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Persistent Vulnerabilities in node_modules Despite Multiple Fix Attempts

I've been working on a project in React, and after installing my dependencies using npm install, I encountered a significant number of vulnerabilities reported in my node_modules folder. Specifically, ...
Arnav T.'s user avatar
-2 votes
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Make npm flatten all deps like yarn

We use npm at work for most of our projects, except for one private module where we use yarn to globally manage the versions for dependencies in other projects, simply because npm just doesn't flatten ...
git_driver's user avatar
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npm install doesn't install node modules

When I run the npm install command the package-lock.json file is created but the node modules folder is not created or the node modules are not installed. When I run the npm install command getting ...
santosh chary's user avatar
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signInAnonymously() not working and heartbeats undefined appearing

I used to use the www.gstatic/ to import the firebase but now that I migrated to electron I started using the local sdks instead. Currently when I start up the app I get seven duplicate console logs: (...
Falling10fruit's user avatar
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Converting CJS Module to ECMAScript when export contain an arrow function

On Server Application Structure documentation page of, two methods are presented to use modules for better code clarity. Those modules are CommonJS. I managed to translate the first to ESM, ...
Akyno's user avatar
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NodeJS custom loader for CommonJS

I'm playing with NodeJS loaders where I want to intercept all calls to require and modify the source (transpile). When using ESM modules with import it works, but with CommonJS it doesn't trigger the ...
Vidar's user avatar
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Why won’t TypeScript let me import a type from an ES module into a CommonJS module?

I’m writing a Node.js app in TypeScript. Here’s a simplified version of my files so far: // package.json { "type": "module" } // tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { ...
Andrew's user avatar
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React ant chart kurulum hatasi [closed]

Warning in ./node_modules/@antv/uti1/esn/path/uti1/segment-arc-factory.js Module warning from ./node_modules/source-map-1oader/dist/cjs.js: Failed to parse source map from 'C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\pos-...
Sebile Kayan's user avatar
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How can I create node package that targets multiple operating system?

I have a typescript project that uses yarn to manage building and releasing. I have an odd use-case where one dependency is "windows only". I see three places this is important: source, ...
Muttonchop's user avatar
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Can't deploy firebase functions due to missing package

I'm trying to deploy my firebase functions but I get an error that I can't fix. This is my package.json in the root directory: { "main": "lib/index.js", "scripts": { ...
Nicolo' Vanzo's user avatar
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Module build failed (from ../../react/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js)

I am trying to run react code that renders tic-tak-to but I get the error "Module build failed" and "SyntaxError". I have looked for possible solutions but didn't find anything ...
Sushree Biswal's user avatar
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How to let Electron main and renderer use their own node_modules?

As we know Electron has a main process(backend) and renderer process(frontend). They are treated differently. but I don't know why do they use the same node_modules. How to let the main process and ...
qg_java_17137's user avatar
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Issue with The engine "node" is incompatible with this module

I have been trying to find a fix for this problem error @primer/[email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=18.18.0 <18.19.0". ...
0 votes
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Angular 18 breakpoints are broken after logging out via OIDC

Summary If I try to debug an angular app with Visual Studio Code after I have logged in, logged out and then logged in again, error messages are displayed or the debugger stops in the wrong places. ...
user3360631's user avatar
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npm global install fails for monorepo with workspace dependencies

Is it possible to publish a package that makes use of internal dependencies like "@me/internal-dep": "file:packages/internal-dep" Minimally Reproducable Example
user3331142's user avatar
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facing problems running angular server

\node_modules\rxjs\dist\cjs\internal\util\reportUnhandledError.js:13 throw err; ^ Error: The service was stopped: write EPIPE at C:\Sistema\ProntMed\Front\node_modules\esbuild\lib\main.js:993:26 at ...
GilsonAlfredo Cossa's user avatar
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Is there any way of using node modules packages subfolders?

