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Nodemon Crashes with 'bad ELF magic' Error on Termux in Android

I'm using Termux on my Android phone to run a simple Node.js server with nodemon. My server script (index.js) is written in JavaScript and should work fine, but when I run it with nodemon, I get the ...
Muhammed Shibil M's user avatar
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Nodemon Throwing Errors and Can't Find File

I'm very new to Node.js, Nodemon as a whole, and I've haven't used Javascript in a while. I'm making a Discord bot that send a quote from and array at a certain interval. I put the quotes in a ...
DonutMan's user avatar
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nodemon does not work with hot reloading in docker [duplicate]

I'm trying to make hot reloading in docker with an express server using nodemon to monitor the js files. The problem is that when I change something in local, it changes in the docker container but ...
Khaled Ramadan's user avatar
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nodemon is not working on certain files in vs code, but works on other

Nodemon automatically restarts when applying changes on certain files, but is not working on other files. I added random characters on the errorHandler.js and the automatic terminal restart works fine ...
naomi's user avatar
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ExpressJS autoreload with browsersync

Im trying to setup a simple express server with typescript, nodemon and browsersync. I would like it to refresh the browser everytime a node file (ts file) is changed to reflect the changes in the ...
simon's user avatar
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I am not able to type anything after execution for specific code [closed]

I want to run my nodemon file for that i have to type in the terminal but i am not able to do so. Here is the screen shot for the same. So, In my other codes i can edit in terminal like cpp and c ...
Dhruv Jha's user avatar
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Change Nodemon script depending on the changed file(s)

Nodemon knows what files have changed when it restarts the compiling script. But how do I get that information into the script? const nodemon= require('nodemon'); let inputDir = process.argv[2]; let ...
Michiel's user avatar
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How can I import a file on nodemon.json?

I want to add this statement in my nodemon.json exec: --import ./instrumental.mjs here is my code: { "watch": ["src"], "ext": "ts,json", "ignore&...
classmaster01's user avatar
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Nodemon consistently shuts down my machine

Running on Windows 11 Pro v10.0.22635, VS Code 1.91.0, node v22.3.0, nodemon v3.1.4. My machine has 128GB RAM, AMD 3960X CPU. In VS Code, tried multiple separate very simple projects (one server.js ...
Chris Freilich's user avatar
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When starting server with nodemon, it says that it is starting 'node server.js' but the connection msg never prints. It just says that it is starting

I am currently cd'd onto the server, and I am using nodemon and to try and connect to the server. So far I ran the command `npm run devStart' in the terminal, and when I do this it gives me ...
Ryan Hajji's user avatar
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Why is nodemon specifically causing this "read error: 0: Resource temporarily unavailable" in my bash script when using netcat?

I have written a network client in bash using netcat which streams the stdout of a nodemon process to a remote server. This is my most complicated bash script I have written to date and the past ...
MrBroccoli's user avatar
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Cannot find package

Libraries and communications: typescript v5.4.5 node v20.11.1 pnpm v9.1.0 ts-node v10.9.2 nodemon v3.1.3 On Stack Overflow, I found a similar problem and solved it, but there is another problem ...
sdnsdev's user avatar
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How can I solve this Semver dependencies problem in Ionic app?

I'm working on a Ionic app but whenever I run npm install I get the following error: semver 7.0.0 - 7.5.1 Severity: moderate semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service - https://...
user4448604's user avatar
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Nodemon is not working properly inside the docker container

While using anonymous volume and bind mount, I'm unable to use nodemon correctly inside the docker container. When I checked the file changes inside the container, I can see those changes seems like ...
Kushal Nanavati's user avatar
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Nodemon is not restarting after I save the file. The message "[nodemon] restarting due to changes..." appears, but the server does not restart

enter image description here Nodemon is not restarting after I save the file. The message "[nodemon] restarting due to changes..." appears, but the server does not restart. I have been ...
Tushar Parmar's user avatar
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Mount binds not working in Docker Compose [duplicate]

