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dotenv is not seeing .env files

dotenv path will not pick up .env files but sees everything else in the folder. i have tried dotenv.config({path:'relative path'}) dotenv.config({path:'absolute path'}) when i try the relative path ...
Ryan's user avatar
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npm install doesn't install node modules

When I run the npm install command the package-lock.json file is created but the node modules folder is not created or the node modules are not installed. When I run the npm install command getting ...
santosh chary's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I implement a shareable link feature for notes in a simple notepad web app? [closed]

I’m building a simple notepad web app called Bloco de Notas Online where users can create and save notes. I want to add a feature that allows users to generate a shareable link for their notes. The ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Retrieving a Single Numeric Device ID from a Mongoose Schema

How can I retrieve the deviceId as a single numeric value in my Mongoose schema and Express.js controller? I'm using Mongoose with Express.js to save car records, and I've defined a deviceId field as ...
Spacewalker_vir's user avatar
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Node generated README file, my links in my file to generate the markdown are not actually displaying the image I have input there for the badge

I am tasked generating a readme file using node index.js. All my prompts work correctly with user input to create the file except for the badge icon for the user licenses to display. It is ...
David Gillis's user avatar
-1 votes
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React JS local hosting images stopped showing

I'm working on a react JS website that I have deployed using gh-pages. Everything seemed good but suddenly all images stopped showing locally. I don't remember exactly what caused this: changing the ....
Hamza Kamran's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I display loading screen while EJS is rendering content

I'm making website using NodeJS, Express JS and EJS. In some pages, they need to execute lots of database queries and it should take long time. I want to display loading screen during this time, ...
KaizOffical's user avatar
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Connection refused when using Sequelize with MySQL running on Docker [duplicate]

I am building a dockerized API with MYSQL. I have already set up a network between the two services but Sequelize is returning a connection refused error. Here is my Dockerfile for the API FROM node:...
Emerson Lima's user avatar
-1 votes
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Wrapping openapi-generator inside of a node-cli?

I'm struggeling with a conceptual problem. I'm building tooling on top of OpenAPI. For this, I'd like to create a CLI that wrapps openapi-generator. This is an application written in Java that I want ...
Xen_mar's user avatar
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Node js error Streaming Application in Node [closed]

node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1228 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'express' Require stack: - C:\Users\Khan\Documents\project 7\index.js (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12) { code:...
KHAN UMAIR's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Encountering errors while running Dockerfile for React and can't able to resolve them and run the docker image,

I created a Dockerfile in my React Project created via Vite, My Dockerfile for react FROM node:22-alpine WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install COPY . . CMD ["npm&...
Abrar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Google Auth2.0 API rejects with IdentityCredentialError: Error retrieving a token

I'm using Google Auth 2.0 with a React frontend and ExpressJS/Node backend. I am trying to send an email using NodeMailer, but first I have to authenticate the user using the Google Auth 2.0 service. ...
Ethan Sroka's user avatar
-2 votes
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building a monitorng screen for multiple node scripts [closed]

I have multiple node tasks running concurrently. Each uses express to display a browser status page with different counters and metrics. How can I build one main screen that will show info from all of ...
user1480192's user avatar
-1 votes
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Img uploaded won't render in ec2 instance

When I build using pnpm locally, an image shows up. In my ec2 when I do pnpm build start the image file has a 404 error. The code is the same the only difference is the environment in which it is ...
Micah Blackburn's user avatar
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Getting userInfo from axios and passing it as props to child components but child components log the prop as undefined

This is the Get User API from backend which should be called in frontend using axios. app.get("/get-user", authenticateToken, async (req, res)=>{ const {user} = req.user; const ...
satyanand shreyash's user avatar
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DNS lookup failure for: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443

Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request Reason: DNS lookup failure for: Apache/2.4.52 ...
minhaj's user avatar
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Memory leak in NodeJS (NestJS) when saving application logs

I have a server application written in NodeJS (NestJS). The application uses a tracer to store nested logs, and my problem is that creating an instance of the logger class leads to a memory leak. The ...
Максим's user avatar
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Nginx overwrites desired port when using proxy_pass on a subdirectory to direct request to node server

