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System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(idocData)

I have a project in .net C#. That is throwing me an error when large objects (above 100 parameters), try to serialize into json. Error given is: "System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is ...
KrumpiDumpi's user avatar
-1 votes
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SQL query with JSON and WHERE clause

I have a postgreSQL table that contains the following: select * from ci_grp; ci | grp ------------+------------------------------------------------------------...
Pascal's user avatar
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Transform a JSON array by Jolt into a new JSON object

I have an array of JSON Objects that I need to transform into a new array of JSON Objects that align with my schema. I am new to Jolt and my output is not what I need. I tried multiple ways but not ...
Ankur Saxena's user avatar
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Online API portal provider's parser doesn't parse the api doc(json) correctly when the request body's content type is x-www-form-urlencoded

Currently I am using the API portal service of apiable to test and publish the pre-developed APIs. The problem is the apiable's doc parser doesn't parse correctly (the request body data's properties ...
user26728383's user avatar
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JSON parse error: Cannot construct instance: no int/Int-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value

I am trying to insert user record using mysql database @Entity @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Data public class Customer { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType....
Mahesh Guduru's user avatar
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How to convert pydantic nested model to dictionary and push to dynamodb?

i have a pydantic model , sample below, now in my python code, i'm reading the data and pushing into dynamodb. when i print the each record, it has this structure { "Name": "jhon&...
kishi's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Type-safe deserialization using Moshi and Gson in Kotlin or Java

I have the following JSON: { "a": 1, "b": 1.1 } I want to deserialize it into a Kotlin data class. The following is my data class: data class Data( val a: Int? = null, val ...
Bugs Happen's user avatar
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Flatten a JSON Nested Array in Azure Synapse pipeline

I am trying to flatten a JSON which has nested array objects with 1:M mapping. Please refer below JSON response. { "result": [ { "data": [ { ...
sac's user avatar
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Jolt transformation to grouping ID by inside the nested json

I have below tried to build the json by using the jolt spec by remove the id in the nested json array please help me to provide the expected out json below Transactions object grouping ID needs to be ...
manjunath k's user avatar
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How can I efficiently iterate over a large JSON object in Python to extract specific values?

I'm working with a large JSON object in Python, and I need to extract specific values based on certain keys. Here's a simplified version of the JSON structure: { "data": [ { &...
hotnoob's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How do I use Json response into an event of Ajax request?

Hi i am using the following code to send an ajax request in my application //dal form utente e password $("#btn_login").on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); username = $("#...
Marisa's user avatar
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Amazon SP-API A+ Content Document Examples javascript WYSIWYG editor which outputs JSON

In the Amazon SP-API A+ Content Document Examples at the sample screens show a javascript WYSIWYG control which outputs JSON ...
Tony Marston's user avatar
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Stepfunction pass variables from json to aws batch container

I am creating a stepfunction that submits a batch job with terraform. I am facing an issue with environment variables. Here I am passing 2 variables $IMAGE and $ENV and are getting overwritten ...
omar's user avatar
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JSON parsing in chunks in Swift? [closed]

I'm trying to implement JSON streaming from the OpenAI API in Swift, similar to what can be done with this JS library: The goal is to improve user ...
Mane Manero's user avatar
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How to read and decode a remote JSON data in Jetpack Compose app?

By placing the JSON file locally in src/main/assets folder you can easily access its content to deserialize it (I used .decodeFromString() method here). However, it's not clear how to deserialize a ...
kronstadt's user avatar
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Python to convert tab delimited file as json with supplied argument and additional keys

I'm looking to convert the two column tab delimited file to a 'key:value' and dump as json format, together with set of keys and argument sample_id = 'WGNP1000001'. Here's my input and expected output ...
user3214212's user avatar
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Issues with Emitting Events to Socket.IO Server on Different URLs and JSON Data Conversion

I am working on a Node.js backend project using Socket.IO and am facing two issues when trying to interact with the Socket.IO endpoints via Postman: 1. Connection and Event Emission Issue on Different ...
azam45's user avatar
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Google maps old JSon style targeting forrests

