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Can Not Receive Offered Verifiable Credential From Issuer - credo-ts

To issue a verifiable credential to a specific holder, I send a credential offer to the holder that is connected beforehand by DIDComm but the holder cannot receive/accept the credential offer. I use ...
Chalex's user avatar
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Could Not Connect to Hyperledger Indy Test Pool via Python Wrapper - Error: indy.dll not found

I am trying to create and connect to a local Indy test ledger using the Docker image file from the indy-sdk repository. However, my Python code is giving the error: '_load_cdll: Can't load libindy: ...
grncds's user avatar
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Hyperledger Fabric Python SDK Error: "Access Denied" and "Socket Connection Closed" Issues

I've been working with Hyperledger Fabric and ran into an error while testing with the Python SDK. The error message I get is: "error": "<_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that ...
jona joy's user avatar
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Error installing chaincode (java) in HyperledgerFabric usinng Bevel 1.1 helm chart

I am deploying a Fabric 2.5.4 network using Hyperledger Bevel v1.1 (not through Ansible and Flux but just using Helm charts thanks to this new feature in Bevel 1.1) All process is solved but untill I ...
icordoba's user avatar
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Hyperledger Fabric - Prometheus's index ledger_transaction_count is different as the transaction on chain

Hyperledger Fabric: v2.5.2 I have a Grafana and Prometheus, one of the index 'Ledger Transaction Count' or ledger_transaction_count is showing different transaction numbers on-chain of the sum of my ...
Taniel Kong's user avatar
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How does one deploy Hyperledger Fabric components separately using Minifabric on different machines?

While working on setting up a Hyperledger Fabric network using Minifabric, one had successfully used Minifabric to bring up the entire network as a whole, but now, it is required to deploy the ...
Nobr's user avatar
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err: bad proposal response 500: cannot create ledger from genesis block: LedgerID already exists

There was a problem with the test network of the fabric. Commands: ./ createChannel question Channel 'mychannel' created Joining org1 peer to the channel... Using organization 1 + peer ...
shiqian li's user avatar
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Getting "Invalid token in authorization header" error while registering user with Hyperledger Fabric CA

I am trying to register and enroll users using Hyperledger Fabric CA in my Node.js application. However, I keep getting the following error when attempting to register a user: 2024/07/21 09:33:53 [...
Mathavan Krishnan's user avatar
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Error on outputChannelCreateTx: config update generation failure: cannot define a new channel with no Consortium value with fabric 2.5

I am using fabric 2.5 image for my project this is my configtx.yaml file Organizations: &OrdererOrg Name: OrdererOrg ID: OrdererMSP MSPDir: ../organizations/ordererOrganizations/ ...
Rakesh M's user avatar
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hyperledger fabric ClientHandshake

I am trying one handson session tutorial: in that at the stage of install chaincode i worked on following command then got following: peer lifecycle chaincode install property.tar.gz --peerAddresses ...
Rohini Sarode's user avatar
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hyperledger fabric invoke is giving error without syntax error

i am doing research in blockchain and i am trying to do work with erc721 tokens but fabric is giving me so much trouble. #!/bin/sh ./ down sudo ./ up -ca -s couchdb sudo ./network....
surya narayanan's user avatar
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How to reset the test-network to its "blank" state

I've been playing around with Hyperledger's fabric-operations-console and the test-network. It's been a while and I was really pleasantly surprised as to how easy it is to spin up a lab to use for ...
Salomon's user avatar
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Issue doing benchmarking with Hyperledger Caliper.....where transactions interacting with already deployed Contract

I am trying to benchmark a smart contract using Hyperledger Caliper. I use the below code and it works absolutely fine. However, if the contract is already deployed I am unable to interact with it ...
111Seven's user avatar
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HyperLedger Fabric: getting connection refused - when trying to add an orderer node to a channel via osnChannelJoin

Fabric Version - 2.4. TLS is enabled both for ORDERER_GENERAL and ORDERER_ADMIN. 3 EtcdRaft orderers configured, each with it's own admin. Using fabric-tools, I can ping the administrator's host ...
Ice Tweak's user avatar
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failed to determine cluster membership from join-block: failed to validate config metadata of ordering config: duplicate consenter

I have 1 TLS CA, 1 root CA, 1 intermediate CA. My registration and enrolling of components pass successfully. I generated application channel genesis block. My configtx.yaml: Organizations: - &...
Ivan's user avatar
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Error while configuring hyperledger explorer using fabric-ca

Explorer logs: Error instantiating FabricCAServices Error: Calling enroll endpoint failed, CONNECTION Timeout | at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (/opt/explorer/...
user22222222222222's user avatar
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Deploying Hyperledger : configtxgen issue

