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Can Not Receive Offered Verifiable Credential From Issuer - credo-ts

To issue a verifiable credential to a specific holder, I send a credential offer to the holder that is connected beforehand by DIDComm but the holder cannot receive/accept the credential offer. I use ...
Chalex's user avatar
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Could Not Connect to Hyperledger Indy Test Pool via Python Wrapper - Error: indy.dll not found

I am trying to create and connect to a local Indy test ledger using the Docker image file from the indy-sdk repository. However, my Python code is giving the error: '_load_cdll: Can't load libindy: ...
grncds's user avatar
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0 answers

Transaction response has not been received - when publishing DIDs using Indy-cli

I am deploying three nodes of indy-node deployed in 3 different machines, when I deploy them, they normally work fine and I can publish and get DIDs from the DLT doing something like: indy> ...
brenodacosta's user avatar
1 vote
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How to proper "install" the python wrapper of Indy-vdr

I'm following the instructions of Indy-vdr to use its python wrapper. It says: The Python wrapper is located in wrappers/python/indy_vdr. In order for the wrapper to locate the shared library, the ...
brenodacosta's user avatar
2 votes
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Docker container doesn't keep up when deployed on swarm network

I have a docker container deployed on a swarm network that I initiated and updated using docker node update. The docker compose file is: version: '3.8' networks: test: driver: overlay ...
brenodacosta's user avatar
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Credo / AFJ : Error sending message to https://----mediator-url---- Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined

I am trying to run the following code to initialize a Credo / Aries Framework Javascript agent in React Native iOS (Simulator as well as iPhone Device) environment in an Expo ^50 version : import { ...
Abhiram Satputé's user avatar
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Credo / AFJ error : [TypeError: 0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[1], "did-resolver").parse is not a function (it is undefined)]

I am trying to run the following code to initialize a Credo / Aries Framework Javascript agent in React Native environment in an Expo ^50 version : import { Agent, ConnectionEventTypes, ...
Abhiram Satputé's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to demote an Endorser from Hyperledger Indy?

I am currently using the example of Hyperledger Indy of Write a DID and Query Its Verkey to dive deep into DID creation. After generating a DID and a verkey for a TRUST_ANCHOR, I sign and submit it to ...
brenodacosta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Create and get pseudonym of a transaction of credential issue using Hyperledger Indy

I am trying to dive deep in this example of Hyperledger Indy about how to issue a credential. Basically, an "author 1" creates a schema definition and stores it in the ledger. Then this ...
brenodacosta's user avatar
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1 answer

IndySdk when trying to import cause error Wallet with this name already exists Caused by: Wallet database file already exists

type Props = StackScreenProps<WalletStackParamList, "SelfCredential"> const RecoverWallet = ({ navigation }: Props) => { useLayoutEffect(() => { navigation.setOptions({ ...
JrealFun's user avatar
-1 votes
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As an issuer in Hyperledger Indy/Aries, do I need to create a separate DID for each user? Likewise does a user create multiple DID for each isssuers

I am going through Hyperledger Indy document here. It is mentioned here that: A user registers for a service's website by creating and giving the service a new, never-used-before DID, and receives ...
nelaturuk's user avatar
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Access Hyperledger Indy Node deployed in virtual machine using local workstation

I'm trying to follow this tutorial and I have a virtual machine running an Indy pool (ip: internal net: It is a simple docker command to run the pool in the VM: docker ...
brenodacosta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

when I use indy-sdk, "pool.open_pool_ledger" report a network timeout error

when I using "pool.open_pool_ledger", it report a network timeout error. But accessing with other roles, such as using the wallet.open_wallet function, will not encounter network errors. The ...
jinnan li's user avatar
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How to remove a node from indy pool?

