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Unable to Establish Connection from Node.js Application to Remote MySQL Database on NameCheap via SSH Tunnel

I'm having trouble setting up a connection from my Node.js application to a remote MySQL database hosted on NameCheap. I've tried multiple approaches, but nothing seems to work. What I've tried so ...
GameOwner's user avatar
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What is the correct syntax for an sshtunnel from Python?

I am trying to open an ssh tunnel from Python, but I cannot seem to get the syntax correct. Essentially, I want to do the following, except from within Python: ssh -i /path/to/my/ -L ...
Octopus's user avatar
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Remote Xdebug and 504 on lost connection

I set up a remote Xdebug to work through the SSH tunnel. Everything works perfectly, but if I eventually drop the SSH connection (lost internet connection, switch VPNs or just close the laptop screen) ...
Movs's user avatar
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SSH tunnel proxy disconnect error bad packet length

I am using below command to connect to SSH server on my remote device using AWS Greengrass secure tunnel proxy method ssh -p 5555 user@localhost which works perfectly I can manage my device, my ...
Zain Ul Abidin's user avatar
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HTTPS Proxy for IP and Geolocation

I have the following problem: I want to start a proxy on a server that client PCs can access. Currently, the ps1 script starts an HTTP proxy and also runs an HTTP-to-HTTPS script that redirects all ...
DxrkBlo0d's user avatar
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How to access AWS ECS services integrated with AWS Cloud Map using SSH tunnel via a jump server? [closed]

I have integrated my AWS ECS services with AWS Cloud Map. These services are running on Fargate and are located in a private subnet. The application uses an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) to call ...
Vaidahi's user avatar
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Allow docker container to connect with tunnelled aws redshift

Do you have any idea how can I solve this issue? My current scenario: I'm using docker desktop in my windows machine. On this docker desktop, I use the Ubuntu as the operating machine. Now, I perform ...
user20918430's user avatar
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How to keep AWS EC2 ssh connection alive

I use ssh to create a tunnel for my local server as below: ssh -D 1234:localhost:1001 user@my-remote-AWS-EC2-server then I run my local which will expose the port: Running on local URL: http://...
paul's user avatar
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EC2 machines: python SSHTunnelForwarder closing tunnel on the background when high number of connections made

I have GRPC services running on EC2 machines and an orchestrator that connects to those machines through SSHTunnelForwarder. This works fine when I am running low number of servers (arround 4 to 8). ...
gate_pillar's user avatar
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Redis Insight cannot connect to a database through SSH tunnel, while redis-cli works fine

I would like to connect to an ElastiCache cluster (running Redis) with Redis Insight from my Mac. I am able to connect using redis-cli, but with Redis Insight I get the following error: 'The ...
Denys Avilov's user avatar
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How to connect to AWS RDS Postgres via Node.js running on local machine

I have a Node.js app running on an ES2 instance which I can connect successfully to an AWS RDS Postgres database and run a SQL statement to return the results. Now I want to run that same app but on ...
Steve Tomlin's user avatar
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PgAdmin 4 Port Forwarding for SSH Tunnel

With e.g. DBeaver it's easy to setup port forwarding for a ssh tunnel (remote host + port and local host + port in SSH Tunnel tab). In PgAdmin 4 I don't see such an option. I didn't find any hint with ...
Rudi's user avatar
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MariaDB Over SSH Tunnel Lost Connection

I have two RHEL9 servers. I turned off SELinux on both using "sudo setenforce 0" to make sure that has nothing to do with this issue. I am on server 'admin' and I am trying to connect to ...
kainaw's user avatar
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Unable to read command output using JSch [duplicate]

I'm trying to login to remote session using JSch Channel shell and execute simple shell command and trying to read the command output with the following code - private static Session getSession() { ...
vishr's user avatar
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Git ls-remote to github fails with classic "SHA-1 not supported" on tunneled ssh session but `ssh -T [email protected]` doesn't

A bit of context: At my company we do tunneling to ssh into EC2 boxes. This tunneling command is as usual, uses ForwardAgent and the proxycommand is something like this: ProxyCommand ssh tunnelhost ...
Stoic Alchemist's user avatar
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How to extend an existing PAC proxy file

Our company provides a pretty long PAC file for using the various internal proxy servers. To connect some remote systems I needed to set up my own ssh tunnel to connect to yet another proxy server. To ...
michas's user avatar
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PostgreSQL connection with NodeJS and SSH-Tunnel: Always connection timeout

With a simple script I try to access a remote database over a ssh tunnel. I tried different configurations, but always at pool.connect() Error establishing PostgreSQL connection: Error: Connection ...
Rudi's user avatar
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Efficient Python for Data Science Interactive setup with VSCode with Remote Development?

