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I'm stuck for 5 days on solving an issue with node.js

I'm taking the web application course and have been building my own website on the side. I'm trying to have items.js grab contents from the posts(.html) save them in an object, and then app.js will ...
Purply Main's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to reverse the default order of item display in Masonry [closed]

I'm using Masonry in conjunction with Bootstrap 5 to make a photo gallery page on my website. This is working nicely BUT the default display order for Masonry is by file name (from the camera) in ...
washa's user avatar
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Swiftui masonry with HStack = slow perfomance

I've tried to create masonry layout with SwiftUi by using HStack with two LazyVStack inside it. It works well as masonry but the performance not as good. Its just a simple masonry layout for two ...
alwer's user avatar
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Bricks Theme for WooCommerce + Masonry Product Columns

I am new to Bricks so excuse my ignorance. I am trying to make the Products module on a Page appear with a masonry effect. I am enquing both masonry.js and imagesloaded which are available via core ...
Callum's user avatar
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Masonry layout with the same equal columns and spacing [duplicate]

I have a problem with developing following columns layout: enter image description here Please note: i dont exatcly know how many rows and columns i will have, but as per image it will be 3 columns ...
Maciej Koson's user avatar
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Masonry overlaps when switching tab-panels

I'm having problem with masonry overlaps when switching tab-panels. On load window, on tab1 masonry active. when I press tab2, tab2 masonry active. But, problem occurs after this. When I click back ...
임지웅's user avatar
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react JS with Masonic infinite load - loading content before render causes div width to remain 0

I'm currently having an issue with the masonic api where I wait to render the page until I have the initial content loaded. I have an example here. The page will load after the load screen but you ...
huitlacoche's user avatar
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Responsive masonry layout with just three elements [duplicate]

I want to achieve an HTML/CSS template with three dynamic content divs such that when #2 is non-blank (and in this case biggest of all) put #3 to the bottom of #1 and to the left of #2 when #2 is ...
Anton Duzenko's user avatar
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Masanry layout in overlapping on the frontend

I am using elementor with the premium addons i am showing the Pinterest feeds but on the frontend the feeds items are overlapping in the masonry layout it works when i assign a fix height to the items ...
Amjad's user avatar
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Masonry.js elements going on a single column after updating the amount of elements

I have a number of images that I have in 5 columns. I can sort those elements using tags, this dynamically changes the amount of images shown. Issue : All is normal and well at first. But when I ...
dovbaeb's user avatar
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Is there a way to resize masonic columns when sidebar close?

I am trying to implement a masonry style layout in my reactjs website the package that i am currently using is masonic , Out of the other packages that I have tried it works the best so far but I am ...
Jovane Mullings's user avatar
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Masonry(cascading grid layout library) script loading only after editing and saving a file in VS Code in React

first post here. I am trying to create a Masonry( photo portfolio, so far I got it working only by accident - editing the file and saving it made Masonry work correctly e....
Roman Kovelsky's user avatar
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WooCommerce lazyload breaking masonry grid

After activating the WooCommerce lazyload feature, the jQuery Masonry grid on the shop page is no longer working properly. Is there some event triggered by WooCommerce's lazyloading which I can ...
Simon's user avatar
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Tailwind grid gallery, First column height is large causing whitespace

Hi I'm designing a gallery with Tailwind and Vuejs. I'm having trouble creating a masonry type effect in gallery either using flex or grid layout system. The first image is the cover image and is ...
Ahtsham Farooq's user avatar
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How to stop masonry image to stack up on top of each other?

I'm trying to create a photo gallery based on bootstrap 5 example on masonry which does works fine. I also implemented modal boxes with it and it also works fine. To keep it short, the only thing I ...
Metztli's user avatar
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How to remove a rogue margin when using Isotope.js for masonry layout?