I am building a hyperledger fabric from scratch , I took most of the commands from but I am using image
George Cosmin's user avatar
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Getting Error: error validating proposal: access denied: channel [mainchannel] creator org unknown, creator is malformed in fabric-gateway nodejs

While trying to connect to the Peer using fabric-gateway in nodejs i am getting the following error: /home/kshitij/Desktop/api/fabric-test-task/node_modules/@hyperledger/fabric-gateway/dist/client.js:...
Kshitij Sonawane's user avatar
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Getting EndorseError: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Name resolution failed for target dns:grpcs://localhost:9051 while using fabric-gateway

I am trying to create a gateway using @hyperledger/fabric-gateway module in Nodejs. I am able to enroll the admin and the user but after creating the gateway the NetworkImpl and ContractImpl both are ...
Kshitij Sonawane's user avatar
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HLF operator peer pod not creating issue

I am creating a hyperledger fabric network with hlf operator(version 1.8.0). here i am getting an issue of peer not getting created when i hit this command kubectl hlf peer create --statedb=couchdb --...
Suraj Chitroda's user avatar
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Does Hyperledger Fabric Gateway Service send a transaction to an orderer if there were not enough endorsement approvals from other peers collected?

Starting from Hyperledger Fabric v2.4 there is a Gateway Service. It helps to make transaction flow more easy for the client. So the client doesn't need to collect endorsements manually. But the ...
Dmitry Barovik's user avatar
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Hyperledger-Fabric AMB connect to Typescript

I tried to connect Hyperledger fabric(AMB) 2.2 using typescript but I am getting errors so Plz provide any tutorial or repository link for this? I tried with typescript code in fabric - samples 2.2 ...
vinoth s's user avatar
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Integrating Hyperledger fabric and Hyperledger indy

I need to generate a verifiable credential for a digital asset based on some non sensitive information from Hyperledger fabric network . For instance, use api endpoint to pull some reference ...
skr's user avatar
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Hyperledger fabric system channel orderers update error 1.4

Im trying to update the system channel in order to add a new Orderer. The protobuf is signed by the organization admin and I see that it gets to the Orderer that I send the transaction, but I can not ...
Bentipe's user avatar
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Cannot run peer because cannot init crypto, specified path "/home/ubuntu/fabric-samples/config/msp" does not exist or cannot be accessed

In the implementation of multi-machine deployment, after I successfully deployed the network, the chain code can be successfully initialized in the container, and the invoke and query are successful. ...
JiJun Wang's user avatar
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Getting build error for fabric. Can someone assist on this?

I'm trying to build the development environment for hyperledger fabric from :, fabric 2.2.14; While running make command I am getting leveldb: closed error. I am ...
Manisha Mahapatra's user avatar
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Hyperledger Fabric development Jira references inaccessible

There are so many references to jira stories/epics of Hyperledger Fabric open source development in many of the issue discussions, documentation and stackoverflow answers, etc. These reference URLs ...
KIRAN KUMAR B's user avatar
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Error during Hyperledger Composer network install: npm ERR! command failed with node-gyp rebuild

I'm trying to install a network on Hyperledger Composer using the following command: composer network install -c PeerAdmin@HealthData-network -a [email protected] However, I'm encountering ...
Nasirudeen Luqman Kunle's user avatar
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CST 0001 ERRO [comm.tls] ClientHandshake -> Client TLS handshake failed after 173.725µs with error EOF remoteaddress=

fabric: v2.5.4 docker: v24.0.5 docker-compose: v1.25.0 When running ./ createChannel, the error occurs. Channel 'mychannel' created Joining org1 peer to the channel... Using ...
user23861106's user avatar
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How to install fabric-sdk-py in my Easpberry Pi4

I'm trying to install fabric-sdk-py on Raspberry Pi 4 but It does not install. I want to send some sensor data from my raspberry pi 4 to my Hyperledger fabric network, I have a python script to read ...
Laura Rojas's user avatar
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hyperledger fabric can we intergrate existing database into a blockchain network and how?

i am trying to learn how to work with hyperledeger fabric but i have a lot of question that i couldn't find a answer for how is hyperledger fabric is implemented in organization and not just locally? ...
kina7899's user avatar
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Accessing Fabric CA Server with REST API (Authentication Error) Using the above link as reference, I've success with the cainfo method (using localhost:27054/api/v1/cainfo). ...
Shubham Prajapati's user avatar
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Learning Hyperledger Fabric & setting up a simple network. Stuck on an error while trying to regenerate the channel configuration transaction

