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Problem ordering writes using writeStream

I'm using node.js v22.6.0 on Windows 10. I'm trying to write a command that queries multiple sqlite3 tables and writes data to createWriteStream handle. The process is controlled by multiple functions ...
Stephen Woodbridge's user avatar
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1 answer

If you are trying to get the task api/endpoint for clickup tasks and not getting

If you are through${listId}/task you will get task but wont get the completed task I have tried that api but not getting the completed task only getting the in ...
Ritik Singh's user avatar
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how to handle RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED exception in zeebe

I am using the following library I am having issues handling RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED exceptions I tried all the configurations that the library ...
Bob Jhonson's user avatar
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NODEJS server with VUEJS and websockets, STOPS at 60 seconds

I have the following architecture: VUE JS ----> NODEJS REST ---> PYTHON REST API (FLASK) THe backend streams data properly. The nodeJS part is with websockets like this:'/start-...
Luis Valencia's user avatar
1 vote
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oracle sql server connection pool not updating the table column

I'm working in node.js with oracledb. I have create connection pool to connection database. When I fetch any data from database it's working perfectly. But when I'm trying to update table column it's ...
Art Bindu's user avatar
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Does sequelize sanitize enough inputs? [closed]

I was wondering since I use Sequelize for all my queries. Should I even bother sanitizing inputs since Sequelize handles that? If yes, In what specific I do need to sanitize the inputs? And since I'm ...
Marko's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I get a 404 error on blog detail pages in Angular?

When the URL is entered incorrectly, I get a 404 error on all pages, but I don't get this error even though I go to NotFoundComponent on the blog detail pages. My routers are as follows: { path: '...
user27023959's user avatar
0 votes
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How to remotely connect to k8s through @kubernates/client-node?

I dev k8s client in macos(, and the k8s(k3s) deploy in virtual machine of master( The docs
seepine's user avatar
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Set default test timeout

Is there a way to set a default timeout for test() functions using the Node.js built-in test runner? The doc says: timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the test will fail after. If ...
mrtnlrsn's user avatar
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No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource Error while fetch works fine during login with the same cors options

I'm trying to send a post request to my server using fetch but it is constantly getting blocked by cors policy. However when I used fetch during user login, it was working fine. And this issue popped ...
Ritesh Das's user avatar
-1 votes
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Docker-compose.yml not found

I'm deploying my nestjs + mongo project through gitlab and I can't to deploy my project on VPS. My docker-compsose.yml: version: '3.9' services: app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: \-...
Dairkhan Dossayev's user avatar
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2 answers

Login to AWS HSM as crypto-user, Error: Pkcs11Error: CKR_PIN_INCORRECT while perfomrin: pkcs11.C_Login(session, pkcs11js.CKU_USER, "1234"); in Nodejs

I am using AWS HSM. Followed the AWS HSM Setup guide foor FIPS Mode HSM. Installed CloudHSM Command Line Interface (CLI), Created a user called crypto-user by By logging in to HHSM using CloudHSM CLI. ...
Shruthi Mohanan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Configuring npm to access private GitHub repo with token: HTTPS Setup Not Working

I am facing an issue with installing a private GitHub repository into another private repository using GitHub Actions and npm. The private repository is not published to npm but is hosted on GitHub. I ...
waq's user avatar
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16 GB memory limit capping on Linux with node.js

I'm encountering an issue where my Node.js process consistently crashes with a bad alloc() error once it hits around 16 GB of memory usage when working with strings, and around 40 GB when dealing with ...
Kumar Aditya's user avatar
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in postman cookies store but in browser not store

I've been using Postman to test my API endpoints, and I've noticed that the cookies returned by the API in Postman are stored within Postman’s cookie storage, but they don’t appear in my browser's ...
System Failure's user avatar
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TransactionError: Can't acquire connection for the request. There is another request in progress

I am trying to insert data in two tables in SQL Server. The background is that I am requesting data of expenses invoices. Each invoice has one header and multiple detail objects. All connections and ...
Marilina's user avatar
-4 votes
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Not able to install Bcrypt using npm in vs code [closed]

