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Issues with Migrating from Webpack 3 to Webpack 5 in an Old Project

I'm trying to migrate an old project from Webpack 3 to Webpack 5 and have run into several issues. The project is quite old, and I'm not sure if I've correctly updated the Webpack configuration. Here’...
Olzhas 's user avatar
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Webpack 5 extract-text plugin child invoked though not used

I am updating my 10 year old Node website, to bring it in line with the latest software and (especially) address any possible security issues. This means implementing webpage 5, which (among much else)...
peter's user avatar
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CkEditor can't upgraded correctly

In a symfony 6 project that used nodejs in the integrated webpack seeing this model error inside my Ckeditor, I tried to upgrade the ckeditor. The Ckeditor is upgraded successfuly Thanks in advance. ...
adnen manssouri's user avatar
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Webpack 4 - Cannot execute npm run watch command - Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

I'm no expert of Webpack with Laravel Mix. I'm working on an very old project with Webpack 4 and Laravel Mix. I know the best solution would be to upgrade all packages, but actually I want to get the ...
dns_nx's user avatar
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Webpack build fails silently with no output

I have a react project where I am refactoring the dependency tree and when I run the build I get no output but the project clearly doesn't build. The output directory isn't created. It is almost ...
Joe W's user avatar
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Substitute synchronous (Webpack) bundled ESM client code on the server side (Node) based on feature flag

Given: moduleA.mjs, moduleA_FeatureFlag1.mjs, moduleA_FeatureFlag2.mjs, Where: no modules expose an async export I'd like to substitute moduleA.mjs from my node server at runtime (or at least at pod ...
Dave Welling's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set up webpack devServer config to build another target

My project is using webpack v5.89.0. The package.json has start and prerelease script targets: scripts": { ..., "start": "webpack serve --mode development -c webpack.config.js&...
Alex Reynolds's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting 'Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.' webpack v5

In order to resolve this issue: Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ], library: '...
Kavitha T's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

I need to Migrate Laravel project from PRODUCTION to Development (localhost) [closed]

I have task to implement new features in an old working laravel project. The problem is there is there is no technical support who can tell me how to run it. No documentation or readme. I've got ...
Simba's user avatar
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How to use "import" syntax to import js file

I created a node/webpack project to display two html pages, the index.js file can import jquery package correctly, but in another html page which is opened by the first index page, the jquery package ...
Bes Ley's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Sequelize + Node.js + MySQL API not working after building with Webpack

I’m developing an API using Node.js, Sequelize, and MySQL. The application works fine during development, but when I build the application using Webpack, the API fails to work as expected. I’m not ...
Tharindu Lakshan's user avatar
1 vote
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Using Node's http/2 client functions with webpack

I have been stuck on this for two days now and I'm just absolutely tired of it. Whenever I try to import "node:http2" specifically for using its client side functionality, the application ...
Colin Brennan's user avatar
0 votes
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Uncaught ReferenceError: "class" is not defined

I'm currently starting to get into NodeJS-Projekts and my first one should be a simple wrapper-class for an Openlayers-Map, that should work as a standalone. I have put together my configuration, ...
Vetri's user avatar
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How do I get a javascript object from the Main process to the Renderer process in electron + webpack

I'm building an electron + webpack application. The result I'm trying to achieve is to load "config.yaml" as a javascript object in the main process (I think it has to, because renderer ...
Brandon Mulas's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I solve the system reaching limit number of file watchs in an Expo program?

I'm doing an program in Expo, when I try to test the program(especificaly in web) it's been printing this error. Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '/home/gabriel/...
gabriel goes braga's user avatar
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How to configure webpack to work with mupdf.js in an Electron, T

I was trying to integrate document viewer tabs in an electron app. First I tried using native bindings to create a node addon but the IPC between main and renderer processes along with mutexes was ...
Mohib Najam's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why does webpack-dev-server@5 need at least Node 18?

