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Slow Requests and High CPU Laravel VPS and Nuxt Front

I've been experiencing slowness on my VPS server. I have a VPS with 4 CPUs on DigitalOcean and 8 GB of RAM. We have approximately 15,000 users per day. We use Nuxt 3 as the frontend and Laravel as the ...
Carlos Valdes Web's user avatar
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My client gets stuck after trying a second nickname

I'm following a tutorial in java for a simple multi thread chat group and i tried to make it so that each client chooses a unique nickname, the problem is if you type a nickname that's already used it ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Http-proxy-middleware causes server to crash

I set up a proxy server for resource protected endpoints and I am using http-proxy-middleware. The problem is that when I get the response the server crashes with the following error: TypeError [...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

not able to connect flutter app with node server

iam trying to connect my flutter app to a node server the flutter application has a registration screen that accepts username,password and email from users and it should be reflected to mongodb using ...
meet panchal's user avatar
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Delete request to idrive e2 not working on VPS

I have a function that uploads images to idrive e2 and another to delete it. uploads work perfectly. Delete gives 404. const response = await`
Yuri's user avatar
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How to resolve startup boot order in creating multiple VMs all at once?

I’ve created a script that successfully created multiple VMs in hyper-v. However, I still have problem with the error displayed regarding startup order. Any suggestions to resolve this issue? Thanks. ...
Ram Fuertes's user avatar
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Swift Vapor 4 server scheduling a task with deadline is off

I'm using the following code to schedule a future task on a Swift Vapor Server. The expectation is that the task executes exactly at the start of the next hour (regardless of how much time has elapsed ...
Danny Bravo's user avatar
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How to check if delayed_job is alive?

For my client reasons, I have my rails application using delayed_job running on windows. I have a scheduled task to start my app and another one to start the delayed_job console, but sometimes the ...
Claudio Scabbia Sepúlveda's user avatar
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DNS lookup failure for: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443

Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request Reason: DNS lookup failure for: Apache/2.4.52 ...
minhaj's user avatar
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Excel unable to get data from my C# RTD Server, displays #N/A

UPDATE: See additional info at the end of my original question in response to @Selvin's comment I'm trying to implement an RTD server for use with Excel. Test environment: Excel: Microsoft Office ...
Arjan's user avatar
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Can not access files in public folder in laravel

When I tried to access to the css files and js files in public folder this message shown : my file structure : I think the problem from "server.php: file I tried to remove but it seems I cant ...
kinan's user avatar
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I keep getting this error message from the Log file. 2024-08-28 15:48:03 OutboundConnectionResponse SMTPSVC1 CPYVMDSM - 0 - - 554+5.2.2+Mailbox+full.+Visit+
CHISOM FRANCIS's user avatar
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PHP read files and create folders on a different virtual host folder

A PHP script running on '' should be able to read files and create subfolders in a dedicated folder on '' I would like to set a 'documents' folder on a different virtual ...
Marcelo4k's user avatar
-3 votes
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nvidia-smi went wrong when kill a process by linux command [closed]

fuser -v /dev/nvidia0 | awk '{print $0}' | xargs kill -9 I used this command to kill a process. Then nvidia-smi became very slow and nvitop command show that Your installed package `nvidia-ml-py` is ...
Tony Stark's user avatar
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Making sense of Ruby server on Cpanel

I have set up a Ruby 3.2 app with cPanel on a hosted system. The rubyhome directory is It contains and app.rb and no html files. A subdirectory of rubyhome is /public ...
perplexed's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I restrict access to code on VS Code so that only I can access it and other users must log in and can only access the launched GUI?

How can I restrict the backend code on VS Code so that users can only access the launched GUI? I have developed a GUI from some Python code I made in Jupyter Notebook via VS Code. I made and launched ...
Hendrix13's user avatar
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steps to follow for Tomcat version 6.0 to version 9.0 migration

Please provide the steps to follow for Tomcat version 6.0 to version 9.0 migration. Thanks. Background: I have access to WAR file from existing Tomcat server 6.0. No access to source code to the ...
Rohit's user avatar
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Is it possible to use single keytab file on server for authenticating users from different realms accessing server by same name?

