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How to Add a Profile Image Upload Field in Auth0Lock SignUp Form?

I'm using Auth0Lock to handle user signups in my application. The default additionalSignUpFields option allows me to add fields like full_name and phone_number, but I need to add an image upload field ...
Om_Telavane's user avatar
-2 votes
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how to learn javascript [closed]

I want to learn JavaScript. What can I do to get started? Please help me by giving a step-by-step explanation on how to learn JavaScript effectively. please help me in that what can I do. I am ...
swapnali kulkarni's user avatar
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Amadeus Flight Search API Returning Internal Server Error (500)

I was getting error as Internal Server Error (500) when I use flight search API with correct parameters. If any thing wrong in my code can anyone explain me. { "errors": [ { "code"...
Rushabh Dhamne's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to make divs hight flexable inside another div? [closed]

"SearchForm" has a display of none and a height of 40px. The display is toggled to block with JavaScript onclick of a button. I need "AppAccordion" and "SystemMenu" be ...
DUSTIN ANGELETTI's user avatar
-1 votes
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Converted Vite App to React - Build Works Fine, but Development Shows Runtime Errors

I recently converted a Vite app to a React app Create React App (CRA) and CRACO (Create React App Configuration Override). The build process works perfectly, and the production build is functioning as ...
Aditya Raj's user avatar
-3 votes
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how do view id datas in firebase [closed]

import { initializeApp } from ""; import { addDoc, collection, getFirestore, getDocs, deleteDoc, doc} from "https://www.gstatic....
sri mathan's user avatar
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How to use Javascript's drag and drop Api to sort rows and colums displayed as grid

I have the following grid: <html> <head> <style> .grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px 100px 100px; grid-template-...
pistacchio's user avatar
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Buildable libraries cannot import or export from non-buildable librarieseslint@nx/enforce-module-boundaries

I am working with an Angular monorepo using Nx, and I've run into an issue while trying to build a component library that's set up to be publishable to npm. My project structure is as follows: nx-...
KRISH KAMANI's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Login Not happening Correctly in Codeignitor php 7.4

When I click on Login button, 1) then login successfully message appears. 2) I also checked session is created successfully as I put response line $resp = array('status'=>'1','msg'=>$this->...
Muhammad Sarmad Mahmood Malik's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error " is not a function" when modifying cells of tables retrieved from BigQuery via an API

Here's the revised version of your question with the HTML structure and server details included: Title: Error " is not a function" when modifying cells of tables retrieved from ...
Jose David Castro Cervantes's user avatar
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How can I play Widevine encrypted audio in the browser?

I already have everything set up (license, server certificate, media keys, all of that) I just want to load the entire file into an audio element and have it work. I can barely even find any ...
shy's user avatar
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Snowflake sproc for handling dynamic files

Have a need to build an sproc in Snowflake in order to adjust columns in the DB table based on the file that is in the external stage and it's loaded into a final table. Need to compare columns in ...
Andy's user avatar
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JS variable from html undefined [duplicate]

I wrote this code 2-3 years ago for a class and it worked perfectly. I know this as I got a perfect score on the assignment it was for. But recently I went back to the program and found that it no ...
bombhawk's user avatar
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want to pass Ip, country for all http request header and after save all data

When I use that way all the time IP and country pass null in the backend I need to pass the value for the activity log I use the backend for Java Spring boot And use AOP for this I solve below ...
Md.Arif Shakil Nobin's user avatar
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Chrome Extension: content.js triggered only once whereas "url" is changing

I am new to Chrome Extensions ("CE") and JS. Using CE with JS I am scraping data from a website while I visit it (active tab). It works the first time I navigate a matching url (defined in ...
Je Je's user avatar
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When a function is the return value of another function, when is that function called? [duplicate]

I am going over Lexical Environments on I can't determine when the returned function is actually called. function makeCounter() { let count = 0; return function() { return ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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Eggshell gradients in css

What is the best strategy to creating subtle complex gradients like the attached. I tried to see what the css was in this element, but it may be set in the canvas javascript itself. I am not sure if ...
The Old County's user avatar
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How Can I Prevent Duplicate Behavior on prevState at counter in React?