I have an indy pool running on docker with 4 nodes. I used von-network as reference Now, I need to remove a node from the pool, which I tried using indy-cli. My ...
Soundarya's user avatar
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1 answer

Aries Framework Javascript: "indyError": "PoolLedgerNotCreatedError" , "message": "CommonInvalidStructure", "indyCode": 113,

This is the error I get when I run my Nest js app in Docker, It runs perfectly without Docker : DEBUG: Starting HTTP inbound transport { "port": 8000 } DEBUG: Starting HTTP outbound ...
Lobo1897's user avatar
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2 answers

Roles assignement in Hyperledger Indy

How are the roles assigned to the nodes in hyperledger indy , is it configured through a file or by some other proceedure ? And are the roles assigned to nodes or agents ? I read the documentation of ...
Mehul Ratra's user avatar
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Indy-sdk building error: "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64"

I was trying to build indy-sdk manually (auto-build didnt work) from the hyperledger docs macOS Monterey 12.6.6, Xcode 14.0.1, terminal zsh related libraries installed: pkg-config, libsodium 1.0.12, ...
anibal's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

trying to send schema to ledger(trying to make identifcation system using hyperledger indy)

"Schema Builder" -> Send "Device Profile" Schema to Ledger {"reqId":1683198357199119479,"identifier":"2qzghpxTM5H81hUbYFmPR4","reason":&...
amit jatola's user avatar
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Installation error while installing npm package of indy-sdk on windows 10

Actually I was installing aries js framework But the issue specifically comes when it install one of its dependency indy-SDK npm package. I am quite new with the Hyperledger and i am not sure what's ...
Pranshu_Taneja's user avatar
-2 votes
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make an image in docker

actually i have a project to develop ssi concept, and i use sovrin platform to develop ssi concept with indy network. and in the indy network documentation I followed the steps that were ordered, the ...
aldy nifratama's user avatar
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Where are domain genesis transactions (creating trustee DIDs) in Hyperledger Indy getting_started example?

I'm running the Hyperledger Indy example at I see there are pool genesis transactions created with ...
hackinghorn's user avatar
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Android Indy wallet backup and restore issue

I am trying to restore and backup Indy wallet but I am getting IO exception. Read and write permission already given but still same. Is anyone faced this issue ? I am trying this sample https://github....
sanjay singh Bisht's user avatar
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Docker build fails with error "Unable to locate package" when trying to set up local node pool for Hyperledger Indy on MacOS m1

I have been wanting to play around with Hyperledger Indy, and I seem to have gotten the necessary sdk installed correctly. However, when I go to build the docker image for a local node pool, I keep ...
Drew's user avatar
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ClassNotFoundException when try to run cordenity with Corda

I'm trying to invoke the com.luxoft.blockchainlab.corda.hyperledger.indy.flow.b2b.GetDidFlowB2B flow on corda. But it throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/Callback at com.luxoft....
Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Custom MSP for Hyperledger Fabric

I'm trying to use DIDs/VCs from hyperledger Indy with Hyperledger Fabric. Simply I want to replace Fabric's certificate based identity/MSP with DIDs/VCs. However, as far as I understand this is not ...
Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne's user avatar
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1 answer

Indy-cli crashed when executing did new seed

I am using indy-node and indy-sdk on CentOS 7 vm. And want to connect ( Connection and wallet creation are ok but create new did failed. indy> pool ...
allenchen's user avatar
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What does the On-boarding mean?

I am reading the getting started from indy-node. The getting-started.svg shows flows with Onboarding steps, i.e. Apply for the job with Acme - Onboarding. What does this mean? Thank you in advance.
allenchen's user avatar
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Hyperledger Indy Creating RevocationRegistry Fails, malformed credDefId because of schema_ref

I am currently trying to write a revocation registry definition (revRegDef) to a Hyperledger Indy pool as shown in the Indy Getting Started. The workflow is like this: create a schema using the ...
DeoxyribonucleicAcid's user avatar
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InvalidStructureException with error code 113 when sending proof using AMAX(aries-mobile-agent-xamarin)

I am running Aries mobile agent based on aries-mobile-agent-xamarin. When sending proof using Xamarin Anroid emulator, I got InvalidStructureException with error code 113. It is coming from Indy SDK, ...
gan's user avatar
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Hyperledger Indy - What's the difference between Trust Anchor and ENDORSER?

