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Unable to Establish Connection from Node.js Application to Remote MySQL Database on NameCheap via SSH Tunnel

I'm having trouble setting up a connection from my Node.js application to a remote MySQL database hosted on NameCheap. I've tried multiple approaches, but nothing seems to work. What I've tried so ...
GameOwner's user avatar
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How to set ssh connection reset timeout [closed]

My ssh connection to AWS EC2 Ubuntu will be lost because of "Connection reset by peer", if I don't use the ssh console for some time. I wonder how much is the default timeout value of ...
djsg's user avatar
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How to start a docker container on a remote pc thorugh cpp code using ssh?

I have two machines: A: Weak machine that is only there for control B: Strong machine without direct access In my C++ Code on A I want to be able to run and stop different docker compose files on B. ...
Oroshimaru's user avatar
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Issue when debugging remotely with vscode to a rpi

I have a ssh connection to the RPi and it is working and alle the files transport correctly but I won't debug, when I run the dll on the rpi it works fin, can you guys help I have this task.json { ...
Ehab Basha's user avatar
-1 votes
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SSH refusing keys in Windows (OpenSSH) [closed]

Trying to ssh into Windows server from Windows machine. Getting errors in the logs ECDSA is not allowed and ....authorized_keys:1:check options: ' ' and ....authorized_keys:1: advance: ' '.
jwill's user avatar
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Execute .sh remotely

I have a remote server with .sh file which I must trigger in order to restart locally running node services. When I run the following, ssh -i ~/key.pem [email protected] cd /home/user ./services....
Vlad Stratulat's user avatar
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why ssh known_hosts contains multiple lines corresponding to this IP address locally? [closed]

When I log in to the server via ssh, it prompts "ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:wioA3OLumU3V4e9qbwRfn7/vl3EkynqV2QtBmk6S5rI." After entering "yes", the login is successful. The ...
Mooner_guo's user avatar
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Can't forward ssh keys to Docker in MacOSX

I cannot get my ssh keys forwarded to my container. OS version - Sonoma Version 14.6.1 (23G93) Docker destop version 4.33.0 my ssh keys are set up correctly and I can ssh into various machines ssh-...
Steve's user avatar
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Gitea instance hangs when cloning over ssh

I have a gitea instance running on a DO droplet. I edited my app.ini file to include: DISABLE_SSH = false SSH_PORT = 2222 SSH_LISTEN_PORT = 2222 SSH_DOMAIN = START_SSH_SERVER = true ...
Axel Stahl's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to elegantly debug in remote server? [closed]

I'm using the remote server for my python project, the IDE I use is VS Code, also the remote-ssh extension of VS Code to connect to it. I don't have admin permissions on the remote server (OS: red hat)...
谭澳波's user avatar
-3 votes
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Switching git SSH to HTTPS [duplicate]

I'm getting frustrated with git. I was trying to switch from SSH to HTTPS because git had the bright idea to have SSH integrated. Reverting SSH to HTTPS has been a pain. I followed these steps. Also ...
DonDavid12's user avatar
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How to kill hanging processes when exiting MS Visual Code on remote server?

Is there a setting in Visual Code that will force the processes (On remove Linux server) to exit when the editor is closed? I'm using the SSH-Remote plugin to develop on the remote server. The only ...
dkgcb's user avatar
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wsl2 mirrored networkingMode with multiple distribution, how to ssh into eachone [closed]

I have wsl2 mirrored networkingMode enabled, and install both debian and ubuntu with same username. i can run both of them and get into it at same time. ❯ wsl -l -v NAME STATE ...
Garry's user avatar
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How can Wsl use ssh tunnel created by cygwin [closed]

I have created ssh tunnel in cygwin through the command: /usr/bin/autossh -f -M 52091 -N -L 51091:remoteserver:1521 root@remotegateway My Windows program can use the tunnel, but the WSL program fails ...
Vic Zhang's user avatar
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Can't execute a remote Python script with sleep(.) from SSH [duplicate]

I am trying to execute a Python script on a remote server via SSH. The script is supposed to run a certain function every few seconds. A minimal working snippet is as follows: # (this is on ...
diviquery's user avatar
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The issue with connecting with SSH from WSL. It works on Windows CMD but not on my WSL terminal [closed]

I tried to connect to the server using ssh with a simple command: ssh -L 8081:localhost:6000 user@host-ip It's completely fine when I run it on my Windows Command prompt. But When I try to use WSL ...
Kaveh Tahmasebi's user avatar
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I have to connect my local machine to the private ec2 via vpn [closed]

How do I set up OpenVPN on an EC2 instance to securely connect to private EC2 instances within the same VPC, while ensuring proper routing, configuring security groups, and troubleshooting any ...
chaitanya sharma's user avatar
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EC2 instance connect : Failed to connect to your instance Error establishing SSH connection to your instance. Try again later [closed]

I have allowed port 22 but can't access to my ec2 via SSH client and also Browser connection. How can I solve this issue? I have tried to deploy my next.js project and tried to add ssh key for cloning ...
AresColin's user avatar
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How to forward socat command to ssh target server via ssh tunnel?