For context I am working on a .net MAUI app for iOS and Android using the Maui.GoogleMaps plugin, and need to style the default map to show forests clearly. Using the "new" google maps ...
JoeTaicoon's user avatar
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normalize a JSON array with jolt

I would like to "normalize" a JSON array of items with the help of jolt. The source json would be like (number and content of attributes may vary) [ { "itemNo": 1012113, &...
Katja Bürger's user avatar
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UTF-8 encoding with LangChain JSONLoader

I have a UTF-8 encoded JSON file containing German "Umlaute", for example: { "json": { "0": { "attr1": "schöne deutsche Wörter"...
johannes89's user avatar
-2 votes
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hellow there i am facing problem with fetch data from json file in jquery and ajx [duplicate]

this my ajax and jquery code i expecting to generae and table get all data from json file by jquery and ajax and it keep give me this issue in consle Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'file:///C:/xampp/...
hatim's user avatar
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Karabiner keys remaping with different language source

Problem with the Karabiner complex rule I use a Cyrillic layout on the US keyboard, for using a slash I have to change the layout every very annoying time. I tried to use Karabiner with a complex rule ...
Monkey Follow the The Sun's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Jolt Spec transformation with nested Array structure

I have a json like { "Product": [ { "id": 123, "name": "foo", "ProductCharge": [ { "productCode": &...
Mahesh Gopalan's user avatar
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1 answer

upload a face with ISAPI

I'm trying to upload a face using the POST method using this endpoint: http://\<ip\>/ISAPI/Intelligent/FDLib/FaceDataRecord?format=json And using this body: { "faceUR": "http://...
Alex c's user avatar
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R Power BI Custom Visual Extra Data

I have created a Power BI custom visual for R based on the Medium and Radacad examples below
JoeK's user avatar
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Node js error Streaming Application in Node [closed]

node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1228 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'express' Require stack: - C:\Users\Khan\Documents\project 7\index.js (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12) { code:...
KHAN UMAIR's user avatar
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Stripping Text From A String Power Automate Desktop

I was looking for an answer to the question above and could only find answers similar to this post here: 'How can I remove text from a string in PowerAutomate?' by Marley (I did want to ask this ...
Daniel Askew's user avatar
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Saving model hyperparameters as dictionary: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

I am tuning some sklearn and tensorflow models, I get the hyperparameters as a dictionary, e.g., {'l1': 0.001, 'lr':0.001} and I save them in a larger dictionary, within my tuning function: def ...
BigBossRob's user avatar
-1 votes
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Iterating over a JSON object

My PS skill are rusty at best. But being faced with users in an AD PS seems to be the tool to use. I need to update some user properties in our AD. To do this, I created a JSON file (something like ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to get an input through user via APIs and return the predicted value [closed]

I have created a machine learning model which predicts a numerical value based on an input string. This input will be coming from an external website and I want to use APIs for the purpose. (I am ...
Sneha's user avatar
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JSON deserialization not working in Jetpack Compose

To decode (deserialize) JSON data in Jetpack Compose seems quite simple, however I've encountered a problem that I can't solve. I'm using the latest version of Android Studio and I'm not sure whether ...
kronstadt's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

checking if element within element has a value != null

My JSON response has this structure: { "hpsId": 10012, "powerPlant": { "name": "xx", "id": xx, "spotlessId": xx, "regionId": xx, &...
Magnus Jensen's user avatar
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JSON to change SharePoint Form "Save" button to "Submit"

I have the following JSON below applied to my SharePoint new add item: There are currently two default buttons "Save" and "Cancel" How can I add to the code below to rename the &...
Sparky's user avatar
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How to customize serialization of a key of a Map with jsoniter

I have a claas that jsoniter is able to create automatically a custom codec, except for the key of a map. How to create a custom codec just for the key? case class IconReference(area: AreaId, source: ...
david.perez's user avatar
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.NET Core migration - migrating Newtonsoft to System.Text.Json

I'm migrating an API from .NET Standard to .NET Core 6, and want to have both API working alongside (to be backward compatible). Therefore I need to use both Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json in order ...
Sahar Toledano's user avatar
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How to parse JSON array that is converted into string in T-SQL

The inventory system I am using, has changed the way of storing the invoice lines and as you can see below the JSON array (Lines) has been converted into a string. [ { "TaskID": &...
user3727275's user avatar
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How to process location data efficently?

