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Deloyment problem for Node(backend) and Vite React(frontend) application on heroku platform

I'm trying to deploy a full stack blog application on heroku platform. But after deployment is giving '502 bad gateway' response from nginx. This is my folder structue: Overall Structure [] API folder ...
wfh_coder's user avatar
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Keep getting token expired response on mobile devices

I have a frontend React app that I created using Vite with TypeScript, hosted via Vercel, and an Express app that I'm hosting via Heroku. When a user logs in with their credentials and it is correct, ...
yigit's user avatar
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Kafka deployed on Heroku giving error "Not authorized to access topics"

I have deployed a Kafka on Heroku server. The problem is that I am getting connected to the Kafka server on Heroku. The connection is successful and I am able to see all of my available topics on the ...
Hassan Afridi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error: cannot find module './discord.js' on Heroku

This is my first time deploying on Heroku, and I've come across this hurdle that won't let me successfully deploy my Discord bot. I've been following a tutorial, and the creator seemed to deploy his ...
user21317313's user avatar
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NodeJS Heroku delaying daily restart

I'm working on an application that uses Heroku as a cron scheduler in Node (Except instead of cron add-ons, it is using Node Cron). In short, every 20 minutes it'll reach out to a third party service ...
Jadon Steinmetz's user avatar
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Websocket sever deployed to Heroku does not initialize so client recieves a 404

My project requires that I send information to the front-end concerning the status of a transaction so the client will be notified. I began to do this using Server Sent Events and I had issues with ...
code46's user avatar
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Building Node/Vite app with Heroku - fails on build step because it can't find the correct vite.config.js file

Apologies in advance if this is a noob question, I'm relatively new to the production and hosting side of web dev. I'm hosting a Node app using Vite on Heroku, and when I try to do a manual deploy ...
Jesse Rosengrant's user avatar
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1 answer

Puppeteer Heroku/Node script accessing stale data

I am running a Puppeteer script on Heroku which logs into a company website, navigates to a reports page, selects a tab which triggers an ajax call (i believe) and displays the data related to the tab ...
Estevan's user avatar
1 vote
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OAuth working on localhost and production in Chrome, but not Firefox / Safari

I am quite new to web development, so please bear with me! I have deployed a React application ( via Netlify with my backend hosted on Heroku (here). Initially, Oauth for Google / Github ...
Lindsay Renna's user avatar
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Heroku showing error "Cannot find package 'express' imported from /app/backend/dist/server.js" when trying to deploy

I was trying to deploy my first typescript app on heroku. But, I ended up with 2 error first the h=10 code error which I looked up all over the internet and tried all the fixes but the error still ...
Rakshit Gumber's user avatar
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Session not persisting after redirect during Google OAuth 2.0 flow

I have been working on this bug for a while now, I can break it down in detail but can't solve it, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Currently Req.user and req.session are not persisting after ...
Drail's user avatar
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Express Subdomain and Route Returning Cors Error

I have a angular and nodejs app that worked perfectly fine. The application is an angular application with a nodejs backend hosted on heroku. I recently introduces subdomains to the nodejs server ...
coder12's user avatar
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Bull queue job with fetch blocking the node event loop?

we have started to use Bull queue to process our background tasks (Heroku platform, Node.js, Redis). Time to time it happens that some job gets stuck in the active state and no other tasks are being ...
Arey Jeremy's user avatar
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Graphql Yoga and mongodb build to Heroku

The project stack is made up of nodejs, graphql yoga and mongodb and I am trying to build it to heroku. The build works perfectly locally but the issue though is that on heroku the build is successful ...
Austin Edelman's user avatar
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Heroku deployment fails due to OpenAI module import issues in Node.js/TypeScript project

I'm experiencing issues deploying my Node.js/TypeScript application to Heroku. The deployment fails with errors related to importing the OpenAI module. Below are the details of the problem and the ...
Amin's user avatar
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Force TLS 1.2 Connections at my API hosted on Heroku

I have one NodeJS based API hosted on Heroku using the Hobby Dyno (Paid plan) and it works normally. One client said that he can only uses APIs that follows the TLS v1.2 (something about Java v17), ...
Fabio Chirumpolo's user avatar
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Running into issues with heroku nodejs code

I am running into an error pushing my heroku code. When I do git push heroku master, I get the following error remote: -----> Build remote: Running heroku-postbuild remote: remote: ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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Dynamically Create Subdomains in NodeJS Express and Heroku

I have an angular application that currently handles tenants(customers) using our software to have their own online store load up based on query params. So is the main domain. Let'...
coder12's user avatar
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Can I make a .env variable composed of two other .env variables with the dotenv note package?

