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Model Mapper and One-to-Many

I'm having problems with mapping entity relationships using Model Mapper and Spring Boot. The code is below (sorry, the attribute names are in Portuguese): @Getter @Setter @...
Jorge Miguel's user avatar
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Postman not working with Entity Framework API but browser does

I made a project using Entity Framework and .net7. It's uploaded in a remote server and running on IIS. Using browser or any programming language like Laravel with the APIs works fine but not on ...
Yu_Jain's user avatar
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Issues with Emitting Events to Socket.IO Server on Different URLs and JSON Data Conversion

I am working on a Node.js backend project using Socket.IO and am facing two issues when trying to interact with the Socket.IO endpoints via Postman: 1. Connection and Event Emission Issue on Different ...
azam45's user avatar
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Issue Accessing Azure Cloud Services via Rest API

I'm attempting to execute REST API calls on an azure cloud service. I'm using Postman to test. I've successfully retrieve the bearer token and am passing this to the request. However, it seems no ...
Stephanie J.'s user avatar
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Extend Security access to other entities in Springboot app

I have 3 tables. user table with id name email password and other details, dept table with deptid and deptname and checkin table for attendance(checkin, checkout). JWT was implemented for User table. ...
fneiwfwiem's user avatar
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How to view only the direct items in a Postman folder?

Looked into this but was unable to find anything. This used to be a feature in the older Postman versions, but I can't find a setting to turn it on back now. Take the following API collection ...
Varun Gawande's user avatar
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Cannot Accces to Grpc with subdirectory from Postman

I have a simple grpc server with simple configuration builder.WebHost.ConfigureKestrel(serverOptions => { serverOptions.ListenAnyIP(80, listenOptions => listenOptions.Protocols = Microsoft....
Oleg Pro's user avatar
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TransactionError: Can't acquire connection for the request. There is another request in progress

I am trying to insert data in two tables in SQL Server. The background is that I am requesting data of expenses invoices. Each invoice has one header and multiple detail objects. All connections and ...
Marilina's user avatar
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How to add OAuth2 protocol in ADFS

I tried to get token from ADFS server in postman. POST https://{adfs-domain}/adfs/oauth2/token This is the response: Error Detail: MSIS7065 :there are no registered protocol handlers on path /adfs/...
손동진's user avatar
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How to download a file storaged in Google Cloud using only a URL with file's view

I only have a link from a file storaged in the URL (I understand that it is Google Cloud), this link shows me the file in the browser and I can download it manually. I ...
Feryohan's user avatar
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GA4 measurement protocal not working via Postman

I'm trying to send event to GA4 via measurement protocol by Postman. Postman screenshot GA4 response 204 No Content, but I cannot see any event in the Realtime Overview. I tried to send to the ...
Jian Li's user avatar
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How to Obtain an ADFS Token for Microsoft Graph API in Postman?

I'm attempting to obtain an ADFS token using Postman. Initially, I needed to acquire a token for a Microsoft (MS) account, so I made the following POST request in Postman: " POST https://login....
손동진's user avatar
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How to test information sent in method locally

I am using Spring Boot for this project. I am trying to see if the update method is sending the correct details or not to the database. This update method is a part of the @PutMapping API. When I try ...
Irfan's user avatar
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Change the variable name for client_id and/or client_secret in the authorization tab in Postman

I'm guessing the title is pretty self explanatory, but basically Jamf Protect will use "client_id" for, well, Client ID but instead of client_secret it expects "password". I tried ...
Leandro Dimitrio's user avatar
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I'm using simple JWT for authentication in DRF project. when i try to access that api it showing bad_authorization_header

I am using simple jwt for my django rest framework project. I tried accessing using barrier token in postman it shows this error { "detail": "Authorization header must contain two ...
Rohit Gajula's user avatar
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Postman Error: connect ECONNREFUSED [closed]

enter image description here enter image description here Other computers can connect with the ip that starts with 211, but the postman program can only connect with the localhost. Do you happen to ...
user26918334's user avatar
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Unable to Create SharePoint Webhook Subscription: "AudienceUriValidationFailedException" in Postman

