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Is there any node.js implementation available for Reverse Soundex & Reverse NYSIIS?

There are Phonetic Algorithms like "Reverse Soundex" ,"Reverse Nysiis" . We are not able to find anything about its implementation in Node Package Manager website ( Can ...
arunkrish01's user avatar
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How do I figure out which word sounds most similar to a given word? [duplicate]

so I have been using Levenshtein distance to calculate the difference between my words and a generated new word, like so: -1*np.array([distance.levenshtein(word_use,w2) for w2 in words]) Then I do ...
CapnShanty's user avatar
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What options are available for performance tuning a SoundEx query?

I was recently asked about improving website performance for a peers website. What options are typically used for performance tuning sites enabled with SoundEx? Overview Using the homophones Smith/...
johncosta's user avatar
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Any implementation of Reverse Soundex in python?

I have gone through soundex phonetic algorithm. There is another algorithm on Wikipedia called "Reverse Soundex" which is an improved version of soundex. I couldn't find anything about its ...
Shubham Tomar's user avatar
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getting NULL value for string 'marketing' and 'makeing' as soundex drops vowels only as both have same soundex string value

Write a query to return the list of employee IDs with incorrectly spelled departments, from the Emp Master table. correct data is in Dept_Master with no foreign key. SELECT * FROM Emp_Master as orig ...
prasad's user avatar
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How do I implement fuzzy searching for a word within a field?

I have some very basic beginner SQL knowledge. I've come across SOUNDEX and LIKE and have tried to implement them in my code. In my database, I have a names column that contains all available names ...
Ali's user avatar
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The soundex function from oracle has a result different from official documentation

Following this documentation from oracle. The example select soundex('SACHS' from dual; should be return S200, but I received S220 in many different oracle version. Anyone have any idea? Thanks and ...
Johnnathan Almeida's user avatar
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How to check %match between 2 string in prestosql?

What im looking for is I have 2 words e.g. 'Family' and 'Family Tree' then I would love to know that how much does both texts match to each others. let say 'Family' and 'Family' >> 100 % not ...
Paper.J's user avatar
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SQL Server Soundex() and Difference() to Compare a Columns observations to Itself

I am looking for some assistance in using Soundex() and Difference() in SQL Server with the goal of comparing one observation in a column to another observation in that same column. Here is some ...
AdamBandola's user avatar
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Why is my stored procedure query returning extra results?

I have the following query inside of a stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE [s_Staff_ByLikeLastNmByLikeFirstNm] @LastNm varchar(10), @FirstNm varchar(10) /*WITH ENCRYPTION*/ AS ...
thecoolmacdude's user avatar
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Using SOUNDEX function on WHERE clause in MySQL

How can I use soundex function on the following WHERE clause? WHERE LIKE CONCAT('%', :search, '%') Given that the general approach for using SOUNDEX function is: SELECT name FROM users WHERE ...
Relaxing Music's user avatar
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Fuzzy search on Oracle database [closed]

I need to implement fuzzy search in our web application. At first we had hardcoded options on our frontend, but now we have to work with database data (only return top 10 candidates). I just want to ...
adammartiska's user avatar
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Implementing Soundex Encoding Algorithm

Soundex is a phonetic algorithm that encodes a word into a letter followed by three numbers that roughly describe how the word sounds. Similar sounding words have the same four-character codes. For ...
cupof's user avatar
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How to use Soundex() in googlecolab for python? [closed]

I do coding using Python I tried to use soundex() in googlecolab by importing fuzzy . But I can not use . Pl. guide
Ravindra Kharadkar's user avatar
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c# comparing strings with a bit of leniency

I am currently working on a database project where we have some given names that need to be compared to some historical names in an existing database. These names belong to indigenous people in ...
Megaphone Man's user avatar
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Using Soundex in wordpress or woocommerce default search Query?