I'm fairly new to Python (and development in general) and I've been given a project to get JSON data, that is given to us by a 3rd party (no control), imported into our system. I'm struggling with an ...
Ecornwell's user avatar
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How to configure ignoreUnknownKeys for Kotlin Retrofit2 deserialization converter

I want to deserialize some complex json which has lots of optional keys, in Kotlin. I'm using Retrofit2. I only care about a small subset of the available keys, so rather than trying to rigorously ...
BobDoolittle's user avatar
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Improving efficiency of uj in kdb for a large table

I have a not so massive table. About 500k records. But it is a nested JSON. I have to load it, parse it and flatten the dict (each row is a dict and can have different depths) This takes quite some ...
flavio's user avatar
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How to dynamically create a CSV out of parsed JSON in a Logic App

Overall, I have a logic app that looks like this: The uploaded blob CSVs will have different structures, but will always contain a column that I do not want to send out to the recipients. It's a ...
BlakeB9's user avatar
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Deserialize json field that may be either array or map

I'm getting json data from server API to Android app (Kotlin Serialization + Retrofit) I need to parse a Json with field errors. The issue is the structure of this field. If there are no errors I get ...
Dmitry Vinogradov's user avatar
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What are the performance implications of referencing multiple JSON files compared to having all configurations in a single file? [closed]

I’m working on a web application that uses multiple data tables on the same page. Each data table accepts a JSON file as a prop. The JSON file contains a list of objects, and each object has a config ...
testing's user avatar
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How to implement lazy loading in kendo treeview structure?

var jsonDataParent = @Html.Raw(Model.TrailerModelTreeViewModel.JsonTreeDataBrand); var jsonDataChild = @Html.Raw(Model.TrailerModelTreeViewModel.JsonTreeDataModel); var kendoTreeData = new kendo....
Mhd's user avatar
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How to Use Apiary's Try Console for Testing API Responses?

Its my first time using, I don't know how to use and how the try console works in, for example in the following 200 response with body content like this: Response 200 (application/...
MAXZCV10's user avatar
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Invalid Schema Structure Not Being Enforced In the Networknt json-schema-validator

We've run into an issue where our schema validation doesn't correctly enforce the structure, especially when certain properties have the wrong type. For example, in a JSON Schema, the ...
Manjunath Davanam's user avatar
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Invalid subscriptionPricePoint id eyJzIjoiNjUwNTA0ODMxNiIsInQiOiJBVVMiLCJwIjoiMTAwMDIifQ

API call{id}/pricePoints?filter[territory]=AUS&fields[territories]=currency&fields[subscriptionPricePoints]=customerPrice,equalizations,...
priyank jetani's user avatar
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JOLT Remove Object in Array using values of another field

I struggle to find the right JOLT spec to transform my JSON input properly. I want to achieve the following: Check for each ratingResult the value of corporateFlag. If the value is true then the ...
CC Чебурашка's user avatar
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Frameworks/Solution to make single unified view from multiple JSON fragments? [closed]

Is there any way/framework to make unified view of the multiple JSON fragments at any point of time which can support below operations : 1- resolve conflicts between same key from 2 diff JSON ...
frosty's user avatar
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Triggers to parse and copy data from JSON SQL

I have a tables structure in SQL Server 2019 (v15) like this: Event: server_sequence server timestamp info 1 20240820 16:45:455 [json:ref,isdp,crid,fcc] 2 20240820 16:46:884 [json:den,cur,expo,sts] ...
sadmin's user avatar
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How to write JSON response in chunks

Is it possible to send a HTTP JSON response in chunks (stream)? In the function below you need to have the full response ready before you can start the JSON marshal Let's say you have to send 1000 ...
rick001's user avatar
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