I have the following nginx config: server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; ssl on; ssl_certificate /home/tom/; ssl_certificate_key /home/tom/local....
Tom Rhodes's user avatar
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Agora On-Premise-Recording-Nodejs Error in Dockerfile

I'm encountering build issues with Agora's On-Premise-Recording-Nodejs in a Dockerfile setup. The script throws multiple C++ warnings related to variable initialization order in ...
LKAOpremier's user avatar
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Why Does My Node.js App Time Out When Connecting to SQL Server with Windows Authentication?

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server instance from a Node.js application using Windows Authentication, but I'm encountering a connection timeout error. SQL Server Version: SQL Server 2019 Port: 1433 ...
Alican Armut's user avatar
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Stripe schedule create 90 days (current date + 90days)

I'm facing issue while creating stripe schedule 90 days (current date + 90days) by the stripe session. After the package selection on my page it will redirect on the Stripe UI where customer can enter ...
irfanengineer's user avatar
-2 votes
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What this mean : "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')" [closed]

When I submitting answer then this line apprise in page and console: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase') at file:///***/index.js:48:31 Here is my code :
alita_lol's user avatar
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Solving the Issue of Multiple API Calls Triggering Script Execution

experiencing an issue in my React application where refreshing the browser causes multiple API calls to be made to the backend, resulting in the Puppeteer script being executed multiple times. This is ...
shyam sharma's user avatar
-4 votes
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Node js cancel request when user leaves page [closed]

When a user goes into a page it makes some requests, etc. to load data for a table, or in a dashboard to load multiple information. Is there a point to detect if the user has left the page in order to ...
Pate's user avatar
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Is there a way to embed apache superset dashboard to react and node app with keycloak as auth?

I want to integrate superset dashboard with react and node app having keycloak as auth. Although it is asking for sign in inside the embedded dashboard. I WANT THE SUPERSET DASHBOARD TO BE EMBED IN TO ...
Owais Kapadia's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Track Email Open and Click Status Programmatically Using AWS SES, SNS, and CloudWatch in Node.js? [closed]

I'm working on a project where I need to send bulk emails (around 30,000) using AWS SES and programmatically track the status of each email, such as whether it was opened or clicked. I've gone through ...
dev here's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to run NodeJS app on Azure Windows App Service

I am very new to Azure App Development and trying to deploy an simple Hello World NodeJS app on Azure Windows App Service. This is very basic Hello world app and working fine on local environment ...
Rituparno Bhattacharya's user avatar
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1 answer

gte and lte in prisma & mongodb

The error message "Type '{ $gte: number; $lte: number; }' is not assignable to type 'number'" indicates that you are trying to assign an object with $gte and $lte properties to a variable ...
T.Courage's user avatar
-2 votes
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Nodes.js Installation

C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\React 01>npx create-react-app react-01 npm error code ENOENT npm error syscall lstat npm error path C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Roaming\npm npm error errno -4058 npm error enoent ...
Muhammad Thariq's user avatar
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Error HH604: Error running JSON-RPC server: The specified module could not be found

I want to learn how to use hardhat. When use "npx hardhat node", it always report error.I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to ...
otis w's user avatar
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npm jsonwebtoken verifying token even with wrong secret

I have the following code (Stackblitz: const { verify, sign } = require('jsonwebtoken'); const token = sign({ id: 123 }, '...
Abhinay Pandey's user avatar
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verify authorization telegram not equal hash nodejs

I'm encountering an issue with verifying Telegram authorization. Specifically: The auth_data payload I receive from window.getUser. { "query_id": "AAHOmFBD....", "...
TuanAnh's user avatar
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Express js module not found error and node modules files not creating

I ran the npm init command in the folder I was working in. Then, I ran the npm install express command. Two files named package-lock.json and package.json were created in my folder, but the ...
janberk.cetgin's user avatar
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Unable to upload file to server in react-native

