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Node.JS - Why is the cookies / session missing sometimes after the payment gateway

I am doing a webiste using Node.JS and it including a payment features where it will post form submission using javascript from ejs file, and then being redirect to the payment gateway.After the ...
Terry Ng's user avatar
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Why is my checkout transaction on Moneris Gateway Merchant Resource Center missing transaction details?

I was "testing a solution" in Moneris checkout preload page (test mode) to make sure all situations (fail/error/success) were handled. However, I tried so many times, the transactions were ...
bulby92's user avatar
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Stripe error - $config must be a string or an array

I'm using Laravel with Vue.js for my application, and I’m encountering an issue when trying to create a Stripe Checkout session. Specifically, when a user attempts to place an order, I get the ...
xBrooK's user avatar
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What Woocommerce's Hook should I use for disable redirect in a Custom Gateway

I'm integrating a payment gateway using Wocoomerce. The problem I have is that the bank requires to open a pop-up to continue with the payment process. What I want is to avoid the redirection to the &...
Christian Osorio's user avatar
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Paypal Braintree Drop-in Disappear due to Validation Error

I'm implementing Paypal vault using Braintree following the documentation. The smart button is loaded, but whenever I'm clicking on the button the drop-in appears and disappears after a few seconds, ...
Ebrahim Khalil Amid's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issue with Integrating JazzCash API for Merchant Account Payments [closed]

I am trying to integrate the JazzCash API with my application to process payments through a merchant account, but I'm encountering an issue that I can't resolve. I have followed the JazzCash ...
Ali Raza Afzal's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to implement local payemnt system like jazzcash or easy paisa in laravel referral system

I am developing laravel referral sytem where parent user awarded with $1 when his child user (which is reffered by him using his referral link) registered and deposit $3 using Pakistan local payment ...
Malik Muhammad Awan's user avatar
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Using UPI payments without any payment gateway APIs

Wanted to understand if we can use UPI payment methods without using APIs from any PGs. Have seen this flow in some apps where they directly show UPI apps like paytm, phonepe, etc. Upon entering the ...
chaha0s's user avatar
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Restrict payment gateways based on applied coupons in WooCommerce displaying a message

I would like to only show e.g. Stripe if coupon code 123 is used. So, I have come up with the code which is working, but I would also like to show a message at the top of the checkout, where the woo ...
SolaceBeforeDawn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Handle Advance Subscription Payments in Stripe Without Changing Billing Cycle?

I’m working on a scenario where I need to allow users to make advance payments for the renewal of their subscriptions, but I want to ensure that the billing cycle remains unchanged. Scenario: ...
Satwinder Singh's user avatar
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Why are my stripe webhook session details saying they are undefined?

I am creating a stripe checkout session in my development mode, that is successfully sending information to my webhook, and when I print out my session details, it successfully prints out all the ...
Frank Muller's user avatar
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I wants to integrate clover payment method into my flutter app

Here is the developer documentation link Colver Developer Documentation i wants to integrate clover payment method in my flutter app can anyone guide me about how can i integrate this in my flutter ...
mussadiq jamil's user avatar
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Handling Unsuccessful Checkouts with Chargebee: Missing Events and Status Updates

I’m using Chargebee’s hosted pages for managing subscriptions, and I’ve noticed that successful checkouts trigger events such as subscription_created, which I can handle in my application. However, I’...
Rishav Thapliyal's user avatar
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2 answers

In Flutter Application Open google pay in device application and return the payment status

In My Application i want to show a one Google pay Button when the user click on this button i want to pass the whom to pay upi id redirect on google pay application transction page and after the ...
Nim's user avatar
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Flutter: razorpay payment gateway with custom checkout screen

I have integrated a payment gateway in my flutter app using razorpay. Is it possible to make a custom UI for the checkout page of razorpay? For the payment process i currently use
Nim's user avatar
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Payment Gateway Integration with Django

I'm integrating payment gateway APIs in my application (Django). I have written a class PaymentGateway that provides all the methods for all payment related utility. The __init__ initialises the ...
anshuman's user avatar
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Linking Billing Address to a PaymentSheet in Stripe on iOS in Swift

Below is my code which I largely put together based on the Quickstart Guide ( plus the Address Element section of Stripe documentation (https://docs.stripe....
Bosco Tsin's user avatar
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How to Add Billing Address to PaymentSheet of Stripe?