When I try to install bcrypt, its showing a lot of errors like, package deprecated, etc. I used the command npm i bcrypt but it still isn't installing. I was watching a youtube lecture and that guy ...
Navroz Singh's user avatar
-6 votes
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Understanding the Need for Generator Functions in JavaScript [closed]

I'm having trouble grasping the utility of generator functions in JavaScript. While I understand they can be used to iterate over custom data types, I'm not convinced that they offer a significant ...
Brijraj's user avatar
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Kafkajs consumer invalid message

We have written kafka consumer in node.js and using "kafkajs" library for it. Also we are using "@kafkajs/confluent-schema-registry" for schema registry. After receiving the event ...
user24638812's user avatar
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GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "}"

Creating an application using various tech stake. first time using garphQl in my project. I am getting this error and not know how to solve this error. I have try various chatbot support, stack ...
Mikey's user avatar
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How to authenticate on Keycloak admin console in a Node.js app?

I am making a platform which has Keycloak integrated for user authentication. Right now I need to get a list of all the client roles from a specific client. To do this, I have to login into the admin ...
BoletinKosove's user avatar
-1 votes
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Relative path issue when executing ES module file with node

I need little help with building custome npm command to run ES module file, I am using this file to seed my database. i am using sequelize in a Node api (not using sequelize CLI or migrations) i want ...
Muhammad Zeeshan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Node.js Application Runs on All Domains, How to Restrict It to Only One Domain

I am running a Node.js application, and it is currently running on all domains on my server. However, I want it to run only on a specific domain. It should not be accessible from other domains. My ...
Musa Gökcan's user avatar
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Mongoose _id is not working correctly for custom value instead of default value

Hay! I am working with mongoose where I have collection named tag and here is it's schema const tagSchema = new Schema<ITag, ITagModel>( { _id: { type: String, unique: true, ...
Shakil Abdus Shohid's user avatar
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Uploading a picture in react using multer

I have two files, the server file and My register file. So on the server side, I have the following code for the server file import multer from 'multer'; const storage = multer.diskStorage({ ...
Joseph Lwambi's user avatar
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Issues with Migrating from Webpack 3 to Webpack 5 in an Old Project

I'm trying to migrate an old project from Webpack 3 to Webpack 5 and have run into several issues. The project is quite old, and I'm not sure if I've correctly updated the Webpack configuration. Here’...
Olzhas 's user avatar
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UIncaught ReferenceError: db is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (VM586 editor.js:66:9)

I'm building a blog website using Firebase Firestore and JavaScript. I'm trying to save blog posts to Firestore, but I'm encountering an issue where db is not defined when I attempt to use it in my ...
NAVANIDHARAM A's user avatar
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How to rewrite or set sensitive header with got dependency

i'm working with internal library that wrapping got dependencies. and when i try to insert or request some data to 3rd api with this headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' 'X-Reference-Id': ...
Arrrriiiii's user avatar
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Why is Vercel not deploying my recipes.json file?

I'm working on building a recipe website where users can add recipes to it. This website is hosted on Vercel and for some reason, Vercel is not Deploying the recipes.json (or anything from the public ...
Buttrey Boy's user avatar
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How do I resolve dependency errors when there isn't an stable release for eslint-react-plugin-hooks? Do I just use a beta version?

I'm trying to update my eslint package to a newer version due to a deprecated dependency rimraf package but run into an issue with eslint-plugin-react-hooks. From what I understand, eslint-plugin-...
bit07123's user avatar
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Memory usage with node js and chunk

I try extract data in chunks in order to reduce memory usage. The original file size is 2.24MB The data size that I need to resolve is 0.2mb But no matter what I do it seems like measuring the ...
benny hassan's user avatar
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Multiple agents in Node.js

Is it possible to use 2 agents when making an HTTP request in Node.js? I need one agent to use my corporate proxy to access the internet, and I need one more to do the client authentication with a ...
Filip Todosov's user avatar
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How to find AZURE_ENDPOINT, AZURE_API_KEY, and KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ID in the latest Azure Portal?

