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Error " is not a function" when modifying cells of tables retrieved from BigQuery via an API

Here's the revised version of your question with the HTML structure and server details included: Title: Error " is not a function" when modifying cells of tables retrieved from ...
Jose David Castro Cervantes's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

I'm stuck for 5 days on solving an issue with node.js

I'm taking the web application course and have been building my own website on the side. I'm trying to have items.js grab contents from the posts(.html) save them in an object, and then app.js will ...
Purply Main's user avatar
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Why aren't SSE messages automatically rendering in my app's live feed?

I'm building a CRM application that uses Server-Sent Events to receive real-time updates for new messages (pretty simplistic chat UI). While the messages update when I click on a user in the ...
Colin Foley's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting errros on js script tag on a ejs page [closed]

let glassRestrictions = <%- JSON.stringify( => ({ type: glass.type, width: glass.width, height: glass.height, positivePressure: glass....
Camilo Mejia's user avatar
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Nodejs mongodb insert with `_id`, but `_id` becomes empty object

I'm inserting some records with _id = new ObjectId('a string with 24 length') to a collection in mongo with nodejs. But the result _id in mongo becomes an empty object: {}, resulting in failure in ...
Arc's user avatar
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3 answers

MongoDB ECCONREFUSED when connecting to MongoDB Compass

I am trying to learn Node.JS from scratch. I am trying to connect index.js to MongoDB compass when I get the error: MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED at ...
Aghamatlab's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Separating routes into different modules

I've been putting my all routes into one server.js file, after a while i realised there is about 1000 lines in one file and it is hard to manage it. The question is there a simple way to seperate ...
V4lis's user avatar
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How can I implement a shareable link feature for notes in a simple notepad web app? [closed]

I’m building a simple notepad web app called Bloco de Notas Online where users can create and save notes. I want to add a feature that allows users to generate a shareable link for their notes. The ...
Antonio's user avatar
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1 answer

Node generated README file, my links in my file to generate the markdown are not actually displaying the image I have input there for the badge

I am tasked generating a readme file using node index.js. All my prompts work correctly with user input to create the file except for the badge icon for the user licenses to display. It is ...
David Gillis's user avatar
-1 votes
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Google Auth2.0 API rejects with IdentityCredentialError: Error retrieving a token

I'm using Google Auth 2.0 with a React frontend and ExpressJS/Node backend. I am trying to send an email using NodeMailer, but first I have to authenticate the user using the Google Auth 2.0 service. ...
Ethan Sroka's user avatar
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Memory leak in NodeJS (NestJS) when saving application logs

I have a server application written in NodeJS (NestJS). The application uses a tracer to store nested logs, and my problem is that creating an instance of the logger class leads to a memory leak. The ...
Максим's user avatar
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Why Does My Node.js App Time Out When Connecting to SQL Server with Windows Authentication?

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server instance from a Node.js application using Windows Authentication, but I'm encountering a connection timeout error. SQL Server Version: SQL Server 2019 Port: 1433 ...
Alican Armut's user avatar
-2 votes
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What this mean : "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')" [closed]

When I submitting answer then this line apprise in page and console: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase') at file:///***/index.js:48:31 Here is my code :
alita_lol's user avatar
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Express js module not found error and node modules files not creating

I ran the npm init command in the folder I was working in. Then, I ran the npm install express command. Two files named package-lock.json and package.json were created in my folder, but the ...
janberk.cetgin's user avatar
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2 answers

Firebase autogenerated keys usage in Node.js json

So I am creating a project using a Firebase database and React / Node.js to consult it. I created a couple of entries via POST request like this: const res = await fetch(`${MYFIREBASE}/posts.json`, { ...
Cristofer Villegas's user avatar
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JavaScript Fetch API Error When Sending GET Request Using URL Parameter

I'm trying to send a GET request to an API to fetch courses based on a category specified in the URL. I’m using the fetch API in JavaScript to do this, but I’m encountering an error. The code I'm ...
Fazal Mohammad Qadirzay's user avatar
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How does the one cart checkout from multiple websites in websites like revolve or apps like Styl.AI work? [closed]

I am currently beginning to learn web/app development and was curious as to how different multi-brand aggregation platforms like Revolve or the newly launched iOS app Styl.AI do this? Do you need to ...
Sachin Peruri's user avatar
1 vote
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Fetch request does not work with expressJS server (but both are working fine)?

