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In NestJS, service is invalid when injected to another service?

I`d like to develop a rest app by NestJS and MikroOrm. And I prefer to use clean architecture to manage code, so a lot of modules are abstracted and a module need to be import to another module. What ...
Li Zhenxin's user avatar
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Handling redis channels and messages with promises (ioredis)

I'm working on a NestJs API using ioredis's channels and messages as a part of a microservice architecture. In my main code, I want to wait until I receive a message from a redis channel, so I thought ...
beto's user avatar
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Querying associated record fails "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'joinColumns')", not loading inverse relation in TypeORM in NestJS app

Well I see a very similar problem here, sadly there was no definitive answer: TypeORM & NestJS: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'joinColumns') Summary I have an ...
Allister Moon's user avatar
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Should this HTTP contract class be considered a repository, service, or just an HTTP client?

I'm looking for some advice or best practices for a pattern we're discussing internally. We have a class (example below) that defines an HTTP contract to interact with an external REST API. The class ...
Arthur Fernandez Alves da Silv's user avatar
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Kafka partioning key difference between Python and Nestjs

In my infrastructure I have multiple microservices with multiple language communicating over Kafka. In my Kafka I have multiple partitions and to keep consistency I use a key when I push messages so ...
Antoine Grenard's user avatar
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How to fix typescript error @types/express-serve-static-core/index has no exported member

I'm facing these errors after changing node from 14.18.0 to 20.16.0: ../node_modules/@types/express/index.d.ts node_modules/@types/express-serve-static-core/index"' has no exported member '...
anayarojo's user avatar
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How to manage version compatibility between microservices and external packages in NestJS?

We have several microservices running on different versions of NestJS—specifically versions 8, 9, and 10. Additionally, we use external modules, such as an Auth module, which is located in a separate ...
Adoratus's user avatar
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beforeSoftRemove hook not updating database entry using Nest.js and TypeORM

I want to implement a solution in Nest.js and TypeORM application that every record that is getting created should have createdById, updatedById and deletedById against their actions. Let me share the ...
Muhammad Zeeshan's user avatar
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TypeORM can not order by on addSelect field

I have this code block: async getReceiptsForTimeline( userId: string, getTimelineInput: GetTimelineInput, ): Promise<ReceiptCursorBasedPaginatedResult> { const { cursor, take = 10, ...
minikdev's user avatar
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Is it node js express or nestJs fastify better to use concurrency, scalling, performance, large data fetching and saving side? [closed]

give me advantages and disadvantages with the result previously used POC's mainly i'm facing issue concurrency and scalabitity issue with large number of data. so i need to select proper framework to ...
uda123's user avatar
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Nest.js microservices with TCP transporter

I was reading microservices section in the nest.js documentation. As doc mentions, there are two ways to transmit messages with transporters: 1-request-response and 2-event-based Most transporters ...
Hadi's user avatar
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NestJs Cron Jobs Which Previously Worked Are not Functioning

We're using NestJS scheduler for cron jobs, we've had a certain amount of cron tasks which have been running without any issues in production. However we've recently doubled the amount of cron tasks, ...
badhabit16's user avatar
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Memory leak in NodeJS (NestJS) when saving application logs

I have a server application written in NodeJS (NestJS). The application uses a tracer to store nested logs, and my problem is that creating an instance of the logger class leads to a memory leak. The ...
Максим's user avatar
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Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:3001/auth/register' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy:

Hi I am using NestJs to build Api endpoint and NextJs for Authentication system I got this error when submit a form form Nextjs: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:3001/auth/register' from ...
HOPE RIDER - Phạm Hoàng's user avatar
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NestJS GraphQL Federation 2, problem with @ResolveReference between two services

I need help. I currently have nestjs graphql microservices (apollo) federated via a nestjs gateway (appollo gateway). The types are shared between the services via a library that shares the types (I'm ...
Axel Carisey's user avatar
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Dependency (upstream) services are undefined with no useful error when doing e2e testing using Jest

This is in NestJs, using Jest. I am trying to test my controller, which relies on my "main" service. I wish to perform e2e testing on the controller. (To clarify, my smaller unit tests of ...
Raddaya's user avatar
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How to Increase Prisma Connection Pool Size on a RDS Instance?

