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docker "copy . ." error Cannot copy to non-directory

When I run> docker build -t test . Getting this response: => ERROR [ 8/10] COPY . . ...
OverBakedToast's user avatar
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Encountering errors while running Dockerfile for React and can't able to resolve them and run the docker image,

I created a Dockerfile in my React Project created via Vite, My Dockerfile for react FROM node:22-alpine WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install COPY . . CMD ["npm&...
Abrar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Docker-compose.yml not found

I'm deploying my nestjs + mongo project through gitlab and I can't to deploy my project on VPS. My docker-compsose.yml: version: '3.9' services: app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: \-...
Dairkhan Dossayev's user avatar
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'pg' package TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then')

When I try to run then function on it, it will return this error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then') at Object.\<anonymous\> (/app/src/index.js:52:2) at Module.\...
mohamed moniem's user avatar
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AWS Lambda Function using Docker image with module not found error

I have a simple node.js application running puppeteer to extract and process reports from a website. I had some compatibility issues with chromium and lambda so I decided to contain the application in ...
Guillaume Des Rosiers's user avatar
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UUID function for JavaScript works fine on host machine, but timeout in Docker Container [closed]

I am trying to generate PDFs with the puppeteer library a Docker container which has been working great up until a couple months ago. (For those unfamiliar, puppeteer uses a headless version of Google ...
Nathan's user avatar
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NGINX proxy issue with configuration. Switching between default page and my app

I'm working with NGINX as a reverse proxy for an APP in docker. The problem that I'm facing is that, when I reload my website, it switches between 404 and my App on docker. I have tried a lot of ...
Juan Galofre's user avatar
-1 votes
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Printing PDFs Server Side

I am building a feature in my app where I have to let users only print a pdf but they can not download it to their pc. Using window.print() or any client-side library ( which they all I believe call ...
mohamedelnaggar1223's user avatar
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Dependency installation and permission issues with HTTPS setting custom server

I'm encountering issues with my Docker setup for a Next.js application, specifically after setting to a custom server with HTTPS. Here are the problems I'm facing: When I run the container(docker ...
Lee Jaeha's user avatar
-1 votes
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You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, ReadableStream, Array, AsyncIterable, or Iterable

I have uploded my project to a docker, the project works very well at localhost:3000, but when I uploaded to the docker it sent the following message! [Nest] 151 - 08/20/2024, 3:44:48 AM ERROR [...
Akmal Khasanov's user avatar
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nodemon does not work with hot reloading in docker [duplicate]

I'm trying to make hot reloading in docker with an express server using nodemon to monitor the js files. The problem is that when I change something in local, it changes in the docker container but ...
Khaled Ramadan's user avatar
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How to Properly Set Up a Node.js Application with Docker Without Storing node_modules Locally?

I'm new to Docker and Node.js and I'm trying to set up a Node.js application using Docker. I prefer using Docker over nvm to manage my Node.js version. Here's the issue I'm facing: Steps I've Taken ...
Gan Gar Dar Wagle's user avatar
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Nodejs/NPM-Setup in Docker Container fails (wrong version / NPM not found)

I'm maintaining an old Laravel project coming form Laravel 6, running in dev-environment in a Docker container with php 7.4, nodejs12, Elasticsearch and MariadDB. The project shall be upgraded to ...
Mirko H.'s user avatar
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How to create a production build for a simple React app being deployed using Docker and Node

I am running a simple React app in Docker which runs fine. When I check the logs of the pods it returns a message 2024-08-16 15:58:34 Note that the development build is not optimized. 2024-08-16 15:58:...
Abby's user avatar
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Error While Starting GridDB Node.js Application Container

I’m begineer to GridDB and trying to run the docker container. I’ve gone through the documentation and followed the initial steps—everything from running the GridDB server to getting the JDBC sample ...
Anas Lakhani's user avatar
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How to secure a web app across multiple Docker containers? [closed]

I’m running an application consisting of a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database on Digital Ocean droplet A and three more components on droplet B (both connected within one VPC). The question relates only to ...
dockern00b's user avatar
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How to pass secret via dockerfile mount?

