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I'm stuck for 5 days on solving an issue with node.js

I'm taking the web application course and have been building my own website on the side. I'm trying to have items.js grab contents from the posts(.html) save them in an object, and then app.js will ...
Purply Main's user avatar
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Inconsistent indentation in pug template error

in pug template i face this error ... Error: C:\nafeesData\complete web development course\Dance Website\views\home.pug:22:1 20| li #[a(href="/") Info] 21| 22| section#...
Nafees k jadoon's user avatar
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Node js error Streaming Application in Node [closed]

node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1228 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'express' Require stack: - C:\Users\Khan\Documents\project 7\index.js (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12) { code:...
KHAN UMAIR's user avatar
-4 votes
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EJS loops not rendering html tags

I am a beginner in coding using JS, NODE, and EJS. I used fs.readdir to get some files as an array then to loop it and display filenames as an html list tag. I can see my files using console log. ...
Mplbaltazar's user avatar
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How to debug CSS design issues persisting **only** on production?

I Have a Node.js based url shortening GitHub project deployed on vercel and Its been a while I've been facing a discrepancy in the CSS design e.g: HTML table and body elements on the Pixel 7 device ...
Sarkis's user avatar
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2 answers

UIncaught ReferenceError: db is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (VM586 editor.js:66:9)

I'm building a blog website using Firebase Firestore and JavaScript. I'm trying to save blog posts to Firestore, but I'm encountering an issue where db is not defined when I attempt to use it in my ...
NAVANIDHARAM A's user avatar
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-webkit and -moz missing after compiling bootstrap5

I am trying to customize bootstrap5. as a start I created scss file @import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; when compiled using live sass compiler and compared with original ...
swapnil jajoo's user avatar
-2 votes
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Nodejs convert html to open office xml [closed]

I know this is a long shot, but has anybody written custom code to convert html to open office xml? I am trying to fill a docx file with data. The data is either plain text or rich text in the form of ...
Just Me's user avatar
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2 answers

Change background color of P element on button click [closed]

I'm trying to write a segment that will change that background color of my each time I click the button. So far, it only works after the first click and then I need to refresh, and then it works ...
Mariah Alao's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use require() in React

I'm new to React. I was wondering how to read and write to JSON file and most people use require(fs) etc... I know that require is not standard browser function (or Reacts) but I'm confused how to ...
Menethil's user avatar
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Live Stream audio(Mic) from a front end (HTML) to a Node JS server

I need a way to stream audio from a front end comprised of HTML to a Node JS server in real time. More specifically, the user needs to select a system input device such as a microphone. It then needs ...
Jonathan Langford's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to resolve Cannot find name 'NgxMatDatetimePickerModule'. Did you mean 'MatDatepickerModule'?

I am migrating my project to Angular 18.1 from Angular 9.1 but I'm facing the Cannot find name 'NgxMatDatetimePickerModule'. Did you mean 'MatDatepickerModule'?ts(2552) error in AppModule I think the ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I get a Vimeo video thumbnail from the Vimeo API?

If I have a Vimeo video URL, is there any way to get the associated thumbnail from the Vimeo API? Like in Youtube, I use "" I tried to find a way to ...
Fawzy Moawad's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Linking a button to a part of a web page from an ejs partials(nav)

I am unable to link a button on my nav bar in an ejs template to a part of one of my web pages I have been trying to link a button in my nav bar to a part of my webpage, there are different web pages ...
owoeye samuel's user avatar
0 votes
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HTML canvas game giving error cant import outside of a module

The file that isn't working is a js file and I'm trying to import a resource.js file to get the game objects loaded SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module If I remove that js ...
junior207's user avatar
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1 answer

how to render a specific piece of data from Mysql database to my front end html using Js and node

so i am building a note system and how i have it setup is that on the home page it gives you a preview of the note and if you want to see the whole note you click on it and it pulls up a modal pop-up ...
Treemo's user avatar
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Vercel deployment issues even after putting vercel.json file