I'm trying to create a webhook subscription for a SharePoint list using the SharePoint API. Following the Microsoft documentation and this guide on using Azure Functions, I am encountering an issue ...
Udit Bhargava's user avatar
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how to generate a bearer token for Azure api, with microsoft api

I already managed to get a bearer token with Az cli, but I would like to find another way. I got a bearer token with a request POST to microsoft oauth2 api, but this token doesn't work. At first, I ...
Titouan Ferdoel's user avatar
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NestJS not running POST request

I am following a tutorial by Dave Gray and by 29:30 he creates a POST controller as @Post() // POST /users create(@Body() user: Record<string, any>) { return user; } When I run this on ...
Ahmad Hassan's user avatar
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Access Private S3 Directory Files Through CloudFront Using AWS Signature

I'm trying to access files stored in a private directory within my S3 bucket through CloudFront. Here's the setup: S3 Bucket Configuration: Some files are public and can be accessed by anyone. Other ...
Ognjen Milicevic's user avatar
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Login API Fails with 'jwt is not defined' Error After Adding SuperAdmin Functionality [closed]

Here's a formatted version of your question suitable for Stack Overflow: Login Fails After Implementing SuperAdmin Feature in Chat App I'm building a chat app that now includes a SuperAdmin feature. ...
Muhammad Omer Baig's user avatar
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How to POST into M365 Dynamics from Postman

API: Method: POST Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 OData-MaxVersion: 4.0 OData-Version: 4.0 Accept: application/json Body/Payload: { ...
SBiswas's user avatar
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whatsapp api (#132001) Template name does not exist in the translation POSTMAN OK but GLITCH NOT OK

I read various post here in stak about the template name does not exist in the trasnlation, but this my case is a bit different, cause it works on Popstman, but id does NOT on Glitch. NOTE: On postman,...
Alejandro B. Martin's user avatar
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How to verify in JSON reponse for post xode "70597" the place name has "Stuttgart Degerloch" exists?

I am a learner in Postman and trying to learn how to read a JSON File in Postman. My question is, how can I make a test using script to ensure that for the post code "70597", there exists a ...
Farhan Soomro's user avatar
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Ping Federate Settings to configure authorization code grant flow using Postman

Can someone please provide Ping Federate settings to configure authorization code grant flow using OAuth2.0 and OIDC protocols from Postman. This is my configuration in postman to make an ...
Suresh Jagirdar's user avatar
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Is it possible in a Postman function to pass an 'enum' How would I define it.?

I have this Postman scenario. What I'd like to do is create an enum or the equivalent for the two or three schemas I look for in response bodies (i.e. success, fault, etc.) So far, I have one success ...
Davidson's user avatar
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Postman status "Invalid header" for post request, FastApi, python

I am building some small scale application with FastAPI and python. I am trying to add post request to my application but everytime i try to make a post request it shows invalid header with 400 status ...
Shubham Khare's user avatar
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403 Forbidden Error When Calling API in POSTMAN

I'm trying to learn web scraping and saw a video that said I can, "look for the hidden API" instead of using selenium to get data from dynamically loaded html. I found the GET request that ...
OkCloudy's user avatar
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Connection error when testing api under local Odoo in Postman?

I am calling the Post method to my local address in Odoo and getting the following error: I have carefully checked the path, it is completely correct, I don't know if the error is due to something ...
Cris Tuan's user avatar
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Test google cloud function using postman - 500 error

I have this code in a google cloud function const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer') //const busboy = require('busboy') const crypto = require('crypto') ...
newbiedev's user avatar
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"Error 400: Bad Request" when Uploading Images to Azure Custom Vision via Azure Logic App

I am encountering a "400: Bad Request" error when attempting to upload images to Azure Custom Vision using an Azure Logic App. This process works perfectly in Postman, but consistently fails ...
Fagborg's user avatar
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API routes not found

I'm creating a simple CRUD for my internship test as a backend. The test only about API. However, I faced challenges using laravel 11. I can not access the route in api.php in postman, it says 404 not ...
zyoohwan14's user avatar
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I can't catch a breakpoint in VS Code when debugging an app in Go (golang)

I wrote an api server in go, set a breakpoint, and then started debugging in the VS Code IDE [Starting the server and debugging mode] At the first launch, the breakpoint is triggered, then my server ...
Вячеслав's user avatar
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How to prevent serialization by Postman's Runner?

