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NodeJS: Mixed Content, content must be server over HTTPS instead of HTTP

NodeJS App running on frontend port:3000, backend port: 5000 in same Machine in Ubuntu (Linux). My Domain is SSL Configured. When frontend routing request to backend, getting mixed content error. Snap:...
Divyank's user avatar
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Blocked mixed content, HTTP request

please help me - I need to send requests to an API that runs on an insecure HTTP protocol. Unfortunately, I can't use PHP, but I have to use AJAX (the API server runs on localhost), so only a device ...
Kevin Colbert's user avatar
-1 votes
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WordPress Mixed content on wp-content/theme path

I have added SSL certificate to a WordPress website and modified all the links in the admin page and database, but it still complains about mixed content. It can't find files under the wp-content/...
sada's user avatar
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Allow insecured content - deprecated, what is the workaround now

I have a web application which loads cctv stream using websockets. it was served as ws: without ssl certificated. I used chrome option in site setting to allow insecure content and it was working. ...
Khaleel's user avatar
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Mixed Content Error with PHP Laravel and Laravel Orchid App

We are encountering an error using the frameworks Laravel and Laravel Orchid. We are getting the error: Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ...
Millie Majithia's user avatar
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heroku deployment uncaught runtime error Network Error AxiosError:

I have an app created using create-react-app that displays the position of the ISS on google react maps. I get the position by making a request to nofity api and the map by making a request to google ...
David Jay Burt's user avatar
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Issue with AusweisApp in Safari - Mixed content problem when connecting to a local server - HTTPS site with JS opening

Question: Hello! I'm working with a program called AusweisApp, which is distributed through government services for working with ID cards. The app acts as a server on the local host and awaits data ...
Eduard's user avatar
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mixed content error when communicating with rasa bot on aws ec2 from go daddy hosted wordpress website

I am working on developing a rasa chatbot for my company website. The company website is hosted on Go daddy server and is built using Wordpress. I built the bot with my custom data, deployed it on AWS ...
Mehran Ujjan's user avatar
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Shopware 6 mixed content error when using reverse proxy

The problem I'm having: I get a mixed content error when adding a reverse proxy before the Docker container running a Caddy server, PHP, MySQL and myPhpAdmin in another container. Here is my setup and ...
vorpXuser's user avatar
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How can I disable the mixed content for the selenium ChromeDriver?

I have a website that I am doing automation testing using Selenium web driver, Java. The site has mixed content problem as it uses both HTTP and HTTPS. Now before initializing ChromeDriver, I want to ...
Habi's user avatar
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Blazor server app HttpClient call to http time out

Request to http: server from my Blazor server Azure-hosted app results in a timeout. Request to https: server works. Requests from browser work if sent to the http resource, and fail (blocked) if sent ...
Jurij.S's user avatar
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Resolve mDNS in local network with javascript from https origin

My goal Ping an esp32 device which is in a local network without internet and without https. Reason I have a node js server with a PWA hosted on This server is communicating with my esp32 ...
Dr.Random's user avatar
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Why am I getting this weird 'Mixed Content' Error?

I am currently optimizing my website a little bit using, among other tools, PageSpeed Insights. In the "Best Practices" section i stumbled over a load of mixed content errors. The source on ...
FrozenYoghurt's user avatar
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EC2 hosted WordPress - GET request from domain to EC2 host denied. "net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"

I have Wordpress hosted via an EC2 instance with traffic from domain routed through an ALB with an ACM issues certificate. I have been struggling with a "Mixed Content Error" which is ...
Hakers's user avatar
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Unintuitive MixedContent error trace on my personal website

I have a portfolio website ( deployed on GitHub Pages ( and served on google domains ( The insecure http://...
Linsu Han's user avatar
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Wordpress | Mixed Content after change URL

After change Wordpress URL i noticed issue with mixed content. In databse i define https:// URL. Also in wp config I define with https:// Also in CloudFlare I enable always use https, and automatic ...
Sylwester Zabielski's user avatar
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How can I Gmail batch api call success in .NET with HttpClient?

