable to resolve a hostname. If I specify the IP address, it changes the error to ...
KM529's user avatar
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Chrome says SSL is not secure Invalid, but certificate is valid [duplicate]

I’ve developed a small frontend using Streamlit and deployed it on an EC2 instance. I’ve also set up a wildcard certificate for the domain, using the same URL as the domain name. Despite my efforts, I’...
Jyoti yadav's user avatar
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Getting 404 not found from Traefik

I'm setting up Traefik as a reverse proxy to a bunch of docker services. Here's how I run Traefik: services: traefik: image: traefik:v3.0.4 container_name: traefik command: # Set ...
dokgu's user avatar
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Wildfly SSL/TLS connection failed, previously working

I have an application on Wildfly 16 that was shut down 2 years ago, but was working fine at the time. I recently restarted it, but am now getting an "SSL/TLS connection failed" error, and am ...
snowmanjack's user avatar
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Grafana Service Fails When Using Port 443 Https

I want to run Grafana on Port 443 instead of 3000 in my EC2 server. I have modified grafana.ini file in /etc/grafana/ directory with this change: # The http port to use http_port = 443 and then also ...
Hiren Timbadiya's user avatar
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Is there a way to make a flask waitress website an HTTPS connection?

I have created a simple flask web application. I have managed to deploy it to the internet using waitress and I connected a domain name to it. My only problem is I am struggling to make the website ...
Willem's user avatar
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How to Receive JSON Data and File Upload Together in FastAPI [duplicate]

I'm working on a FastAPI project where I need to receive both JSON data and a file upload in the same request. Specifically, I need to pass an array of integers within the JSON data while also ...
Sami Ali's user avatar
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All HTTPS connections outside of browser fail with "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate"

Today, all HTTPS connections outside of my browser suddenly started failing with the error "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate." This issue affects all tools, ...
henry777's user avatar

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