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Error: querySrv EREFUSED while connecting to mongodb

I've tried everything using chatgpt and configuring it again. Creating a new project and then creating a cluster and then doing all the process again. But this error seems to be stuck there. what is ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
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Manual Migration of an existing DB to MongoEngine doesn't populate fields

I have an existing database of data that I want to use with MongoEngine. I updated the class as follows: class World(Document): user = ReferenceAttr(choices=["User"], required=True) ...
stevenamoore's user avatar
-3 votes
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Paginating data after processing of almost all data

Context: I have a MongoDB collection that contains data on service providers. I need to filter this data to generate a list of service providers based on specific criteria. The final price for a ...
Gaurav Yadav's user avatar
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MongoDB - Variable WiredTigerCache

I have a question about MongoDB's WiredTigerCache variable. When configuring an X environment in the configuration file when mentioning the: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb diary: enabled: true # ...
Henrique Borba's user avatar
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2 answers

not able to connect flutter app with node server

iam trying to connect my flutter app to a node server the flutter application has a registration screen that accepts username,password and email from users and it should be reflected to mongodb using ...
meet panchal's user avatar
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pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError: The resolution lifetime expired after 21.215 seconds

When I'm trying to connect to pymongo getting below error pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError: The resolution lifetime expired after 21.215 seconds: Server UDP port 53 answered The DNS ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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Spanish Characters erratically being saved in MongoDB as non utf-8 characters (�)

Seemingly all of a sudden, we started noticing that non traditional characters like "ñ" "¿" or "é" are being saved as a non utf-8 character "�". We reverted to ...
Jacobo Koenig's user avatar
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Nodejs mongodb insert with `_id`, but `_id` becomes empty object

I'm inserting some records with _id = new ObjectId('a string with 24 length') to a collection in mongo with nodejs. But the result _id in mongo becomes an empty object: {}, resulting in failure in ...
Arc's user avatar
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how to prevent duplicate keys into database with mongodb and expressjs

i am working a crude project with mongodb expressjs and pug(formerly knone as jade) i am stuck on preventing duplicate keys both on Front-end and backend. this is what i did.... let mongoose = require(...
Obi Apostle's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

MongoDB ECCONREFUSED when connecting to MongoDB Compass

I am trying to learn Node.JS from scratch. I am trying to connect index.js to MongoDB compass when I get the error: MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED at ...
Aghamatlab's user avatar
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MongoDB Change Stream Triggered by updatedAt Field Only: How to Handle?

I'm using MongoDB change streams with Mongoose to monitor changes in my Instances collection. Here is the code I'm working with:, { fullDocument: "updateLookup",...
VusalIs's user avatar
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When I tried updating to Node 20.14 from Node 14 and ran yarn test I started getting this error

Started getting this error when i ran yarn test in node 20.14 as i wanted to upgrade my node version from 14 to 20.14 my package.json - { "main": "server.js", "license&...
Laksh Mishra's user avatar
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Mongo DB next JS, api is inserting more than once

When a project is going to be inserted into the trending collection for the first time. is going to be inserted more than once which is not what I want. this is the backend: import clientPromise from ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Retrieving a Single Numeric Device ID from a Mongoose Schema

How can I retrieve the deviceId as a single numeric value in my Mongoose schema and Express.js controller? I'm using Mongoose with Express.js to save car records, and I've defined a deviceId field as ...
Spacewalker_vir's user avatar
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Spring Data MongoDB 3.4.6 will work with MongoDB 6.0, excluding the new features introduced in v6.0?

I am planning to update the MongoDB server from v5.0 to v6.0. Current Setup: Driver: 4.6.1 Spring Data MongoDB: 3.4.6 I am reviewing whether it is necessary to update the above libraries. Ideally, I ...
이수민's user avatar
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Unable to import CosmosDb (Mongo) into Azure AI Search

I'm trying to import CosmosDb (Mongo) data into an Azure AI Search service. I have the Search Service set to allow Azure Services access. The CosmosDb is set to public access. I tried using the ...
David's user avatar
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gte and lte in prisma & mongodb

The error message "Type '{ $gte: number; $lte: number; }' is not assignable to type 'number'" indicates that you are trying to assign an object with $gte and $lte properties to a variable ...
T.Courage's user avatar
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getmongo nifi date filter issue