Here is my code, which is largely based on the basic template code from Stripe: import UIKit import StripePaymentSheet class CheckoutViewController: UIViewController { private static let ...
Bosco Tsin's user avatar
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Signature Error When Integrating VNPay in .NET Core

Create paymentULR //////////////////// Signature Error When Integrating VNPay in .NET Core I am integrating VNPay into my .NET Core project and encountering an issue with an invalid signature. Below ...
Ngo Van Tien K17 HCM's user avatar
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Razorpay Integration in Django Project payment is not getting completed

I am integrating razorpay in django project. I am creating order through OrderPostApi. This is creating my order and my order_is getting saved in database. But when I call the payment_page view with ...
Hrithik karan's user avatar
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In magento how to add paypal pay button in every product page

"I've enabled the 'Display on Product Details Page' option for PayPal in the admin portal (Store -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> PayPal), but the PayPal Pay button is ...
Arul's user avatar
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Not Able to Intigrate with Phonepe Qr Code

When phonepe qrcode scan Transaction Note not received Automatic by default Received "Payment From PhonePe", I want Invoice no is a Transaction Note Only Phonepe not support other app eg, ...
Pravin Pawar's user avatar
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Could not resolve com.github.sabpaisa-android:sabpaisa:0.0.2

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. Could not resolve com.github.sabpaisa-android:sabpaisa:0.0.2. Could not get resource '
Deepak Suthar's user avatar
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Stripe Checkout page - 3rd Party Integration

I want to build an API that can access stripe's hosted checkout page if i am a 3rd party provider to the business. i want to add an "upsell" button to the checkout page. Is this possible, ...
bec777's user avatar
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Adapty Flutter Error - Paywall with variation <####variationId####>, locale en and builder_version 2 does not exist

I've installed Adapty and AdaptyUI in my Flutter app. I tried to show the paywall as following final paywall = await Adapty().getPaywall(placementId: <placement-id>); final view = await AdaptyUI(...
Basith P's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get a payment details using session flow without using `sessionId` & `sessionResult`?

I am planning to use session flow for simplicity but I can't find any documentation regarding how to get payment details without using sessionId & sessionResult using the reference provided on ...
ARIF MAHMUD RANA's user avatar
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Not getting list of subscribers from Paddle

I am not getting the list of subscriptions that I expected based on the Paddle list subscriptions documentation. Here, there is no required field for query parameters, so if I send {}, then it should ...
Harsh Bardolia's user avatar
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wordpress payment plugin doesn't appear

I face a problem with showing a custom payment option in payment options Iam sure it is set up correctly but it doesn't appear (like photos) I also added a js file with some logs to make sure it is ...
muhammed Amr's user avatar
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Error creating Razorpay order: TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined

const razorpay = new Razorpay({ key_id: process.env.RAZORPAY_KEY_ID, key_secret: process.env.RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET, });'/createOrder', checkForAuthenticationToken, async (req,...
Rohit Dubey's user avatar
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Dynamic QR with payTM in java springboot application

I'm using java code in to create dynamic QR code using payTM. However I'm getting Connection reset. Could someone help ...
SW_Developer_NR's user avatar
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Bluem Payment - Verify Signature for webhook

I'm buiding a system using PHP and Codeigniter 4. We are using Bluem as our payment gateway. They have provided us with the .crt file. They are providing Signature string in their webhook. So I'm ...
Dhruv Pandya's user avatar
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Strype Fund Transfer to Bank Account Laravel

I aim to transfer my Strype funds to someone else's bank account.I am trying the following approach. // generate test bank account token public function generateBankAccountToken() { ...
Md. Imrul Kayes's user avatar
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Phone Pe Health Check - Error HTTP 406 Not Acceptable

I am trying to check the health of the PhonePe gateway, but I am getting error "HTTP 406 Not Acceptable": { code: 406, message: 'HTTP 406 Not Acceptable' } I am using the following doc to ...
Shubham Verma's user avatar
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woocommerce_before_pay_action Not Consistently Saving Order Meta Data