I am new to this and wanted to practice. I created a simple project: Where I have a node frontend: I setup express and nodemon. When I run my project locally it works, if I change the code and ...
DaviHlav's user avatar
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Inconsistent output in the console when closing the express server

I am writing a Node/Express web application as part of my university module. At the moment, the application is very simple and I have three files: db.js, app.js, and entry.js. The db.js module creates ...
koolaidkid's user avatar
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Nodemon not working when using script but works when I use it manually

I had recently been working on project "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon src/index.js", "start": "node src/index.js" } Following are my script ...
Hemal Pandya's user avatar
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ts-node-dev does not recognise custom errors while nodemon is

I'm developing a REST API with express that relies on a custom ApiError class and a custom errorHandler function for handling async errors in a scalable way. As a refernce: ApiError: export class ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to use nodemon in VS Code with a specific node.js version?

I know I can set up VS Code to use nodemon by putting a launch.json like { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node"...
nodecoder's user avatar
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How do i resolve nodemon app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting

Each time i try running my server using npm start, i keeping getting [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting My serving is not runningI need help with keeping my server ...
cutespot3200's user avatar
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unable to run my Node.js typescript project on Windows with TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]: Unknown file extension ".ts"

My code works fine when I run in UNIX system. but when I tried to run on Windows system it is failing with following error [nodemon] starting `ts-node index.ts --no-warnings` TypeError [...
Nandini's user avatar
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Unable to connect to MongoDB using Mongoose and Nodemon

When I run nodemon server in backend directory of my project using the VS Code terminal, I get the following error: [nodemon] 3.1.0 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching path(...
Tom Darious's user avatar
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Issue with nodemon in Rails esbuild application

I’m encountering an issue with nodemon in my Rails esbuild application. The esbuild setup for a new rails app uses nodemon by default to watch for changes in the .scss files and trigger the CSS build ...
Priscila Finkler Innocente's user avatar
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npm run build:server fails keeps exiting in docker environment

I am trying to deploy an application built using ES-build and Node.js. For some reason the npm run build:server keep exiting in the docker environment during docker build. Localhost it runs smoothly, ...
Muhsina Fatimatul's user avatar
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nodemon connects to database, node server.js does not

When I wanted to deploy my app on Heroku, I made a strange discovery: When I start the server with "nodemon", the connection to the database works perfectly. If I use "node server.js&...
Torben's user avatar
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I am getting the following error: Node.js v21.6.2 [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting

I am getting the following error when trying to run my application. I am learning backend development. please help me. I am using nodemon to run my application. I tried several codes to fix the ...
Mohammed Nur Nabi's user avatar
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Nodemon not working and displaying "command not found" error

When I am trying to run my express server with the command 'nodemon solution.js' it gives an error message C:\Users\anura\AppData\Roaming\npm/node_modules/node/bin/node: line 1: This: command not ...
Anurag Singh's user avatar
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2 answers

Error: Cannot find module 'D:\Full_Stack_Development\Projects\StudyPurpose\nodemon\bin\nodemon.js'

I'm a beginner to node.js/express, I created a sample project and when i tried running the project/server through nodemon it shows error(I've done another project before and it worked fine). I have ...
akarjun313's user avatar
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React Mongoose Error - URI parameter must be string but returns 'Undefined' from .env file

The error message after i run 'npm run backend'. Code in .env file - PORT=5000 MONGO_URI='mongodb://' **code in index.js file - ** // packages import path from "path"; ...
clancy's user avatar
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Organisation package.json on React Project

I use vite to create my React project and I would like to know how to organise my package.json for my React project. In folder "services" I have my connexion to MongoDB and my MERN stack. ...
Caillou's user avatar
-2 votes
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Nodemon crashed and waiting for file to be changed

const express = require("express"); const app = express(); const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000; const products_routes = require("./routes/products"); app.get("/", (...
Pratik Bhowmik's user avatar
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#[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting

enter image description here I'm facing a problem where my Node.js application crashes without displaying any specific error message. When I try to run my project in VSCode, it only shows [nodemon] ...
Bhai Amit's user avatar
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How to to debug a Typescript NodeJS app running inside a local Docker container with VScode