My team is running a PostgreSQL database on an AWS RDS t3.micro instance with 2 vCPUs and 1GB of RAM. When we deploy our backend (NestJS with Prisma ORM) on ECS, we notice the following log: prisma:...
Durim Gashi's user avatar
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How to get authInfo in the callback's request?

I'm using passport and google oauth strategy using session, and the authentication works fine, the issue is that based on the authInfo, I need to redirect to a different URL. If it's a new user, ...
Gustavo Mendonça's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add random data to postgresql table with relations

I'm using postgresql, nestsj, typeorm i pgAdmin4. I have an entity with some columns and relations. I want to add random rows to this table, ideally with some relations, also randomly populated. Is it ...
Korer's user avatar
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Errors raised in the BodyParser middleware not propagated to interceptor

I have a NestJS application that is using the express' built-in BodyParser middleware to limit the request size. I've created a global interceptor to transform various errors and exceptions, and have ...
Guy Grin's user avatar
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not able to use pre save mongoose hook in nestJs

I have an use case in which before saving a document I need to check if the document is a valid document to be saved based on condition. To deal with it I am trying to use pre save mongoose hook. But ...
Ravi kant's user avatar
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2 answers

I'm having trouble configuring CORS

I'm working on a frontend application using React with Redux and a backend in NestJS with Firebase. I'm facing a CORS issue that I can't seem to resolve. I've configured CORS on the backend, but I'm ...
Vitor Diamantino's user avatar
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issue configuring internal packages with turbo build and using this with nestjs

I've a turbo repo configured with Nestjs, now I need include a shared package so I'm using an internal package, in my root package.json I included "packages/*" I'm using the tsconfig from ...
clagccs's user avatar
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How to refactor modules / services to avoid coupling? [closed]

I have been working with a startup for about 1 year now, developing a pretty big application from scratch ; I am the most senior developer here, and I've pretty much developed the backend on my own. ...
Jérémy Dutheil's user avatar
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JavaScript Heap Out of Memory Error: Allocation Failure

I'm using NestJS with Node.js version v20.12.1, and every time I run my project, I encounter an "insufficient memory" error. I'm not sure where this issue is coming from. Can you help me ...
onemama's user avatar
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Create a history table and keep track of all the updates to a document

I have a NestJS application that uses mongoose and MongoDB. I need to capture all changes/versions of this document so that I can display this as a history of the document, what changes were made by ...
Rohith Poyyeri's user avatar
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Constructor-based injection vs Property-based injection which to use?

Should I use Constructor-based injection or Property-based injection or follow different approach. interface Human { eat(): void; sleep(): void; } @Injectable() export class EmployeeService ...
Nishan Raut's user avatar
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NestJS Mongoose Connection Error: "MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:27017" [duplicate]

I'm working on a NestJS application that connects to a MongoDB database using the Mongoose module. Everything was working fine until I encountered the following error: [Nest] 3372 - 08/24/2024, 9:32:...
Tarek Ziad's user avatar
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How Scope works in Nest js

As per docs if a service is a request scope then the controller depends on it and will be request scope automatically. Imagine the following dependency graph: CatsController <- CatsService <- ...
abuzain's user avatar
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Invalid Signature when I try to join zoom meeting

I want to join zoom meeting from my reactjs app using zoom sdk. I have downloaded zoom sdk code from internet and it is working using nodejs and reactjs. But In my app I have reactjs as frontend and ...
Jignesh Patel's user avatar
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Proccess dates in nest.js and typeOrm

I got this table: Id date_time_capture idHive 1001 2024-06-19 20:17:45 2 1002 2024-06-19 20:18:45 2 date_time_capture is a datetime field in my database using MySql then in postman: This is my ...
Andres Lopez's user avatar
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Unexpected behaviour in NestJS / NATS microservice

I have a NestJS app that uses NATS microservices (using NatsJetStreamTransport). In one microservice I have a controller (A) with following event listener: @EventPattern("businessRule.apply")...
Manokaran K's user avatar
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How to run a Nest.js scheduled function in a different timezone?

