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Mystery Bug Fix in Electron v26 and Mac App Store build

I have an Electron app that uses a native add-on to access the Photos library on macOS. This feature didn't work in the MAS (Mac App Store) build when the sandbox is enabled. Here is what I observed: ...
Hao Xi's user avatar
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How to build C++ project with Apple Hardened Runtime enabled using conan and cmake?

I need to build my C++ project with the Apple Hardened Runtime enabled. How to do that? My current build steps are currently: conan install . --build=missing cmake --preset conan-release cmake --build ...
Fractale's user avatar
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Mac Appstore StoreKit 2 - validate purchase & where is purchase receipt cached?

I am looking at validating the purchase of a paid app from Mac AppStore. Based on this WWDC video about StoreKit 2, I am attempting to this with AppTransaction. I have not found meaningful high-level ...
Rainer's user avatar
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dyld: cannot load 'my_program' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)

I have a C++ program that I compile on Mac OS 13.4.1 using Cmake One of my users has the following error: dyld: cannot load 'my_program' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown) I have no idea why he has ...
Fractale's user avatar
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is there IAP (In App Purchases) for react-native-macos

Hi there I hope you are fine. I'm developing Mac App using react-native-macos. I need to implement the subscription using this npm package. I'm stuck ...
Usama Daood's user avatar
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App Store server notifications always sending notificationType TEST in Sandbox

We have a Mac application that we're migrating to the App Store, and we're testing App Store server notifications and running in Sandbox. We've set up all of the appropriate URL's in App Store ...
Chuck D's user avatar
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How to set NSbutton's image to sequence frame animation

It is the first time to develop a Mac app by myself. I want to set a button,after clicking it, the image of the button will be displayed in the form of sequence frame animation. I set the "image ...
BROWN TOM's user avatar
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AppStore: is it possible to distribute separate builds for x86_64 and arm64

I would like to avoid distributing a universal binary because it adds hundreds of megabytes extra to the total bundle size. (it's PyTorch dylibs) I already figured out how to build them separately in ...
Soid's user avatar
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Test a macOS app made for the Mac App Store on pre-Monterey systems where there is no TestFlight

The problem: If you make a program for the Mac App Store, and you want to test it, e.g. make sure the MASreceipt and/or codesign checking works correctly, you cannot do that with your "Developer ...
Thomas Tempelmann's user avatar
3 votes
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macOS StoreKit2: using AppTransaction.shared triggers user login

I plan to use the new AppTransaction.shared API in StoreKit2 to find the user's original purchase date and version for my macOS app. However, when testing this by running my app with the Xcode ...
Z S's user avatar
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Can't submit mac build to testflight - xcode v14.2

I am trying to submit my build for a mac os app to testflight but i get the error - This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted. Make sure you’re using the latest version of ...
The Prenx's user avatar
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How to prevent Xcode from adding malformed entitlements to my dylibs?

I have a Mac app that was accepted to the Mac App Store when I built it using Xcode 13 (exactly the way I do it now, code signing set to automatic, uploading to the App store using the Organizer in ...
Petter Sjölund's user avatar
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TestFlight claims new version of iOS app can't support macOS 11 on Apple Silicon, only 12. Why?

I'm updating one of my iOS apps, which I also have set to allow distribution on the Mac app store, for Apple Silicon. My app has a deployment target of iOs 9.0, so its quite backwards compatible. Yet, ...
marc hoffman's user avatar
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Get the current selection from macOS Finder

It seems like the only way to get to the currently selected files/folders of the macOS Finder is via the Scripting Bridge. The SwiftScripting project provides some pre-generated extensions to use. The ...
tcurdt's user avatar
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How to select iOS App build for macOS app?