For the past two years I've been iterating my development setup. My use case for Python is data science and machine learning, meaning the Jupyter Notebook was my first choice and my primary need is to ...
user25867259's user avatar
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Cant block external ips in Caddy while using ssh remote port forwarding

I run a home server in my local network. Due to my DSL provider, I need to use SSH remote forwarding through a Vroot server to handle incoming requests. This setup works fine using the following ...
Doggo's user avatar
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Laravel DB::connection unable to connect postgreSQL with laradock+ssh tunnel

I have a Laravel project running in docker with laradock, it use two db connections, one from postgres docker and another one from remote server, throw ssh tunnel. If I run DB::connection('remotedb')-&...
alvaro.canepa's user avatar
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Can't connect to Oracle 19c db with SSH tunnel using python

I am not an expert neither on Oracle or Python, so maybe the answer is obvious but I still couldn't find the answer to my problem on forums. I have an SSH connection to Oracle 19c db on SQL developer ...
Nándor Zaja's user avatar
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How do I connect via Node.js to a DocDB cluster from local test computer?

I'm trying to migrate from MongoDB to DocumentDB just for keeping everything under one roof, and I want to test my code on a sample DocDB cluster. I'm using Node.js + Express.js for my backend. ...
S S's user avatar
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DBeaver - Connecting to RDS instance through an ssh tunnel using AWS SSM

I have some RDS instances accessible through EC2 istances (each RDS has its jump EC2). Currently, I was using DBEaver Community edition to connect to the database configuring an ssh tunnel to the EC2. ...
ElessartD's user avatar
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Should you be able to forward/pass a local Yubikey through ssh to the remote as a connected hardware device?

From a security perspective, would it defeat the purpose of a Yubikey if I could insert it into my local device, access a server with (for example) a simple username & password, and then ...
Alyssa Maguire's user avatar
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Multihop shared SSH tunnel [closed]

I would like to create a multihop SSH tunnel that allows multiple SSH sessions for users but only uses one SSH session on the Second Hop. Scenario: User 1 --\ | User 2 ---> First Hop ---&...
musca999's user avatar
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Git client traffic over SSH tunnel

I would like the git client to establish SSH tunnel per-repository automatically (on-demand), each time that I invoke "pull, push, ..." commands. When git client finishes processing, it ...
Observer's user avatar
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connect_to localhost error while testing remote SSH connection with netcat from bash script

I'm writing a bash script that needs to maintain a SSH connection (SSH tunnel) to a remote host alive. I am checking whether connection on the remote IP exists with netcat -z, and if it doesn't, then ...
ismooth's user avatar
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Error running SSH Tunnel Container in Docker

I'm encountering an error while attempting to run an SSH tunnel container in Docker. The container exits, and I receive the following error message: ==== SSH keys ======================================...
Abigail Larsen's user avatar
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VS Code Remote SSH Connect to Host Resulted in Error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'after')

Image of Error I randomly started having problems connecting to my remote server through Remote SSH. This pop up shows up when I try to connect to host or do anything related to the extension... I am ...
Kayla Tran's user avatar
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SSH tunelling setup to access a database in a container

I have a Mariadb database running in a container, running in a server machine (let's call its IP address "DB") In another server (let's call its IP address "APP"), an application ...
bfredo123's user avatar
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Connecting to Elasticache Redis Nodes locally using SSH Tunneling through Jump host

Currently we have a setup where we setup an EC2 jump host to setup SSH tunneling to our RDS instances using a docker container. I needed to use the same setup to setup SSH tunnel to our Elasticache ...
Torreygs214's user avatar
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Modify Zeppelin Notebooks though VS Code

I recently joined a company that has all the data ingestion made using Zeppelin Notebooks that we access through SSH tunnels. Is it possible to maintain and version this code using VS Code? How can I ...
Joana Salvado's user avatar
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Error while using TurboVNC in Intel dev cloud one api Rendering Toolkit

I am trying to connect to Intel Dev cloud through SSh client ( I've completed all the steps mentioned in the aritcle but at the ...
Abishek Shahi's user avatar
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SSh tunnel connection refused, but establish ssh connection in terminal

