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Unable to Establish Connection from Node.js Application to Remote MySQL Database on NameCheap via SSH Tunnel

I'm having trouble setting up a connection from my Node.js application to a remote MySQL database hosted on NameCheap. I've tried multiple approaches, but nothing seems to work. What I've tried so ...
GameOwner's user avatar
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In NestJS, service is invalid when injected to another service?

I`d like to develop a rest app by NestJS and MikroOrm. And I prefer to use clean architecture to manage code, so a lot of modules are abstracted and a module need to be import to another module. What ...
Li Zhenxin's user avatar
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Unhandled 'error' event with self-signed TLS certificate on node:http2 and wget

I created a simple HTTPS server with node:http2 package and self-signed certificate. This is a code for this app server: import {createSecureServer} from 'node:http2'; import {readFileSync} from 'node:...
Alex Gusev's user avatar
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FATAL ERROR: JavaScript heap out of memory only when deployed in Azure container apps

I have deployed the same (no code change) Node.js application in both Docker containers and Azure Container Apps. I've noticed a discrepancy in memory usage between the two environments. In Azure ...
Amrish 's user avatar
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Error " is not a function" when modifying cells of tables retrieved from BigQuery via an API

Here's the revised version of your question with the HTML structure and server details included: Title: Error " is not a function" when modifying cells of tables retrieved from ...
Jose David Castro Cervantes's user avatar
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'npm run dev' result: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/ddev/project-name/node_modules/@vue/apollo-composable/src/useApolloClient.ts']

I took over a Craft CMS project, which I successfully upgraded to the latest version of Craft 5. When I run the command needed to build the JS and CSS files npm run dev I get the following error: ...
cjhdev82's user avatar
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Nodemon Crashes with 'bad ELF magic' Error on Termux in Android

I'm using Termux on my Android phone to run a simple Node.js server with nodemon. My server script (index.js) is written in JavaScript and should work fine, but when I run it with nodemon, I get the ...
Muhammed Shibil M's user avatar
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Correct way to have several async processes in nodejs append to the same file

Is there a correct / better approach to using a file descriptor that several process running asynchronously can write to? e.g.: const allTheAsyncJobs = [] const fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(pathToFile,...
yen's user avatar
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Error: querySrv EREFUSED while connecting to mongodb

I've tried everything using chatgpt and configuring it again. Creating a new project and then creating a cluster and then doing all the process again. But this error seems to be stuck there. what is ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
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Upgrade to node18, and Server was keep failing with ECONNRESET

Has anyone faced the same issue, when I upgraded our web server to use node 18. The server kept failing to handle incoming requests with code: ECONNRESET See the full error stack below: "err&...
coffeeMakerJ's user avatar
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docker "copy . ." error Cannot copy to non-directory

When I run> docker build -t test . Getting this response: => ERROR [ 8/10] COPY . . ...
OverBakedToast's user avatar
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Reaction Collector not collecting reactions in DMs

I am using Discordjs v14.15.3. The following script is supposed to send an invitation via DM to all members who have opted into our coffee chats to confirm that they are interested in participating ...
user27086988's user avatar
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405 Error or 401 Error (sometimes) on Stripe Endpoint with Next.js, Vercel, and PM2: Unable to Create Checkout Session

I'm integrating Stripe into my Next.js application deployed on Vercel. The goal is to create a checkout session through a POST request to the /api/stripe/create-checkout-session endpoint. However, I'm ...
SilentCraftsman's user avatar
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Transform crypt() from PHP to Node.js

I'm having a problem converting crypt() from PHP to Node.js I have a database with the reg_users table where I have columns like username and password. In PHP, it's very simple to encrypt the password ...
Sabá12's user avatar
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I'm stuck for 5 days on solving an issue with node.js

I'm taking the web application course and have been building my own website on the side. I'm trying to have items.js grab contents from the posts(.html) save them in an object, and then app.js will ...
Purply Main's user avatar
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Why aren't SSE messages automatically rendering in my app's live feed?