I am currently using sequence of commands such as: ssh -N -L 3307:localhost:3307 [email protected] inside open terminal I run this: socat TCP-LISTEN:3307,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/lib/mysql/...
juslintek's user avatar
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SSH tunnel proxy disconnect error bad packet length

I am using below command to connect to SSH server on my remote device using AWS Greengrass secure tunnel proxy method ssh -p 5555 user@localhost which works perfectly I can manage my device, my ...
Zain Ul Abidin's user avatar
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How can I make the bash script establish the ssh connection first before continuing?

I am trying to automate the process of running startup scripts for a ROS project. I am doing this to make it to easier start the program, but I need to run commands at different times for the robot ...
Gortex's user avatar
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PyCharm: Configuring SSH interpreter - automation

I'd like to create a development environment using a python or a bash script. I want to connect PyCharm to python interpreter in a docker container by running the script. Is that possible? What files ...
Mirt's user avatar
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GitLab SSH Clone Failing

I have Windows 10 and WSL Ubuntu both installed. I am encountering a problem where I am able to verify that my SSH key pair is correctly configured by using the ssh command but failing at cloning from ...
stephendgb's user avatar
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connect service trough ssh [closed]

I'm have a proxy server of using ssh command connect to server. I'm try connect server trough -o ProxyCommand... but it's fail I'm just have a proxy server of http and not proxy server of ...
user26913490's user avatar
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VS Code remote SSH: Unable to connect to server

I left my VSCode ssh waiting for a password for a long time and then I closed the connection. Next time I tried to ssh to it gets stuck on "Opening Remote".I had faced this one time before ...
N. Vakharia's user avatar
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How to use Dockerfile ADD with ssh_config

I am trying to use an ADD command that points to a private repository via ssh:// in a Dockerfile, and I need it to also check the ssh_config to use the correct username and key file. For example in an ...
John's user avatar
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Sony Camera Remote SDK error: SSH Server authentication failed [closed]

When connecting Sony cameras via wired LAN, ssh passowrd is required. How to get it? When using PuTTy, after entering login and password, an error occurs: Server refused to open main channel. PuTTy ...
Verius's user avatar
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Jenkins Pipeline - sshPut - Copy all files and folders

I want to copy all files and folders from current directory to Windows machine. Is there anyway to do this using sshPut command? sshPut remote: remote, filterRegex: '.*', from: './', into: 'D:\DATA' ...
LevanM's user avatar
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Ruby Net::SSH.start() is failing with authentication issues but the key being used is fine when sshing outside of Ruby

I'm trying to ssh into a machine as part of a Ruby test and run a command on the machine. To do this, I'm using Ruby's Net:SSH library. A simple version of the script I'm using looks like: require '...
Bram's user avatar
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Bash script for secure IPMI access through SSH tunnel - looking for optimization and security review

I'm working on a Bash script to securely access IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) devices through an SSH tunnel via a bastion host. The script currently works, but I have concerns about ...
Ashlan Chidester's user avatar
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SSH Connection Lost Error on DigitalOcean Droplet Console

I'm experiencing an issue with accessing my DigitalOcean Droplet. When I attempt to connect using the Droplet Console in the DigitalOcean Control Panel, I receive a "SSH connection lost" ...
Code Daydreamer's user avatar
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[Remote-SSH Bug]: Stuck in "Setting up SSH Host neuron: Copying VS Code Server to host with scp"

I'm trying to connect to the remote server via remote-ssh extension. (0) I've written the info(Host, HostName, User) to config file (1) Tried to connect with the remote-ssh extension via clicking on ...
AhhyunLee's user avatar
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Can't clone git repo due to username being in capital letters

I just got a new computer. Installed git and gerrit as i always do. Now for some reason i can't clone my repos using the functions i previously had. I did some fault tracing and found that the reason ...
Erik Hilberg's user avatar
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Why doesn't ansible pick SSH_AUTH_SOCK to use the agent when ssh'ing with keys

As part of running a playbook I'm setting up an agent and add a key to it: - name: Start ssh agent hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars_files: - common_vars.yml tasks: - name: Start ...
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
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Is it possible for remote server to use its own local keys despite using ssh-agent forwarding in SSH connection?