I am unable to run dockerbuild to mount a secret to pass to the container. This is an example public repo to show the problem in github: ...
Steve Tomlin's user avatar
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Distroless Node server getting error - elf

Dockerfile: # 1. build - create dist/ (from devDependencies) FROM node:latest AS build-dist WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY --chown=node:node node-files . RUN npm ci RUN npm run build # 2. build - ...
Steve Tomlin's user avatar
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Cannot curl to docker chainguard node server using fastify at http://[::1]:80

I have set up a docker container from chainguard running a node server with fastify. The docker container shows as running: Server listening at http://[::1]:80 Process id: 7 When I go to localhost I ...
Steve Tomlin's user avatar
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Validation error: Invalid request headers

I'm currently exploring Docker and facing an issue when running my Angular frontend and Node.js backend inside Docker containers. Everything works fine when I run both applications locally on my ...
ks_'s user avatar
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Building TypeScript Node.js App with ESBuild in Monorepo Context fails on Docker but succeeds on local

As the title implies, I am trying to build/bundle a node.js application in Docker, which then give me this error 2.830 /app/packages/api/node_modules/.bin/esbuild: line 1: syntax error: unexpected &...
dvdkwei's user avatar
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npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET - Not found in Docker

I'm trying to setup laravel in docker on macOS, while running laravel_node I'm getting following error: 2024-08-10 10:57:02 npm ERR! code E404 2024-08-10 10:57:02 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET https://...
Raymond's user avatar
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Issue in Jenkins Pipeline

I’m in the process of migrating my CI/CD pipeline from GitHub Actions to Jenkins. I’ve set up the Jenkins server and configured Git. My current project is built with Node.js and uses numerous ...
ajay's user avatar
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How to Restrict Access to a Dockerized Node.js Backend While Allowing React Frontend to Communicate Internally?

I’m working on a web project with a React frontend and a Node.js backend, both running in Docker containers. I'm using Docker Compose to orchestrate the services. The Node.js backend serves XML data ...
Gobinda Nandi's user avatar
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Docker Traefik routing not working as excpected

i do need some help regarding Docker traefiks and nodeJS backend: My Proxy settings with HTTPS and serving my frontend on port 5000 works fine. But for some reason i dont get my backend http routes ...
user17293718's user avatar
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How to install a node module in Dockerfile without package.json?

I want to create a Docker image container that just runs a simple javascript file that just requires one module (aws-sdk). How can I install just this one module? Can I do it without copying a package....
celenac's user avatar
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Caching npm packages in docker

Hey I'm a newbie to both docker and node . I was trying to dockerize a simple node api . Here's my docker file: WORKDIR app EXPOSE 3000 ENV NODE_ENV=production COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ ...
GG33's user avatar
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29 views not found - Puppeteer in Docker

I am working on automating a website. My script basically enters a website where you must log in to continue the process. The problem is that apparently the "click" function does not work ...
JUliM's user avatar
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Not able to install aws-lambda-ric on node:20-alpine base image

I am creating a dockerfile for my nodejs code to deploy on AWS lambda function using docker containers. I am using node:20-alpine base image but not able to install aws-lambda-ric. this is my ...
Raj Maurya's user avatar
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Angular frontend root files suddenly not founded anymore inside Docker

could you please give me a hint, why this setup is not working? My frontend docker file gives me suddenly this error. I say suddenly because it was working for a while exactly like that and even more ...
user17293718's user avatar
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Dockerized NestJS application only accepts GET request

I made a NestJS application and deployed into AWS lightsail using docker, and faced a weird situation. I could see that the application runs correctly and I can connect to the application at the ...
Gary Lee's user avatar
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Docker NodeJS 404 on fileupload which is available on server

i wrap my head around an error, which does not look logic for me. The problem did not exist on localhost testing environment, but unfortunately on prod environment: I run nodeJS on Docker behind a ...
user17293718's user avatar
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How do I make the module "node-fetch" ignore URL validation when doing a request?

I am working in an existing network of docker containers. And to make communication between containers easier we have chosen to give network-aliases to each container. Now the problem I am having is ...
Souf149's user avatar
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How to keep the challenge files for Certbot/Letsencrypt to upload them to Docker?