I'm building a CRM application that uses Server-Sent Events to receive real-time updates for new messages (pretty simplistic chat UI). While the messages update when I click on a user in the ...
Colin Foley's user avatar
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NodeJS: Mixed Content, content must be server over HTTPS instead of HTTP

NodeJS App running on frontend port:3000, backend port: 5000 in same Machine in Ubuntu (Linux). My Domain is SSL Configured. When frontend routing request to backend, getting mixed content error. Snap:...
Divyank's user avatar
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Mystery Bug Fix in Electron v26 and Mac App Store build

I have an Electron app that uses a native add-on to access the Photos library on macOS. This feature didn't work in the MAS (Mac App Store) build when the sandbox is enabled. Here is what I observed: ...
Hao Xi's user avatar
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Should this HTTP contract class be considered a repository, service, or just an HTTP client?

I'm looking for some advice or best practices for a pattern we're discussing internally. We have a class (example below) that defines an HTTP contract to interact with an external REST API. The class ...
Arthur Fernandez Alves da Silv's user avatar
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Problems publishing to a private npm registry (CodeArtifacts) using Lerna

I'm looking to move from public npm registry to private npm registry hosted in AWS. The cmd that we are using to publish to a private registry is lerna publish --conventional-commits --conventional-...
RoverGrover's user avatar
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Node.JS - Why is the cookies / session missing sometimes after the payment gateway

I am doing a webiste using Node.JS and it including a payment features where it will post form submission using javascript from ejs file, and then being redirect to the payment gateway.After the ...
Terry Ng's user avatar
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Request fails when sending from fetch but succeeds in api client

I am sending the following fetch request: try { const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:3000/fs`, { headers: { Accept: "*/*", method: "readFile&...
Ethan's user avatar
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I was using VS code and node js for a while now and after a few weeks my keyboard started glitching , any solution?

When I deleted Node.js and VS Code, it started working normally and when I downloaded VS Code and Node.js again, the glitching came back. Keyboard even stopped working at times. Is anyone facing this ?...
Arsh Rawuthar's user avatar
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Getting errros on js script tag on a ejs page [closed]

let glassRestrictions = <%- JSON.stringify( => ({ type: glass.type, width: glass.width, height: glass.height, positivePressure: glass....
Camilo Mejia's user avatar
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Persistent Vulnerabilities in node_modules Despite Multiple Fix Attempts

I've been working on a project in React, and after installing my dependencies using npm install, I encountered a significant number of vulnerabilities reported in my node_modules folder. Specifically, ...
Arnav T.'s user avatar
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Is the method subscribe in angular 17 is not working

export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { data: any; constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { } ngOnInit(): void { // Substitua 'your-endpoint' pelo seu endpoint real this....
Alelix's user avatar
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not able to connect flutter app with node server

iam trying to connect my flutter app to a node server the flutter application has a registration screen that accepts username,password and email from users and it should be reflected to mongodb using ...
meet panchal's user avatar
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Issue with storing a text value in React on client side to then retrieving it on server side

I have an app that runs on http://localhost:3000/ In first page.tsx a user selects a category and is redirected to second page.tsx. I want to store the selected category name here or in second page....
Trine's user avatar
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beforeSoftRemove hook not updating database entry using Nest.js and TypeORM

I want to implement a solution in Nest.js and TypeORM application that every record that is getting created should have createdById, updatedById and deletedById against their actions. Let me share the ...
Muhammad Zeeshan's user avatar
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Firestore error "User document does not exist"

I'm working on a project similar to Linktree and have implemented Firebase for authentication and Firestore for the database. The authentication system is functioning correctly, and user data is being ...
Grenish Rai's user avatar
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NGINX blocks url paths [closed]

I have a server running nginx. It was configured by default with the service I purchased. I face an "500 internal server error" whenever I open the website link like '' or '...
Omer Khan's user avatar
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How can I mock up the express-validator withDefaults function using jest?