I have a fetch request in a server component in a NextJS app. It looks like that (I tried to reduce all code to minimum working example) : export async function bookRoom(params: BookingRequest) { ...
user27054072's user avatar
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Importing a module created from string in Node.js using URL.createObjectURL

I want to evaluate string as a module and get this module's exports. I used to do it before in browser environment, but now somewhy I cannot use the same method in node.js What I tried: const ...
Vishota's user avatar
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Socket IO Node JS server-side functions running multiple times on client emit

First off, I have browsed StackOverflow and read multiple threads about this, but couldn't find the answer. The problem: Sometimes, when a user clicks a button and thereby emits a message to the ...
o11899nine's user avatar
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Converting CJS Module to ECMAScript when export contain an arrow function

On Server Application Structure documentation page of, two methods are presented to use modules for better code clarity. Those modules are CommonJS. I managed to translate the first to ESM, ...
Akyno's user avatar
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-4 votes
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EJS loops not rendering html tags

I am a beginner in coding using JS, NODE, and EJS. I used fs.readdir to get some files as an array then to loop it and display filenames as an html list tag. I can see my files using console log. ...
Mplbaltazar's user avatar
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1 answer

why does it open with any pass after i use the correct password once? [closed]

I have 2 HTML files, one with just a form(which takes in a password) and one with secrets. I wrote this js code but when I run it, it refuses every wrong password until I put the correct password once ...
Bhawesh Pandey's user avatar
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Unable to implement mfa in Supabase

I am using supabase to implement MFA in my auth but always encounter "Missing Sub Claim error" I use custom claims during signup to store mfa status and factor ID during mfa enroll during ...
Kartic Joshi's user avatar
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JavaScript Heap Out of Memory Error: Allocation Failure

I'm using NestJS with Node.js version v20.12.1, and every time I run my project, I encounter an "insufficient memory" error. I'm not sure where this issue is coming from. Can you help me ...
onemama's user avatar
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how to tell kafka client to consume messages in order they arrived?

I use kafka client 2.4.4 to consume messages const { Kafka, logLevel } = require("kafkajs") const kafka = new Kafka(config) const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: "Default" }) ...
John Glabb's user avatar
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-2 votes
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how to enable to use require and import statment in javascript file? [closed]

I have below package.json and using a package and try to use both require and import statment in same file; to do that here is what did so far but not working First Trial // package.json (v1) { &...
xkeshav's user avatar
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Invalid JWT Signature When Integrating Zoom SDK in React and Node.js

I'm trying to integrate the Zoom Meeting SDK into my React application using a Node.js backend to generate the JWT signature. Despite using the correct credentials and following the official ...
Vinay's user avatar
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1 answer

Error with typescript when install dependencies getting a lot of ts errors

I'm trying to run a repository locally. I followed all the instructions, but when I run npm start, I get a series of TypeScript errors. Here are ...
Matheus Leles's user avatar
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If you are trying to get the task api/endpoint for clickup tasks and not getting

If you are through${listId}/task you will get task but wont get the completed task I have tried that api but not getting the completed task only getting the in ...
Ritik Singh's user avatar
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how to handle RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED exception in zeebe

I am using the following library I am having issues handling RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED exceptions I tried all the configurations that the library ...
Bob Jhonson's user avatar
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in postman cookies store but in browser not store

I've been using Postman to test my API endpoints, and I've noticed that the cookies returned by the API in Postman are stored within Postman’s cookie storage, but they don’t appear in my browser's ...
System Failure's user avatar
-4 votes
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Not able to install Bcrypt using npm in vs code [closed]

When I try to install bcrypt, its showing a lot of errors like, package deprecated, etc. I used the command npm i bcrypt but it still isn't installing. I was watching a youtube lecture and that guy ...
Navroz Singh's user avatar
-6 votes
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Understanding the Need for Generator Functions in JavaScript [closed]

I'm having trouble grasping the utility of generator functions in JavaScript. While I understand they can be used to iterate over custom data types, I'm not convinced that they offer a significant ...
Brijraj's user avatar
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How to authenticate on Keycloak admin console in a Node.js app?