I am completely new to React and trying to understand lessons related to prevState, particularly with counters. I tried to create buttons named by the counter number when clicking another button, but ...
Mehmet Emre Sever's user avatar
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Why http.server does not deliver the data to the CGI script in this basic example?

I am testing the legacy CGI functionality of python http.server module by implementing a "hello world" alike example that sends data from a fictional "add customer" form from the ...
M.E.'s user avatar
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I'm getting this error and i don't know why " Cannot destructure property 'cloud_cover' of 'data' as it is undefined."

This is the block of code that is getting me that error const CurrentWeather = ({ data }) => { const { cloud_cover, feels_like, humidity, icon_num, precipitation, summary, ...
Eduardo De La Cruz's user avatar
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Error using Firebase Auth through vscode Live Server extension [closed]

I am trying to test my firebase app using vscodes live server extension, but when i try logging in it gives unauthorized domain error. Im using vanilla js firebase skd. This is the url: http://127.0.0....
Julian's user avatar
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3 answers

How to trigger multiple animations when the user clicks on the <a> (link)

I have this Html code and I want all the animations to be played after clicking on the link : document.querySelector('.play').addEventListener('click', function() { document.querySelector('....
Mehrad's user avatar
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How can I display chart js graph data line like a heartbeat design?

I make an graph for my project. Everythings seems working well. I just wanted to show my graph data line like a heart beat design. If i manually do that, seems like i need to insert so many data. I ...
Rejuan hossain's user avatar
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How to draw a custom inclined line on Chartjs

I'm trying out some open source JavaScript graphing libraries (point and lines) that launch in a browser page to check and see which one is best. After watching some example on I stumbled ...
user20417316's user avatar
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"Clear" Button Function not Triggering in Simple Calculator App

I'm building a simple calculator app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I’ve encountered an issue where the "Clear" button in my calculator does not seem to trigger the associated function. ...
Bhuvan A's user avatar
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Dynamic Astro.js Link with data from api

We have a page where we are going to call some data from API, and use one of these data to create a variable link. Our page code includes the following which calls 3 variables from API. I plan to use {...
Yousef Keyghobadi's user avatar
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Remotely running JavaScript function and returning result [closed]

I have a simple folder with two html, js, and css files I want to be able to click a button on one html file and when I do I want it to execute a js function on the other one and return results to the ...
Noob's user avatar
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I'm stuck for 5 days on solving an issue with node.js

I'm taking the web application course and have been building my own website on the side. I'm trying to have items.js grab contents from the posts(.html) save them in an object, and then app.js will ...
Purply Main's user avatar
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Cannot get microphone to work properly in WebView

I'm having trouble getting the microphone to work within a WebView. There's a webpage that I know I can use to test my microphone. It works perfectly in Safari. When I talk, I can see the bursts on ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

I'm encountering an issue with OTP (One-Time Password) verification in my ASP.NET Core application. I have implemented a LoginWithOTP endpoint in my AuthController, but the OTP code verification is ...
Trust Maramba's user avatar
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Background Image Not Displaying on Smaller Screens with Tailwind CSS

I’m having trouble with a background image not displaying correctly on smaller screens in a Tailwind CSS-based project. The image is correctly showing up on larger screens, but it's not visible or ...
doneil chapman's user avatar
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Issue with Reinitializing Cropper After Adding Image with Dropzone

Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; var cropper; $(document).ready(function() { $('#cropperModal').on('', function() { console.log(''); //var $image = $(...
Stephanie Fischer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Function Gets Client's IpAddress

I have A function That Gets My IpAddress when i Try To upload this Function to a server it gets the server IpAddress Not The Client That Makes the action on the Server . i tried to search to make it ...
Ahmed ismaiel el shaer's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to fix an AssertionError [closed]

To me actual and expected look same but i am getting an AssertionError showing that values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected undefined * John Doe * I am trying to return a function parameter ...
transgenic's user avatar
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how to convert atob() result to ArrayBuffer in javascript [closed]

I need to decode a base64 encoded gzip compressed string to its original form in browser with javascript. I'm referencing to the compress() and decompress() method in this page. The compress method ...
H.Sheng's user avatar
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Why aren't SSE messages automatically rendering in my app's live feed?