I am unable to use date related queries in getmongo , following simple query is working mongo but its not filtering anything in the getmongo and selecting the complete collection in nifi {"...
Noman Amjad's user avatar
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Need to rename my mongodb database name form my old_database to new_database

I need to rename my database, So i tried to create dump of my database and restore. mongodump --db old_database --out /path/to/dump SyntaxError: Missing semicolon. (1:12) 1 | mongodump --db ...
gogulram's user avatar
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Efficiently Grouping Millions of Records by Field in MongoDB - Performance Optimization

I'm working with a large dataset in MongoDB where I need to group approximately 15 million records by a specific field (name). The goal is to find all records where the name field is duplicated. I'm ...
Mohit Kumar's user avatar
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Mongo bulk deletion very slow, and use all IOPS

I have a collection with 150M records, and that collection is very heavy and has more than 23 indexes. Now I need to make a retention and delete 15M records, all the preparation is already done, and I ...
Bogdan  Dubyk's user avatar
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NiFi in podman connection refused with GetMongo when using mongodb://localhost:27017/ hosted in local machine

I have a MongoDB server hosted and running in my local machine using port 27017 and I want to create a simple workflow in NiFi which copies the details from a collection to a directory using GetMongo ...
TroyUrtiz's user avatar
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MongoDB unique index vs compound index

I have a question during the index generation process. In the following situation, is it okay to create only the compound index? What are the benefits of creating a unique index separately? When the ...
jinwoo's user avatar
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How to connect AWS DocumentDB connection string to mongoDB from microsoft azure's local-settings.json

Im using AWS to host my frontend server and use AWS DocumentDB as MongoDB service. AWS allows the user to generate a global-bundle.pem using wget
Bart's user avatar
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CORS error in Mongo DB Atlas Data API call via Client side JS [duplicate]

I am trying to make an API call via Client side JS to Mongo DB Atlas API. Code snippet is as below. try { const exportData = await exportBackupData(); const url = `...
amitz27's user avatar
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MongoDB C# - How to do sorting and pagination with an array of objects on a record

I have a MongoDB with a collection: people. [ { _id: 0, name: "lucas", properties: [ { Name: "powers", Values: [ "fireball", ...
tony nguyen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Spring Session MongoDB - How to implement a Web Session Store

I'm trying to implement this using Spring Session MongoDB fun webSessionStore( reactiveRedisIndexedSessionRepository: ReactiveRedisIndexedSessionRepository ): SpringSessionWebSessionStore<...
Sachin's user avatar
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Spring Session MongoDB - How to implement Session Registry

I want to implement this handler: @Component internal class CustomConcurrentSessionControlSuccessHandler( reactiveSessionRegistry: ReactiveSessionRegistry, maximumSessionsExceededHandler: ...
Sachin's user avatar
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How do I add authentication to a web page using Mongo DB? [closed]

Please excuse me as I’m fairly new to web development. I have a chatbot that I want to embed on a web page on a client’s website, but I want access to that webpage to be controlled by a username/...
AinSophAur's user avatar
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Spring Session MongoDB - How to handle attributes - Reactive

I'm confused about how to handle attributes with MongoDB Session with Spring Session. I had this working with Redis, but because lack of support from Spring, several pooling errors, and the expense of ...
Sachin's user avatar
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mongoDB - complex geometric operations (e.g. $geointersect) for plane 2d indices

Is there a possibility to use the powerful geometric query options in mongoDB (e.g. defining geometries like points, lines, paths and polygons and querying for object intersection with $geoIntersects) ...
Yannic's user avatar
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Not able to connect mongo using spark with SSL

I am working with spark version 3.4.2, I want to connect mongoDB using pyspark, I have been given 2 pem files by database dept, first file ("CA.pem") is having 2 certificate content like as ...
Muhammad Affan's user avatar
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In mongo database, when saving NaN for few JSON properties converted to null automatically

I need to store value as NaN for few JSON properties. When I save it Mongodb automatically converted to null. how to stop this behavior. Code snippet: Mongo db Model class : import mongoose, { Schema }...
SakthiSureshAnand's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error importing a certificate by dockerfile - unable to find valid certification path to requested target [closed]

