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I hashed my password using this PHP function, and everything looks fine in the database, but I cannot log in [duplicate]

I hashed my password using this PHP function, $hashed_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); and everything looks fine in the database, but I cannot log in. I tried this code for login ...
Mohammad Masoumi's user avatar
0 votes
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Unable to save data using HasOne association in Cakephp 4

I have tried to join two tables using hasOne association in my cakephp app There are two tables users and admin. In both tables the id is primary key. i have linked the mobile field of admin to the ...
Arpit Gupta's user avatar
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php artisan l5-swagger:generate

enter image description here l5-swagger in config file 'annotations' => [ base_path('app/Swagger'), // You should add this line to work base_path('app/'), ], add but don't work why Most commonly ...
A Li's user avatar
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Calling an API with headers and showing response (reverse API) using PHP

$url = ""; $headers = [ 'Accept: application/json', 'API_key: &xRzwDuAaV', 'Client_ID: ABC0653_GetDetails' ]; $ch = ...
Varahas Technologies's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Login Not happening Correctly in Codeignitor php 7.4

When I click on Login button, 1) then login successfully message appears. 2) I also checked session is created successfully as I put response line $resp = array('status'=>'1','msg'=>$this->...
Muhammad Sarmad Mahmood Malik's user avatar
-3 votes
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Security Concern: Exposure of .env File via API : How to secure the .env file cannot expose thorught any api

We are facing a serious security issue with our backend infrastructure. We have API endpoints that allow command execution or access to the server's CLI. Let me explain the scenario: Suppose our ...
Hritik Pandey's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add a custom button to the Navigation Bar in phpMyAdmin?

I'm currently working on customizing phpMyAdmin, and I want to add a custom button to the navigation bar (the bar where options like "Databases," "SQL," "Status," etc., ...
Harshit Totuka's user avatar
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How to Convert Bootstrap Nav Tabs to a Dropdown Menu

I have a list of Bootstrap nav tabs and I want to convert them into a dropdown menu instead. Here’s the original code that generates the tabs: <ul id="manifests-all-tabpane" class="...
minul hemasara's user avatar
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Slow Requests and High CPU Laravel VPS and Nuxt Front

I've been experiencing slowness on my VPS server. I have a VPS with 4 CPUs on DigitalOcean and 8 GB of RAM. We have approximately 15,000 users per day. We use Nuxt 3 as the frontend and Laravel as the ...
Carlos Valdes Web's user avatar
-3 votes
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wrong time in mysql [closed]

I need to set the date and time to the mysql database. Everything was fine, but I decided to update the record in the table at 23:00, and in the database I had a result of 11:00:00, although at 22:00 ...
gardemarin565's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add a "view more" button to categories on WooCommerce shop page

I have woocommerce set to only show categories (instead of products) upon entering the shop page and I want every category to have a "View More" button with it's corresponding URL like a ...
Ñako's user avatar
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Can I extract a database from a php website?

There is a website that (if you click on the link) you will see is basically a database on a webpage, I wish to download the data so that I can run code on ...
George Bland's user avatar
-1 votes
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Use Chrome Browser Cookie with cURL PHP

The login routine for this site is extremely complex, so the login via cURL is out of the question. As an alternative, I am logging in via the Chrome browser to the site, and all subsequent ...
cdr1's user avatar
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-2 votes
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PHP mistake? somethings wrong with my code?

Something wrong with my codes in PHP, because when i run the code i see this thing(see image), anyone can help me? tks. I ...
user27090915's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can i add a custom select in PHPMaker code

I'm currently trying to modify an order entry system made in PHPMaker, the problem is that I don't have the .pem files for the project so I'm trying to add an input directly in the code to take the ...
Oscar Gonzalez's user avatar
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1 answer

Transform crypt() from PHP to Node.js

I'm having a problem converting crypt() from PHP to Node.js I have a database with the reg_users table where I have columns like username and password. In PHP, it's very simple to encrypt the password ...
Sabá12's user avatar
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Register different users with different properties in laravel 10?

