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Error [ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE]: Inspector is not available, while using vercel/pkg and pm2 in nodejs

I have a NodeJS CLI application built using commander, I am using vercel's pkg to create executables. Now, I starting a localserver using express on a particular command like this:- program ....
Vivek sarvaiya's user avatar
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How to yarn start nextjs application on specific port with pm2?

How to yarn start nextjs application on specific port with pm2 process manager? I googled for answer and found wrong suggestions On production server I want to configure fail-over load balancer to ...
Nikolay kitsul's user avatar
-1 votes
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NodeJs server becoming unresponsive [closed]

I'm running a Node.js server using PM2 in cluster mode on a machine with 8 cores. Occasionally, the application becomes completely unresponsive—no logs, no responses, nothing. I've integrated ...
James Babu's user avatar
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Dynamic RAM allocation with node.js

I have a node.js application being managed by pm2, the application allocates dynamic memory by default and is limited to using as little memory as possible and using memory if necessary. However, this ...
Patrick Franco's user avatar
-5 votes
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Server Crash Controling the Node Js service or server [closed]

We're using a microservices architecture for one of our blockchain applications and need to keep records of ledger logs. The problem is that one of our services doesn't have a backend, and if it ...
MUHAMMAD Umar MAYO's user avatar
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NodeJs SplunkSDK Get Api getting 500 Internal server error before the actual response received

I am new to Node js. I am using NodeJS pm2 and [email protected]. Requirement is to get splunk data as a response. module.exports.executeSearch = function (query, params, cb) { ...
Anand Suryavanshi's user avatar
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how to achieve zero-downtime deployment with pm2

I have a project involving a YAML file for deployment, and the flow is as follows: Pull Changes: The YAML file pulls all the changes. Start Temporary Instance: It starts a temporary instance to handle ...
Aayushi Vaghasiya's user avatar
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How to kill and reboot one server instance, after an new build/update, with a loadbalancing setup?

I have a server configuration which spins up 4 instances of my server using pm2 and a load balancing setup that routes traffic (all network requests, including socket traffic) to each of these ...
Mike K's user avatar
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PM2 Restart issue

pm2 restart 0 --cron-restart="0 0 * * *" Will this restart instance 0 everyday at midnight? Or is there a better way to do this? I need to restart instance 0 once a day. Also since I ran ...
Shinei Nouzen's user avatar
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env variables give undefined in production server in node js

I am working on a Node.js project that works perfectly on both my local and development servers. However, after moving the project to a live server, I am encountering an issue where environment ...
Smith's user avatar
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how to set up pm2 auto-resurrect after server reboot for multiple users

We have multiple apps on a server that are handled by pm2. Every dev has his own server account and we are all in a group that can use the same pm2 instance. The pm2 folder is in a shared folder. When ...
apes-together-strong's user avatar
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PM2 and Nodejs App - Open app with exec not working

I have a nodejs app running on my local windows machine. I need to open an app, let's say notepad. Here is the code exec(`"${execPath}" ${args}`, { windowsHide: true }, (error, ...
Dario's user avatar
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Compiling and running Adonis app with pm2 (typescript)

I finally managed to compile (npx tsc) and execute my Adonis 6 typescript app with pm2: When I check with pm2 list looks like everything is ok: However, checking logs I see this error: I am using ...
guyaloni's user avatar
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core files getting created how to stop it?

i wanted to know, how can i disable it or stop getting created the core files in my application path. whenever i restart my application core.* files are getting created without causing any problem to ...
omkark's user avatar
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Catch unhandled exception in NodeJs child process

My NodeJs app forks 10 child processes on the start. In every child process I have the next code: process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { log.error('Unhandled Rejection at:', ...
Rougher's user avatar
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Why does `process.stdout.write` sometimes split lines in `pm2 log` output and how can I ensure atomic output?

I use process.stdout.write in the output of the program so that the output is in one line. See this example: while(true) { process.stdout.write("X"); process.stdout.write("Y"); ...
Nabi K.A.Z.'s user avatar
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TypeError: is not a function and also showing html code in browser console after deploying

Getting this html code: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" ...
Real Dewan's user avatar
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3 answers

How to deploy SvelteKit on your own server properly without interrupting the user?