I use a dockerfile to deliver my application to an AWSserver and I need to change my certificate because my last one expired I need to configure to use rds-ca-rsa2048-g1 but I get error: Caused by: ...
Henrique Landim's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I have to connect to MongoDB using Node.js? [closed]

(node:20264) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useNewUrlParser is a deprecated option: useNewUrlParser has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version (Use `node ...
Venkatesh S Meti's user avatar
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Building time-bound leaderboard in Node.JS and MongoDB

We have a document for each user. We award them "oranges" (in-game points) for completing activities. We store the points given like this: We have their epoch time along with the oranges ...
Bhavesh Shaha's user avatar
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Mongoose error: lodash bind no longer accepts a callback function

The upgrade to MongoDB 7 dropped function callbacks, as has been discussed on other threads. Most times it is fairly easy to replace the callback by .then asyn/await etc, as documented at ...
peter's user avatar
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Create a history table and keep track of all the updates to a document

I have a NestJS application that uses mongoose and MongoDB. I need to capture all changes/versions of this document so that I can display this as a history of the document, what changes were made by ...
Rohith Poyyeri's user avatar
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in my stripe app, i want to link one email to one customer,so any recurring payment does not keep dusplicating customers, but stripe keeps duplicating

so my product is a subscription service, which grants users access to a service on my website.I've created the product on stripe, and i added the payment link to my website: <a className="...
tunji's user avatar
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Migrate the result of mongodb.runCommand in MongoDB driver 3 to 5

I am trying to migrate an application that uses mongodb driver 3.0 to driver-synch 5.1 in java 17. This application has a functionality that receives a json with the format: {"aggregate": &...
Gustavo Moreira's user avatar
-4 votes
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Angular Nodejs Incorrect Login or Password

I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle login(incorrect username or password). When user logs in I do my authentication on server side which works the way it is suppose to, if incorrect ...
user2280852's user avatar
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Can't connect to mongodb compass replicaset

I am having an issue connecting to Mongodb compass. it just tries to connect for like 10-15 seconds and then exits with this error. I am running docker with replicaset Server selection timed out ...
steve123's user avatar
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Invalid `prisma.product.findMany()` invocation when deployed on Vercel

I'm trying to deploy my site after have added prisma, but keep getting this error and I don't know how to fix this. PrismaClientKnownRequestError: Invalid `prisma.product.findMany()` invocation: Raw ...
Lucas Chini's user avatar
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how to start execution of a task group without awaiting it

I am using a mongodb change stream that listens for changes on a collection and runs a handler function that handles the change. I want each change coming in to be handled concurrently async def ...
SaratAngajala's user avatar
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Return Flux or List with projected attribute values without the attribute names (so not in document form) in Spring JPA MongoDB @Query

In a MongoDB document with the following structure (represented as a Java POJO): public class QuestionProfilerSolutionLineDocument { private String id; private String profilerId; private ...
LeperAffinity666's user avatar
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Duplicate ID field with empty value

I'm writing logic to register users using a Go backend and a MongoDB database. I want to be able to send the data to the frontend via JSON and to mongo via BSON, so my model looks like this package ...
Andy Frey's user avatar
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Mongoose _id is not working correctly for custom value instead of default value

Hay! I am working with mongoose where I have collection named tag and here is it's schema const tagSchema = new Schema<ITag, ITagModel>( { _id: { type: String, unique: true, ...
Shakil Abdus Shohid's user avatar
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Dockerfile run error. Always having an error "Topology is closed"

I have this error about "Topology is closed" something which unable to connect to mongodb with also with this error MongooseServerSelectionError. Kindly check the error logs below. I tried ...
chimichi004's user avatar
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Laravel 11 with MongoDb get error "Call to a member function prepare() on null"

In laravel 11 I get the error while login. Now the error occured on createToken method. Controller public function login($request) { $request->validate([ 'email' => '...
Jyothi's user avatar
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Deploying my NextJs Project on GithubPages and i have manually done the routing for profile/page.js

I've tried deploying my NextJs Project on GitHub pages and I have manually done the routing for profile/page.js but I'm still facing these errors and I don't know why Run npx --no-install next build ⚠...
Aditya's user avatar
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