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There is Command Confusion [closed]

⚠ Attempted to load @next/swc-win32-ia32-msvc, but an error occurred: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. \\?\C:\Users\Harsh Dubey\Desktop\Ai companion\ai-companion\...
Harsh Dubey's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to be good at programming? [closed]

So, Hello... I am interested in programming and I am still learning my best regarding that. But I still feel weird and not good enough however I tried. Is there any way to be better at it? I learned ...
Flacca's user avatar
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Amadeus Flight Search API Returning Internal Server Error (500)

I was getting error as Internal Server Error (500) when I use flight search API with correct parameters. If any thing wrong in my code can anyone explain me. { "errors": [ { "code"...
Rushabh Dhamne's user avatar
-1 votes
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Converted Vite App to React - Build Works Fine, but Development Shows Runtime Errors

I recently converted a Vite app to a React app Create React App (CRA) and CRACO (Create React App Configuration Override). The build process works perfectly, and the production build is functioning as ...
Aditya Raj's user avatar
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useSelector returns empty array

In my profile component "useSelector(selectAllAdsByAuthor)" return an empty array. here the author id is not undefined and giving me the proper result inside my "getAdsByAuthor()" ...
Bs Joy's user avatar
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Renderring React Components in Laravel Livewire Stack?

I'm wondering if there's a way to render react components in Livewire. I just got started with Laravel and I have little-to-no experience in using the Livewire stack. I have a messaging application ...
Pythduck 's user avatar
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React component with "as" property that points to another component and inherits it's properties too

I want to create a MyComponent with an "as" property which allows it to inherit the properties of the as component, such that I can get TypeScript typings. e.g. Usage with HTML elements: <...
Kernel James's user avatar
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Not retrieving refresh token from google, using auth0 react

I have followed all the steps when setting up auth0 google social connections. I am having trouble receiving a refresh token from google using the auth0 react hook, Auth0Provider. Here is my ...
Jais's user avatar
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How can I use web material 3 components in a code that uses react typescript + vite

Is it possible to use web material 3 Google components in React TypeScript + Vite ? I tried to use it as follows import '@material/web/checkbox/checkbox.js'; function App() { return ( <div ...
robert's user avatar
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How to Setup recaptcha on Ionic Capacitor React

Does anyone manage to make recaptcha work on ionic? I'm planning to use Appflow for our deployment purposes. I managed to make it work in my local environment, but my problem is when I deployed it on ...
aceraven777's user avatar
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three js and cannon js gravity falling apart

I am trying to make those little interractive balls that are on some websites, but when i try to increase the ball size not only do they not get bigger but the gravity falls apart, and i am just so ...
frenchDude12399's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to reduce the number of re render in react when the component is complex like nested component?

I'm using React with Redux Toolkit for state management in my app, which has a nested component structure. Let's say I have three main components: a main wrapper component, an item component, and a ...
Alfajr Yuneda's user avatar
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Grid.js with InertiaJS: Container is empty. Make sure you call render() before forceRender()

I'm trying to implement a Grid.js table in my Laravel, InertiaJS and ReactJS project, but I'm getting the following message: Uncaught (in promise) Error: [Grid.js] [ERROR]: Container is empty. Make ...
chuysbz's user avatar
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html tags do not apply in react tsx props

I have a code as following and when I want to bold a word I have no idea why html does not apply to it in my tsx file <myComponent contents={`<strong>example</strong> `} > ...
Amir Torkashvand's user avatar
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getQueryData always returns undefined even when set with useMutation - TanStack Query, React

When I try to read cache content of given key I receive undefined even after I call useMutation with exactly same key. Mutation used to set cache (mutation returns proper data, as expected): const ...
jazzgot's user avatar
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How Can I Prevent Duplicate Behavior on prevState at counter in React?

I am completely new to React and trying to understand lessons related to prevState, particularly with counters. I tried to create buttons named by the counter number when clicking another button, but ...
Mehmet Emre Sever's user avatar
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I'm getting this error and i don't know why " Cannot destructure property 'cloud_cover' of 'data' as it is undefined."