Here is my Dockerfile: FROM node:20-alpine WORKDIR /var/www/ COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install COPY . . EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 5858 # Run the application CMD [ "npm", "run debug&...
mrodo's user avatar
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why it is not working with nodemon index.js while it is working with node index.js

nodmon : The term 'nodmon' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is ...
Hero Zero's user avatar
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why my npm start using nodemon gives me error?

npm start using nodemon give me error which I not understand at all. the way I understand it is I install the nodemon locally in the specific directory I working on. I install nodemon using the ...
ipang's user avatar
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Cant find Node.js: Server-side in task manager

I'm relatively new to Python and have encountered an error that has me stumped. Upon digging into the issue, I've hit a roadblock in my attempts to resolve it. The error message is: "[nodemon] ...
Deron Bethel's user avatar
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Mongoose Error: Buffering timed out after 10000ms

I want to connect to Mongodb with Thunder client extension in Vs code. Here's what i have got so far, but now I'm getting an error while connecting the app gets crashed. const mongoose = require('...
Somarjeet Thakuria's user avatar
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'Nodemon' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am trying to build a web scraper using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Axios, and Cheerio. Till now I have configured package.json file and it's look like this: { "name": "whatsapp-...
John Doman's user avatar
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How to run a nx script and nodemon script in one-line shell command?

My project is Angular. I have added a script line for running nx and nodemon commands inside of the package.json. The first command runs but the second one does not. If I stop the process and then the ...
Odilbek Utamuratov's user avatar
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How do I get my dockerized typescript node app working?

Here is my Dockerfile : # Download the slim version of node FROM node:21-slim # Set the work directory to app folder. # We will be copying our code here WORKDIR /src #Copy package.json file in the ...
Sourouche's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'C:\Users\utkar\Documents\My Project\data-visualization-dashbord\server\models\AffiliateStat.js'

Error enter image description here: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\utkar\Documents\My Project\data-visualization-dashbord\server\models\AffiliateStat.js' imported from C:\Users[enter image description ...
UTKARSH SINGH's user avatar
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nodemon install ang running globally by not run

nodemon : File C:\Users\RISHABH GAUTAM\AppData\Roaming\npm\nodemon.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/...
Gautam ji's user avatar
-1 votes
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error: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

How to fix this error nodemon app crashed?I'm using postgres sql as database and not mongodb. How can I fix this error? error: password authentication failed for user "postgres" [nodemon] ...
ADIL NABI's user avatar
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Error while running nodemon-The term 'nodemon' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I am new to node.js and I am unable to install and run nodeman in my VS studio. I have installed t globally using command npm install -g nodemon and then added the path in both User and System env ...
Loren's user avatar
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How to make the "nodemon" to watch only single file?

In my case the output file (FrontServerEntryPoint.js) is being built by the Webpack. nodemon LocalDevelopmentBuild/FrontServerEntryPoint.js --environment local I want nodemon watch only this file. I ...
Takeshi Tokugawa YD's user avatar
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node js is not working nodemon code any one know answer?

nodemon : File C:\Users\Safran\AppData\Roaming\npm\nodemon.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/go....
safran zahim's user avatar
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Clear console on restart in nodemon

I want to clear the console when nodemon restarts due to changes. But I also want to see error messages when my application crashes. How can I do this?
Joy's user avatar
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Error while checking forgot password request

"data and salt arguments required", "stack": "Error: data and salt arguments required\n at Object.hash (C:\Users\shant\Desktop\jvlcart\node_modules\bcrypt\bcrypt.js:137:17)\...
shanthirakumar mithun's user avatar

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