I read and I think Trust ...
MiryangJung's user avatar
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Mapping between Sovrin Nets and genesys files

Here is is mentioned that there are three Sovrin Networks: MainNet (prod) StageNet (pre-prod) BuilderNet (test) But I can not find genesis files for those networks. In sovrin github https://github....
Ivan's user avatar
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node-gyp rebuild error on docker hyperledger indy

I am using hyperledger indy for my thesis. Indy runs on docker. But whenever I try to build my docker-compose, npm install command in agentDockerfile throws node-gyp rebuild error.I am installing node ...
Mesbah's user avatar
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Aries-Cloudagen-Python 0.6.0 release: Verify Credential before storing it in wallet

As of in the ...
Futureman2007's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 : Error "Could not connect to (" while running "apt-get update " command in a dockerfile

I will put across my issue as follows : I want to build a docker image for Hyperledger Indy-sdk While building docker image it uses docker-compose command to build two images and combine them i.e., ...
manoj's user avatar
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What is the difference between indy-node and indy-sdk?

I would like to know the difference between indy-node and indy-sdk? When to use indy-node and when to use indy-sdk. Is indy-node using indy-sdk internally?
tushar bansal's user avatar
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How to tag a credential in hyperledger indy wallet

For indy wallet how can we attach tag on credential to achieve following in the use cases To sort credentials based on date with issue date tag added to the credential To fetch credentials based on ...
Priya's user avatar
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Hyperledger Indy - VON-network error - Error initializing pool ledger

I am trying to run von-network on using docker. These are the steps that i followed. Clone von-network repo form Ran ./manage build Then ./manage start --logs At ...
Asad Hayat's user avatar
4 votes
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Aca-py 0.6.0: INFO Ledger instance not provided error/bug?

i am new to Hyperledger Aries and i can´t figure out what i am doing wrong. Environment: Ubuntu16LTS Docker 18.09.7 build 2d0083d hyperledger-aries-python version: 0.6.0 (sourcecode) From the aca-py ...
Futureman2007's user avatar
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How to setup Postgres as Database for Hyperledger Aries DotNet Mediator

Im using Hyperledger.Aries.Routing.Mediator in Nuget Version 1.5.5 and want to use the Hyperledger Indy-Postgres Plugin instead of the default SQLlite. I think that i somewhere must define in my code ...
tkdp's user avatar
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In SSI using Indy, how verifier chooses the schema for proof request?

In a Self Sovereign Identity, when verifier sends a proof request to the holder of credential, how the verifier makes sure to use correct schema id that is related to the holder during the proof ...
Krupakar's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create dynamic map (key/value) pair in daml?

Can anyone tell how to create a dynamic map in daml? For example :- "r": { "age": "...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't install indy-sdk in ubuntu 20.04

I want to install indy-sdk in ubuntu 20.04, but I can't find any documentation about it. How can I install it?
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
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What's the method in libindy to create a credential proposal?

The following aries RFC #36 mentions an opional step "propose-credential" ...
Jorge Alvarado's user avatar
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Hyperledger Indy: Java wrapper cannot create DID

I am trying to run the java samples of the Hyperledger Indy SDK. I have cloned the git repository of indy-sdk, built the and use the Java Indy library version 1.15.0 (also tried with 1.14.2,...
Manfred's user avatar
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Manage callbacks for Hyperledger Indy iOS SDK

I created a new xCode project (swiftUI) and I followed the guide to install the Indy iOS SDK. Link: The pod has been ...
zampi91's user avatar
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Error when starting aca-py agent with the help of seed parameter

I am trying to start the aca-py agent with the command :- aca-py start --wallet-name user3 --wallet-key user3 --wallet-type indy --genesis-file /<PATH_TO_GENESIS_FILE>/...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar
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Building interactive console app with Web SDK

I'm going my first steps with .NET Core 3.1 by trying to build an agent/client for the Hyperledger Indy project. They provide a dotnet framework. The used SDK is Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web. Heres my simple ...
haggis's user avatar
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What is the tails-server-base-url? and how should it be configured?

I have installed the indy-sdk in my system and started the ledger network (It is running). After that I setup the aries-cloudagent and ran the agent (as a steward) using the aca-py command. Now, with ...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar
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How to create docker image for dotnet app?

I have a dotnet project that work when i do dotnet run, i am trying to containerize that dotnet project. For that i have create the Dockerfile as below: FROM ...
yatharth meena's user avatar
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Errors while creating pool using indy-cli

I have ran the indy_pool network and it is up using the command : docker run -itd -p 9701-9708:9701-9708 indy_pool Now, I have installed indy-cli in my system Now when I am trying to create a pool ...
Enthusiast Coder's user avatar