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'npm run dev' result: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/ddev/project-name/node_modules/@vue/apollo-composable/src/useApolloClient.ts']

I took over a Craft CMS project, which I successfully upgraded to the latest version of Craft 5. When I run the command needed to build the JS and CSS files npm run dev I get the following error: ...
cjhdev82's user avatar
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Problems publishing to a private npm registry (CodeArtifacts) using Lerna

I'm looking to move from public npm registry to private npm registry hosted in AWS. The cmd that we are using to publish to a private registry is lerna publish --conventional-commits --conventional-...
RoverGrover's user avatar
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Persistent Vulnerabilities in node_modules Despite Multiple Fix Attempts

I've been working on a project in React, and after installing my dependencies using npm install, I encountered a significant number of vulnerabilities reported in my node_modules folder. Specifically, ...
Arnav T.'s user avatar
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Permission error (EACCES) with npm after password change on macOS, unable to use sudo command

I recently changed the password for my admin account in Users & Groups on macOS and tried to install React, but I encountered the following error: npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! syscall open npm ...
emilbek's user avatar
-2 votes
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Make npm flatten all deps like yarn

We use npm at work for most of our projects, except for one private module where we use yarn to globally manage the versions for dependencies in other projects, simply because npm just doesn't flatten ...
git_driver's user avatar
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React JS local hosting images stopped showing

I'm working on a react JS website that I have deployed using gh-pages. Everything seemed good but suddenly all images stopped showing locally. I don't remember exactly what caused this: changing the ....
Hamza Kamran's user avatar
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Nodes.js Installation

C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\React 01>npx create-react-app react-01 npm error code ENOENT npm error syscall lstat npm error path C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Roaming\npm npm error errno -4058 npm error enoent ...
Muhammad Thariq's user avatar
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npm jsonwebtoken verifying token even with wrong secret

I have the following code (Stackblitz: const { verify, sign } = require('jsonwebtoken'); const token = sign({ id: 123 }, '...
Abhinay Pandey's user avatar
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Express js module not found error and node modules files not creating

I ran the npm init command in the folder I was working in. Then, I ran the npm install express command. Two files named package-lock.json and package.json were created in my folder, but the ...
janberk.cetgin's user avatar
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node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:453 throw err;

When I run npm start in the frontend server, in VSCode editor I get the following error:- node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:453 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\UserA\...
Doder's user avatar
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Allow user to choose between peer dependencies

I'm trying to build a framework that expects a config provided by another library. That library has two versions: @library/core and @library/react, both of which provide a function to create the ...
ByteAtATime's user avatar
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Unable to use npm install [closed]

When I run my npm install command the following messages are displayed. Anyone have a solution? I use npm version 10.8.1 and Node version 20.16.0. npm error code MODULE_NOT_FOUND npm error path C:\...
Eric Sobze's user avatar
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Getting ORA-03106: Fatal Two-Task Communication protocol error in NodeJS calling a procedure

Currently, I'm using NodeJS/Typescript and node-oracledb (v5.5.0) to connect to an oracle database to run some queries. I'm using an oracle connection pool to get the connections. What I've been ...
nique's user avatar
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Unknown extension .ts for

I have problem with Jenkins job after moving agent to K8S. I'm getting this error: 2024-08-26T14:59:08.150Z ERROR @wdio/config:ConfigParser: Failed loading configuration file: file:///home/jenkins/...
Frendom's user avatar
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Relative path issue when executing ES module file with node

I need little help with building custome npm command to run ES module file, I am using this file to seed my database. i am using sequelize in a Node api (not using sequelize CLI or migrations) i want ...
Muhammad Zeeshan's user avatar
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How do I resolve dependency errors when there isn't an stable release for eslint-react-plugin-hooks? Do I just use a beta version?