I am developing an old program with Node version 16. When I try to upgrade to use Webpack 5, I notice that the Node version dependency of webpack-dev-server@5 is 18. Why? Are there any features or ...
ohhhhhhhh's user avatar
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ERROR: Module not found: Error: Package path . is not exported from

I am using Node and express along with svelte on the frontend, I have npm installed the "" package on the client side, but when I try to import it, I get this error. I see ...
Prashant Pareek's user avatar
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Content not from webpack is served from '/app' directory (Docker / Webpack)

I'm using Webpack configuration with docker. Everything working well as development step. However this is not working for my preproduction and production step. The difference between these steps is ...
Srevinu's user avatar
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max-old-space-size not working while executing webpack command to build bundle

i have been getting javascript heap out of memory error while running webpack command to build my project i have tried to put 4GB memory allocation to node for executing webpack this is the ...
Vikram's user avatar
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Trying to use dotenv or config in react app and getting: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills error, tried creating webpack config, doesn't work

i'm getting this error below trying to use both dotenv and config. I've got a Typescript React App, just installed and need to use environment variables. I don't have webpack installed as a dependency ...
Kevin A.'s user avatar
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Webpack dynamic import in node.js app doesn't work: MODULE_NOT_FOUND

I am trying to import a js file at runtime: const migrationsDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../migrations/tenanted'); import(path.join(migrationsDir, '1681831306977-initial-schema.js')) .then(() =>...
Vololodymyr's user avatar
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Can't run TypeOrm migrations with webpack: MODULE_NOT_FOUND

I have node.js app built with webpack. I am following this FAQ My webpack config has one entrypoint for the migrator script, and multiple entrypoints for migration files: const commonConfig = require('...
Vololodymyr's user avatar
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2 votes
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Problem when requiring packages bundled with webpack

I'm able to use libraries with node like: const API = require("api"); const Service = require("service"); however, when I bundle the js file with webpack, it doesn't work and I ...
user17952421's user avatar
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Can't resolve './zstd.win32-x64-msvc.node' in ...node_modules/@mongodb-js/zstd

I have a react node js typescript project I'm working on via my m2 chip mac where I'm trying to get MongoDB and mongoose setup on. I've installed the basic mongodb package via npm and am getting the ...
Niko Icardo's user avatar
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Vue3 Openlayers + webpack = can't resolve modules

webpack fails to resolve modules dependencies when compiling I got 94 erros like this: ERROR in ./node_modules/vue3-openlayers/dist/ 63:0-41 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve ...
Sam's user avatar
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how to import a plugin to a Typescript electron app with plugin system manager?

i'm in the process of making an electron app that will support a plugin system that will not cause any changes in the app it will only load components which are the plugins i want to load. and im ...
ryusuke's user avatar
1 vote
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PDFjs-dist - TypeError: Promise.withResolvers is not a function - Webpack Node JS

I've got the following "service" which is trying to extract the text from a PDF file but when it runs I am getting the same error every time no matter whether I point it at the main build (...
Ryan Durrant's user avatar
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How can Babel transpile a Node.js module polyfill (e.g. buffer) to ES5?

I would like to transpile JS code which uses the Node 'buffer' to pure ES5 so it can run on Duktape (with Webpack and Babel). The code has been simplified in a test.js, which uses buffer and console: ...
Jean-Luc's user avatar
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React App remoteEntry.js is having html instead of JavaScript code

React App remoteEntry.js is having html instead of JavaScript code actual file from tgz file has js code but in browser inspect it shows html, any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Guru prasath's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Angular 18 and SignalR error when building app : [ERROR] Could not resolve "url", "https", "http", "util" from eventsource

In an Angular 18 application, I need to add real-time technology. The chosen technology is SignalR, but I'm having trouble adding the package and getting a successful build. It seems the error is ...
hsantos's user avatar
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Webpack not watching SCSS glob imported files

I am using webpack to compile my scss files which works fine when initially running npx webpack or npx webpack --watch. When using npx webpack --watch, only my declared SCSS file (app.scss) in my ...
kymchee's user avatar
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ElectronForge + Webpack + native addon not working

I've built a native nodejs addon using cpp and compiled it using node-gyp. If I copy the *.node file into my ElectronJS app and run it from my PC it works perfectly, the issue begins when I package ...
Juan Pablo Gómez Uribe's user avatar
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How to prevent tsup from adding a hash to imports?

