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I hashed my password using this PHP function, and everything looks fine in the database, but I cannot log in [duplicate]

I hashed my password using this PHP function, $hashed_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); and everything looks fine in the database, but I cannot log in. I tried this code for login ...
Mohammad Masoumi's user avatar
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Unable to save data using HasOne association in Cakephp 4

I have tried to join two tables using hasOne association in my cakephp app There are two tables users and admin. In both tables the id is primary key. i have linked the mobile field of admin to the ...
Arpit Gupta's user avatar
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Unable to Establish Connection from Node.js Application to Remote MySQL Database on NameCheap via SSH Tunnel

I'm having trouble setting up a connection from my Node.js application to a remote MySQL database hosted on NameCheap. I've tried multiple approaches, but nothing seems to work. What I've tried so ...
GameOwner's user avatar
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issue in converting rows to columns

I am converting the rows to columns in snowflake and the results are getting what I need, can some one share the inputs here. input: output should be: I tried with the query like below, which is not ...
user2601350's user avatar
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Find the max ID value from records in the same table from a group of records that are non-zero in another field

I have a series of bird species names that are sorted taxonomically (by ID). I would like to cluster sub-species (which currently have a clust value of 0) with the species (clust <> 0) that ...
Rick Neubig's user avatar
-3 votes
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wrong time in mysql [closed]

I need to set the date and time to the mysql database. Everything was fine, but I decided to update the record in the table at 23:00, and in the database I had a result of 11:00:00, although at 22:00 ...
gardemarin565's user avatar
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How can I split up a string into multiple pieces and place into multiple fields in a mysql table?

I currently get a directory listing from several different hard drives and store each as a text file. Next I merge these files into one single larger text file and then import the text file into a ...
Tim's user avatar
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Selecting specific results from multi array JSONB in MySQL

I have the following data stored in my database: #1 [["status", "discontinued", ""], ["profile", "strong", ""]] #2 [["...
Digital Forge's user avatar
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cursor() raise errors.OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.") OperationalError: MySQL Connection not available in python telegram bot [duplicate]

I am writing a Telegram bot with Python language and pyrogram library. My robot is connected to mysql database and I use it as follows at the beginning of the program: app = Client("my_bot", ...
Amir Roox's user avatar
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Select order totals one-to-many values

I'm struggling to find the best way to get the total order value (sub-total - deduction) for a specific date or date range (for example today). I don't want shipping value included. The complexity is ...
Think_Twice's user avatar
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Hibernate Behaves Differently For The Similar Repository's Methods

I have a entity class that has a parent entity class. The parent entity class so called BusinessObject has more than 60 subclasses. We have 2 sub entity class, let's say SubEntity A and SubEntity B ...
Halil Demir's user avatar
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Foreign Key Constraint Error During Staggered Table Migration

I'm facing a foreign key constraint issue due to a timing mismatch between the migration of two related tables. Here's the scenario: Group 1 migrates the class table at 10:00 AM, which initially ...
Aryan Rajput's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to save users selected options from MySQL data table into a different table that stores the options selected along with the user id? [closed]

I'm trying to build a version of premier fantasy fooball game for my own local team using php, mysql, javascript, etc... Currently I'm having trouble in how to save the users picks. This is how the ...
44lew's user avatar
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Why do we need another level of [] when using character classes?

enter image description here i also wrote it on my own, but SELECT prod_name FROM products WHERE prod_name REGEXP '[:digit:]{4}' It also worked. could someone explain why? I noticed for character ...
Zephyr_8's user avatar
-5 votes
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hi, my mySQL server is Failed to initialize plugins [closed]

here is my full error that i am getting the file full; Please wait ... 2024-08-29 12:32:09 0 [Note] InnoDB: File 'C:\xampp\mysql\data\ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB. 2024-08-29 12:32:09 0 [Note] InnoDB: ...
Phillip van der Hoven's user avatar
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MySQL docker image is not creating database when is executed with docker-compose

I'm new with docker. I have some issues when I run an image from docker-compose. It's a very simple thing but it's given me headaches. When I run the image with docker run, any problem. It works. But ...
Dani Pardo's user avatar
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react js with core php7 mvc structure

How to effectively combine ReactJS and PHP7 MVC structure with MySQL database for a web application? Detailed Explanation: I'm building a web application using a PHP7 MVC structure and MySQL as the ...
Yashraj Miyatra's user avatar
-3 votes
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why do i need to run SQLs 2 times to get latest value?