I have two AD forests, and I do not want them to trust each other. I also do not want them to trust any other "third" forest. I want to make web service with Kerberos authentication to be ...
filimonic's user avatar
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Including CSS when writing HTML file to OutputStream in Java

I'm trying to import a pre-written index.html file and parse it to a client from a host server. I am using a StringBuilder to load up the HTML file into a string and then write it to the client. My ...
Kristian Norved's user avatar
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Unable to Configure Virtual Hosts on Bitnami LAMP (AWS Lightsail) – Domains Not Pointing to Specific Directories

I'm running a Bitnami LAMP stack on an AWS Lightsail instance and trying to set up Virtual Hosts so that two domains point to different directories within htdocs. Specifically, I want: to ...
Victor Berson's user avatar
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Gitea instance hangs when cloning over ssh

I have a gitea instance running on a DO droplet. I edited my app.ini file to include: DISABLE_SSH = false SSH_PORT = 2222 SSH_LISTEN_PORT = 2222 SSH_DOMAIN = START_SSH_SERVER = true ...
Axel Stahl's user avatar
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Dynamic values to @CircuitBreaker configuration

I am using this library to implement Circuit breaker in a Kotlin app using Quarkus and the package says to use fixed values, as for example (it's just one that you can find on github): @CircuitBreaker(...
Juan Antonio's user avatar
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Is it really necessary to set Revoke system for RefreshToken(JWT)?

If even a hacker can access the RefreshToken, How can I realize it to stop RefreshToken by Revoke system?
Reza245's user avatar
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Homeserver Sleeps after some Hours [closed]

I recently set up an old laptop (HP 15-ba Series) as a home server. After a certain period of time, e.g. a day, the server seems to go into sleep mode. Then I can no longer connect with SSH and the ...
LucaToni04's user avatar
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How to elegantly debug in remote server? [closed]

I'm using the remote server for my python project, the IDE I use is VS Code, also the remote-ssh extension of VS Code to connect to it. I don't have admin permissions on the remote server (OS: red hat)...
谭澳波's user avatar
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What are the parameters in the "SOCKET" struct in the winsock API?

I came across the usage of select(...,fd_set,...) in winsock to check on multiple sockets at once without blocking the application. But it needs the input fd_set. this is what fd_set looks like: https:...
bangingmyheadontable's user avatar
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Metro has encountered an error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'transformFile')

Image Screenshot How to Resolve this issue of React Native. the server returned response error code: 500 URL: http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform =android&dev=true&minify=false&app=...
Parvesh Kumar's user avatar
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.htaccess redirect to different domain specific to one folder and its sub directories

I set up a redirect that checks local domain for folder and redirect if not found keeping structure. Problem I am having is it needs to be specific to just the "pictures" directory and sub ...
Coon Dog's user avatar
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Installed php8.3.10 successfully on a fresh installation of headless ubuntu22.04, or did I?

I am using this guide to install php8.3.10 on Ubuntu22.04: got to step 8 create a test file, modified the given command: echo "" >> ...
Oliver's user avatar
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How can handle multiple game lobbies in Unity?

I'm developing a multiplayer game using Unity and Mirror where I need to manage multiple independent game lobbies on a single server. Each lobby should be isolated from the others, meaning players in ...
Nurullah's user avatar
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how to make a VoIP server that can call a normal phone number [closed]

I am in Bahrain. I want to call my family and friends in India. Is it possible that I can make my own personal VoIP server and make calls??.And also can I use my phone to make call(iPhone) I did some ...
user20001867's user avatar
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How to Access a Local Server Running on My home PC from My Laptop [closed]

I’m in the process of setting up a local server on my home PC and I want to be able to access this server from my laptop. I’m looking for guidance on how to configure everything correctly so I can ...
Oluwafisayo Adabs's user avatar
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Unable to identify OPC-UA variables

I'm working on a project aimed at reading sensor data from a CNC grinding machine via a OPC-UA interface. It has an integrated OPC server which is already configured. The software running on the ...
Thimo Labahn's user avatar
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How do i make it so my server code can communicate with my client code even when on differnt wifi networks?