I am using @mediapipe/tasks-vision npm package in the webapp, I want to use my own wasm folder that's present in 'node_modules/@mediapipe/tasks-vision/wasm'. I am using next.js as the front end. Any ...
Ritik's user avatar
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Yoga layout in webpack issue

I was updating my dependencies but after updating, when I ran npm install, It did not work else I added --force or ----legacy-peer-deps and so an error occurred after using any of these flags. This is ...
Lamin Suwareh's user avatar
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Node modules changings are not reflected in react vite

I'm changing a specific part from a node_module adding an extra if console.log("in hell") if(!id.includes("protected")){ this.props.actions.removeLane({ laneId: id ...
Davi Américo's user avatar
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404 over this rollup-plugin ssh2

I tried this but its returning 404 error, as I am working on directus extension, I can't install npm install ssh2: What I needed rollup for ssh: npm install rollup-plugin-ssh2, I have to install ...
Joy Dimitris's user avatar
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How can someone use a local folder other than the assets folder on shopify? [closed]

So I came across this page: Image of folder structure on the first example store, node/modules and dev/js folders visible This page has node/modules and a dev/js folder for js that is not directly ...
Stawros Koutis's user avatar
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yarn suddenly started to throw Request failed "401 Unauthorized" when installing private module

Using yarn and a private node module dependency, suddenly it started to fail locally and in App Center. Error:<MODULE>/0.2.22/...
Florin Dobre's user avatar
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How can I handle complex nested data transformations in TypeScript using lodash?

I'm working on a TypeScript project where I need to perform complex transformations on deeply nested JSON data. I'm using lodash for utility functions, but I'm struggling with the following scenario: {...
Ilker Ozturk's user avatar
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How do I find out which third party package is using defaultProps in my react app and is the cause of these warnings?

I left my react app project for more than a year and now that I came back to it, I had to deal with a lot of deprecated packages (the project started 3 years ago). I spent a good 2 3 days fixing the ...
JShmay's user avatar
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⨯ Error: No native build was found for platform=linux arch=x64 runtime=node

I am trying to deploy my create-t3 application to Vercel, the build is successful but when I go to the website the server has a 500 internal server error and the logs throw an error like this: ⨯ Error:...
Gonzalo Morales's user avatar
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Puppeteer web-scraping "read more links" error

i'm trying to use puppeteer to scrape a livejournal community i mod, but it's having issues with the read more cut links. this is the section of the script: // Function to click all "read ...
Snack dotCom's user avatar
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How to resolve the static rendering error (node.js)?

How to resolve the error on React Native Expo project "Log 1 of 1 Static Rendering Error (Node.js) Unable to resolve module ../../Utilities/Platform from D:\LMS-Mobile-App\my-app\node_modules\...
Keshala's user avatar
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Im using nextJs14. Many of my node_module files are corrupted. It cant run properly due to unrecognized characters

Sample corrupt file Here, is a sample corrupt file. Best easy fix is by removing entire node_modules folder and reinstalling it. Whenever I run the project in the morning or after turning the device ...
Ashbel Siay ashOkidesu's user avatar
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npm run start - Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/tmp/.../node_modules/next/next-swc-fallback'

With IntelliJ, I create a configuration to run my front-end app. I got the back, working with Docker, and the front also work with it. So when I run my front with the config I create (like a npm run ...
Pentagura's user avatar
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Getting error , Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client in GIT CI/CD pipeline

I am working on migration project from angular 13 to 18. Everything works well in local from scratch including cypress testcase. But when I check in GIT CI/CD pipeline, it gives below error node:...
Harsh Gajjar's user avatar
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Git clone, modify and build for vite install (excalidraw)

I am new to JS development and have made a clone of a github repo and made local changes that I need to that clone. I now want to use the clone in my project, which is packaged with vite. How do I use ...
John Robinson's user avatar
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Remix , Vite .Import error Unexpected token 'export'

I get this error [vite] Internal server error: [vite] Named export 'findIndex' not found. The requested module 'lodash' is a CommonJS module I tried all I see online and cannot solve this issue. This ...
Leonel Matias Domingos's user avatar
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In node v20, Make a variable/module like Crypto, global scoped?