So I created this information system with Sveltekit, Ubuntu 22.04 as the server OS, PM2 as the process manager and I'm running the app in Node.Js. I've read the Sveltekit documentation on how to build ...
Ichwanul Fadhli's user avatar
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PM2 is repeatedly showing Module Not Found, Required Stack

I am deploying a node app on vps server on godaddy and getting this issue when i run pm2, When i start the pm2 it shows me status online, within secs when i check the status again it shows me errored, ...
High Rated Mughal's user avatar
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PM2 starts correctly in GitHub Actions workflow but not in SSH session – how to ensure consistent PM2 context?

on github actions this file is executing successfully by starting pm2 instance as service but when in login to my ssh server and run command "pm2 ls" it does not list any pm2 instance as ...
Awais Kaleem's user avatar
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How can I resolve CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) errors in my NestJS API?

I have a mistake in a project on Nest JS deployed on EC2 with Nginx, when i make a call from an external frontend to the API the API returns CORS error. Im checked docs, blogs, tutorial and dont work ...
angel ramirez's user avatar
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Excel File handling feature gets unresponsive after few days usage of the web app

We have a web app in AWS EC2 (t3.large) with a feature that lets users upload Excel files from the web UI (compress and store files in an S3 bucket) and later on, shows the data in Excel in a web view ...
Asela Wijesinghe's user avatar
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Read node.js environment variables

I have a Node.js API that stores environment variables in a file called config.env. When I am not using pm2, I launch the server with the following command: NODE_ENV=prod nodemon --env-file config.env ...
Raphael's user avatar
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PM2 + Node.js + Ubuntu: Garbage collection does not work as expected

We are having problems with our Production Nuxt3 app. It runs on PM2 (cluster mode) on an ubuntu VPS. The memory usage keeps growing over time. When run locally (Node and PM2 installed on Windows or ...
Tim's user avatar
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Why pm2 logs are being saved with root as owner?

I can perform all the pm2 commands with normal user, but to pm2 flush logs I need super user permissions. I don't understand because the logs are being created at my home folder, but they have root ...
João Pimentel Ferreira's user avatar
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`pm2` related commands in [Server] and [GitHub actions] are completely independent

Run pm2 related commands in [server] and [github actions] respectively, and the results obtained are completely independent. I don't know what happened. Running pm2 delete all on [github actions] will ...
黄国铭's user avatar
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Using PM2 to start and stop at a particular time

Is it possible to setup pm2 to start a service at a certain time, and then kill it at a certain time. We have time apps that should only be accessible at certain times, and be turned off the rest of ...
SVill's user avatar
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Start Node.js with PM2 on Boot

The whole thing should only take 2 minutes, but of course it doesn't work for me. I tried several versions of PM2 and ran it as root. There were only success messages, but the corresponding service ...
Koby's user avatar
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Pm2 server is automatically turning off at any time on ssh of hostinger

0|blog-api | at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:217:20) { 0|blog-api | errno: -104, 0|blog-api | code: 'ECONNRESET', 0|blog-api | syscall: 'read', 0|blog-api | ...
RaGR's user avatar
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Website shows 502 error after several minutes and comes back quickly

I have a NextJS project which was running smoothly until one day it constantly started to show 502 error. We use nginx and pm2 on the server. If you need any more info, please ask! So here's what we ...
Arpi Antonyan's user avatar
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ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED when http header size is too large

When calling my nuxt app with too many url params (worst case: URL is +/-8kb), I am getting no response. Instead, the ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error appears. The main suspect is Nginx, but I could not ...
Tim's user avatar
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Deploy a new version of a node app so new users can use the new version. with wild card subdomain in nginx

My main goal is to have new users use a new version of a node app and have the old users use the existing version(which will be an old version) I use node js I use Pm2 on Linux A wild card server ...
jack blank's user avatar
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Nuxt.js 3 website replaces with Unicode chars after build

I use Nuxt.js v3 for my website and PM2 server for my production. After I build Nuxt.js code with pnpm run build and start PM2 daemon with start ecosystem.config.cjs site works just fine. But after ...
Vladyslav Stopin's user avatar
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PM2 - Current process list is not synchronized with saved list

I have a windows server where I have some code running. I am using pm2 to manage 2 processes on this server. Everything was working fine until a few weeks ago where I had a user rollback the server ...
Omi in a hellcat's user avatar
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How can I get PM2 to load a new cron_restart?

