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cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘CN=GeoTrust TLS ECC CA G1,,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US’:

When I writing this url on safari, its content appears correctly: But when I use wget https://...
Mehmet Demir's user avatar
-1 votes
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NodeJS: Mixed Content, content must be server over HTTPS instead of HTTP

NodeJS App running on frontend port:3000, backend port: 5000 in same Machine in Ubuntu (Linux). My Domain is SSL Configured. When frontend routing request to backend, getting mixed content error. Snap:...
Divyank's user avatar
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how do I know which Cyphers Suites are used by default on my Java 11 installation on RHEL 8?

I have a third party application using a Java 11 client on RHEL 8. My security team asked me to provide security details about encryption like what cipher suite is used? How can I check it please?
yakitori's user avatar
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.NET App is not using OpenSSL Certificate store on Linux Docker Container

I have a .NET 8 (8.0.8) Web API which call external API using RestSharp. The GET method is not executing because of the error I have: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. ...
reverterez's user avatar
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Is it possible to set SSL certificate X509 (X509_gmtime_adj) to negative?

I would like to ask if this is possible. I kept on having problem with my certificate because i set x509_get_notBefore to 0. I received Certificate Unknown error from time to time my assumption is ...
James Reid's user avatar
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Implement hard coded ssl certificate with libcurl and openssl

i have a c++ application which connects to my https authentication server. I want to prevent mitm attacks because i dont want users to be able to crack my program. I have implemented string encryption,...
caprisonne's user avatar
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Nginx overwrites desired port when using proxy_pass on a subdirectory to direct request to node server

I have the following nginx config: server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; ssl on; ssl_certificate /home/tom/; ssl_certificate_key /home/tom/local....
Tom Rhodes's user avatar
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PostgreSQL `aws_s3` Extension: SSL Certificate Verification Failed with Self-Signed Certificate

I'm attempting to import data into a PostgreSQL table from a CSV file stored in a NooBaa S3 bucket. I'm using the aws_s3 extension in PostgreSQL for this task. However, I'm encountering an SSL ...
Aayush Shah's user avatar
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MySQL shows two connections. One does not require a password and is the same database I created with MySQL Workbench [migrated]

MySQL shows two connections. One does not require a password and is the same database I created with MySQL Workbench. I have two database connections. One is the database that came with the MySQL ...
brcoder's user avatar
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curl http2 error on a particular url but works on other similar pdf url

I have done a simple curl call, for one website it works and for another it does not. When opened in chrome both have similar PDF output renderred. Command that works curl -v
Nitiraj's user avatar
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pgadmin SSL certificate error when performing maintence

When I use pgamin v4 8.11 to vacuum a table on a remote server not in my local network it fails with the error: psql: error: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: SSL ...
jgm_GIS's user avatar
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How to avoid wildcard SSL at root domain overriding a subdomain SSL? [duplicate]

I have a root domain from IONOS and I’ve mapped its subdomain to a Google Cloud Run instance. Since GCP cloud run supports custom domain mapping and provides an SSL, ...
Ruoxi's user avatar
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why does the request work if I'm using Invoke-RestMethod but it doesn't if I'm using requests from python?

The Invoke-RestMethod looks like: Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'url' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers The header contains a bearer token The python code looks like: import requests url = "some_url&...
cristian hantig's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error importing a certificate by dockerfile - unable to find valid certification path to requested target [closed]

I use a dockerfile to deliver my application to an AWSserver and I need to change my certificate because my last one expired I need to configure to use rds-ca-rsa2048-g1 but I get error: Caused by: ...
Henrique Landim's user avatar
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How use CFSSL for create certificate?

How create code sing cert use CFSSL I want to create .crt/.cert and .pfx/p12 files to sign application code There is also an additional question if I create a certificate and put it in the trusted ...
Малыш Вумпер's user avatar
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How to use ATECC608A with SIMCOM7600?

I would like to know if the ECC608 and SIMCOM7600 can be used together. I intend to use a certificate from the ECC608 and have the SIMCOM7600 communicate with AWS IoT Core via MQTT(S), with the board ...
Alexandersson's user avatar
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Gitlab SSL certificate not trusted after renewal (SSL inspection)

I have renewed the self signed SSL certificate for the self hosted Gitlab instance and after renewal the certificate shows the new issued and expiration date. The certs are added also at /etc/gitlab/...
Leo's user avatar
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How to connect securely to Elasticsearch with existing certificates?