I requested Gmail Batch API to postman and received the results normally. enter image description here So, based on Postman, an error occurs when a call is made using the HTTP Client on .NET. Both ...
devhong's user avatar
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Mixed content issue with SCDF 2.11.1 with HAPROXY

I have upgraded my SCDF server from 2.9.0 to 2.11.1, I have haproxy as reverse proxy to access SCDF server. While creating application I am unable to see drop down for springboot version. I am getting ...
Sameer's user avatar
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UnBlock mixed content in Next.js

I request data from a http source and there is no way getting it from a https source. The problem is that every request gets blocked. Is there a way to ALLOW mixed content in Next.js, using the fetch ...
eliasbauer's user avatar
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Mixed Content Still Blocked in Chrome 118.0.5993.70 Despite Allowing Insecure Content

I'm encountering a mixed content blocking issue in Google Chrome (Version 118.0.5993.70) even after setting "Insecure Content" to "Allow" in site settings. The problem persists as (...
James Morrison's user avatar
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Github pages not showing react app website correctly

I am a self-taught programming newbie with 1 month of learning age. Currently I have built a project by watching youtube and I want to show the project results on github page, but after trying ...
Perdido's user avatar
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Catch insecure response error in mixed content situation

I noticed when I try to display data in an iframe of a modal popup from a site that uses http when application is running https, I get blank screen. Looking at browser console I noticed the message: &...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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MixedContent error in Chrome but not other browsers (Angular)

Bit puzzled by a MixedContent issue I've been having. It's an angular front end deployed in CloudRun with Nginx. For some reason, 99% of the site works perfectly, but one page in particular throws a ...
Gary Frewin's user avatar
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Mixed Content errors in Swagger UI served by APIFlask

New to APIFlask, but I have a small app that works fine locally. I can go to /docs to load Swagger UI then use that to successfully test my endpoints. However, when I deploy it to my staging ...
odigity's user avatar
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Wordpress on domain - mixed content, login issues

I have setup wordpress on a domain that was already secure. Because of this I am getting mixed content messages like this: Mixed Content: The page at '' was ...
user280339's user avatar
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Server responding to localhost, but not do deployed frontend domain

I have deployed my node.js backend with EC2 on AWS and my frontend on Netlify. The backend fetches the weather data for the entered city from an API and sends it to the frontend. When I send the ...
thepierrre's user avatar
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SAML2.0 mixed content error in SSO implementation

I have implemented SSO using saml2.0 ping federate, the request is getting successfully but intermittently it is facing mixed content error.
Vidit Goel's user avatar
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Next JS Mixed Content issue https to http

I'm currently developing a Next.js 13 application to stream IPTV from various sources. My site is set up with HTTPS, but the videos I'm trying to play are served over HTTP, causing Mixed Content ...
Serial Geeker's user avatar
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Mixed Content Error when using threejs STLLoader to request a file from server

I am trying to load a STL file from my server on running a Flask app with Gunicorn using the threejs STLLoader but am getting the following error in browser only on some devices. Mixed ...
Jules Gabriel Pare's user avatar
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Mixed Content warning over http

I've deployed my django rest framework project, it works fine and running on docker, the site is loading over https but images, videos are being loaded over http, and getting Mixed content warning, ...
mirodil's user avatar
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Mixed content - Some radio streams are blocked and some are warned about but allowed - Why?

I have made a radio player page on my website at and I am loading it under Windows 10 with the browser Edge Version 113.0.1774.57 (Official build) (64-bit). Some ...
Graphic Equaliser's user avatar
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Laravel vuejs: Blocked loading mixed active content

Laravel 7 + Vue2, Hi there, I know the Mixed content is not a new issue but, wait; My website was running with no issue around a year but suddenly this morning I'm getting a blank page and below error ...
Zia's user avatar
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How to fix the mixed content error in Swagger UI?