I am working on a project where I need to join two .env variables to create a third one. The reason as to why I don't just make the first one the way I need it is because I would have to manually ...
0 votes
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PERN App Deployment | Deploying Client, Server and Database on one Heroku server

I've created an E-commerce app using the following technologies: Node Express Nest PostgreSQL React My Front-End and Back-End runs like two different apps. Its a basic app with 20-25 products and I ...
Ahmed Hassan's user avatar
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1 answer

Heroku node.js backend not working the same way with React frontend in the same way as local despite Procfile

I have a React website with a Node.js backend that is deployed to Heroku through my GitHub account. The React website frontend sends contact form requests back to the Node.js backend server, which ...
EarningZekrom's user avatar
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Heroku: Cannot GET / - Issue with Serving Static Files and Routing in Node.js App

I'm trying to deploy my Node.js application on Heroku, but I'm encountering a `Cannot GET /` error when accessing the root URL. The app works perfectly on my local machine. Here are the details of my ...
SaintK's user avatar
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Heroku Node Express API and React Front end (blocked by CORS policy)

I have a React front end application hosted as a web app on Azure. I also have a SQL database hosted with Azure. I then have a node express API app that I deployed on Heroku (because I couldn't get ...
Steven Jones's user avatar
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trouble using proxy with sequelize

I am on Heroku and due it's IP address rotation nature it's difficult to connect to an external database with IP restriction. We can use proxy with pg but in sequelize there is no way to add a proxy. ...
Muhammad Tayyab's user avatar
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Issues connecting to heroku postgres database in node.js app

I'm trying to use a Heroku Postgres database with my node.js app. I've followed the steps to provision the database and I think I've set up ssl properly. When I connect to my app I get a 503 error. In ...
Seth Strumwasser's user avatar
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Error authenticating with Fixie proxy: '407 Proxy Authentication Required'

I've setup Fixie for use on a Heroku app. I have a Node app and using Axios to make service calls and https-proxy-agent to configure the proxy settings: const fixieUrl = new URL(process.env.FIXIE_URL);...
Ian Tunbridge's user avatar
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Heroku cli login error: unable to verify the first certificate

I treid to login using following commands to setup new heroku project. But I'm getting the error **unable to verify the first certificate** heroku auth:login --browser=chrome heroku: Press any key to ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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Heroku with redis continously logs Informations and also socket error

I use heroku, redis and nodejs with express. After I setup the redis on my node app, I was able to cache data. However, in the Heroku log console, i get continously logs in the following format: 2024-...
daniel sas's user avatar
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Trouble Connecting to PostgreSQL on Heroku with node-pg-migrate: SSL Configuration Issues

I'm trying to deploy a Node.js application on Heroku that uses PostgreSQL. I'm using node-pg-migrate for database migrations, but I'm running into issues with SSL connection settings. Heroku requires ...
BugHunter's user avatar
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2 answers

Heroku NextJs trigger build when data is updated

We currently operate two applications on Heroku: a backend built with KeystoneJS 6 and a frontend using Next.js 14. Both apps are connected to Heroku through the GitHub Deployment Method, each ...
cloudis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Heroku adding undefined before api ; undefiled/api

I deployed app on heroku and got an error in logs saying: 2024-04-09T05:34:19.728228+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/undefined/api/clinics" host=dental-w-032fe80aafac....
Temirlan's user avatar
1 vote
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Failed docker deployment: Cannot find module '/app/heroku'

I have a Node app in Docker I'm trying to deploy to Heroku with this deploy github action: My app is already created in Heroku, and its using ...
Ryan Doherty's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I got CORS error when trying to do a request in my app in Heroku

This is the error that I had faced before when requesting in localhost, and I solved it using proxy config in Angular. So as I was using a custom proxy, I had to remove that proxy-config from my ...
Alex Whitney's user avatar
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Deploying to Heroku: Dynamic Env variables are undefined

I have an Express.js application with a /CreateShipment endpoint that takes in JSON data to create a specific shipment for a client's order. The issue I am running into is the clients have different ...
liams000's user avatar
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Permanent solution to "Remote server returned '550 5.7.708 Service unavailable."