I have made the masonry grid gallery layout using Isotope and Vanilla JS. Everything seems to work fine, but on resizing there is some kind of the right margin on the masonry element, which is getting ...
JackRussell's user avatar
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3 answers

CSS Grid with variable height to make it work like masonry layout

I'm trying to create masonry layout using css grid layout. All items in grid have variable heights. The items in the next row should stack to available space of the items in the previous row. i tried ...
sam's user avatar
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Is there anyway to make a masonry / flexbox layout with a fixed width instead of height? [duplicate]

I'm wanting to put images across 3 columns. I want equal distance between the columns, however I want the heights to vary and be automatic to whatever height the image lands on from it's original ...
disa's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create this masonry layout

Can anyone please guide me how to created this type of masonry layout? Is it possible to create this type masonry gallery using display: grid and how to overlap the layers? Is there any other way to ...
user21238609's user avatar
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Masonry Grid Comprising N React Components

I am trying to achieve the popular pinterest masonry grid view in my react project. I am aware there are countless resources online that would help me achieve this but I can't quite find one for my ...
Duck Dodgers's user avatar
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Masonry does not work with html added after loading (using js)

i add html to the page from json file using append and then try to build the correct grid using masonry wrapper = ` //here html `; $('#service_its').append( wrapper ); jQuery('.masIts'...
betelgause's user avatar
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mantine grid like masonry

Hi ladies and gentleman :) I´m building an react app. There I want to build a grid like masonry with mantine. The width and the height of the components that are shown, have to be autofill the grid, ...
maladez's user avatar
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CSS: 4 items rendered in 2 columns when using column-count: 3

I wanted to create a masonry layout of 3 columns to render items with same width but different height but then when I tried the code bellow I saw the third column is empty which seems a bit weird. can ...
user7161349's user avatar
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How to align items vertically by columns, BUT not align them horizontally inside columns

I made a sketch of the layout that I need to make: drawing of the desired layout My problem is: how to make articles "4" and "5" position themselves according to the height of the ...
Agathe's user avatar
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I don't know how to maintain the height of an image in a masonry when the resolution of the screen changes

I have created this masonry on my website using CSS (picture 1). picture 1 It appears ok on my screen but when I minimize the browser window the height of the large image on the left doesn't match the ...
Koder's user avatar
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Masonry Desandro grid height not fit the items after append item with ajax

This my first init code (Before append item with ajax): $('#edrea-ajax-wrapper').imagesLoaded( function() { $('#edrea-ajax-wrapper').masonry({ itemSelector: '.edrea-card', ...
elcorloene's user avatar
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Lazy loading not workin in my angular cmponent

<ngx-masonry class="menu-card-main" [options]="myOptions" [ordered]="true"> <mat-card ngxMasonryItem class="masonry-item menu-card" *ngFor="let ...
Shan Khalam's user avatar
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How to add multiple jQuery isotope masonry gallery layouts to same page with dropdowns

I am trying to place multiple masonry layouts on one page using as a guide <div class="filters"> <div class="ui-group"> &...
McHunkerson's user avatar
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2 answers

Masonry and Bootstrap not rendering properly when custom font used (on a fresh load)

I am following this Masonry & Bootstrap example. And it works well until I am trying to use a custom Font. Then if the final boxes size is different with the custom Font that without it, the ...
fguillen's user avatar
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Centering CSS Masonry Layout

I made a simple masonry layout using css grid. My requirement is that I wanted a maximum of 8 columns and make it responsive with the screen size. Everything works great until I have >=8 bricks in ...
Ayush Goyal's user avatar
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2 answers

Text Positioning in Masonry Cards with Html and CSS

For days I've been trying to find a way to make the headlines and texts of the individual Masonry cards occupy certain positions without affecting the other cards. I almost had a solution in the ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Call Masonry layout script on elements created by AJAX

I'm using this Masonry script: var $container = $('.grid'); $container.imagesLoaded(function(){ $container.masonry({ itemSelector : '.grid-item', columnWidth : '.grid-sizer', gutter: ...
Petr Pakosta's user avatar
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Masonry effect on hover only? card expands on hover, changes other cards height too