Trying to use soundex() function in search so I can get the results whose value sounds like same. I have created 6 posts. Hur Hur The Beautiful Hoor Hoor the Brand Hwr Hwr the beautiful All above 6 ...
Asfandyar Khan's user avatar
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UnicodeDecodeError: with apply function in column for each row

I have a dataframe and I want to encode each word in my column by using soundex, so I have to use split because Soundex take only the first word then I apply this line of code but I got this error: ...
Fatima's user avatar
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Why is SQL Server's SOUNDEX giving me inconsistent results?

Can someone provide some insight on why the SOUNDEX is giving different results when certain characters are capitalized vs lower case? From what I read online, SOUNDEX ignores case but I am getting ...
CandleWax's user avatar
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Talend: get SOUNDEX of String in tMap

I am inserting data from a CSV file to a MySQL database, and one of the columns should contain the SOUNDEX representation of a string. For example, I have the first name as a column in the CSV and the ...
Majed Badawi's user avatar
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Fuzzy matching a string in in pyspark or SQL using Soundex function or Levenshtein distance

I had to apply Levenshtein Function on last column when passport and country are same. matrix =\ f.col('name_id').alias('name_id_1'), ...
aamirmalik124's user avatar
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How to search MYSQL table with misspelled words? [duplicate]

I am using Codeigniter framework. I have a database table 'product', it has a column 'title' and the title is 'Canon Digital SLR Camera'. I want to search my table with the text 'cannon' (double n) ...
Rathan Kumar's user avatar
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Tried understand the Soundex algorithm in Python

What does this number parameter in Soundex function mean? Code: import fuzzy soundex = fuzzy.Soundex(6)
P.Hazarika's user avatar
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TSQL Using soundex across linked servers

(Object names in this post have been changed to protect the idiocent). I was matching lists of employee names where one list was on Server_A column collation:Latin1_General_CI_AS column data type: ...
DatumPoint's user avatar
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Enable Soundex in Sqlite

I want to use soundex with sqlite.The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling. I am using below code- class ...
Android Developer's user avatar
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Find SOUNDEX of each word in the column

I have the following data: create table testing ( name varchar(100) ); insert into testing values('Mr.Alex James Henrry'); insert into testing values('Mr John Desto'); insert into testing values('Ms....
MAK's user avatar
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How to use MySQL SOUNDEX function with SQLAlchemy

Looking for any example of making SOUNDEX queries on MySQL from SQLAlchemy, if possible at all. Any alternatives?
martincho's user avatar
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Soundex Function for Turkish Language in Python

Soundex function is originally implemented for English language, but as Turkish language has lots of specially characters, I couldn't find good solution for the case, there is one very good example ...
GurhanCagin's user avatar
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Predict Similar Suppliers in the supplier/Trader list using pattern matching in SQL

Help required at your earliest guys! I have duplicate records for consignor name who trade with us... I want to search similar consignor names that are entered misspelled or have entered wrongly in ...
Nabeel Arif's user avatar
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Optimal search string in the where clause

Want to search the string using PATINDEX and SOUNDEX within the WHERE clause or any optimal way. I have the following table with some sample data to search the given string using PATINDEX and SOUNDEX. ...
MAK's user avatar
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Building sqlite under windows with soundex function

I am trying to build sqlite under windows with soundex funtion, while build succeeds, i still don't get soundex functionality. i couldn't figure out where is the error. cl -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 -...
GurhanCagin's user avatar
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Fuzzy match algorithm between full names from different manual inputs in TSQL?

I'm hoping to implement a fuzzy match algorithm in TSQL (without MDS) that compares full names. The names are coming from separate manual inputs with no controls over what's entered. One of the ...
user3457834's user avatar
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ORDER BY soundex with WHERE (MySql)

Query code: SELECT * FROM example WHERE name LIKE '%test%' OR SOUNDEX(name) LIKE 'T230%' OR SOUNDEX(name) LIKE 'T23%' I want to show first the results matched with WHERE name LIKE '%test%' and after ...
Miguilim's user avatar
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SQL Server soundex and MySQL soundex difference