I am trying to unit test my validation segment which uses express-validator. This is the start of the segment: const errorMsgs = require('../lib/error-messages'); const validationResults = ...
Bragon's user avatar
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Can Not Receive Offered Verifiable Credential From Issuer - credo-ts

To issue a verifiable credential to a specific holder, I send a credential offer to the holder that is connected beforehand by DIDComm but the holder cannot receive/accept the credential offer. I use ...
Chalex's user avatar
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Nodejs mongodb insert with `_id`, but `_id` becomes empty object

I'm inserting some records with _id = new ObjectId('a string with 24 length') to a collection in mongo with nodejs. But the result _id in mongo becomes an empty object: {}, resulting in failure in ...
Arc's user avatar
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Mock being ignored, jest node

I'm trying mock a database with this test but the mock seems to be ignored. I can't think of a reason this could be? import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; jest.mock('../database', () => ({ ...
Ed Lynch's user avatar
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Is there any node.js implementation available for Reverse Soundex & Reverse NYSIIS?

There are Phonetic Algorithms like "Reverse Soundex" ,"Reverse Nysiis" . We are not able to find anything about its implementation in Node Package Manager website ( Can ...
arunkrish01's user avatar
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Issues with Emitting Events to Socket.IO Server on Different URLs and JSON Data Conversion

I am working on a Node.js backend project using Socket.IO and am facing two issues when trying to interact with the Socket.IO endpoints via Postman: 1. Connection and Event Emission Issue on Different ...
azam45's user avatar
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how to prevent duplicate keys into database with mongodb and expressjs

i am working a crude project with mongodb expressjs and pug(formerly knone as jade) i am stuck on preventing duplicate keys both on Front-end and backend. this is what i did.... let mongoose = require(...
Obi Apostle's user avatar
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3 answers

MongoDB ECCONREFUSED when connecting to MongoDB Compass

I am trying to learn Node.JS from scratch. I am trying to connect index.js to MongoDB compass when I get the error: MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED at ...
Aghamatlab's user avatar
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Is splitting a large JSON on Redis is more efficient than storing a big one? [closed]

I'm building a Node.js server that handles large file uploads to S3 using multipart uploads. To ensure consistency across multiple Kubernetes pods, I'm storing chunk upload data in a large JSON object ...
user27077531's user avatar
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Is it node js express or nestJs fastify better to use concurrency, scalling, performance, large data fetching and saving side? [closed]

give me advantages and disadvantages with the result previously used POC's mainly i'm facing issue concurrency and scalabitity issue with large number of data. so i need to select proper framework to ...
uda123's user avatar
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HOW to improve this node express server code and its code ? and how to improve the recurring notification api [closed]

Title: Why is my API endpoint not pushing FCM notifications with schedule? Body: I'm working on a Node.js/Express API endpoint to schedule push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). ...
Red Neck's user avatar
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Permission error (EACCES) with npm after password change on macOS, unable to use sudo command

I recently changed the password for my admin account in Users & Groups on macOS and tried to install React, but I encountered the following error: npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! syscall open npm ...
emilbek's user avatar
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Error [ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE]: Inspector is not available, while using vercel/pkg and pm2 in nodejs

I have a NodeJS CLI application built using commander, I am using vercel's pkg to create executables. Now, I starting a localserver using express on a particular command like this:- program ....
Vivek sarvaiya's user avatar
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Make npm flatten all deps like yarn

We use npm at work for most of our projects, except for one private module where we use yarn to globally manage the versions for dependencies in other projects, simply because npm just doesn't flatten ...
git_driver's user avatar
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Can't set cookies with passport google oauth

I am using Passport's GoogleAuth20 to login. I can login successfully but in callback function can't set any cookies. This is my callback function after authentication: exports.googleCallback = (req, ...
Yunus Emre Tosun's user avatar
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Uncaught runtime errors in React.js [closed]

ERROR Network Error AxiosError: Network Error at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:52874:14) at Axios.request (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:53315:41) ...
Zarah's user avatar
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Inconsistent indentation in pug template error

in pug template i face this error ... Error: C:\nafeesData\complete web development course\Dance Website\views\home.pug:22:1 20| li #[a(href="/") Info] 21| 22| section#...
Nafees k jadoon's user avatar
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Separating routes into different modules

I've been putting my all routes into one server.js file, after a while i realised there is about 1000 lines in one file and it is hard to manage it. The question is there a simple way to seperate ...
V4lis's user avatar
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I want automatically to execute the cronjob in node.js at exactly last day of the month

const sendReport = new CronJob( "0 0 28-31 * *", async function () { try { console.log("Running a task every minute in sending Reports"); await sendMail();...
chemuel castillo's user avatar

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