This is the block of code that is getting me that error const CurrentWeather = ({ data }) => { const { cloud_cover, feels_like, humidity, icon_num, precipitation, summary, ...
Eduardo De La Cruz's user avatar
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React-slick with ViteJS and TailwindCSS doens't working properly

I have a problem to solve with react-slick + vitejs in my project. The problem is that the component is not rendering the slides and thus leaving a white space. Furthermore, this space is occupying a ...
BrooitsFeiskJR's user avatar
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Dnd Kit + Re-Resizable not working as expected

I have a react project where I am trying to build sort of a figma like app. I already added zoom, panning and dragging using DnDKit, and now I am trying to implement re-resizable. The Draggable ...
Maximiliano Bisurgi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Render an Error Component Based on API Call Failure in React?

my console my folder structure I'm working on a React application where I need to fetch news articles from an API. I want to display an error component if the API call fails. Currently, I'm using ...
user27073439's user avatar
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Check the render method of `TableComponent`

import { createColumnHelper, Headers, useReactTable, } from "@tanstack/react-table"; import React from "react"; const columnHelper = createColumnHelper(); const ...
Priyansh Sultania's user avatar
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Next-themes doesn't change theme

I am using next-themes in my project to enable dark-mode. Theme changes based on the system preferences due to attribute="class". The icons change on click but the theme doesn't. ==> _app....
abarana's user avatar
-1 votes
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not able to render redux store data in testing

Iam trying to test my movieList component using enzyme by providing data through store In my movieList component There are several conditions like if data is loading render loading state till it ...
Rajesh Pekala's user avatar
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loading Assets on a WhiteLabelContext

I have this white label context that I want to create but it seems everytime I load a designToken and a Partner Asset it render the component with the default value for a small time and then changes ...
André Tavares's user avatar
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useActionState use in Next server actions

I am trying to use the new useActionState from React 19 in my Next js project using a form. I managed to import it by installing the latest releases : //package.json "next": "v15.0.0-...
Vaggelis's user avatar
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Dynamic Astro.js Link with data from api

We have a page where we are going to call some data from API, and use one of these data to create a variable link. Our page code includes the following which calls 3 variables from API. I plan to use {...
Yousef Keyghobadi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Generating static pages fails at build time

I am new to nextjs. My application has pages that call the backend API using axios. The application is a template and it came with mocked API. For production, obviously I want to disable mocking and ...
rentall devops's user avatar
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Passing data from a component to children inside a layout

Going through the tutorial for NextJS, their provided the following Layout import SideNav from '@/app/ui/dashboard/sidenav'; export default function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }...
gil's user avatar
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Why am I getting a 500 error when sending emails using Resend in my Next.js API route?

I'm building a Next.js application where I'm trying to send emails using the Resend service within an API route. However, I keep encountering a 500 error, and I'm not sure what's causing it. Below are ...
Judeson's user avatar
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React Native: TypeError with SvgText component on Android but not on iOS

Problem I'm working on a React Native project using TypeScript and react-native-svg to create an AttendanceCard component that includes a circular progress chart and percentage text. The component ...
hamjeth Misree's user avatar
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Dealing with transparent backgrounds when using framer motion

I am currently designing a UI for a website I am working on, and have an asset of a png with a transparent background. I can sucessfully make the background of the image appear transparent, but the &...
H I's user avatar
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Is it possible to use auth.js with express.js as a standalone REST API server?

Use case when client-frontend is developed separately using pure react, to consume backend Auth.js + Express.js API. Thing that confuses me the most is that Auth.js (next-auth.js) 'authorize' callback ...
iklen's user avatar
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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

I'm encountering an issue with OTP (One-Time Password) verification in my ASP.NET Core application. I have implemented a LoginWithOTP endpoint in my AuthController, but the OTP code verification is ...
Trust Maramba's user avatar
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How do I clear my react state variable within useeffect?