When developing you can use Mac (Designed for iPad) which is running on iOS. When archiving I'm using "Any iOS device (arm64)". In the targets section in Xcode I have selected the iOS SDK ...
b.joe's user avatar
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Asset validation failed (90287) Invalid Code Signing Entitlements when signing an electron app

I am trying for the first time to sign an electron app (via electron-forge that uses @electron/osx-sign under the hood) and public in Mac App Store. After several errors, I could successfully sign but ...
ghaniza's user avatar
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install4j stuck at password input during javafx application code-signing for Mac

Despite all our attempts, we could not get past the password entry popup. Usually, this is an issue with an incorrect password or a "head-space and timing issue", but we've confirmed the ...
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Xamarin and Choosing Provisioning Profile for Distribution via Mac App Store

I'm trying to upload a mac app to the Mac App Store. I have done this successfully with an iOS app, but this is the first time with a mac app. I have an Apple Distribution Certificate: plus a ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to distribute JAR app to apple MAC app store with xcode 13

I have JAR application ready. i have apple account also. Please give me steps to signed app upload
vipulkumarmehta's user avatar
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Why does the Xcode Symbols tool fail when submitting an application to the Mac App Store?

When I submit my application for the Mac App Store I get the following error: The symbols tool failed, could not determine the executable path for the item path: "<DVTFilePath:0x2c242c1c0:'/...
headbanger's user avatar
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mas-dev build won't show open file dialog on an electron app

I've been trying to pack and sign my electron app using this guide. I've signed the app and am able to open app, however, I'm unable to show the open file dialog. Here is the relevant code and configs:...
semanticdiff's user avatar
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How to enable AppleScript between Parent and Child applications within sandbox for Mac App Store?

I have a parent app that contains a child app in the bundle. The child app uses applescript to trigger some events in the parent app. Now that I'm preparing for App Store I have sandboxed the apps and ...
spartygw's user avatar
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Gambling app - React Native vs App Store review guideline

I would like to make a sport betting app with lotteries with access to real money gaming in React Native. Is it possible to store it in the App Store? Because it's gambling app and apple has some ...
Tom Grzanzerian's user avatar
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Mac App Store: "***.app" is damaged and can't be opened

We do receive customer support request for our Mac App Store version where they report only getting an alert "Appname" is damaged and can't be opened. Deleting the app and downloading it ...
catlan's user avatar
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Mac Catalyst: original_application_version app receipt value

I want to use the original_application_version value from the app receipt to grandfather some features for users who are first-time users vs existing users. In the Receipt Validation Programming Guide,...
timschmitz's user avatar
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ERROR ITMS-90283: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle <com.domain.s> [com.domain.s/] is invalid

sorry I'm new to electron and Mac app store. I having some issue when uploading the electron app to Mac app store using transporter. I already created the Provisioning Profile and install certificate ...
Syahrin Seth's user avatar
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Share and install .dylib file to users on macOS App Store?

I am new to macOS app development. I have knowledge on Windows App development. I have a server application which can be installed offline. For communicating there is a client library which is a ....
Rintu's user avatar
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Getting Unnotarized Developer ID

I'm having issues signing my electron mac app. I'm trying to upload the pkg to MacStore, but I get rejected by them as the software appears to be done by an unknown developer. I have my Developer Id ...
Faabass's user avatar
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Creating easy-to-read short links to the App Store for your apps and company

I have several games published on Mac App Store, and I want to add a link to show on Mac App Store all my games. I followed the advice from :
Cezar Wagenheimer's user avatar
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Getting "extension would be able to read and alter webpages..." on Safari Extensions

I'm creating a safari extension that manipulates DOM for a good purpose & runs smoothly on firefox and chrome. However, when I try to upload it in debug mode before launching I get: This extension ...
Daniyal dehleh's user avatar
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App rejected due to "missing terms and conditions in metadata"

I've submitted my app to the App Store and getting rejected because I have to add my terms and conditions to the app metadata. I can't see where to add a link or the text. I asked the reviewers and ...
john elemans's user avatar
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Uploading Electron .app bundle to App Store Connect/Mac App Store

I'm using electron-packager ( to build my electron app and it says in the Readme it's possible to target: macOS (also known as darwin) / Mac App Store (...
Sigurður Jökull's user avatar
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While submitting app in App Store, how to provide credentials when its Mobile OTP based login?