I have an application set up on heroku that sends emails for OTP and the likes, I know the solution to the error stated above is to delist the IP address at, but heroku ...
Enoch Omolere's user avatar
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How can I set up my Heroku-hosted Nodejs server to receive data from an IoT device using GPRS?

I am configuring an IoT device with GPRS. I have already procurred the IoT simcards from my GPRS provider. One of the requirements from the Concentrator Software(used for configuring the IoT device) ...
Daviskitavi's user avatar
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Trying to deploy fullstack RoR app to heroku but has blank frontend

I have a Ruby on Rails, Node, react redux app I'm trying to deploy to heroku. I've worked my way through the deployment stage, and gotten it successfully hosted however it results in a blank frontend. ...
Raynor's user avatar
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Heroku Deploy failing to install NPM packages

I am trying to deploy a node.js app to Heroku through the web interface, connecting the git repo. Facing the below error during deployment. It's not able to install dependencies. **Heroku Error Log: **...
unni_ramachandran's user avatar
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How can I prevent Heroku corrupting / changing my .bin file when uploaded?

I am trying to upload a node.js project to Heroku, it includes .bin files that represent weightings for an image segmentation model. When these files are uploaded to heroku they are being changed. I ...
Matthew Speechley's user avatar
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Not sure how to deploy web application running on web socket server using Heroku

I am a beginner with both Node and Heroku and have made a website that populates itself using data from a web socket server. The program has 2 files, server.js which creates all the data and index....
RXQZIX's user avatar
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Websocket Server written in Node.JS running on Heroku keeps crashing with status 0 and error H10. Deployment says upgrade required

I have written code for a web socket server that should populate a website with data. The code is in HTML and Java Script. I am facing the following error in the logs: 2024-02-28T23:34:41.077771+00:00 ...
RXQZIX's user avatar
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Heroku run via their node-heroku-client

How can i use the heroku run command via the node-heroku-client? I want to drop and create the tables in a database via herokus node-heroku-client, but I don't find the endpoint for that. Is there an ...
ihaveaquestion's user avatar
-1 votes
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Angular suddenly stopped working in dev, prod and local with no change, compiles successfully

TypeError: n is not iterable TypeError: n is not iterable I have an Angular and nodejs project running on heroku. The application was working fine and now all of a sudden I am having Angular building ...
coder123's user avatar
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Heroku SSL connection failure with MongoDB resulting in H10 ("app crashed") Heroku error. Obvious solutions re: Node.js environment failed so far

My application builds successfully, but the deployed site is inoperable. Heroku logs reveal an H10 error and a message indicating an SSL connection error with my MongoDB database. I'm using a MERN ...
Sam T's user avatar
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3 votes
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H12 Request timeout errors on Heroku, Nest.Js

We have developed a backend system using Nest.Js that is currently hosted on Heroku. we are experiencing sometimes crashes by H12 Request timeout errors. These crashes occur randomly and are not tied ...
Ali Mohammad's user avatar
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« unsafe-eval » error when I’m trying to import Stripe

I can’t fix this issue : Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' ...
alexandre perron's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Angular Build Failing On Heroku With Minimal Error Message

I have an angular and nodeJs app that I am running on Heroku. Everything was running and building fine until suddenly heroku build kept failing and gave a minimal error message which made it hard to ...
coder123's user avatar
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Increase the limited file upload size on deployed environment (Heroku + Cloudflare)

I'm dealing with an issue which hinders us uploading files to our platform. The point is that when I upload a file with any size from local development environment, files are uploaded without problem. ...
Can777's user avatar
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Persistent Connection Issues with Bull Queue and Redis in Heroku-Deployed Node.js App

ENVIROMENT: Node.js application Redis for caching Bull for queue management Heroku for deployment OVERVIEW: My Node app uses Bull queues with Redis to make api calls to OpenAI's GPT-4 (gpt4_1106) and ...
adamb's user avatar
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