I deployed a pinterest clone app which I made using Express and instead of the app, this is what's appearing when I click on the link: Screenshot Just the bare code from my index.js on the screen. I ...
Shatodru Sarkar's user avatar
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Click on item inside dynamic accordion using Puppeteer for nodejs

I'm struggling to find \ click on an item inside an dynamic loaded accordion. When the page opens, the first thing i do is click on the accordion button to expand its items. So far so good, i managed ...
Pablo Costa's user avatar
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How can I increase the TPS of Active Report js In Node js

Here is the problem, I am using Active Report Js to generate reports in multiple formats. I have created a project where we can generate PDF,HTML and CSV. Before that we have to design the report and ...
Arun M's user avatar
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NodeJS/Puppeteer - can't click an element

I'm trying to click on an element but whenever i click the focus seems to turn into an input. Lemme try to rephrase: it is an clickable element who shows after i do some search. I want to click on it ...
Pablo Costa's user avatar
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Does not connect to the mysql database when the site is opened through the telegram mini application

I encountered such a problem that when I go to the site through my browser, everything works fine and connects to the database, but when I go through the telegram mini application, an error occurs ...
MG7's user avatar
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React page not showing when there is an error. Is there a way to see the error?

React page is not showing when there is an error, is there any method that we can use to see the actual error? Trying to build a simple lottery game in React, in which user can buy a new ticket. If ...
Rehman Ali's user avatar
1 vote
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Tally Voucher - import single voucher in html format

So in nodejs im trying to import a single Voucher in tally based on the voucher number. I am able to get the information of the single voucher in xml format.. But i need to get in HTML format so that ...
Ghosty's user avatar
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How to split a table and insert a scroll bar?

I am working on a node js web project. I added a table to the page but I want to put the first 3 columns of this table to the left and the buttons to the right. I am using Bootstrap 5.3.3 and ...
Axciom's user avatar
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-1 votes
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specify module could not be found

enter image description here enter image description here i watched many video on youtube i used many commands and file path also correct but still not working.plz any reply. i am expecting parcel to ...
Marimuthu's user avatar
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Node Media Server Problems

I'm trying to setup a livestreaming website and I'm encountering problems when trying to host node media server on my Ubuntu 20.04 VPS. Basically whenever the user starts the livestream it works when ...
Alfie Frost's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot define variables in TS file with input elements from HTML

I'm trying to run a ts/js file from a button in an HTML file. I'm using TS and node js. this is a bit of code where I get the error document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const ...
cesar lapa's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

CORS Error: Getting error while trying to get info of user email and password for frontend

I have a localhost port 1000 for backend. For frontend, the port was 5173 Now to access form data from backend, I used CORS to request from my server, but it is showing me Error 401: unauthorised, ...
Rutvi Sharma's user avatar
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How to render filtered messages?

I'm working on a real-time chat project but I'm having issues rendering the filteredMessages when a user searches for a term in their conversation. The messages are correctly filtered when I right the ...
Shawn Yang's user avatar
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WebRTC: Cannot connect peers to watch livestream from other client

-I want to make a server that can receive data sent from the client. The client can be the person broadcasting the live video or the person who wants to watch the live video. Connect the clients ...
Good's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Issues with Image Upload in Express.js Using Multer

I am developing an Express.js application and trying to add the facility of image upload by Multer. I am getting some issues, so any kind of help will be appreciated. Problem: The file doesn't upload, ...
Aminul Islam's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does my `updateCartUIWithNewData` function fail to update cart items correctly in vanilla JavaScript?

I'm working on an e-commerce website and trying to update the shopping cart UI when the cart data changes. I have a function updateCartUIWithNewData that is supposed to handle this, but it doesn't ...
BrainDebugger's user avatar
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Error 401 on GET method, 401 (Unauthorized)

I'm making a request to AccuWeather's public API, first there was a problem with cors but I solved it, now it's giving me an authorization error, what do I do? import React from "react"; ...
Gustavo Lacerda's user avatar
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Nodemailer contact us form

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: "gmail", auth: { user: "[email protected]", pass: "password", }, });"/api/send", (...
Bikkey_11's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Angular PWA and NodeJS backend

How can I configure an Angular PWA to ensure it continues making requests to a Node.js backend when the service worker is offline? This is my ngsw.config.json { "$schema": "./...
zimmer098's user avatar
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How to convert html view to pdf using jspdf npm library?