I'm struggling getting timezones and task scheduling work properly on a Nest.js 9 project. For reference, this is the docs for the library: This ...
x_x's user avatar
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WebSocket Connection Issue with ECS Container Behind API Gateway

We are currently facing an issue with establishing a WebSocket connection to a server hosted in an ECS container within a VPC. Our cloud infrastructure is set up as follows: UI → AWS API Gateway → ...
Ragi Dayananda's user avatar
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What is the correct way to deploy a nest js app in a azure web app server? Should the package.json be included?

The nest js build it's not including the package.json which seems to be normal, but then when deploying to azure web app, the server it was not capable to install the needed packages. Finally I have ...
Maria Gavrila's user avatar
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EsLint line break issue resolve in nestjs

Eslint issue `endofLine break ` while integrate in to nestjs project. The issue was resolved by adding the configuration below. Add some configuration inside .eslintrc.js file 'prettier/prettier': [ ...
Rohit Sengar's user avatar
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Guard in NestJs isn't work when i give it globally

I'm using an AuthGuard component globally in my NestJS application to protect routes, while allowing some routes to be public using a Public decorator. However, the guard isn't functioning as expected,...
Andrew's user avatar
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Is it good use multiple repositories in one service? [closed]

How to structure service interactions with multiple repositories in NestJS for different payment types (subscription and one-time payment)? I'm developing a NestJS application and need to implement a ...
Darknes's user avatar
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ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED when file-type used in nest.js

I'm using file-type in nest.js and I've this error, using the last 19.4.1 version. nest start node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:597 throw e; ^ Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No &...
Roberto C.'s user avatar
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How to Sum and Map Counts of Two Related Entities in TypeORM QueryBuilder?

I'm working on a TypeScript project using NestJS and TypeORM. I'm trying to build a query that retrieves a list of "tasks" with the following requirements: Count the number of "...
venkatraman hiregange's user avatar
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Can't Connect to Redis in Docker with NestJS

I am trying to connect to a Redis instance running in a Docker container from my NestJS application. However, I'm encountering connection issues when using the URL for the Redis connection. When I ...
Titan's user avatar
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Correct param decorator usage

I am wondering if I am implementing correctly a controller action to parse a parameter from URL in Nest.js In my AppController class I declared a function getUser @Get('user/:id') async getUser(@...
Andrea Montalbani's user avatar
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UnknownElementException [Error]: Nest could not find DataSource element (this provider does not exis

I am writing an e2e test, the application has type or postgres 2 databases in the configuration, the test is successful, all actions with the database are performed, but when the application is closed,...
Даниил Дроздов's user avatar
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How do I remove the default value defined by the dto property in the @nestjs/swagger PartialType function?

CreateAdminDto.ts export class CreateAdminDto { readonly username!: string; @IsOptional() readonly jurisdiction?: string | null = null; @IsOptional() readonly nickname?: string; } ...
Bo.Y's user avatar
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Can we have Multiple Interceptor for a single Http method in Nestjs?

Is it possible to have multiple interceptor for a single HTTP method. for instance we a have a file upload method, where the express fileInterceptor handles. And I have generalized response structure ...
Roop kumar.R's user avatar
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How to Sort Users by Their Last Sent Message Timestamp in NestJS with TypeORM and PostgreSQL?

I'm working on a NestJS application with TypeORM and PostgreSQL, and I need to fetch a list of users sorted by the timestamp of the last message they sent. I have two entities, User and Message, ...
StormTrooper's user avatar
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how would you start a nest.js application without `nest start` command?

I use npm publish to pack my application and run node ./dist/index.js to run it inside docker container in production. As nest.js has kind of special command to start, I wonder if I can integrate it ...
muratgozel's user avatar
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NestJS not running POST request

I am following a tutorial by Dave Gray and by 29:30 he creates a POST controller as @Post() // POST /users create(@Body() user: Record<string, any>) { return user; } When I run this on ...
Ahmad Hassan's user avatar
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How to use ParseIntPipe in nest js so it accepts optional values?

I Have the following line of code in nest js, but it does not work as expected. Even though the optional parameter is set to true, not sending the Year query param fails because of validation. @Query('...
rb27's user avatar
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How to fix an error when creating a migration

Error: Debug Failure. False expression: Non-string value passed to ts.resolveTypeReferenceDirective, likely by a wrapping package working with an outdated resolveTypeReferenceDirectives signature. ...
daniel_kuv's user avatar

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