Recently I've moved from SpringFox 2 to Springdoc + OpenAPI 3. It's a bit faster and it works perfectly in my local environment. When I try to use it in the production environment, the Swagger UI page ...
Palio's user avatar
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jQuery requesting HTTP request instead of HTTPS and the request is blocked due to mixed-content

I have my site build on Laravel and using onscroll pagination at frontend with JScroll JavaScript plugin. I have properly setup my server and it is automatically redirecting to HTTPS. And when I ...
Jessica Shamoon's user avatar
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Odoo 16 - Website editor - I cannot edit on my website

I use Apache as reverse proxy, I'd installed Website on Odoo 16 and when I try to go to Editor it doesn't resolve the page. At developer tools of my browser appears this error: Mixed Content: The page ...
eperezs's user avatar
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How to fix problem of mixed content https & http with angular and ASP.NET Core Web API?

I have deployed my backend app made with ASP.NET Core Web API to Smarter Asp and my API is at . I have deployed my frontend app written in Angular to Netlify and my site is: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Blazor Server hosted on IIS - Mixed content error

I created a Blazor Server API. I am hosting this on IIS on my local PC using HTTPS only with a self generated certificate. It works a treat. I created another Blazor Server API, created another ...
SkinnyPete63's user avatar
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CORS and server related problem on azure virtual machine

I have a nextjs app hosted on vercel and a file upload server running 0n a docker container on azure virtual machine behind ngnix. But when I try to call the api from frontend it gives Mixed Content ...
itsabdulkader's user avatar
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Use HTTP Geoserver Layer with my HTTPS website, Error Mixed Content

I just installed my HTTPS certificate on my website. As I call HTTP geoserver links, I have this error: The page at 'https://mywebsite/joomla/index.php/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an ...
DamTan's user avatar
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Can not connect FE to BE due to HTTPS and HTTP

I am deploying my app to cloud using Amazon services. I successfully deployed Back-end (NodeJS Express + MongoDB) with AWS EC2 at and Frontend (ReactJS) with AWS Amplify at ...
Stern's user avatar
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NIFI does not work in the Kubernetes cluster. The browser is showing mixed content error since NIFI-API calls from are made to http from https host

NIFI was deployed in the EKS cluster. The article in this Link( was followed to deploy the application. I was able to bring ...
RVP's user avatar
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Due to Mixed Content error I am unable to load my grid

Error: Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has ...
Dablu Paswan's user avatar
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Adapt a frontend (JS) and backend (Python FastAPI) to Safari

I'm struggling with the issue that my web app does not run in Safari. My frontend that I have implemented with javascript runs on a localhost (Port 3000) and communicates with a Python backend API (...
Johannes G's user avatar
5 votes
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Running cordova app webview with http instead of https

How to run cordova app webview on http://localhost instead of https://localhost ? I have been compiling my app with API Level (targetSdkVersion) 30 and as far as I know my app was running internally ...
fcaserio's user avatar
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Web worker imports are failing on the deployed React 18 / CRA

I use a web worker to encrypt large files in my create-react-app. In my encryption.worker.js file i import CryptoJS like so.. import * as CryptoJS from "crypto-js"; // eslint-disable-next-...
hpertaia's user avatar
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Laravel include css file from Mixed Content

I'm attempting to release a Laravel website on a server that is behind a load balancer. The domain SSL is hosted on the load balancer to enforce HTTPS. However, the server hosting the website does ...
Sari Rahal's user avatar
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Flutter Web Mixed Content

I have flutter app which is working ok in android and ios device. Now I am trying it on web. But I'm getting mixed content error. Error Mixed Content: The page at '' was ...
Honey Last's user avatar
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Swagger error - Blocked:mixed-content - Spring Open Api 3.0

I have a Java 11 project with spring boot 2.4.0, which was running with swagger 2.0 and we decided to migrate to Open Api 3.0. Before migration, swagger was working fine, but now there is always a ...
Vitor's user avatar
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React app with api returns - Mixed Content: The page at <> was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource

I deployed a React App, through Heroku, that uses the API at to convert currency. When I deploy to via Heroku, the error message in the HTML is "Error: Failed to ...
JC_vd_Merwe_03's user avatar
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How to fix mixed content problem in TYPO3

I have a problem on my website developed with TYPO3. The problem is that CSS files and JavaScript and images not working. So many images and other functionality such as the slider are not working. ...
rivra's user avatar
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