I am making a platform which has Keycloak integrated for user authentication. Right now I need to get a list of all the client roles from a specific client. To do this, I have to login into the admin ...
BoletinKosove's user avatar
-1 votes
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Node.js Application Runs on All Domains, How to Restrict It to Only One Domain

I am running a Node.js application, and it is currently running on all domains on my server. However, I want it to run only on a specific domain. It should not be accessible from other domains. My ...
Musa Gökcan's user avatar
1 vote
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Mongoose _id is not working correctly for custom value instead of default value

Hay! I am working with mongoose where I have collection named tag and here is it's schema const tagSchema = new Schema<ITag, ITagModel>( { _id: { type: String, unique: true, ...
Shakil Abdus Shohid's user avatar
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2 answers

Uploading a picture in react using multer

I have two files, the server file and My register file. So on the server side, I have the following code for the server file import multer from 'multer'; const storage = multer.diskStorage({ ...
Joseph Lwambi's user avatar
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UIncaught ReferenceError: db is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (VM586 editor.js:66:9)

I'm building a blog website using Firebase Firestore and JavaScript. I'm trying to save blog posts to Firestore, but I'm encountering an issue where db is not defined when I attempt to use it in my ...
NAVANIDHARAM A's user avatar
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How to rewrite or set sensitive header with got dependency

i'm working with internal library that wrapping got dependencies. and when i try to insert or request some data to 3rd api with this headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' 'X-Reference-Id': ...
Arrrriiiii's user avatar
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Memory usage with node js and chunk

I try extract data in chunks in order to reduce memory usage. The original file size is 2.24MB The data size that I need to resolve is 0.2mb But no matter what I do it seems like measuring the ...
benny hassan's user avatar
3 votes
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NodeJS custom loader for CommonJS

I'm playing with NodeJS loaders where I want to intercept all calls to require and modify the source (transpile). When using ESM modules with import it works, but with CommonJS it doesn't trigger the ...
Vidar's user avatar
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CollectorMessage from Discord.js v.14 with SlashCommands

I got a problen trying to create a command about a "pokequiz" where you have to guess the pokemon's name using SlashCommand and Collectors. When the user types the correct answer, the bot ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to inline JavaScript when coding in nodejs 'views' [closed]

I've been using nodejs as my backend. In nodejs you use 'views' as the frontend instead of html files. Views are very similar to html files, but I was wondering if there is a way to code javascript ...
Nisitha Kaveen's user avatar
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Agenda (Node) defining a job with a variable name

I'm working on a rule engine in JavaScript that allows users to schedule when rules are checked. I'm using Agenda to the scheduling. Ideally I want to define jobs with variable names so then whenever ...
DustySushi's user avatar
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TypeScript Error: Implicitly has return type 'any' for Function with Recursive Call

So I have been trying to implement an Access and Refresh Token system for a while now. I have had some success some failures. Some frustration. But overall I feel happy with my results. I have come up ...
yzkael's user avatar
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Discord JS v14 Bot Script Not Working (Specifically, GuildCreate and GuildMemberAdd not triggering)

Okay. I've tried everything I can think of here, and I can't seem to find anything that is a similar problem to mine. The closest thing might be this post. I'm trying to build a Discord bot that can ...
Jacob Malland's user avatar
-3 votes
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I get a 'Cannot GET' error in express project [closed]

Getting cannot GET error while trying to access a url I was making a simple node.js express project and doing login and register urls, but I can't access them This is my routes/users.js file: const ...
Артем Шилов's user avatar
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Dynamically created Function is not calling or returning

I'm trying to dynamically create a Function in javaScript. Here is my code: class Server { // Omitted for brevity public async method(method: Function, args: any[]) { const fsp = await ...
Ethan's user avatar
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how to import "mongoose" library into html [closed]

me want to import a mongoose library to my website(into html code), but I cant`t do this. I tryed import a 'mongoose/index.js' file, but I was only able to import this file and not the entire library. ...
gardemarin565's user avatar

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