I'm trying to update my eslint package to a newer version due to a deprecated dependency rimraf package but run into an issue with eslint-plugin-react-hooks. From what I understand, eslint-plugin-...
bit07123's user avatar
-1 votes
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uses components(MUI , Router , ..) in React , Get error [closed]

I am learnin React , while use @MUI or react-boostrap , Router ... get error : error in inspect : Warning: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This ...
zohreh sotoudeh's user avatar
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Typescript composite project with NextJS

I have reorganized my project in NodeJS/Typescript using workspaces and project references. One of the workspaces (sub-project) is a NextJS application, and the recommended tsconfig.json includes the ...
Marco Luzzara's user avatar
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Can't solve error in MERN app. Proxy error: Could not proxy request

I've been trying to run an old e-commerce app to make a list of functionalities. No matter what I do, I can't solve this error. Proxy error: Could not proxy request /
tatoTatiya's user avatar
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"Could not find" local declaration file written for an npm package

I have a TypeScript server running within a docker container that needs to use the NPM package "opsgenie-sdk". This package does not have any TypeScript types within the package, or ...
Xavier Horn's user avatar
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Getting "could not determine executable to run" when using npx create-react-app

I'm following a React course. I already created a React app using create react app then I needed to install react routes and some vulnerabilities showed nd, I ran npm audit fix --force now the npm run ...
amar chellihi's user avatar
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How to Validate XML Response in Pact Provider Tests Ignoring Whitespace and New Lines?

I’m currently setting up Pact tests for a provider, and I’m encountering issues with XML response validation. The provider tests are failing due to mismatches in the XML response body that appear to ...
Lama's user avatar
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How can I create node package that targets multiple operating system?

I have a typescript project that uses yarn to manage building and releasing. I have an odd use-case where one dependency is "windows only". I see three places this is important: source, ...
Muttonchop's user avatar
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2 answers

How to resolve The _AppComponent component is not marked as standalone, but Angular expects to have a standalone component here error?

I'm in the process of migrating my project from Angular 9.1 to Angular 18.1, but I'm encountering the following error during compilation: NG0907: The _AppComponent component is not marked as ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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Can not find default export after linking local module

I am trying to fix an issue with React-Apex-Charts which is an open source NPM library. However after linking the local version of the module to my project and importing it like this: import ...
Doruk's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find module 'rxjs/operators' while running npm installed package

I have written a typescript tool and published the package to an artifactory. When I install the package like npm install -g @org/[email protected] The package is installed successfully but when I try to ...
Magicoder's user avatar
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3 answers

Laravel Breeze Error: No matching version found for @tanstack/[email protected]

I'm trying to make my first Laravel app with React on the front-end using Breeze. I followed the instructions and installed PHP and Composer. Now trying to set up the Laravel app according to the ...
Andy Frey's user avatar
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How to resolve Cannot find name 'NgxMatDatetimePickerModule'. Did you mean 'MatDatepickerModule'?

I am migrating my project to Angular 18.1 from Angular 9.1 but I'm facing the Cannot find name 'NgxMatDatetimePickerModule'. Did you mean 'MatDatepickerModule'?ts(2552) error in AppModule I think the ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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How can I create a simple NPM project which compiles a minified .js and .js.txt file?

How can I create a npm project that spits out a compiled .js file as well as a .js.txt file? The js file will be the compiled javascript. the .js.txt file will be the compiled javascript wrapped with ...
Ozge Cokyasar's user avatar
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Triying to read an excel file greater than 100 MB with XLSX

I'm triying to read an excel file with a size of 103 MB using this code of XLSX pacakge from npm: const options: XLSX.ParsingOptions = { cellDates: true, dateNF: "dd/mmmm/yyyy hh:ss:MMMM", ...
sevila's user avatar
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Error: cannot find module './discord.js' on Heroku

This is my first time deploying on Heroku, and I've come across this hurdle that won't let me successfully deploy my Discord bot. I've been following a tutorial, and the creator seemed to deploy his ...
user21317313's user avatar
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React Native Npm Install Error ERESOLVE could not resolve

React Native I am trying to upgrade the node version of my react-native project from node 14.20.0 to node >=18 I upgraded my local node version to 20.12.0 using nvm and set it to default there's a ....
Empty Hands's user avatar
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npm global install fails for monorepo with workspace dependencies

Is it possible to publish a package that makes use of internal dependencies like "@me/internal-dep": "file:packages/internal-dep" Minimally Reproducable Example
user3331142's user avatar
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NPM pre- and postinstall scripts of my lib is suddenly running on install into the project

The odd thing is that it appeared "suddenly" for everyone on the team, so I exclude the reason being local changes. We have a component-lib, which has a preinstall and a postinstall script. ...
Snake_py's user avatar
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facing problems running angular server