I'm trying to create a hover effect like this the card expands on hover, showing the title, icon, content and click here button and other cards while not being hovered should only show title and icon ...
Vaishnavi Sawant's user avatar
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React components losing styling on rerender

I'm using @egjs/react-infinitegrid ( to create a Masonry grid of image components to form a gallery on my GatsbyJS website. I would like to be able to show a ...
Jack Pollock's user avatar
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React not taking local images

So I use masonry to create a image gallery. The structure is like this const images = [ "", "...
jiromi92's user avatar
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How to place this line > data-masonry='{"percentPosition": true }' in XSLT document without breaking it

I would like to use the Bootstrap Masonry described here in SobiPro with Joomla 4 Cassopedia Tempalte. I need a div like this - <div class="...
user10545603's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Masonry layout works incorrectly sometimes, but it works after reloading This is my website, and I have used massonry library. The framework is laravel. This is my code <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ...
Edli Dev's user avatar
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How to display bootstrap cards in pinterest like masonry style?

I have created layout in bootstrap 4.6 grid layout but in between cards row space are there. so, I want to make grid layout cards like pinterest style layout.i used masonry-layout package in nuxt js. ...
Jinal Somaiya's user avatar
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Using Masonry, focus changes when a new item is added to the grid, forcing scroll

I'm using Masonry JS from My issue is that the focus changes as soon as a new item is added. In my code, new items are appended at the beginning of the grid. But, if I'm ...
hgc2002's user avatar
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React MUI - Masonry mobile responsive

I'm new to react I'm trying to figure out how I can make a Masonry image grid - mobile resonsive. The idea is that I want the images to stack on top of each other on mobile view. The Masonry grid ...
Jaser's user avatar
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How to render the item horizontally (Masonry Layout )?

I would like to render the items horizontally while the page load, refer to following images <section tabindex="-1" class="relative mx-8 mt-10 mb-20 max-w-7xl focus:...
James Wong's user avatar
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Is there a way to make masonry layouts in css with varied div sizes

Ideally I would like to make a layout that has automatically sized rows and columns that fits the div sizes. I want to achieve something like this Ideal Layout. Where each div is its own size and ...
Jakubi10's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 & Masonry - Align 1 big picture and 4 small ones

I am new to Bootstrap and would like to make a masonry design with one big picture next to 4 small ones in Desktop view. On mobile the pics shall have the same size and align underneath each other. ...
Birgit's user avatar
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Masonry that always fills full width

I am using Masonry( to display little previews on my website. I want the masonry to always fit 100% of the allocated area. To accomplish this, either the width of the ...
BB23's user avatar
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masonry effect with images and text

just wondering if any of you tried to achieve a result like in the picture below. Triying to achieve it with flex boxes but not really achieving anything so I'm not sure if that will be even possible ...
bryan noriega miguel's user avatar
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How to update Masonry on Vue.js 3 updated() lifecycle hook?

I have a question regarding the Masonry layout update. How can I trigger it in the Vue.js (Version 3) lifecycle hook "updated()"? I have a card grid view like in the following code (using ...
Bernd's user avatar
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Material-UI Masonry: Remove space on right side

Using Material-UI, the width of the Masonry Component doesn't fill the width of the parent container. The width of this missing space is exactly the width of the spacing, which makes sense if there's ...
Alexander Schoch's user avatar
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ReactJS - Responsive virtual masonry of selectable and draggable images

I am trying to build the responsive masonry grid of images, and I would like to be able to perform multiselect (with cursor+shift) and rearrange images by being able to drag and drop them. Is there ...
nowiko's user avatar
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MUI Masonry with Collapse in an Item Overflows the Parent Width

Let's say we use MUI Masonry and in each of the items there is a Collapse element that is expanded if it gets clicked. If you click an item that needs to be moved to another column, it moves the items ...
1man's user avatar
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CSS masonry isn't working; all flex elements end up in one line

My CSS masonry isn't working at all. I've seen hundreds of sites telling how to do this by now and not one of them works at all. I've been trying to fix this for about a week now and I'd really ...
Robo's user avatar
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