In my very basic Android App, I'm sending SQL Requests via JSON to my MySQL database where I only check for latest ID (newest entry/message received). SELECT id, fromuser FROM `MESSAGE` WHERE touser=? ...
Hobbydev75's user avatar
-4 votes
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How Cassandra out performs MySQL [closed]

I have a Cassandra cluster with single DC, 3 node, in contrast 1 master and 2 follower MySql architecture. I would have like, 10M reads in 3hrs and 3M write and updates in 3hrs, with replica factor of ...
Flicker Flak's user avatar
-4 votes
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Issue with inserting multiple subjects into a database using PHP and JavaScript [closed]

I'm working on a form where users can enter multiple subjects (courses), and I need to save this data into a MySQL database using PHP. The form allows users to dynamically add multiple subjects, and ...
AHSAN USMAN's user avatar
-1 votes
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Correct name for method implementing count(*) query Spring Boot [closed]

I need to implement the following method in a Spring Boot Repository @Query (name = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flights LEFT JOIN experiences ON" + "flights.experience_id_fk = ...
Joao Carlos Medau's user avatar
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How to delete oldest row sql using sequelize. subquery

I try to delete just oldest row in table so sql gonna be like this. DELETE FROM `session` WHERE `id` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `session` WHERE `userId` = :id ORDER BY `createdAt` DESC LIMIT 1 ) ...
armada45's user avatar
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Connection refused when using Sequelize with MySQL running on Docker [duplicate]

I am building a dockerized API with MYSQL. I have already set up a network between the two services but Sequelize is returning a connection refused error. Here is my Dockerfile for the API FROM node:...
Emerson Lima's user avatar
-2 votes
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assign multiple persons to a specific segment in table with unknown number in a specific column row [duplicate]

A trip is identified by a number, not unique; the pairing date and number are. Example: Trip 7294 on 9/4/2024 Trip 7294 on 9/20/2024 The trip has multiple segments; each segment is identified by a ...
Brian van den heuvel's user avatar
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Cannot grant user privilege to create REFERENCES in MySQL 8

I tried to create the quartz table with a user that has privilege as below. Privileges: [Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Drop, File, Index, Alter, Show databases, Create temporary tables, Lock ...
Jimmy Chi Kin Chau's user avatar
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Query to fetch datas where current date is greater than another field plus one year

I am working on a php project with mysql. In the database i have a table that store users data and in these data there is the medical certificate. When i record the medical certificate i insert the ...
P.Davide's user avatar
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MySQL 8 Trigger - Unknown Table 'NEW' in field list

I am setting up a database and trying my hand at implementing triggers. All Tables and the trigger upload into the database without warning, however when I activate the trigger on update of the table ...
onering20's user avatar
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Trouble dumping/importing values with emoji's [duplicate]

I'm having trouble keeping emoji's between a dump from MySQL 5.5 to importing into MySQL 8.4. In 5.5, I have, the tables/columns are using uft8/utf8_unicode_ci. mysqldump is using the --default-...
Rohit's user avatar
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I am facing such problem while installing MYSQL [closed]

i am trying to install MYSQL but this error are come and can not resolve past 15 days i am trying to resolve it plzz give me solution to came out this problem i am stuck here for very long time i ...
Khushbu Soni's user avatar
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MySQL8 ORDER BY with JOIN uses filesort even though the result set is sorted already (based on indexes)

Table schemas: CREATE TABLE `table1` ( `fieldToFilterBy` int NOT NULL, `someKindOfInt` int NOT NULL, `fieldToJoinOn` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`...
Oleh Kubai's user avatar
-3 votes
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Cpu utililzation for spring boot application [closed]

I have a scholarship application which is hosted in aws t2.micro instance and its free tier.Its written in java.Every time this application is running it reachs 99% cpu utilization even though there ...
question_solver's user avatar
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List View in javafx displays data from the mysql table according to the button pressed [closed]

I am creating a student management system in javafx consisting of a Controller class, a PageHandler class and a Mysql class. On running the Homepage shows up with six buttons, on clicking should ...
Geeky Coder's user avatar
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MySQL shows two connections. One does not require a password and is the same database I created with MySQL Workbench [migrated]

MySQL shows two connections. One does not require a password and is the same database I created with MySQL Workbench. I have two database connections. One is the database that came with the MySQL ...
brcoder's user avatar
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ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '

