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Error: querySrv EREFUSED while connecting to mongodb

I've tried everything using chatgpt and configuring it again. Creating a new project and then creating a cluster and then doing all the process again. But this error seems to be stuck there. what is ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
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2 answers

not able to connect flutter app with node server

iam trying to connect my flutter app to a node server the flutter application has a registration screen that accepts username,password and email from users and it should be reflected to mongodb using ...
meet panchal's user avatar
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Nodejs mongodb insert with `_id`, but `_id` becomes empty object

I'm inserting some records with _id = new ObjectId('a string with 24 length') to a collection in mongo with nodejs. But the result _id in mongo becomes an empty object: {}, resulting in failure in ...
Arc's user avatar
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how to prevent duplicate keys into database with mongodb and expressjs

i am working a crude project with mongodb expressjs and pug(formerly knone as jade) i am stuck on preventing duplicate keys both on Front-end and backend. this is what i did.... let mongoose = require(...
Obi Apostle's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

MongoDB ECCONREFUSED when connecting to MongoDB Compass

I am trying to learn Node.JS from scratch. I am trying to connect index.js to MongoDB compass when I get the error: MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED at ...
Aghamatlab's user avatar
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Retrieving a Single Numeric Device ID from a Mongoose Schema

How can I retrieve the deviceId as a single numeric value in my Mongoose schema and Express.js controller? I'm using Mongoose with Express.js to save car records, and I've defined a deviceId field as ...
Spacewalker_vir's user avatar
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1 answer

gte and lte in prisma & mongodb

The error message "Type '{ $gte: number; $lte: number; }' is not assignable to type 'number'" indicates that you are trying to assign an object with $gte and $lte properties to a variable ...
T.Courage's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I have to connect to MongoDB using Node.js? [closed]

(node:20264) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useNewUrlParser is a deprecated option: useNewUrlParser has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version (Use `node ...
Venkatesh S Meti's user avatar
1 vote
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Building time-bound leaderboard in Node.JS and MongoDB

We have a document for each user. We award them "oranges" (in-game points) for completing activities. We store the points given like this: We have their epoch time along with the oranges ...
Bhavesh Shaha's user avatar
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Create a history table and keep track of all the updates to a document

I have a NestJS application that uses mongoose and MongoDB. I need to capture all changes/versions of this document so that I can display this as a history of the document, what changes were made by ...
Rohith Poyyeri's user avatar
-4 votes
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Angular Nodejs Incorrect Login or Password

I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle login(incorrect username or password). When user logs in I do my authentication on server side which works the way it is suppose to, if incorrect ...
user2280852's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mongoose _id is not working correctly for custom value instead of default value

Hay! I am working with mongoose where I have collection named tag and here is it's schema const tagSchema = new Schema<ITag, ITagModel>( { _id: { type: String, unique: true, ...
Shakil Abdus Shohid's user avatar
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Agenda (Node) defining a job with a variable name

I'm working on a rule engine in JavaScript that allows users to schedule when rules are checked. I'm using Agenda to the scheduling. Ideally I want to define jobs with variable names so then whenever ...
DustySushi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mongodb will not run on MacOS

I have been happily running MongoDB for years on my mac (currently sonoma 14.6.1), installing via brew, using $ brew install mongodb-community (and variants) in the terminal and then starting it ...
peter's user avatar
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1 answer

NestJS Mongoose Connection Error: "MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:27017" [duplicate]

I'm working on a NestJS application that connects to a MongoDB database using the Mongoose module. Everything was working fine until I encountered the following error: [Nest] 3372 - 08/24/2024, 9:32:...
Tarek Ziad's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Mongoose Validation Error on lastUpdated Field Despite Setting It Before Save

I'm running into a bit of an issue with Mongoose in my Node.js/Express application, and I would greatly appreciate your help. The problem occurs when I try to update a Restaurant document in MongoDB. ...
Franc 's user avatar
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Incompatibility node driver requirements and mongoDB maximum wire version

I am updating my ancient node application to the latest npm packages, and things are moving. The heart of my application is a link to a mongoDB instance, which holds everything together. And now I am ...
peter's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to fetch data from my mongodb database to my frontend [closed]