In nodejs v20, "global" keyword doesn't make a module global scoped. The node.js is recommending to use globalThis still globalThis is also not working. How to make a variable global scoped ...
Harsh Hingu's user avatar
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Title: "Uncaught TypeError: this._component is null in createAnimatedComponent.tsx:541 after upgrading to Expo SDK 50

I'm facing an issue after updating my Expo project to SDK 50. The error displayed is: Uncaught TypeError: this._component is null This error originates from the file node_modules/react-native-...
Essa Mohammad's user avatar
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How to configure webpack to work with mupdf.js in an Electron, T

I was trying to integrate document viewer tabs in an electron app. First I tried using native bindings to create a node addon but the IPC between main and renderer processes along with mutexes was ...
Mohib Najam's user avatar
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Import module error in payload.config.ts while starting Payload

I am trying to incorporate PayloadCMS into my existing Next 13 (app router) project. I have followed the documentation and installed Payload with npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps payload. The ...
Cemil's user avatar
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strapi db connection error with mysql remote db

Error: Access denied for user 'pool18'@'' (using password: YES) │ │ at Packet.asError ...
somji katiyar's user avatar
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ERROR: Module not found: Error: Package path . is not exported from

I am using Node and express along with svelte on the frontend, I have npm installed the "" package on the client side, but when I try to import it, I get this error. I see ...
Prashant Pareek's user avatar
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Map manifest files to source files

Is there any way to map manifest file dependencies to the actual source file? For example, in case of npm, the package-lock.json file lists the dependencies under node_modules directory. However it ...
NSP's user avatar
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Why does my Node Modules Folder size is 600mb ? even though my Project is very small

Here are the all the dependencies in my project : "dependencies": { "@emotion/react": "^11.11.3", "@emotion/styled": "^11.11.0", "@...
ZeeSHAN Ali's user avatar
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More verbose output of native module build phase during yarn install

My yarn install --frozen-lockfile --verbose is getting hung at what seems to be the native module/gyp build phase and I can't figure out why. I've tried export npm_config_loglevel=verbose before ...
rynop's user avatar
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Heroku showing error "Cannot find package 'express' imported from /app/backend/dist/server.js" when trying to deploy

I was trying to deploy my first typescript app on heroku. But, I ended up with 2 error first the h=10 code error which I looked up all over the internet and tried all the fixes but the error still ...
Rakshit Gumber's user avatar
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Node zlib: throwing incorrect header check while inflating or unzipping

I have a varbinary type column jsonBin in db. I want to store json (string) which is compressed using zlib. zlib.gzipSync(data) or zlib.deflateSync(data) returns buffer object. If I use base64 ...
Piyush's user avatar
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JavaScript Module Object Cannot be Identified, Resulting in this Error: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getNodeItem')"

As a preface for my question, I am very new to JavaScript and come from a strongly-typed language background (e.g. Java and C++). Although I have prior experience with JavaScript, I am not entirely ...
KeyboardClone's user avatar
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Error in a basic contract test with Solidity and Mocha

I am new at Solidity and this is my first contract. I am encountering the following error: PS D:\Blockchain\first> npm run test > [email protected] test > mocha bigint: Failed to load ...
Ada Yıldız's user avatar
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SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/prop-types/index.js?v=61a765a5' does not provide an export named 'default' (at index.jsx:3:8)

I'm creating a Node module that uses PropTypes, but, when I install and use the module, in the browser console it says this: SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/prop-types/index.js?v=...
Sebastian Sirrett's user avatar
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Having trouble starting an expo project from terminal

running npx create expo-app brings this error npm ERR! could not determine executable to run npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/baguma/.npm/_logs/2024-07-19T22_13_39_732Z-...
MattSW3's user avatar
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Upgraded to node:22-alpine from 16-alpine and `.bin` stopped appearing in `node_modules`

This is in a gitlab runner. Wiped cache. It works fine locally. Any ideas for debugging this?
colemars's user avatar
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Issue Running Angular Application Locally - Error on ng serve

I am new to Angular and I am facing an issue when trying to run a system locally built with Angular and .NET. Below is my package.json file, and I have also attached screenshots of the error and the ...
Gayashan Deshapriya's user avatar
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intl-tel-input hide search field

I tried countrySearch: false but the search bar is still there. I recently updated from v17 to v23.0.11 and the Search bar is not expected. Anyone can help me? Thanks! I tried the following options to ...
Lycily's user avatar
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