I'm using tsup to bundle a TypeScript package. But it's adding a different hash to imports every time I bundle the lib. This isn't good for version control, since every time I try to make a PR it's ...
Carlos Dubón's user avatar
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Using webpack to bundle up cdk lambda

I am building a cdk stack including a bunch of lambda functions. My goal here is to update all the node to es6 so I can use tree shaking, and use Webapck to hugely optimise the individual lambda ...
monkey's user avatar
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How to bundle NodeJS Backend Application to Windows Executable (With Typescript Decorators)

I want to bundle a NodeJS Application (Express Server) that is also using Typescript Decorators (through GraphQL Modules) into a single executable. This executable should be "shipped" to ...
JoJ's user avatar
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When use webpack-dev-middleware and when node_modules is updated, how to apply new node_modules code and recompile all

I find webpack-dev-server cannot auto update node_modules new code, so I try following const webpack = require("webpack"); const webpackDevMiddleware = require("webpack-dev-middleware&...
chikadance's user avatar
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Webpack node module getting added in multiple chunks in my react application

In my react application, I am using react-transition-group node module. In the prod build, webpack (5.36.2) is clubbing this module in multiple chunks and not with the vendor even though I have ...
Manu's user avatar
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"ReferenceError: fs is not defined" with Webpack 4

Good morning everybody. I'm trying to test the "parse-kml" package but I receive several errors when bundling the script. I tried with Webpack v5, but I had some problems due to a lot of ...
Simone Conti's user avatar
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Additional loader to handle the result of these loaders: Nativescript app build issue

getting below error, when tried to upgrade project to node v20.12.2 & nativescript - 8.7.0 and run 'ns build android' ERROR in ./node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/dist/mjs/ast.js 188:11 ...
user25073491's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

"Revision <..> is not ready and cannot serve traffic" on Cloud Run deployment

I'm struggling on deploying a Nodejs app onto Google Cloud Run which is a rest api server written in Express. This app has been deployed to Cloud Run and has not update new revision for about one year....
TomTomTom's user avatar
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Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/path/to/entry/file'

I have a VS Code extension which I want to bundle using Webpack. // webpack.config.js: 'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const config = { target: '...
XXDIL's user avatar
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How to specify multiple entrypoints in Vite with Nuxt.JS

We're in the process of migrating our code over from a pure webpack/typescript/node model to using Nuxt.JS. Originally, for our backend we have 3 processes (4 including main) that were run ...
Khaelem Watt's user avatar
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Integrating webforms with webpack hot reloading

I would like to integrate loading React root elements for each of my .aspx pages. Currently I have setup the webpack like this : const path = require("path"); const glob = require(&...
Ahmed Dolabi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why do I get webpack errors when I add `@googleapis/docs` to my project?

When I add the following... import {docs} from "@googleapis/docs"; "@googleapis/docs": "^3.0.2", I get the following Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'buffer' in '/...
Jackie's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Warning: "React does not recognize the `fetchPriority` prop on a DOM element."

I recently upgraded to the latest versions of React and Next.js and am getting the following error: Warning: React does not recognize the `fetchPriority` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally ...
Botanico-Hub's user avatar
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Trouble using stockfish.js with typescript

I ran npm install stockfish and have the following simple file getBestMove.ts import stockfish from 'stockfish'; const fen = '3r1r1k/pp2Nqbp/3Rb2p/2P1pp2/7P/N1P3P1/PP2QP2/R3K3 w - - 2 30' interface ...
a94's user avatar
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Webpack Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'join')

I'm working on a legacy MEAN project and i have updated nodejs to version 20 and updated webpack, webpack-command and webpack-cli and node-sass packages, now encountering the above error when running ...
zohaib alvi's user avatar
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Webpack dev server display doesn't source map my error

When I run my app on webpack server (webpack serve --open --config I am testing the error source mapping. In a file print.js I have a bug. When I open the website from the server it ...
user14725643's user avatar
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Webpack: How to persist exports that aren't used inside the bundle itself in bundled JS file?

I want to use webpack to bundle a NodeJS application that exports functions to be used by other projects. However, when i export functions in src/index.js that are not used anywhere else inside the ...
TimMKuehle's user avatar

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