Please, I'm a beginner and I'm trying to run a blog site using Node... I've been trying to write a code to fetch data from my MongoDB database to my frontend using nodejs, express, ejs and mongoose ...
Destiny Chinda's user avatar
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1 answer

Mongoose Plugin to filter soft deleted in array docs and root docs using find() and perform soft delete on array docs and root docs [closed]

Implementing a Mongoose Plugin for Soft Delete Array docs and root docs and Filtering soft deleted Array docs and root docs. I am developing a Mongoose plugin to handle soft deletion and filtering of ...
mongoPioneer's user avatar
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Unable to add id in URL request through req params

I want to retrieve product by id from server in mongoose but is not working. I replaced with id number to see if there is any other problem but it worked fine. Here is the ...
Subhan Waseem's user avatar
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1 answer

How do i query items from mongodb 2 different fields and in inside nested object

I try to query the following: app.get("/api/leagues/:leagueId/:fixtureDate", async function (req, res) { const result = await client.db("db").collection("matches")....
Qwazy's user avatar
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Pterodactyl Error while creating a server

{ object: 'user', attributes: [Object] }, { object: 'user', attributes: [Object] }, { object: 'user', attributes: [Object] }, ], meta: { pagination: { total: 25, count: 25, ...
TheWuschelGang 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Changing password with bcrypt [closed]

I have got some issues about bcrypt is that changing password. Users.js import Users from "../db/users"; import ApiError from "../errors/ApiError"; import bcrypt from "...
Ahmed Tayyib Kaya's user avatar
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Cast to ObjectId failed for value (array) at path (pathName) because of BSONError

Not sure if i did wrong, but I'm trying to POST an array with ObjectIds into a model with the type being ObjectId (see model), and it just returns "Cast to ObjectId failed for value "['...
weareblahs's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

how to efficiently carry out a priority-based $or query in mongodb with 10 billion records?

i have a mongoDdb collection of about 10 billion documents. I want to be able to search in the collection using an $or query but gives priority over the conditions. here is my existing code : const ...
zaid Chauhan's user avatar
-1 votes
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CRUD operation problems in NODEJS and MONGODB [closed]

How to prevent duplicate ID and email in mongodb, nodejsand expressjs. and stop registration. also prevent the user from registring twice. Iam just new in nodejs and mongodb i will appreciate if i can ...
Obi Apostle's user avatar
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JWT token valid in Postman but invalid in mobile app authentication

Here's a comprehensive body that incorporates the key points and potential troubleshooting steps: I'm having trouble authenticating users in my mobile app using JWT tokens generated by a Node.js ...
João Mello's user avatar
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Update a document in MongoDB with a regular expression

In a Typescript source code on Nodejs using MongoClient, I need to search for a field ("provider", declared as a string) with a regular expression and then update that field: await ...
user1's user avatar
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How do I programmatically access Mongo Atlas cluster "logical size", current & max

I'm just trying to keep the database capacity visible in the client app I'm making, because it's not for me, so of course I want the user to see their database consumption, so we can talk about ...
Sleipnir's user avatar
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Endpoints working but views are not loading why?

This is a file sharing system made with mainly nodejs,express,bootstrap and mongodb. i tried creating th eregister page and it was working but i changed the logic now it's just not working and i don't ...
Funmike's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Mongoose findOne always return null

This is the user snippet const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true }, lastName: { type: String, required: true }, ...
Jasir Limani's user avatar
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Rendering and sending data to EJS template

I am a newbie NodeJS developer and I am trying to fetch data from MongoDB and render it to another .ejs file to display it. But error showing that data is not defined in the line <% data.forEach(...
Abir Rahman's user avatar
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1 answer

Having an issue with formatting

I am following this guide to learn how to develop a p2p messaging application. the guide seems out of date and i have having trouble displaying 2 things properly <TabsTrigger value="login"...
FTP GGVersed's user avatar
2 votes
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Handling null value in response, using axios and mongoose schema

When doing getOrder, it returns a response of user:null. Because of this, my database is full of orders without user names. What I want is to display the user's _id in the newly created order when ...
k .o's user avatar
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$gte for dates works in MongoDB Atlas, but not in Mongoose

I'm trying to query for products that are still on sale using this schema and filter: // Model const ProductSchema = new Schema({ sale: { until: Schema.Types.Date } }) const Products = model('...
user522891's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add methods to query an object in mongoose using typescript?