Ok so when i run the server code and the client code on two seperate computers while on the same wifi netwrok they are able to connect with each other and send messages but when i try to have them on ...
Edward Gibson's user avatar
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probleme connection server client [closed]

PS C:\Users\stage\Desktop\Servers\Websocket Client> node client.js node:events:497 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ AggregateError [ECONNREFUSED]: at internalConnectMultiple ...
Stage N1's user avatar
-4 votes
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bash function to execute arbitrary commands on multiple servers [closed]

I have a need to execute a command on a list of servers. For example, I want to search application restarts in the logs of an application on all load-balanced application servers: cd /var/logs/rest-...
Peter Thoeny's user avatar
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Unity "Central Server" [closed]

I'm developing a game in Unity and have reached the point where I need to create a central server as a backend for the game. My goal is to eventually build features like a rank or badge system that ...
Maciupek's user avatar
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Deployment on Google App Engine Failing After Laravel Upgrade

I'm trying to deploy a Laravel project from GIT to my Google App Engine. I had to upgrade to Laravel 8 because Google no longer accepted builds with outdated versions of Laravel and PHP (less than 8.1)...
Alberto Lancellotti's user avatar
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Any way to change Log directory on IIS 10? via Registry?

We're constantly getting incident tickets for server OS disk full, we want to push all IIS log files to a secondary drive. I can do this in the UI but I want to automate the change so the process can ...
darthgamer64's user avatar
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In Google Earth Engine get an attribute value from a Feature Collection to use it later

I am working with a Feature Collection in Google Earth Engine (GEE) to extract attribute values that will be used as parameter values in subsequent processes. Essentially, I'm using the Feature ...
Isa's user avatar
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Trying to open my index.html file on localhost Go server

I'm trying to figure out how to feed my server my own index.html file. I have the server running on a localhost, but I can't find out how to get it to take in an HTML file I have in the directory. Any ...
Mike Keough's user avatar
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Tomcat fails on Debian

I have a server with Debian. I have installed in it Postgis spatial database and geoserver with tomcat9. Sometimes the Tomcat server crashes when there are many users using it, which seems normal to ...
Javier Aguilar's user avatar
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Error: EACCES: permission denied when configuring https server on AWS Lightsail

Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/opt/bitnami/apache/conf/bitnami/certs/server.key' at Object.openSync (node:fs:596:3) at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:464:35) at file:///home/...
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Running Selenium on Koyeb: Session not created: Chrome failed to start: exited normally

I have been trying to run a Python script that goes into a website using Selenium. Scrape some data and check with a text file if there has been anychanges. If there is a difference send a mail to ...
Tiwo's user avatar
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can't load custom library on Codeigniter 3 on production server [closed]

I've look to all existing question about this issue but still couldn't find the answer. I'm working on CentOS 7 Server. Here is my custom library that I put in application/libraries Simas_Bridge.php ...
Anang Hariyanto N's user avatar
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how to upload django project on hestiacp [closed]

How to upload django project on hestiacp? I installed Python in terminal and uploaded the project, but don't know what I can do to run on my domain. I asked ChatGPT, but it doesn't seem to be useful. ...
Nour eldin's user avatar
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Getting data from a older version MySQL database from a newer version spring boot project results in a very large response time as compared to local

The MySQL version of the database is Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.20 on the server and spring boot version is 3.3.1, when tried to get data from it increases time significantly as compared to local database. ...
NJ42's user avatar
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Android, node.js as server, android as client

here is a nodejs server code snippet that works fine : const express = require("express") const { createServer } = require("node:http") const { Server } = require("
Gilles's user avatar
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Nginx server doesn't load static css files

I'm trying to deploy my django site to ubuntu server nginx by following this tutorial (
mdev's user avatar
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GridDB - Finding node definition file (gs_node.json)

I have a running node service in GridDB ● gridstore.service - GridDB database server. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/gridstore.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: active (...
SoftSol's user avatar
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