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Is the method subscribe in angular 17 is not working

export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { data: any; constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { } ngOnInit(): void { // Substitua 'your-endpoint' pelo seu endpoint real this....
Alelix's user avatar
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Node js cancel request when user leaves page [closed]

When a user goes into a page it makes some requests, etc. to load data for a table, or in a dashboard to load multiple information. Is there a point to detect if the user has left the page in order to ...
Pate's user avatar
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Angular Nodejs Incorrect Login or Password

I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle login(incorrect username or password). When user logs in I do my authentication on server side which works the way it is suppose to, if incorrect ...
user2280852's user avatar
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If you are trying to get the task api/endpoint for clickup tasks and not getting

If you are through${listId}/task you will get task but wont get the completed task I have tried that api but not getting the completed task only getting the in ...
Ritik Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I get a 404 error on blog detail pages in Angular?

When the URL is entered incorrectly, I get a 404 error on all pages, but I don't get this error even though I go to NotFoundComponent on the blog detail pages. My routers are as follows: { path: '...
user27023959's user avatar
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Webpack 5 extract-text plugin child invoked though not used

I am updating my 10 year old Node website, to bring it in line with the latest software and (especially) address any possible security issues. This means implementing webpage 5, which (among much else)...
peter's user avatar
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How to resolve The _AppComponent component is not marked as standalone, but Angular expects to have a standalone component here error?

I'm in the process of migrating my project from Angular 9.1 to Angular 18.1, but I'm encountering the following error during compilation: NG0907: The _AppComponent component is not marked as ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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How to resolve Cannot find name 'NgxMatDatetimePickerModule'. Did you mean 'MatDatepickerModule'?

I am migrating my project to Angular 18.1 from Angular 9.1 but I'm facing the Cannot find name 'NgxMatDatetimePickerModule'. Did you mean 'MatDatepickerModule'?ts(2552) error in AppModule I think the ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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Issue with deploying Angular application to gh-pages

I have an Angular application that I'm attempting to deploy to gh-pages via angular-cli-ghpages. I've been struggling off and on with this project, in general. I can either get my application working ...
Tyler Kunce's user avatar
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Angular 18 breakpoints are broken after logging out via OIDC

Summary If I try to debug an angular app with Visual Studio Code after I have logged in, logged out and then logged in again, error messages are displayed or the debugger stops in the wrong places. ...
user3360631's user avatar
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facing problems running angular server

\node_modules\rxjs\dist\cjs\internal\util\reportUnhandledError.js:13 throw err; ^ Error: The service was stopped: write EPIPE at C:\Sistema\ProntMed\Front\node_modules\esbuild\lib\main.js:993:26 at ...
GilsonAlfredo Cossa's user avatar
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Validation error: Invalid request headers

I'm currently exploring Docker and facing an issue when running my Angular frontend and Node.js backend inside Docker containers. Everything works fine when I run both applications locally on my ...
ks_'s user avatar
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Angular 18 application breaks after request on locahost

I've updated my Angular app to 18 version. I'm behind a corporate proxy, with my proxy file looking like this: let proxyConfig = { '/test/**': { target: 'https://myUrl/test', secure: true, ...
anyway07's user avatar
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npm install command fails with EEXIST error

I am trying to run npm install command for my project but it fails with below errors: npm ERR! code EEXIST npm ERR! syscall open npm ERR! path C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_cacache\tmp\...
vengo's user avatar
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Why does the project stop working when I cp -r nodeProject/* newLoc?

80% of the time I copy a Node.js (or Angular) project, I have to rm -rf node_modules and npm install again. I am wondering why, as cp -r dir/* dir is extremely stable and I did this in Java all the ...
Dean Hiller's user avatar
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Angular frontend root files suddenly not founded anymore inside Docker

could you please give me a hint, why this setup is not working? My frontend docker file gives me suddenly this error. I say suddenly because it was working for a while exactly like that and even more ...
user17293718's user avatar
-1 votes
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SSR rendering causing document not defined issue with Angular 16

I wanted to dynamically change the meta tags in the view page source which is possible through SSR when using this it gives this error but the document is successfully running in Angular. I am using ...
alishba iftikhar's user avatar
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Improve Angular performance with 80,000+ DOM elements on screen