I need to create a SSH tunnel to connect to webmin gui hosted in a Azure virtual machine. I can connect to the vm via ssh from PuTTY. The private key run and can establish the connection. But when I ...
Emmanu's user avatar
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ssh-agent empty through ssh remote session

My scenario I have a linux machine (fedora workstation 39) for development, I have java, node, podman, IDE's, everything works as expected. For git I setup keys (to clone using ssh) and gpg (signature)...
Bruno Rozendo's user avatar
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ssh tunneling connecting but netstat not showing port is listening

On a remote server, I ran: ssh -v -L 5110:some_host_name:<remote_port> local.server It produced: debug1: Local connections to LOCALHOST:5110 forwarded to remote address <redacted> debug1:...
u2j4's user avatar
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How to connect to mariadb 10.3.39 via ssh tunneling from C# mysql client?

I am using Connector/Net 2.1.23 libraries in C# to connect to MariaDB instances, using the built-in ssh tunneling. The program sets up the connection to my MariaDB 5.5.68 instance on server S1 like so:...
Troy Terry's user avatar
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Nmap scan returns all ports open when ran with proxychains through a Linux <-> Windows SSH tunnel

I have been doing some experimenting with SSH dynamic port forwarding between Windows and Linux machines and have ran into a frustrating problem. The issue concerns the behavior of Nmap when running ...
Octoberfest7's user avatar
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How to connect MySql Database using SSH to Looker Studio?

I have a Database that I am connected to using SSH connection. I have aal the things needed to connect to the database like host-IP, Port, Username, Password, SSH Host, SSH Port, SSH User and Private ...
Garv Agarwal's user avatar
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Accessing with python and sshtunnel not possible on Mac?

i try to access my mysql-database using a sshtunnel in python with the following code - import mysql.connector import sshtunnel if __name__ == '__main__': with sshtunnel.SSHTunnelForwarder( ...
Rapid1898's user avatar
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sshtunnel connect failed towards mysql container on NAS drive

I am trying to access remotely from my raspberry pi weather station towards my mySQL DB on a NAS drive. For this I am using SSHTunnelForwarder and I have found several small python code examples in ...
FotisK's user avatar
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SSl-TLS encryption by a jdbc connector. Can I switch it off? [closed]

Must connect to a MariaDB database through a SSH tunnel. Use putty to open the tunnel with port forwarding and get error message RSA public key is not available client side (option ...
dickyplace's user avatar
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utm virtual machine ssh connect drop after few minutes

i use utm to run a x64 vm on m2 macbook, but the ssh connection always drop after few minutes. some times when i running progrems like gdb, it will drop the connection Linux pwnbox 6.1.0-17-amd64 #1 ...
Lloyd Leo's user avatar
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Cannot connect (TimeOut) to MySQL using nodejs mysql2 via ssh tunnel

Really at a loss as to why I am getting a timeout connecting to my RDS instance, and hoping someone has insight on how to debug this. I'm trying to run database migrations from Github Actions, on my ...
gdbj's user avatar
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Setup a ssh local port forwarding with Python's sshtunnel

I've got the following open ssh client command to setup a local port forwarding: ssh -i <keyfile> -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L <localPort>:<remoteHost>:...
dietmar27's user avatar
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Remote ssh vscode: bind: Address already in use channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port

I want to remote connect to linux from my Windows 10 using remote ssh extension of vs code. But these errors occured in terminal of vscode while connecting and vscoderemote ssh extension hangs: ` ...
alisher sherov's user avatar
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How can Metaflow FlowSpec instance be wrapped in a context manager without the context manager getting called twice?

I'm trying to use a context manager to open an SSH tunnel forwarder when Metaflow FlowSpec subclass instances are run locally, but somehow instantiating a FlowSpec instance in the context manager ...
datasmith's user avatar
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API (accessible via jumpbox server) testing using JMeter

I need to load test an API that can be accessed only using a Jumpbox server. I am able to hit the API in my command prompt by ssh tunnelling and a curl command. I read so many articles, which says ...
The Enthusiast's user avatar
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How to use Python SSHTunnle to forward multiple ports to two DB

I have a weather station base on Raspberry Pi that sends the data to two different DBs on another Raspberry Pi (for now all are local). Let's say the weather Raspberry Pi as weather_client and the ...
FotisK's user avatar
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How does SSH frame/packet/segment look like (structure)

I'm trying to understand the in-depth details of ssh tunneling. Tunneling is the process of placing one package inside another one for transimission. So I'd like to see how SSH packages those packets. ...
Max Koretskyi's user avatar

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