I have created ubuntu 22.04 server in azure and allowed 3306 in outbound of NSG attached to azure server. Have also opened the inbound port as 3306 in security group of AWS MySql RDS instance for 0.0....
Kawaljeet Singh's user avatar
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EfCore+MySQL how to query DateTime that has been converted with ToBinary

The DbContext has been configured to convert DateTime objects as such: protected override void ConfigureConventions(ModelConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder) { configurationBuilder.Properties&...
dow's user avatar
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MySQL Testcontainer Timezone Issue When Using Spring Data JDBC

I have a weird issue that I'm hoping is just something stupid I'm overlooking (and will gladly eat crow on). I have a Spring Boot project that makes use of Spring Data JDBC. It also uses ...
BtySgtMajor's user avatar
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Only first 3 values are insterted from next.js to mysql Workbench

I have this in app.js'/api/add-order-cui', async (req, res) => { const { cui, email, phone, billingCUI, // Add other fields if necessary } = req.body; console.log('...
Florentina Zimbru's user avatar
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Encountering Error 1025 When Adding Foreign Key in Laravel Migration [duplicate]

am trying to add a foreign key to the mahasiswa table that references the prodi and jurusan tables in my Laravel project. Here is my migration code: public function up() { Schema::table('mahasiswa'...
DITZ's user avatar
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Django OperationalError at /listinprod (1205, 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction')

OperationalError at /listinprod (1205, 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction') Request Method:POSTRequest URL: Version:4.1Exception Type:...
akin ayo's user avatar
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Getting Different Explain Results On The Same Query After Upgrading to MySQL 8

Hi I have a query that runs as below: SELECT COUNT(`contacts`.`contact_id`) AS non_interactive FROM `contacts` INNER JOIN `contacts_lists_mappings` ON `contacts`.`contact_id` = `...
Thabang's user avatar
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GET Count, email, and associating values within table

I'm following up on this question. I have a table called list_all that looks like this: | EMAIL | PROPERTY | ISP_GROUP | LAST_SENT_DATE | --------------------------------------------...
John Beasley's user avatar
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Mamp Pro 6.9 - Starting MySQL failed [closed]

I'm on a Mac Os 14.6.1 (chip M1) and for technical reasons I had to restore a full backup of the system (time machine). Since the restore, I've had a problem opening Mamp Pro with Mysql. When I launch ...
PIxel up's user avatar
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Airflow Scheduler Hanging When Run with Remote Database

I am Using Openshift to deploy decoupled units of Apache Airflow (version 2.8.3) each Scheduler and Webserver is running in separate deployments, in terms of the meta database I am using MySQL 8.3 ...
Hasanen A. Sahib's user avatar
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MySql8 InnoDB - Can i get the number of rows inserted per table and day in the last week [migrated]

I'm looking to analyse the inserts against a MySql 8 database & get the count of inserts grouped by table in a specific schema per day. I did see this variable exists to track the total number of ...
bs8's user avatar
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Django using update() on bool column as an application operation lock [closed]

My Django app has an operation (syncing data from an external system) that I want to restrict from occuring twice simultaneously. For context, the data sync can occur due to a periodically scheduled ...
TBaby's user avatar
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C# MySQL Connector/Net 9.0.0 - Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts

I will need your advice here, because I am really stuck. I am trying to connect to MySQL from my local computer to server (LAN). MySQL Version is 8.0.39 Target framework is .NET 4.8 public bool ...
Petar Stoyanov's user avatar
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How to use common flyway migration files for both mysql and h2

I am using h2 database for testcase and mysql database as main DB. Do I able to maintain single flyway migration for both. I am using springboot framework. spring....
Bala Velan's user avatar
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MYSQL Explode String in PHP [duplicate]

I have a string in a column (INFO) as below. I want to populate the information into PHP that makes it more readable. {"name":"Trevor Ackermann","company":"",&...
Jaco Shutte's user avatar
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Lost connection to MySQL server during query error in CakePHP despite increasing timeouts

I'm consistently encountering the 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' error while using CakePHP for data synchronization. Despite increasing the wait_timeout and interactive_timeout ...
Syahnzr's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to Insert Form Data into MySQL Database Using PDO in PHP Without Treating Variables as Strings [closed]

I'm a begginner learning to make "contact us" page (in a bit of an improvised way). I defined some variables using global variables. But when writing the query to save them to the database, ...
nehnuj0504's user avatar

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