I am new to laravel and I am trying to understand how I can register 2 types of users: Artist and Client. I deleted the users migration And I have two tables, one for artists and one for clients. ...
strandom's user avatar
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How can I split up a string into multiple pieces and place into multiple fields in a mysql table?

I currently get a directory listing from several different hard drives and store each as a text file. Next I merge these files into one single larger text file and then import the text file into a ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

how To get rid of /public when deploy Laravel on shared host?

i have a Laravel project, and i have deployed it on Hostinger as a shared host, my shared host structure : [public_html] -> [contains all the files of laravel project also public of laravel] [...
momo's user avatar
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Notice: PHP Request Startup: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0 [duplicate]

I am using dropzone library to upload image in directory in Laravel 10 version. The dropzone JavaScript below and server side code is working fine. From server response they are giving me result in ...
Waqar Developer's user avatar
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POST Video Stories using graph api facebook

hello guys im trying to automate a stories video post on facebook but dont know what im doing wrong, my picture stories function works fine but my video one is not working at all!!! i tried to look ...
Atendimento Agência Prime's user avatar
-1 votes
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What value does the html datepicker send when the user does not select a date?

I'm writing some PHP to display and process an input form that includes a date picker, identified by <input type="date" id="offdate" name="offdate"> When the user ...
Steven Johnson's user avatar
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PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser not Returning Anything [duplicate]

I'm trying to use the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser for the first time from here - Unfortunately, I'm having an issue where it's not returning ...
Lewis Hardisty's user avatar
-4 votes
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PHP and Composer / Ubuntu 24.04 LTS [closed]

What is the deal with these errors? frederick-pina@frederick-pina-HP-Spectre-x360-Convertible:~/PhpstormProjects/$ composer update PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe ...
MrPina's user avatar
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Having different dropdown menu in navbar and greetings based on user's login status

I want to display different options in dropdown menu on navbar in homepage. If user has logged in through the login form and redirected to home page then I want to show these options: 'Login', '...
Heli Aghara's user avatar
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Want to set the Pre-loader only for the HOME page using PHP

<!-- preloader --> <div class="art-preloader"> <!-- preloader content --> <div class="art-preloader-content"> <!-- title --> ...
sky's user avatar
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Don't send email to user email , if no billing email [closed]

I am working on a wocommerce site and I do not want the email to be sent to the user email if no billing email is provided. In my case I am using local by WP and although there is no account creating ...
Mohammed Malleck's user avatar
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How to remove html code from a string in PHP [duplicate]

I am a novice in PHP code. I am maintaining a legacy product which is written in PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Oct 30 2014 20:12:53). The application has search options in various pages and if the user ...
Ash_and_Perl's user avatar
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regex select tag only if containing certain text [duplicate]

How to write a regex to find a tag that contains only a specific text? <div><span>here is my marker</span></div> <div>Nothing remarkable here</div> <div>here ...
fcaserio's user avatar
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Programmatically update ACF repeater fields in the Gutenberg block

I have ACF fields added to a custom block for Gutenberg. The group of fields "youtube_videos" contains a repeater "videos" with two subfields "video" (url) and "...
Sergey Pervushin's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do i parse xml to get the value of the child element

The Xml data I have is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <var> <packid>27441</packid> <clientid>1426</clientid> <desc>PO: ...
bart2puck's user avatar
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PHP 8.4 - asymmetric visibility

I compiled php 8.4 from source code to try some features. I have this code. <?php class PrefixStyle { public private(set) string $phone { get { return $this->phone; ...
Nitram Nekonečný's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP Update MySql table using IFELSE calculation from other fields in table [duplicate]

I have a MySql table '1_material_calculations' with a decimal value in the column 'material_thickness'. Based upon this decimal i want to update another column 'scrap_length' with a decimal value ...
greenchris's user avatar
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Gitlab CI/CD, Kubernetes runner, docker build - composer SSL connection timeout

I have a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline, that previously I ran on a Docker runner located on prem. I've now installed a Gitlab runner on my Kubernetes cluster, but one of my pipeline jobs no longer works - ...
Matt's user avatar
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dealing with different language character set

we have a basic user search application. one needs to write partial/full user firstname / lastname and the application returns users matching the search. Now we deal with many international users ...
Amrita Deb's user avatar
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Laravel and bash test ideas [closed]