I'm trying to set up a custom question-answering resource in Azure, but I'm having trouble locating the following details in the new Azure Portal interface: AZURE_ENDPOINT: The endpoint URL for the ...
Abbas Jafari's user avatar
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Translate a document from Cloud Storage to Cloud Storage by nodejs

I would like to translate a docx document that I uploaded to my cloud. I read the document: (I'm using Google Translation API) So ...
Antilope's user avatar
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NodeJS custom loader for CommonJS

I'm playing with NodeJS loaders where I want to intercept all calls to require and modify the source (transpile). When using ESM modules with import it works, but with CommonJS it doesn't trigger the ...
Vidar's user avatar
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RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: "length" is outside of buffer bounds in Node.js Pub/Sub

I'm encountering a RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: "length" is outside of buffer bounds error while working with Google Cloud Pub/Sub in a Node.js application. Below is a simplified ...
Assiph Rolant's user avatar
-1 votes
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uses components(MUI , Router , ..) in React , Get error [closed]

I am learnin React , while use @MUI or react-boostrap , Router ... get error : error in inspect : Warning: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This ...
zohreh sotoudeh's user avatar
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CollectorMessage from Discord.js v.14 with SlashCommands

I got a problen trying to create a command about a "pokequiz" where you have to guess the pokemon's name using SlashCommand and Collectors. When the user types the correct answer, the bot ...
Alex's user avatar
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ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error when initializing SecretManagerServiceClient in Node.js

I'm trying to use Google Cloud's Secret Manager in my Node.js application, but I'm encountering an ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error when initializing the SecretManagerServiceClient. Here's my code: ...
Amit Liberman's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to inline JavaScript when coding in nodejs 'views' [closed]

I've been using nodejs as my backend. In nodejs you use 'views' as the frontend instead of html files. Views are very similar to html files, but I was wondering if there is a way to code javascript ...
Nisitha Kaveen's user avatar
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Next.js 14 how to use proxy with fetch

Nextjs project running in PVM with Node.js version 18.18.2. Migrated from next.js 12 to 14.2.4 and in order to use Next.js new features i replaced axios with fetch. The issue is that all outgoing ...
Professor Chaos's user avatar
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Connecting to Cluster not working in Private Network

I have two VPS in same Private Network Service running on Redis Server running on (bind in redis.conf) Try connect using createClient to one Master then connect to be ...
Trung Le's user avatar
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ForbiddenError: invalid csrf token at doubleCsrf

First off, sorry this is a re-upload. reason being is I'm an idiot... I'm creating a dummy social media app using express JS and Mongoose. I tried to implement sessions and CSRF protection but I am ...
kieron Coombs's user avatar
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Slow chunk file Upload Speeds with Nginx and Node.js Despite Low Server Resource Usage

I've been struggling with slow upload speeds when handling file uploads through an Nginx reverse proxy to a Node.js (Express) backend. Despite the server having plenty of resources available (low CPU ...
Alex Aung's user avatar
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Agenda (Node) defining a job with a variable name

I'm working on a rule engine in JavaScript that allows users to schedule when rules are checked. I'm using Agenda to the scheduling. Ideally I want to define jobs with variable names so then whenever ...
DustySushi's user avatar
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TypeScript Error: Implicitly has return type 'any' for Function with Recursive Call

So I have been trying to implement an Access and Refresh Token system for a while now. I have had some success some failures. Some frustration. But overall I feel happy with my results. I have come up ...
yzkael's user avatar
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Installing AdonisJS 6 is working fine but AdonisJS 5 showing EBUSY:resource busy or locked error

I am trying to install AdonisJS 5 in my windows machine by running npm init adonis-ts-app@latest hello-world but it shows an error (attached here)Installing AdonisJS V5. I have tried installing ...
Sk Sakil Ahmed.'s user avatar
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Mongodb will not run on MacOS

I have been happily running MongoDB for years on my mac (currently sonoma 14.6.1), installing via brew, using $ brew install mongodb-community (and variants) in the terminal and then starting it ...
peter's user avatar
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Deloyment problem for Node(backend) and Vite React(frontend) application on heroku platform

I'm trying to deploy a full stack blog application on heroku platform. But after deployment is giving '502 bad gateway' response from nginx. This is my folder structue: Overall Structure [] API folder ...
wfh_coder's user avatar
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-webkit and -moz missing after compiling bootstrap5

I am trying to customize bootstrap5. as a start I created scss file @import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; when compiled using live sass compiler and compared with original ...
swapnil jajoo's user avatar