The problem is more related to the typescript. I need these methods to check the returned result after querying the db. const user = await User.findOne({idUser: 1}).isAbsent(400)// this status code ...
Jaspper15325's user avatar
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Populate a ObjectId deep nested inside arrays and objects preserving document shape

I'm using MongoDB v5 with NodeJS (no Mongoose). Let's say I have a collection structured the following way. This specific setup (an ObjectId nested inside an object contained inside an array contained ...
João Santos's user avatar
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Image is not getting displayed from the MongoDB in the React website

I have built a website like a blog post. The image is being uploaded to MongoDB and has not been displayed on the website. I have checked whether the image is rendered using Postman; the image has ...
VIGNESH BABU T R's user avatar
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server-side request cant access token. token undefined error

This section code must read the token and approve the login process. But it can`t read tokens from my cookie. app.get("/get-token", (req, res) => { // Get the access token from ...
k .o's user avatar
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DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction randomly popped up

I'm trying to make a discord bot. for a skyblock server, using the commands it will show for example farming level, etc. this code use to work just fine, the next day when I started it I got this ...
Daemon's user avatar
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SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused, errno = 111 in flutter using Node Js / Mongo backend

Please help me with this issue..there is issue with the retrive the image from mongo using node js and mongo //import '../../../core/data/data_provider.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; ...
wickramage don malinda pathma 's user avatar
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Gcloud node deployment - gcloud app deploy with latest node version

I was using nodejs 16 for my gcloud node application. Now I am getting warning and unable to deploy nodejs app to gcloud. I am trying to re-upload with latest nodejs version. This is my cloudbuild....
Girish Rathod's user avatar
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GET request to `getOne` controller. Postman returns no data from MongoDB and causes endless request loop

sample data and postman req image I am sending "get" request on Postman. Using Express. Unfortunately, there is no luck and I can't find the mistake. Here is my factory.js : exports.getOne = ...
devoz's user avatar
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Get all records in a mongo collection returns empty array

I have a mongo database named "photos-album", and a collection named "users". I'm trying to fetch all users in mongo, but I get empty array although I do have users in my users ...
maya dahan's user avatar
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How to handle : Error : image: Cast to string failed for value; NodeJS

So I'm working on expressJs and mongoosh connecting server to DataBase. For inserting documents I've created different file "data.js" and require this data.js to index.js.Mainly error is ...
Mohit Patel's user avatar
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BSONTypeError: Unsupported type BigInt, please use Decimal128

I'm trying to create a sort of timer command with Discord.js and MongoDB. I currently use mongoose as the wrapper. I am also using Agenda to automatically delete the timers from the database after the ...
mallusr greatv2's user avatar
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How can I resolve an invalid token in js

I am trying to resolve the error. When I verify my touch it marks it as invalid and my req.user as defined index.js(this is my file) const express = require('express'); const mongoose = require('...
Prueba Pr's user avatar
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Express-session and JWT token disappearing across different ports in MERN stack

I am working on a MERN stack application with the following structure: myReactApp --/frontend (React app) --/dashboard (React app) --/backend (Express server) I have implemented user authentication ...
dyFord's user avatar
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Difficulty using mongoose-paginate-v2 for pagination in TypeScript

I'm encountering issues with pagination using mongoose-paginate-v2 in my TypeScript application. When I attempt to paginate my OfflineMacroAction collection, I'm not receiving any results despite ...
Hassan Shahid's user avatar
4 votes
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Issue with MongoDB Query Using $ne: null on Array Fields

Context We are working with MongoDB queries in a Node.js application, where we need to filter documents based on whether an array field (specifically, a field within a nested array) exists and is not ...
Abhishek Taparia's user avatar

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