This is my code. So basically what this code is doing that it is taking some inputs and running a bash script. The bash script is creating a user and repository on server. I am running this locally ...
Syed Sheheryar Umair's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to save users selected options from MySQL data table into a different table that stores the options selected along with the user id? [closed]

I'm trying to build a version of premier fantasy fooball game for my own local team using php, mysql, javascript, etc... Currently I'm having trouble in how to save the users picks. This is how the ...
44lew's user avatar
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Symfony 5.8.14 : Authentification failed : user "..." does not exist Error

When I'm trying to connect to a user, I get the "Invalid Credentials" error and in the logs symfony says that the user does not exist but I checked on PHPMyAdmin and the user exist. Here is ...
Iam Eclipse's user avatar
-4 votes
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my code not worked in external api wp theme [closed]

......................................................................................................................................... i write code in functions.php in theme file this code : // ...
Ali Garivani's user avatar
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Ratchet messages not being sent to socket client

I am developing a terminal on web app for personal use and using Ratchet for the socket server. And It is working fine with simple commands like ls etc. But when I run commands like ping it just doesn'...
apestogetherstrong's user avatar
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How do I echo get_post_meta, wrapped with an HTML tag? [duplicate]

I'm hoping someone can help. I have a custom field for WooCommerce products but I need to wrap the output in an HTML tag. Please could someone help correct this? I know it's not the correct syntax, ...
Santiago Pérez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Image not loaded in Gmail when sent via Custom Laravel App

I was making a clone to the famous service ZOHO Mail in Laravel. I made a simple mailer client that sends emails to provided users' email addresses. I am using Gmail SMTP. Now there is thing in ZOHO ...
Aarish Mughal's user avatar
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Sending Laravel logs to stdout and Telescope error

I'm trying to use workaround for sending logs from Laravel Scheduler jobs to stdout. In fact, it's just using a symlink like ln -sf /proc/1/fd/1 /var/log/...
Vitaly Karasik DevOps's user avatar
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PHP MYSQL FETCH ASSOC Everytime I Refresh The Website, It Returns The Last Row Of The Database [duplicate]

So I am new at php and i am trying to send data from my form to phpmyadmin and get it back. Sending part is okay. But everytime i refresh the site, it adds the variables at the last array to where i ...
CodeZia's user avatar
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Cannot generate migrations diff after update

I made some updates to my symfony app: PHP 7.4 to 8.3 Symfony 5.4 to 6.4 API Platform 2.x to 3 In the process I deleted FOSUserBundle I was using. It ended with some updates to the mysql database. I’...
Cyril F's user avatar
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How to autoplay embeded video for example [closed]

So i wanna run movie site, however i want as soon as i open page that it start automatic, how to set it to autoplay? if ( $manual_movies == '1' ) { $manual_toggle = 'disable'; } else { $manual_toggle =...
Rouslan YT's user avatar
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How to rewrite a php file name in .htaccess [mod_rewrite] [duplicate]

Pardon, have not done any html/css/php since my early childhood. Now 15+ years later decided to tinker with it for fun. Could anyone explain how do I rewrite a simple URL through .htaccess? I have ...
Profins's user avatar
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PHP filter_input_array - send key name to custom filter with FILTER_CALLBACK

I'm about to rewrite an older PHP system to use filter_input() and filter_input_array() instead of older methods. Since the system is already cleverly using fieldnames that indicates what kind of ...
mr_lou's user avatar
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PHP preg_replace() only certain words in a text [closed]

So I have a text with some special names like @Michel, @Sacha, or @Thierry Dupont (with space). I want to mark those names with blue color and bold tex using preg_replace(). I currently have a pattern ...
Alain Li's user avatar
-4 votes
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Issue with inserting multiple subjects into a database using PHP and JavaScript [closed]

I'm working on a form where users can enter multiple subjects (courses), and I need to save this data into a MySQL database using PHP. The form allows users to dynamically add multiple subjects, and ...
AHSAN USMAN's user avatar

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