When we use -A flag in an ssh connection, the keys in the ssh-agent of local machine are available to the remote server to use for ssh connections from it. But is it possible for the remote server to ...
JustAnjan's user avatar
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GitLab runner and SSH cloning of submodules - is an SSH key required even if main repo and submodules on same GitLab instance? How to setup?

I prefer avoiding relative paths for submodules even when on the same instance since these are prone to errors, sometimes finding out the relative path is time consume and there may be issues with ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
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How to Match SSH Configuration Block with Ansible regex

Backstory: I'm making an Ansible role that creates an SSH key for hosts that need one and automatically updates my configuration file with the latest information; lan ip, username, key, etc. I can't ...
Brad T's user avatar
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Directus extension: Cannot find package 'ssh2'

I have created the directus extension and now calling ssh2 package in it. Getting this error when I am running backend server: Cannot find package 'ssh2' imported from /directus/extensions/...
Joy Dimitris's user avatar
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Failed to connect to GitHub Codespace in Visual Studio Code: "exception was thrown by handler: exception failed to start vs code remote server"

I'm encountering an issue when trying to connect to a GitHub Codespace using Visual Studio Code. The error message that pops up is: enter image description here I've tried the following steps to ...
Rounak Sen's user avatar
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Fleet SSH Connection Issue: "Unknown SSH error" and "StreamCorruptedException"

I'm using Fleet version 1.38.89 to connect to a remote SSH development environment. While accessing the SSH environment via the terminal works fine (ssh <environment>), Fleet is unable to ...
quarks's user avatar
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Permission denied (publickey) when SSHing to GCP Compute Engine instance

Using MacOS. I've installed gcloud, and set it up with gcloud compute config-ssh. When running ssh <instance-id>.us-central1-c.<project-id> I'm getting Permission denied (publickey), but ...
galah92's user avatar
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PATH variable inconsistency when using either remote desktop or ssh on a remote Windows system

I have a virtual Windows 10 machine which is accessible on our company network via either remote desktop or ssh. If I log in via remote desktop, open a command prompt and type path I get a path ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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Is it possible to remote debug c++ over ssh with vscode with the source code remaining local only?

I've been struggling to set up debugging for my project, I want to do the following: Compile source code (c++ project) on my windows PC using vscode and WSL. Launch the executable on my embedded ...
BakeThemAwayToys's user avatar
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Escaping rules for strings containing scripts through SSH

I'm trying to send a PowerShell script as a string through SSH in PowerShell 5.1. Its objective is to modify the content of a configuration file in a remote computer. I managed to fix the problems ...
JackOA's user avatar
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Improving performance of remote command execution on Exchange Server using SSH

My basic requirement is to integrate/ connect with on-premise exchange server and perform CRUD operations. I want to use Java to implement this client. This Java client will be running on a Unix ...
theimpatientcoder's user avatar
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git clone with https using token

I am using a MacOS, and i have my ssh keys, when I try to git clone from gitLab using git link it works great, it uses my ssh key. But when I try with an http link, it asks me my login and password. ...
zero's user avatar
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using ec2-instance-connect with --local-forwarding for sublime ssh tunnel

I use sublime to edit files on remote AWS EC2 instances with remote port forwarding, by installing rmate on the remote machine, as described here: Then, if I ...
pjw's user avatar
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How to formulate SSH Script for TPLink Router

I've been able to SSH into my TPLink Router (ER605) and create a VLAN successfully. But when I try to send the same commands through a script, it doesn't work. So far, I've tried netmiko/paramiko (...
RainmakerP's user avatar
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how to run ssh in the background without writing my own OS kernel and SSH server/client pair?

So, this sounds like it "should" be possible. But it takes some explaining. Let me start from something simple. Let's say I'm on some vaguely POSIX-like system (maybe GNU/Linux, maybe ...
Mark VY's user avatar
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Accessing Azure Blob using sftp protocol using R

I need to download files from an Azure blob storage with sftp support enabled. I have been provided with a username, password and endpoint which works when using filezilla to access the blob. The ...
nur ally's user avatar

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