I am working with Angular 14. I display a huge amount of data (large DOM sizes) in my page (width: 2208 by height: 3140). I need to display all this data at one time in an ag grid table. My issue is ...
Chady's user avatar
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Implementing a BFF with Angular SSR and keycloak

Apologies if this question is vague. I'm really looking for guidance on how to implement a backend-for-front end (BFF) using Keycloak and an Angular SSR app.My endgoal is to be able to securely attach ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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npm install hang on pipeline server

I am using angular 17.3.10 and npm install is working locally, but on the build server, it is hanging while installing packages. I have tried to force, clean, delete the package-lock file etc., but it ...
Hitendra Girase's user avatar
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Why 'ng version' respond with an empty line?

... Along with all other ng commands. Hi! I have just reinstalled node.js because was having this issue, and it persisted after the installation too. These are the first commands that I have run ...
hisnbrg's user avatar
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Styles broke after updating application to Angular 11

I'm trying to update a Angular 4 project to reach Angular 17, and when I updated to Angular 11 I noticed some styles are broken, but nothing seems wrong. Things i believe are important: I used to have ...
StzEZ's user avatar
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Angular CLI: ng update fails due to certificate verification

Today I tried to update from Angular 17 to Angular 18. I am in a company with a custom proxy for the npm registry (uses a Nexus Repository for private packages). So we have disabled certificate ...
ph1823's user avatar
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Gitlab job / docker execution hangs on node command forever

We are upgrading our Anguar project from v.17 to v.18.1.0. Everything works nicely, but we get a problem during our CI/CD pipelines. I have the following commands to run as part of a gitlab pipeline: ...
ForestG's user avatar
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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 () - chatGPT API

I am working on angular project with node js. my method works fine locally but not working on the domain. my website deployed on vercel. vercel has this file vercel.json to config it before deploy ...
Moses Az's user avatar
-3 votes
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Module build Failed in Angular

"I am using the ng s command and the ng build --configuration command, but I am getting an error. To solve this:- I removed the node_modules directory and then reinstalled it, but I am still ...
ATUL VERMA's user avatar
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What is Error: self-signed certificate in Angular, does it affect anything?

enter image description here im trying to do a simple cors between Angular and Geting data from api works/run fine, but this error keep coming up in Vs code. I dont understand what does this ...
nubcodeman's user avatar
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Need help how to load the permissions in keycloak in api to front using angular & express

Hi i have a problem with keycloak i create a front with angular & backend with express js so what i want is to hide or show a button like add something or edit or delete for specific user i ...
anas jelloul's user avatar
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Running 2 Different Angular Versions with 2 Different Node Versions Simultaneously

I am working on 2 Angular projects, first one with angular 14 and the second one with angular 18. Now becuase each one requires a different node version, I'm using NVM to switch between node version, ...
medk's user avatar
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Server rendering with Angular SSR never returns any html

I am trying to get Angular SSR to work on my web app. Everything seems to work just that the html rendered on my server seems to never be served. Here is my server.ts: import { APP_BASE_HREF } from '@...
Daniel Gustafsson's user avatar
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sh 'npm install' cmd not working in jenkins pipeline. Note: jenkins is installed inside windows

I am writing a simple jenkins files to test, build and deploy angular application. but my jenkins pipeline is failing at sh 'npm install' Here is my jenkins pipeline script pipeline { agent any ...
Aakash Giri's user avatar
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How to send a Bearer Token from front-end to back-end

My back-end is already working ,I tested it in Postman but I don't know how to get the Bearer Token,which is in front-end; I am using httpOnly and withCredentials. NODE: MiddleWare: const jwt = ...
Guilherme Peixe's user avatar
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npm install angular/cli isnt working - seems stuck midway, no log, no error regarding why it is stuck

Can anyone help me with an issue I have during npm install @angular/cli Below are the details Command I am running: npm install -g @angular/cli What I am seeing: the install starts pulls some ...
Phani's user avatar
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Installing Angular npm error code ECONNRESET npm error syscall read npm error errno -4077 npm error network read ECONNRESET

I am trying to install angular using npm. I installed Angular with no errors but when I do ng new test it creates the files but does not get past the installing stage. I am under a corporate network ...
NimsTay's user avatar
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Can I make a docker container copy its content out right before starting?