I want to do something like certbot renew --webroot, except the Node server is running in Docker. I want to take the challenge files that Certbot downloads and copy them to the Docker container. I ...
Leo Jiang's user avatar
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cannot find module export in docker

I'm running a docker application. One of my containers is running node + express + typescript and I face weird issue. I have a file that exports type and file that imports it. In my idee (vs code) ...
Kamil's user avatar
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How to access node_modules from host while using Docker Compose for web application development?

I've recently been deploying a web application using Docker Compose. I want to run npm install during the image build stage and mount the development files along with node_modules so I can modify the ...
Quattro Zepplin's user avatar
2 votes
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Gitlab job / docker execution hangs on node command forever

We are upgrading our Anguar project from v.17 to v.18.1.0. Everything works nicely, but we get a problem during our CI/CD pipelines. I have the following commands to run as part of a gitlab pipeline: ...
ForestG's user avatar
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NodeJs- How to fix socket hangup error when running application using docker

I am getting the below error when using request module in NodeJs. Error: socket hang up at Socket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:524:23) at Socket.emit (node:events:531:35) at ...
subhrajyoti pradhan's user avatar
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Angular SSR/NodeJS suddenly CORS problems

i have two Angular SSR projects with nodeJS backend, where my cors setup was working fine. Now iam doing a third project, with the exact same setup and i get now an error message, which i can not ...
user17293718's user avatar
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docker container can not save/mapping file folder to host

I have Node Server inside Docker, inside server, I have upload file function, which save file to /uploads. Here is the success code which help me make the file in this folder :'/uploadFile',...
famfamfam's user avatar
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Error building node based docker container on an M1 Macbook

tl;dr My M1 MacBook couldn't build a docker container but everyone else could! I'm the only person on my team that has an M1 MacBook, which is causing a multitude of issues trying to build a node ...
Olshansky's user avatar
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Docker getting stuck at npm install part forever

I am following the exact steps but still it gets stuck when running npm command and I don't know what went wrong here. Here is the docker code: FROM node:20-alpine RUN addgroup app && adduser ...
Saran Pariyar's user avatar
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Displaying host machine info with docker container

I have nextjs app and im using nodejs os to gather system info about totalram cpu etc. How i can make it work with docker cause if i run my app with docker compose on my app ui i see ram allocated to ...
Teeco's user avatar
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Content not from webpack is served from '/app' directory (Docker / Webpack)

I'm using Webpack configuration with docker. Everything working well as development step. However this is not working for my preproduction and production step. The difference between these steps is ...
Srevinu's user avatar
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how to test localhost API from docker container

I am a little new to docker and I trying to figure out how to use docker compose. So far I have only created a test API called "http://localhost:3000/test" which would just return a "...
Danh Nguyen's user avatar
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How to properly package a Node.js and React app stripping the container of all unneeded files?

I have a Node.js backend that serves up the React frontend (later I can do CDN probably) and for now, I plan on disallowing CORS so React must talk to my Node.js backend only. The prototype for this ...
Dean Hiller's user avatar
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Can I make a docker container copy its content out right before starting?

I have a docker-composer file and a Dockerfile for angular project, but it only works, when the node packages are already installed. As node packages are excluded of the git repo, when someone clones ...
Maestro's user avatar
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Error uploading node.js project on azure web app through Github CI/CD

I am uploading my node.js code on Azure web app. After a lot of try, I was able to successfully do it. I am building my code on Visual Studio and pushing to Github and using CI/CD connected to Azure ...
Basu's user avatar
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Testcontainers + VSCode devcontainer timeout when starting a container exposing a port

Whenever I try to start a container using Testcontainers (NodeJS) using VSCode devcontainer (docker-ouside-of-docker approach) and I define a Network for the container and I expose a port, it fails ...
sergi's user avatar
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Next.js build deployment fails on typecheck when using Dockerfile

Im trying to deploy my Next.js application with docker. When running "npm run build" locally on my Windows machine, all works fine. When using the Dockerfile provided by Vercel though, the ...
Marvin34565's user avatar

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