I've been trying to upload a file (Encrypted DJI Log file) to a server in order to decrypt it. All of this within my react native expo app. I have not managed to get the server to accept my file when ...
AxaQuilPre's user avatar
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Login Successful using axiosInstance but with bad request 400 and not navigating to dashboard

Frontend handleLogin method from react component Login.jsx which has inputs email and password and login button to handleLogin which calls the Login API from backend email and password are monitored ...
satyanand shreyash's user avatar
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Firebase autogenerated keys usage in Node.js json

So I am creating a project using a Firebase database and React / Node.js to consult it. I created a couple of entries via POST request like this: const res = await fetch(`${MYFIREBASE}/posts.json`, { ...
Cristofer Villegas's user avatar
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JavaScript Fetch API Error When Sending GET Request Using URL Parameter

I'm trying to send a GET request to an API to fetch courses based on a category specified in the URL. I’m using the fetch API in JavaScript to do this, but I’m encountering an error. The code I'm ...
Fazal Mohammad Qadirzay's user avatar
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node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:453 throw err;

When I run npm start in the frontend server, in VSCode editor I get the following error:- node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:453 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\UserA\...
Doder's user avatar
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How does the one cart checkout from multiple websites in websites like revolve or apps like Styl.AI work? [closed]

I am currently beginning to learn web/app development and was curious as to how different multi-brand aggregation platforms like Revolve or the newly launched iOS app Styl.AI do this? Do you need to ...
Sachin Peruri's user avatar
1 vote
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Dropdown Select Component Has Data One Step Behind

I have a dropdown menu in my app. When it is selected it triggers a method that changes the sortOption state, which then triggers a useEffect to sort the data (called allTabs). However, the data ...
Jacob Balikov's user avatar
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Azure Bot: "HTTP status code Unauthorized" Error when Using Custom Question Answering

I'm currently developing a bot that uses Azure's Custom Question Answering service. I've verified all credentials for creating the adapter and configuring the service, but I'm encountering an issue ...
Abbas Jafari's user avatar
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Fetch request does not work with expressJS server (but both are working fine)?

I have a fetch request in a server component in a NextJS app. It looks like that (I tried to reduce all code to minimum working example) : export async function bookRoom(params: BookingRequest) { ...
user27054072's user avatar
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@node-rs/argon2 module could not be found in Next.js

I am trying to implement username and password login with lucia and like in the lucia tutorial I am using @node-rs/argon2 for hashing passwords but I am getting this error: Error: The specified module ...
Ustin Drazhin's user avatar
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How do I include glibc versions needed by node in my buildroot config?

I'm building a root filesystem using buildroot (running on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS) for an ARM Cortex-A7 target. I'm including Node.js by selecting "[*] nodejs" in Target packages ---> ...
Daryl Spitzer's user avatar
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Working with XML in chunks node js using sax js

I try using sax js in order to process xml file in chunks , adding it to limited size of array , await to updating the DB , then reset the array. The problem is that it not working asynchronously out ...
benny hassan's user avatar
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How to find out why node-tap does not exit

I was running tests with node-tap today, and I ran into the issue that my test was running forever and then timing out. I stumbled upon a few SO threads (like this one), and it pointed me into the ...
totooooo's user avatar
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Allow user to choose between peer dependencies

I'm trying to build a framework that expects a config provided by another library. That library has two versions: @library/core and @library/react, both of which provide a function to create the ...
ByteAtATime's user avatar
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Typescript: Typing return for a "retry function" using .call

If I'm passing a typed function to, is there a way to infer the return type from the passed function? Below I would expect response to be typed based on someTypedFunction ...
CoolHandClay's user avatar
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Importing a module created from string in Node.js using URL.createObjectURL

I want to evaluate string as a module and get this module's exports. I used to do it before in browser environment, but now somewhy I cannot use the same method in node.js What I tried: const ...
Vishota's user avatar
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Socket IO Node JS server-side functions running multiple times on client emit

First off, I have browsed StackOverflow and read multiple threads about this, but couldn't find the answer. The problem: Sometimes, when a user clicks a button and thereby emits a message to the ...
o11899nine's user avatar