Command I am using on Terminal: "configtxgen -profile OneOrgOrdererGenesis -outputCreateChannelTx /Users/anmolmanchanda/go/src/ -...
Anmol Manchanda's user avatar
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Setting up gRPC Proxies for HLF Operator Operations Console

I've hit a roadblock recently while working on setting up the Fabric console. While I've managed to successfully deploy the console, I'm stuck at the gRPC proxies part. Despite my efforts to dive into ...
Haaris Khatri's user avatar
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2024-02-15 10:03:17.264 UTC [endorser] SimulateProposal -> ERRO 08c failed to invoke chaincode token-erc-721, error: container exited with 1

ehtasham@ehtasham-9876-1961A:~/fabric-samples/test-network$ ./ deployCC -ccn token-erc-721 -ccp ../token-erc-721/chaincode-javascript/ -ccl javascript deploying chaincode on channel '...
Ehtasham Farid's user avatar
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Hyperledger Fabric CA Certificate Error with Fabric Samples deployment

I was trying the steps mentioned for the deployment of Asset Transfer Basic Chaincode mentioned here. I could deploy the ...
Gokul Alex's user avatar
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How to manage dynamic data format in hyperledger

I am new to hyperledger and writing chaincode in golang for a fictional farm product. The flow of main stakeholders of the supply chain system are as follows: Farm -> logistics -> aggregation ...
Rishabh Raghwendra's user avatar
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hyperledger fabric sdk trying to create channel when there is one already

my problem is that my java application for hyperledger tries to create channel when there is one already created and i don't have any idea why. I have no idea what to do further with this but would ...
Hubert Jaworski's user avatar
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Failed to evaluate transaction: Error: DiscoveryService: mychannel error: access denied

I succeeded in operating the test-network provided by hyperledger fabric v2.2 itself. (1) Chaincode installation complete - ./ deployCC -ccn basic -ccp ../asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-...
dev-ju's user avatar
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Fabric Operations Console with Kubernetes Cluster on GKE Autopilot

I've been working on a Hyperledger Fabric based project that requires a console for viewing transactions carried out in the network. I tried using Fabric Operations Console (
Haaris Khatri's user avatar
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Not able receive block level events in hyperledger fabric golang

I was trying to listen block level events in Golang. I am not able to receive blocklevel events at all. It is just showing block 0 always and not moving ahead. I have given the sample code. Please let ...
user915170's user avatar
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How to send data from Adonis js API to fabric-sample ledger of Hyperledger fabric?

I am trying to send data from my Adonis js application to fabric-sample ledger but getting below error, i am not able to make connection between these two technologies. ERROR: [18:08:05.471] ERROR (...
Archit's user avatar
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Hyperledger Fabric OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process:

I am trying to create a channel using Hyperledger Fabric, but I encountered the following error: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "./scripts/...
Nobr's user avatar
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I get an error message when installing Casey.just using winget for a hyperledger fabric project

trying to install Just [Casey.Just] using this code in powershell for a Hyperledge fabric project winget install --id Casey.Just --exact after a while of showin this: Downloading
Osemu Aimiosior's user avatar
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Enable gRPC verbose logs for Hyperledger Fabric

I am observing so many gossip related issues across Hyperledger Fabric v2.4.7 network peers. To know the root cause I have enabled the verbose gRPC logs as per go-grpc official doc. I configured these ...
KIRAN KUMAR B's user avatar
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Python ReportLab Table of Contents Page Numbering Problem

I need to generate a PDF w/Table of Contents in python (v3.10) using reportlab (v3.6.10) (SimpleDocTemplate). The page numbers need to be dynamically set, but the examples I've been able to find do ...
cornhenge's user avatar
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TLS (Transport Layer Security) Issue when Creating Channel in Hyperledger Fabric

I'm developing a project with Hyperledger Fabric using the test-network, and while trying to run the components separately, I encountered two issues when calling the createChannel script. Firstly, ...
Nobr's user avatar
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Blockchain network hyperledger fabric - client application cannot connect to peer

I use application client nodejs to connect peer in blockchain network hyperledger fabric, but not action. Please help me Connect file json: { "name": "test-network", "...
GiangSoda's user avatar
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How to Retain Credential Exchange Records from Issuer Perspective After Completion in ACA-Py?

I'm working with ACA-Py and have used the --preserve-exchange-records command to retain credential exchange records after completion. However, it seems that this command only retains records from the ...
Nuwairah's user avatar
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Create and get pseudonym of a transaction of credential issue using Hyperledger Indy

I am trying to dive deep in this example of Hyperledger Indy about how to issue a credential. Basically, an "author 1" creates a schema definition and stores it in the ledger. Then this ...
brenodacosta's user avatar

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