I have a very simple custom gateway plugin intended to store some passive data on Woocommerce orders, no actual processing is taking place. It uses the woocommerce_before_pay_action hook to capture ...
Feel Content's user avatar
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PADDLE : I have not permitted to perform this request

Getting this error: you are not permitted to perform this request paddle, when I'm creating new transaction Try everything, got a one thing,
Harsh Bardolia's user avatar
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which payment method will for me i am developing utility bill pay app

I am developing a utility bill pay android app using third-party APIs for utility bill pay now here I am confused with the payment gateway because let's assume that I have a 1% commission on every ...
Omkar Shinde's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Implement Server Redirection with Authorization in a React App Using Apache?

I need help with server redirection in my React app. My app runs on an Apache web server. I’ve tested redirection with this PHP code: (redirect.php) <?php header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'...
MohammadAli's user avatar
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Apple Pay recurring payment with MPGS

Looking to see if someone have experience with integrating Apple Pay with with Mastercard Payment Gateway? Specifically for recurring / Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT)? We were able to configure ...
PixelSheep's user avatar
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Wordpress payment

Firstly i have designed a website for currency exchange, however i want to set a £1 set fee and How To Easily Accept Payments Without eCommerce On Your WordPress once the individual has selected the ...
Nyasha Majome's user avatar
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CCAvenue Payment integration with node and react

Thanks in advance... I am a newbie to the ccavenue payment gateway. I was trying to integrate it in react and node but didn't get any good docs, articles, or even a video. If anyone can share such ...
Varun Savaliya's user avatar
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How to use Jpos to dynamicaly route my message using a criteria in my xml message?

1- As far as my knowledge, we can receive an ISO8583 message from one host do some processing, and forward the message to another host using server.xml, channel.xml, and mux.xml config files. 2- We ...
Miguel Pascal's user avatar
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Stripe payment issues, I can't store data into database but in stripe dashboard receiving test amount

I have setup the stripe payment system but i am getting Fatal error like this: {Fatal error: Uncaught (Status 400) (Request req_f142wGYY4VDGXx) You cannot use a Stripe token more than once: ...
Nazmul Hossain Pappu's user avatar
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Complete payment in amazon pay

On my e-commerce website i'm trying to implement amazon pay. Here i've created the checkout session successfully, but when I choose payment in amazon it comes back to my website but I want to proceed ...
NIrA's user avatar
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Can't receive LiqPay callback

I'm trying to use LiqPay Checkout for my django website. Everything works great, I can see my test transactions on the LiqPay's admin panel, but I don't receive POST callback to the specified ...
Sherlock Holmes's user avatar
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Stripe customer subscription event behavior using webhook

I have a monthly subscription product in Stripe. If my user join to the monthly product, he pays the first month by credit card, then he uses his subscription normally during the time he is entitled ...
Gnu's user avatar
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How to integrate ayden in nxtbn?

I am having trouble integrating the Adyen plugin into my nxtbn Django e-commerce project. This is how i am trying from decimal import Decimal from django.conf import settings from nxtbn.payment.base ...
how recepes's user avatar
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How to use the token from flutter pay package with the Cybersource api for Google Pay & Apple Pay?

im struggling to understand how to use the card token generated by the flutter pay package in conjunction with the cybersource api, I managed to understand how to use it with stripe api but ...
PAGE BUNNII's user avatar
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Klarna Payment Gatway In Laravel

I'm using Laravel 10 and I want to use Klarna Payment Gateway using composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle Following is my code to get payment I not want to use tax therefor I use 0 but it give me error ...
Azhar Abbas's user avatar
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mamopay inline credit card payments option in wordpress/woocommerce

I have a wordpress/woocommerce ecommerce store and integrate merchant payment plugin mamopay version 1.3.8 for payment collection. The mamopay plugin option available popup credit card and I am ...
Abdul Wahab's user avatar
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Error Code 406 while integrating PhonePe Payment Gateway using Pay API in ASP.Net C# Website

Getting Error 406-Not Acceptable Response From Ajax API Call. After Searching I came to know that Response Format And Accept Format Is Different. My API Response Is In JSON So I Changed Accept Format ...
Lemonade Software Developers's user avatar

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