I'm building a CRM application that uses Server-Sent Events to receive real-time updates for new messages (pretty simplistic chat UI). While the messages update when I click on a user in the ...
Colin Foley's user avatar
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How to append a symbol to user input and allow backspace once appended (to ignore it)

I have a field where the user can enter a number, and I'm trying to append a % symbol to it as the user types. I've done it, but as soon as it appears, the user can no longer use the backspace key, as ...
bboooooyintheuk's user avatar
-1 votes
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Notice: PHP Request Startup: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0 [duplicate]

I am using dropzone library to upload image in directory in Laravel 10 version. The dropzone JavaScript below and server side code is working fine. From server response they are giving me result in ...
Waqar Developer's user avatar
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How to prevent the right and bottom edges of my grid from being white on certain grid sizes?

I have an etch-a-sketch program which works fine apart from one small issue. When I click the "change grid size" button and enter certain numbers (such as 51, 44, 45), the right and bottom ...
alexanderherta's user avatar
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Single Browser Window for an application when opened from multiple consuming applications

Let's say there is an application AppOne and multiple consumers ClientOne, ClientTwo, ClientThree and so on are opening this application. Client applications opens application AppOne with a same named ...
Siddhaveeraiah T M's user avatar
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How can I solve error Cannot access contents of the page which occurs when preview is displayed in safari?

I'm building an extension for safari. I realized when I hold down the link, it shows the preview of the website and it causes errors in background.js. The preview is like this image. preview in safari ...
user23266137's user avatar
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Hide section of form by fieldset id in pmpro based on membership level

I gave a code here but its not working I am using elemetor page builder function show_tax_excemption_upload(){ if (function_exists('pmpro_hasMembershipLevel') && pmpro_hasMembershipLevel('Tax ...
Rovic De Lara's user avatar
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RTK Query. Using mutation on component load causes infinite loop

I forgot how to work with React Redux, but now I work on a project, where we are introducing Redux and I try to implement server calls via modern Redux-Toolkit (RTK) Query mechanism. The problem is ...
Olga Nosova's user avatar
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Alpine.js data update not reflected in the frontend

I'm creating a small app using Alpine.js in Typescript, but ran into an issue with my property change not being reflected in the frontend. I want to change the property progress inside my Group ...
Yami's user avatar
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Retrieve subtree recursively JS [duplicate]

I am writing a function which takes a tree of categories and category id and returns a subtree starting the node with cpecified id. In other words I pass tree: const tree = [ { "id&...
Anton's user avatar
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why is my input not registering text or capturing the value of what i am typing in?

Im working on some code thats using react hook form to capture input states and im not exactly sure why when I type into the input, specifically the one with the placeholder text of "Or search ...
mattangel's user avatar
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Can we stop Guard to proceed until api loads data in Angular

I have applied guard to route, before guard return true/false, I want to load sidebar menu from api. It loads and works perfectly but when I refresh the page guard proceeds as false and did not wait ...
Muhammad Arslan's user avatar
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How to use d3.js to emulate spreadsheet-like keyboard navigation

I have built a webpage using HTML/JS with D3.js to allow data entry/editing. The data is output to the page as a table and there are input boxes to allow the user to update information and then send ...
Carl Peterson's user avatar
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In Streamlit framework how to customize the st.file_uploader i need only browse file button. Tried all the custom css method but didn’t worked

st.file_uploader() ` Tried the custom css but may class name got changed Had also tried the bidirectional way using custom component but it didn’t worked had used JavaScript to handle the file and ...
Snje's user avatar
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JavaScript To Combine Multiple Text Fields / Creating Consistent File Names [closed]

When reviewing stackoverflow I found a question and answer on what I am looking to include in an Install Report Subject Combine Multiple Input Fields into One Input Field with JavaScript? Although I ...
DakotaBuilt's user avatar

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