\node_modules\rxjs\dist\cjs\internal\util\reportUnhandledError.js:13 throw err; ^ Error: The service was stopped: write EPIPE at C:\Sistema\ProntMed\Front\node_modules\esbuild\lib\main.js:993:26 at ...
GilsonAlfredo Cossa's user avatar
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Nx operations hangs indefinitely

I'm trying to add Nx to my TS monorepo. On first try, I installed it (pnpm i nx) but any run would hang on indefinitely. So I removed it, tried to reinstall it but now it hangs at postinstall ...
NorTicUs's user avatar
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Error using npm create vite@latest: "require() of ES modules is not supported"

I'm trying to set up a new Vite project using the command: npm create vite@latest After confirming to proceed with the installation of [email protected], I get the following error: (node:58326) ...
Zaid Omar's user avatar
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TypeScript project automatically adds itself as a local dependency when running or building with Next.js or Express

I'm working on a TypeScript project using Next.js, and I've encountered an issue where the project automatically adds itself as a local dependency in the package.json file. Below is an example of my ...
Aditya's user avatar
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How to deal with Axios vulnerabilities in 1.0.0 - 1.5.1 and >= 1.3.2 versions?

When I run npm install, I have a moderate vulnerability, how can I fix it? 1 moderate severity vulnerability To address all issues, run: npm audit fix Run `npm audit` for details. # npm audit ...
Chiara Ani's user avatar
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How to solve "Cannot use import statement outside a module" when you cannot set module type in package.json? [closed]

I am working on a Create-React-App project (writing in normal JS (.jsx), not TypeScript for what it's worth). I wanted to modify some of the build files (swap out some references to local files with ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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How do I run 2 different functions from 1 file with 2 different command line prompts in Node.js?

I have a .js file in my project that imports an NPM package and has 2 functions that use that package: //replacePaths.js import {replaceInFile} from 'replace-in-file'; async function replace() { ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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Deprecation Warning in Vue 3 with Sass: Styles Not Applying Correctly

I'm working on a Vue 3 project and recently encountered the following deprecation warning in the terminal: Deprecation Warning: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be ...
Salman Patni's user avatar
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Failed to find package manager | linux terminal: npm: command not found [duplicate]

I was trying to deploy a cloudformation stack using bash script from ubuntu 20(linux) with the command as: #!/bin/bash set -o pipefail ################################ ## Helpers yell() { echo &...
Samir Acharya's user avatar
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I'm always having installing projects using npm [duplicate]

I have been trying to do installations of different projects using npm but I have been having trying errors in every installation. I've been trying to search on different issues on github but no one ...
Juan Esteban Agudelo Ortiz's user avatar
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Why is Yarn trying to install 1.0.0 of a package when my package.json references ^0.22.0?

Here's my package.json: { "scripts": { "examples": "docusaurus-examples", "start": "docusaurus-start", "build": "...
neubert's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find module '../../package.json. Cannot use NPM command

:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1148 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '../../package.json' Require stack: - C:\Users\S.Mohammed Junaith\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\lib\cli\validate-...
Juanith's user avatar
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npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET - Not found in Docker

I'm trying to setup laravel in docker on macOS, while running laravel_node I'm getting following error: 2024-08-10 10:57:02 npm ERR! code E404 2024-08-10 10:57:02 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET https://...
Raymond's user avatar
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When I execute the command "npm -v", I found the problem "Le programme «npm.cmd» n’a pas pu s’exécuter"

npm -v Le programme «npm.cmd» n’a pas pu s’exécuter: Le fichier spécifié est introuvableAu caractère Ligne:1 : 1 + npm -v + ~~~~~~. Au caractère Ligne:1 : 1 + npm -v + ~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo ...
Abdelilah's user avatar
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Stuck Installing `mermaid-filter` with `npm i -g` - Installation Hangs on Deprecated Warnings

I'm trying to install mermaid-filter globally using npm with the command: npm i -g mermaid-filter However, the installation gets stuck and doesn't complete. My terminal shows several deprecation ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
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teams toolkit deploy failed with node-fetch

I have created a new app using VSCode teams tools kit v5.8.1 The app is the bot application connected to Function app when I start debugging by clinking both debug in teams and debug in test tools I ...
Aon's user avatar
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