I have a PM2 server running an ecosystem config file with certain jobs using the cron_restart functionality. I had one job configured as 0 6 * * * (every day at 6:00) and changed it to 0 10 * * * (...
AJ.'s user avatar
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redis stack performance is down in ec2 , what to do?

I'm experiencing significant latency issues when deploying a Node.js server with a Redis stack on an m5.large EC2 instance. Locally, my response times are within the 40-80 milliseconds range, but ...
Deep Boda's user avatar
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Deploying Next.js with pm2 - how to minimize project footprint?

I start to set up a pm2 deployment for a simple Next.js webpage. If I do pm2 deploy production setup, the whole git repo is cloned to the server's webspace (into /public_html/source). As Next.js is a ...
suther's user avatar
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PM2 command automation, how to manage permission

I installed node.js and npm on my Win server. But i have problems with pm2. I wanna automate the function of the PM2, so when the machine is restarted a Scheduled task resurrect PM2 status and restart ...
Marco Bonelli's user avatar
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pm2 not found when using pm2 in jenkins pipeline on linux machine

When I am using this in jenkins pipeline, all of the commands get successfully executed except the last one "pm2 start ./config.json". the error is "bash: line 1: pm2: command not ...
Akib Hasan's user avatar
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Electron react app doesnt launch after installing, it keeps running in the background, how to make the app run on front?

I have created an app which uses react-electron for frontend, also in the same code i have integrated python using python-shell and i have also used pm2 module to run backend from the electron app ...
Sanjana Jain's user avatar
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PM2 : GET request return ENAMETOOLONG

I am running VueJS app in Azure with PM2, i have an URL to connect to the app with JWT token. URL example : http://localhost:8080/login/sso/eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJQUjAwMTYifQ.BrPtb-6T5MlpmuE-...
Ghazi Souelmi's user avatar
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How to run binary without using `yarn run` (using pnp - no node_modules)

I'm looking for an alternative how to run next binary without calling yarn. Basically I'm trying to avoid calling yarn run next start (because I cannot access yarn in pm2 cluster mode). I'm using PnP ...
simPod's user avatar
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How to fully refresh PM2 environment variables without "kill" command?

My old ecosystem.config.js file had these env variables module.exports = { apps: [ { name: 'test_app', script: './bin/www', env: { GENERIC_VALUE: 'old value', ...
PatrickReagan's user avatar
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pm2 start a new version of app without stopping the running one

I have an app that is already started in PM2, now I want PM2 to be restarted with a new version of this app, meanwhile, it takes some time to build and serve the app. the current behavior is that PM2 ...
Sherif eldeeb's user avatar
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Nginx Continuously Failing With Result 'Signal'

I'm doing some work and we have a machine setup on DigitalOcean 5.15.0-100-generic #110-Ubuntu, and it's serving multiple NextJS frontends and a NodeJS backend thruogh PM2 on different localhost ports,...
Francesco Vecchi's user avatar
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pm2 not startng a nodejs express application properly on AWS EC2 AmazonLinux2

I have an AWS EC2 instance running AmazonLinux2, where I want to launch a nodejs express application. Everything worked fine until I had to run the appplication with PM2 with sudo, as I am running it ...
LeEmpereur's user avatar
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pm2 setup command stops at the first step. How to make it work?

I call the command "pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js staging setup" and its execution stops at the "hook pre-setup" stage. The SSH key of my ec2 container is added to the repository ...
ugar2000's user avatar
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instances of pm2 crashes during error "write EPIPE" one after another

pm2 version 5.3.1, application in cluster mode, 7 instance Periodically after an error: Error: write EPIPE at WriteWrap.onWriteComplete [as oncomplete] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:87:16) ...
Алексей's user avatar
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How to use Pm2 for deferent Port in NextJS app

I Have Purchased A VPS For My Nextjs App I Hosted one NextJs App in my VPS using pm2 Port 3000 Now I want to Host Another NextJs app in same VPS in Port 3001 the website show me 502 Bad Gateway nginx ...
Irfan Arif's user avatar
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Running old apirest & give error node_modules/pirates

I use hapijs and pm2, and when i do "pm2 start app.js" and pm2 log server i give this: 0|server | SyntaxError: Unexpected token '?' 0|server | at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader....
Antonio Ruiz's user avatar

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