I want to loop over a JSON array of objects and use each object directly as body, and send it as it is. I upload my JSON fil to the runner and add the request to execute. The runner identifies the ...
automatix's user avatar
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Token is Not Send

Here are my three files jwtToken.js jwtToken.js, middleware auth.js auth.js, and getUser get user. I want to get my user after registering the user but my code is showing the error of "Not token ...
AYUSH SINGH BHATI's user avatar
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SOAP - Expecting Parameters , but calls still fail afterwards

I imported a WSDL schema into PostMan which generated the following in the Body page. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://...
Philip's user avatar
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API Gateway with no auth setting keeps returning Missing Authentication Token to Postman

I set up a simple http put gateway on AWS, with no authentication required (keeping it simple for now) From AWS From AWS api gateway connects to a simple lambda function, and the connections work ...
tez's user avatar
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HMAC SHA512 API pre-request for postman

I have the following python example which I need a JavaScript equivalent as a pre-request script for postman so I can test access to a 3rd party API, If anyone could assist me I would really ...
Tanner's user avatar
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Socketio Postman Python not displaying emet

the code I'm using enter image description here import socketio from aiohttp import web # Создаем экземпляр сервера Socket.IO sio = socketio.AsyncServer(async_mode='aiohttp') # Создаем aiohttp веб-...
сергей Висков's user avatar
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The parameters are not sent to me in Postman through the body

I'm trying to send some parameters, with files through postman. And I wanted to do it for the body to include files. But, I don't receive any. The Backend is made in Laravel and I log to see the ...
José Vicente López Delgadillo's user avatar
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Why does Postman see cookies returned by Laravel, but Flask does not, even when passing through Flask?

I'm working on a project where I'm integrating a Laravel API with a Flask application. Both Laravel and Flask are running inside Docker containers on the same network. My goal is to make a request ...
Benoît Pierrehumbert's user avatar
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GET request to `getOne` controller. Postman returns no data from MongoDB and causes endless request loop

sample data and postman req image I am sending "get" request on Postman. Using Express. Unfortunately, there is no luck and I can't find the mistake. Here is my factory.js : exports.getOne = ...
devoz's user avatar
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How to make Google Auth refresh token wont expired? (Gmail API)

I need to use Postman for testing, which includes reading Gmail content and deleting specific emails. However, my refresh token expires after 7 days, even though I have switched my app status from &...
BBnew's user avatar
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How to add a new stage to an Azure DevOps release using Postman?

I have tried various methods but have not succeeded. I need to add a new stage to a release via Postman, preferably using a template that I already have created in Azure DevOps. I attempted this ...
Adnan Hodzic's user avatar
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In simple functions is 'const' or 'let' or 'var' even necessary [duplicate]

This is a Postman global function, but it's what I have for an example. I have many of these types of examples in my code. endpointUtils = { validateResponse: pm => { const ...
Davidson's user avatar
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POSTMAN Json string parsing issue

Good day, I am sending a post request to Localhost for an API end point using Postman but facing an issue. Postman Body Relevant C# method is as below: public IActionResult SavePaymentPlan(string obj) ...
Sajeel's user avatar
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Postman - Async request within Test Function

I've been testing the asynchronous nature of the Postman sendRequest() function and I'm trying to get it working within an pm.test block but my initial efforts are failing This is the first example to ...
mikee's user avatar
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Spring Boot pageable issue, receied empty pageable structure

On my app, pageable methods are run successfully and got Status 200 ok on Postman checking, however content is empty, and we can not see the list of adverts on Postman. We just have Status 200 ok and ...
Duygu Yilmaz's user avatar
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Azure DevOps API : unable to retrieve the child under an area

I can't find the correct postman url to retrieve the children of an area Hello, I try to retrieve the children of an Azure DevOps area using Postman. My URL :
jeremy colomar's user avatar
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Build services with Docker in GitHub Actions, and try to run the integration tests will get socket hang up

When I build the service with Docker locally, I can test it using Postman CLI with the address However, when I push my code to GitHub and then run docker compose up -d in GitHub Actions, I ...
Yu jen's user avatar
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