When i am using jspdf library to convert the html view to pdf its giving me below error. TypeError: Method Promise.prototype.then called on incompatible receiver #<WrappedPromise> at Promise....
Shagun Rai's user avatar
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2 answers

How to implement this npm library with javascript and NodeJS

I'm getting back into internet programming after taking a class on it a few years ago and I'm trying to implement a library into my website. For this project, I want to use these animated diagrams of ...
Octavia's user avatar
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How can I take a RAR file and dynamically generate a gallery in Node.js?

I need to create an HTML gallery dynamically without saving the files to disk. I need to retrieve data from individual RAR files or split RAR files (e.g., rar, r01, r02, r03, and so on) and generate a ...
kasten's user avatar
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How to prevent Express from adding a slash to the route of the URL

I noticed that when I have a route and a sub directory of the same name Express / Nodejs will change the URL when visiting that page in the browser. For example, if I have a route named foo and then I ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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error while file upload using nodejs (not express)

Help to find the temporary file path. during the file upload using Nodejs (no express) I have tried to handle file uploads using Nodejs (no express). After parsing the uploaded file will be saved into ...
Ullekh chandran's user avatar
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The event binding is not working on my system but works on an online compiler

I am a beginner and using version 18 of Angular but Event binding doesn't work when i try it on my system. Here is the code i was trying product-list.component.html <img [src]="product.pImage&...
Yash Saxena's user avatar
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trix autofocus issue on expreessJS/ejs

I'm building a blog, with NodeJS/Express, and use Trix editor to handle writing and editing the blog posts. while attempting to edit a post trix rich text area automatically fouces; not allowing any ...
Kenan's user avatar
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Details ejs not working after database query

I have a context in node.js called Blog which displays the blogs which users have inputed to the database on one webpage. I then have a method which after a user clicks on the blog then tries to ...
Russell Flaherty's user avatar
1 vote
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Why my form validation while logging in is not working?

my ts component file : import { Component, inject } from '@angular/core'; import { HeaderComponent } from "../header/header.component"; import { FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/...
Mohamed Seif Ben Salah's user avatar
-1 votes
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Images won't load

I'm working on a project and the user uploads their images (path is saved in MySQL) and the image itself is saved in a directory named uploads. I have my HTML CSS and JavaScript files stored in /var/...
gvnsvn's user avatar
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HTML Static S3 site triggers APIG & Lambda & SES - but JSON field content not coming through into email

Have S3 Static site configured Contact form triggers API Gateway to Lambda to SES When receiving the email - all field content is 'undefined' Website is successfully triggering lambda and SES Postman ...
Jack Creager's user avatar
-3 votes
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Using stored WYSIWYG html data (shows as plain text)

I have a WYSIWYG editor on my ejs site to my modify a blog article. It works great, it does what it’s suppose to do, it generates the html as it should, it stores the generated html into my database. ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Why is TailwindCSS not being applied to things inside of my body tag?

I am using NodeJs, TailwindCSS, and ExpressJS to build a personal website. I am pretty new to this. I have an index.ejs file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><%= data....
Julien P's user avatar
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I have a problem with passing the path data the user selects from the computer through the html input file element

In my Angular application, I am creating a function that allows the user to select an image file from his computer through the input file element and when the path data of that image is retrieved, ...
 no name's user avatar
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Autoresponder Unable to Receive GET Request to ''

I am trying to set up an autoresponder using Node.js and Nodemailer on my website, but it is not working as expected. After signing up, I get this in the browser: "
Paul Attah OKOLO's user avatar

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