How can I accomplish this? const [data, setData] = useState([]) useEffect(() => { setData([]); // Clear the data fetchData(); }, []); I want all data to be cleared on initial page load and ...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Expo Go HTTPS-Request doesn't work on android but works on every other OS. (HTTP-Requests are working)

When I change my environment variable from to http://37.XX.XXX.XXX:XXXX, my Expo Go app on Android works, but the HTTPS request doesn't. Versions: EXPO-Version: 0.18.26 Expo: 51.0.24 ...
TonyShark007's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I make my React application work on an Apaché server on a shared hosting?

I've a shared hosting plan running an Apache server. I'm new at React, so this is why deploying React applications is challenging. I have a personal website withh a folder dedicated to portfolio ...
Wasiu's user avatar
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Why aren't SSE messages automatically rendering in my app's live feed?

I'm building a CRM application that uses Server-Sent Events to receive real-time updates for new messages (pretty simplistic chat UI). While the messages update when I click on a user in the ...
Colin Foley's user avatar
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How check if user is logged in on server side React, Django, JWT

I have set up authorization using the JWT token. Now I want to give the user access to the protected view, which requires authorization. class GetUser(APIView): authentication_classes = [...
Maxim Quitom's user avatar
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How to implement usePrevious in React v19 without referencing ref.current during render?

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; export const usePrevious = (value: unknown) => { const ref = useRef<unknown>(); useEffect(() => { ref.current = value; }); return ...
Frank Fiegel's user avatar
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react-map-gl not showing Markers inside .map() [closed]

I am using react-map-gl to display a world map and until there everything works fine. I am then trying to display a serie of Markers using the .map() method on my photos array but only the hardcoded ...
eriatarka's user avatar
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Image gallery website works properly on localhost but shows an error if i host it on vercel and run

I built an image gallery site using Appwrite. It works locally, but I get an error after deploying to Vercel. I've configured the environment variables and CORS settings, but the error persists.Any ...
Aryan Chari's user avatar
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RTK Query. Using mutation on component load causes infinite loop

I forgot how to work with React Redux, but now I work on a project, where we are introducing Redux and I try to implement server calls via modern Redux-Toolkit (RTK) Query mechanism. The problem is ...
Olga Nosova's user avatar
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why is my input not registering text or capturing the value of what i am typing in?

Im working on some code thats using react hook form to capture input states and im not exactly sure why when I type into the input, specifically the one with the placeholder text of "Or search ...
mattangel's user avatar
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Handle Real time Data of a listing api with pagination with pusher?

i have a job listing api which will give me status of each job that its dispatched or not if its succesfully dispatched it will show status of sent and default will be pending so i will have a ...
Code Axion The Security Breach's user avatar
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How can define type for createAsyncThunk in Redux?

I have defined an async function as follows: export const fecthAddress = createAsyncThunk("user/fetchAddress", async function () { const positionObj = await getPosition() as { coords: { ...
amir tbi's user avatar
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In Streamlit framework how to customize the st.file_uploader i need only browse file button. Tried all the custom css method but didn’t worked

st.file_uploader() ` Tried the custom css but may class name got changed Had also tried the bidirectional way using custom component but it didn’t worked had used JavaScript to handle the file and ...
Snje's user avatar
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Testing onClick on sidebar item Received number of calls 0

I'm trying to make a call to the navigate function inside an item in my sidebar. In practice, the button is working normally, but when I test it, isn't working, what's wrong in my test code?...
user113581321's user avatar
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How to properly record and send audio data from react to backend

I want to send audio data from react in a interval of approx. 10sec to my flask backend. Here is my code, it is working but music format is not write. React Code: useEffect(() => { socket....
MacY's user avatar
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Uncaught runtime errors: Network Error AxiosError

Uncaught runtime errors: × ERROR Network Error AxiosError: Network Error at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:476728:14) at Axios.request (http://localhost:...
Himanshi Modi's user avatar
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React (TypeScript) - Unable to Use Process Environment

I am working on building my first React application (using TypeScript), however I am running into an issue building the application while trying to use environment variables. My folder structure is: ...
Dominick's user avatar
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