Currently, I'm trying to upload an app to the App Store but since my application is OTP-based login, even if I provide my number it'll send the OTP to my number. I'm also using JWT tokens for every ...
balaji V's user avatar
4 votes
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electron ffmpeg mas build "Illegal instruction: 4"

I am trying to release an electron app on the Mac Apple Store (mas), my electron app uses ffmpeg to render videos. In order to release my app on the mac apple store, It needs to be sandboxed, and by ...
Martin's user avatar
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Mac App Development: "***.app" is damaged and can't be opened

I have a Mac App that I didn't touch for a while. Now, it appears that something around running apps with Mac App Store integrations has changed since macOS Catalina. When I launch the App from XCode ...
martn_st's user avatar
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Install native messaging host for a mac app

I have built a mac osx app with Swift and a chrome extension which communicates with the app to deliver its service. However in order for the extension to be able to talk to the native app I needed to ...
Gumbee's user avatar
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sandboxed electron app cant use ffmpeg (mac apple store)

I am trying to build an electron application for the mac apple store that uses ffmpeg. I can use fluent-ffmpeg locally fine and It continues to work when I build my app for windows/mac/linux, but ...
Martin's user avatar
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Can my app be distributed through the MacOS App Store (struggling with Sandbox)?

I'm new to MacOS app development, and just getting around to hopefully releasing an app. I have two options - the Mac App store or do it through my website. I would have preferred to do via the App ...
Gerry's user avatar
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Apple Distribution vs "3rd Party" certificates

I have a Mac app distributed in the Mac App Store. Previously, I would sign the compiled app with my "3rd Party Mac Developer Application" certificate, and then in the productbuild command ...
Trygve's user avatar
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Is it possible to publish Mac Catalyst app as seperate, macOS only version?

When enabling macOS support in my iOS project it runs fine on my Mac. However, I am not sure how this version will be published. Is it possible to maintain different targets which can be submitted as ...
Andrei Herford's user avatar
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Changing the order of sections in App Store Listing?

When someone comes to my app's page on Apple's App Store, right now they see the sections in this order: Version Information/What's New Section Description Section Is there a way to swap the two ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Broken Developer Certificates and Profiles

I am extremely worried about my certificates/profiles and need help fixing the issue. I have my app in the Apple app store for iPhone, iPad, and Mac and have sent out multiple updates. I just recently ...
ap123's user avatar
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How to find if Electron app is a MAC or MAS Build?

Is there a way to have an is-MAS for Mac Store builds in Electron? I tried looking through the package.json or even a build flag but no luck as of yet. I want to be able to have conditional content ...
Larry Mickie's user avatar
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How to get currency code from InApp purchase using Electron's Mac AppStore integration?

Is there a way to know exactly what currency a Mac AppStore user is seeing prices for using Electron? I'm having difficulty finding a clean way to do this. I'm used to working with StoreKit directly, ...
Carter Hart's user avatar
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How to test MAS package locally?

I'm trying to create a package for the Mac App Store using Electron 6.1.9 and Electron builder 21.2.0. I sign the package with "3rd Party Mac Developer Application" and "3rd Party Mac ...
user2297996's user avatar
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What is the difference between Ad Hoc provisioning profile and a Developer ID provisioning profile?

I'm packaging my app for Mac App Store distribution, but the app cannot be opened locally. I understand that this is because I'm signing with a Mac App Distribution certificate, which is only meant ...
Tony's user avatar
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Can an app in the Mac App Store ever get Accessibility permission?

I've got an app (made with ElectronJS) that relies on having Accessibility permission to listen for mouse/keyboard events (via the iohook package). I'd like to put it on the Mac App Store, but it ...
sr3's user avatar
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How to open USB drive in read-only/write protected mode in OSX, programmatically using objective C?

I'm trying to write a mac app to access USB. The USB can be written through app only and not in other means. I want to make sure,app is having exclusive write access to it. I tried to find some apis ...
Ishir49's user avatar
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What is the purpose of Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificates?

What is the purpose of Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificates for macOS application? It is quite new types of certificates in addition to existing iOS/Mac Development/Distribution. ...
mahnunchik's user avatar
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Distribution outside of the Mac App Store: Please remove prefix "Developer ID Application:"

I'd like to build dmg target to distribute app outside of App Store. I've read the documentation: Notarize app for macOS
mahnunchik's user avatar
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