I have a docker-composer file and a Dockerfile for angular project, but it only works, when the node packages are already installed. As node packages are excluded of the git repo, when someone clones ...
Maestro's user avatar
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Handling large amounts of data efficiently in a MEAN stack application while ensuring data consistency can be challenging

I am facing technical issues with handling a large amount of data in my MEAN stack application. To avoid repeatedly calling the API, I have implemented local storage to cache the data. If the same ...
ihtizaz ahmad's user avatar
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Angular build failing on Jenkins saying angular cli requires minimum node js version of v14.20,v16.13 or v18.10. Although the build passes locally

I have migrated to angular 15. And I have node version 16 installed on my local system (laptop). When I run the build locally it passes(npm run build --prod), but when I trigger it on Jenkins it fails ...
Avinash Singh's user avatar
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Cannot uninstall @angular/core

I cannot unistall @angular/core even if I ran the command 'npm uninstall -g @angular/core' When running the command 'npm info @angular/core version' it keeps showing version 18.1.1
Bradley Bousoula's user avatar
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ng not found error when building Angular project using dockerfile

I came into a very strange issue yesterday. I have been working on an Angular project and deploying using docker. Everything works fine till yesterday, all of sudden I cannot build the docker image. ...
AoLiGei's user avatar
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3 answers

NodeJS Express Host index.html File Then Route To Specific Spa Route with Params

I have an application that uses Angular 13 as the frontend and nodeJS with express for the backend. The backend servers the frontend files. I am working on adding subdomains into my application and ...
coder123's user avatar
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Angular SSR generates browser and server folders on build. Can I use the site as static or with server-side rendering after configuration?

After setting up and running with SSR, Angular initially renders on the server.I'm on angular version 18.1.0 After the initial load, Angular takes over and the application operates as a Single Page ...
Fábio Brasileiro's user avatar
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Which angular version should be used for node version 20.15.1

I upgraded node version 14 to version 20.15.1 and upgraded angular-cli to version 17.3.8 but I am facing peer depedencies version mismatch error.How can I handle it. I did npm i and updated all ...
Priya's user avatar
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How can I make dependencies in other folders resolve imports from the current build folder's node_modules?

I'm trying to convert two Angular repos and their two shared submodule dependencies into one monorepo. To prepare for this process, I've tried to hoist the shared dependencies out of one of the ...
user25527914's user avatar
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Angular PWA and NodeJS backend

How can I configure an Angular PWA to ensure it continues making requests to a Node.js backend when the service worker is offline? This is my ngsw.config.json { "$schema": "./...
zimmer098's user avatar
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Polymer functions not functioning after Angular 11 update from 10

The errors in the console after ng serve has compiled succesfully These errors have just started to be thrown in angular 11. It was running fine in angular 8, 9, 10. This is recurrent on multiple ...
user26393160's user avatar
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npm build is failing due to lodash

Using Node: 16.20.2 Angular: CLI 11.2.5 Typescript: 4.1.5 @types/lodash: 4.14.177 npm build started failing with below exception Error: node modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts:1026:46 error ...
atal anand's user avatar
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Can't post image file to Express server with Angular 18.0.6

I am not a native English speaker so my english might be hard to read. I am currently developing Angular(18.0.6) application and trying to implement CRUD using express and mysql. What I am trying is ...
近藤亮太's user avatar
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Error for angular 7.2 Data path ".builders['application']" should be object

I have an angular project that I have to clone first from a git source before proceeding with working on it, I cloned it, the angular version was 7.2, My nodejs i updated to 20.15.1 LTS and angular is ...
user19080871's user avatar
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My dockerfile for deploying my angular app doesnt start the app using a web server either nodeJs or nginx

i have finished my work on an angular project and i need to deploy it using docker , i followed the instructions and made sure that the dockerfile is correct using multiple sources . i tried to use ...
Soye Gh's user avatar
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The event binding is not working on my system but works on an online compiler

I am a beginner and using version 18 of Angular but Event binding doesn't work when i try it on my system. Here is the code i was trying product-list.component.html <img [src]="product.pImage&...
Yash Saxena's user avatar

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