Hello I want to use Soundex on SQL Server. I found good example for MySQL: SELECT SOUNDEX('game of thrones') When I tried this query: MySQL returns : G513652 SQL Server returns : G500 I searched ...
serdar's user avatar
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How to properly use soundex() in mysql [duplicate]

Hello I am practicing to build an e-commerce site using vanilla PHP , I want that when I search for a certain item in search bar even if there is a typo such "trffic" it can still found the item ...
Chrissa's user avatar
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why soundex return irrelevant result

I wonder why : WHERE 1=1 AND LTRIM(RTRIM(lastName)) ='Schmdli' OR ( SOUNDEX(lastName) = SOUNDEX('Schmdli') ) Return me result like lastName Schöntal ...
istiti's user avatar
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Sphinx how to use wordforms with soundex?

I am using sphinx with soundex morphology. I want to use wordworms. Which form of word do I need to use like a result? call keywords ('azori', 'test', 1); +------+-----------+------------+------+---...
Andrey Vorobyev's user avatar
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Improve performance while using levenshtein and soundex algorithms on search in MySQL

We are trying to upload data from Excel to Database. Before uploading, we would like to preview the data with the count of Match status(Eg: No match, Similar match, Exact match) while comparing with ...
Alekhya Revalla's user avatar
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Mysql Soundex Query How Can I Take Best Result

Mysql query and results are this img. select * FROM kelimekontrol WHERE SOUNDEX(kelime) = SOUNDEX('ağde') i think it is the best result of ağda words but idont ...
B. Mert's user avatar
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Compare Names using Levenshtein distance

In my application i need to identify a person by searching for their lastname and firstname. One requirement is to accept spelling errors to a certain degree. My attempts to identify a person given a ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
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What is the best way to implement a mongo db search that handles misspelled words?

For example I want "wolrd" to return documents with "world" .
You Ma's user avatar
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Handle incorrect spelling of user defined names in python application

Problem with incorrect spelling : When you are making an application with user input, you may expect incorrect input. There are spell check libraries available to handle them, however user ...
Bidya's user avatar
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Soundex or Metaphone algorithm for typos in search term

In our search we need to return results which match searched term with Levensthein distance max of 2. The problem is that we need to apply Levensthein distance algorithm for every row in table which ...
michal.jakubeczy's user avatar
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Questions in soundex algorithm

I'm a beginner in C++ and I'm trying to understand a Soundex algorithm I found somewhere on the internet. I understand most of it but this was not explained just posted somewhere so there are a few ...
Cantaff0rd's user avatar
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How can I generate all the wrong variants of words consisting of more than two letters?

There is an array in which there are many million words. And you need to create an associative array with the wrong variants of all these words passing the correct version of that word as the key. And ...
John's user avatar
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How to use Soundex with SQLITE in android

Could someone please guide me on how to use soundex in sqlite. or can we use "soundex" function in sqlite. if we can use it Please provide an example if possible. thanks in advance.
kksal55's user avatar
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Autocorrecting all misspelled text data in R

So I have been searching for a long time on methods to correct typos in text in R, without manually adding/replacing words. I have data in text format that is the patients' complaints in an emergency ...
Diana01's user avatar
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use Soundex and Substring to be able to get potential duplicate values from DB

I asked a similar question [Querying database to find potential duplicates based on multiple columns and it was kindly answered by master of SQL Gordon Linoff. All in all I have about 100k client ...
BobSki's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: Address matching using fuzzymatch from two tables

What I want to do; I have two tables with two address columns , both stored as text I want to create a view returning the matching rows. What I've tried; I've created and index on both columns and ...
mapping dom's user avatar
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Implementing Soundex in Java

Please help me to implement string similarity comparison in java! Using org.apache.commons.codec.language.Soundex library Soundex soundex = new Soundex(); String phoneticValue = soundex.encode("...
anduplats's user avatar
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How to flag if a word sounds like any word within a character field, using SOUNDEX?

I have a character variable that's long (up to 12,000 characters), and I would like to find a string within the variable that sounds like a certain word. I'd also like to create a variable that equals ...
user7415976's user avatar