I installed Elasticsearch cluster on my own servers. it has a couple of certificates like http_ca.crtm http.p12 and transport.p12 in its certs folder. These certificate installed on server by ...
Mohamad Abbasi's user avatar
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Sending an API request via CURL to a webhook on AKS [closed]

I am trying to make an API call using CURL to a webhook that is hosted on AKS. The API call is unable to move beyond the TLS handshake step. Here are the API request and response logs: Request: curl -...
liverpoolsunil's user avatar
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Impact of new lightsail LAMP instance from snapshot to the existing one?

I need to create a new instance of lightsail LAMP server from existing snapshot, the server is working fine I just need a new one for staging and development purposes. So I thought to make a new from ...
Waqar Ul Haq's user avatar
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How to validate a ceritifcate chain in mTLS using nginx ingress controller in kubernetes

I'm implementing mutual TLS through my nginx ingress controller in kubernetes, and I was able to implement a basic one, using a self signed certificate (OpenSSL) acting as the root certificate, and ...
arwa abdelhalim's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to invoke signonservice that requires two way SSL certification. Fails with error " Can't connect to"

Trying to invoke the signonservice REST service which requires to pass the private key. Have written following code, but at run time its gives the cannot connect to hostname. It works fine in postman ...
Kapil Nesarikar's user avatar
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Apache HttpClient - SSL failures

I'm trying to connect to an endpoint using Apache's HttpClient 4.5, and am running into the below exception: DEBUG [main] (RequestAddCookies) - CookieSpec selected: default DEBUG [main] (...
quantumferret's user avatar
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Postgres ssl connection certificate expiry

I am using connection via ssl in postgres. I passed below parameters to connect along with username and password. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?" + "sslmode=verify-ca&...
shalaka's user avatar
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unable to find valid certification path to requested target [Spring boot 3 - kafka]

I am trying to make a mtls connection between spring boot kafka consumer and remote brocker of my company which is configured with mtls. My entrypoint files are: chain_bundle.pem and my_name.p12. I ...
Amir Choubani's user avatar
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Nginx Proxy Manager "502 Bad Gateway- openresty"

I've recently set up NPM for some servers on my backend and everything seems to be working just fine for most except for a couple servers that seem to return a "502 Bad Gateway" errors even ...
Mouad Rahoui's user avatar
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facing Invalid intermediate certificate with a governmental site! [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]

I'm trying to fetch some data from a market exchange website using python with httpx library. when I make a request to the api I get an error message.. httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: ...
Bassel Fathy's user avatar
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List specific information of all LEAF certificates from java store JKS

I wish to list only the signed certificates for our application and not the chain signing certificate from a java store i.e <jdk_home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts or any such JKS store. The idea ...
Ashar's user avatar
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Configuration to get web server to use certificates mounted in kubernetes deployment

Im looking to have my application running in a kubernetes cluster use the certificate mounted in a volume defined in my deployment.yaml file. I am not using ingress, instead I have my service set up ...
elementmg's user avatar
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Apache Hop Web behind Reverse Proxy (Nginx)

Has anyone successfully gotten Apache Hop running using a web server as a reverse proxy (preferably Nginx)? I've hacked at it for a bit using a range of standard tricks and gleanings from various ...
Phil Usatine's user avatar
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How to properly configure Python to use system-level Certificates (windows) behind a Forced VPN (zscaler)?

I've recently started working within a large organization that requires all computers to be behind a forced VPN (zscaler). This setup has caused several issues when using multiple Python libraries and ...
wrong1man's user avatar
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Delphi/Android application error: EidOSSLcouldNotLoadSSLlibrary

My Delphi/11.3 multi-device application needs HTTPS communication and I use Indy components. Running it in windows/32 mode works ok. Running in Android/32 mode, when it makes an HTTPS call it fails ...
JimPapas's user avatar
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Troubleshooting SSL Connection Issues in PostgreSQL 14 with OpenSSL 3.2 and 3.3

I source-compiled OpenSSL version 3.3 and compiled PostgreSQL 14 with it. When I tried to enable encryption and authentication via SSL in PostgreSQL with ssl_mode=on, I encountered errors related to ...
manasa's user avatar
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SSL not working in NGINX ingress controller, TLS settings

I am trying to expose my application over TLS, Secure connection, below is my YAML config, I am unable to access my application over SSL for some reason help is required, I am using the nginx ingress ...
Atif Shafi's user avatar
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grpc ssl connect failed: Security handshake failed description":"Socket closed"

We use the official grpc example, and it is normal for the SSL channel of the synchronous API to establish communication. But when we use our project, SSL communication is failed: grpc_log(18) > ...
Chuanlong Song's user avatar
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SSL decryption post hanshake (C++) [closed]

Given a SSL object (OpenSSL) in C++, a buffer and it's length (HTTPS response) that I can decrypt using the SSL module using this code: SSL_write(ssl, buffer, length); How to the decrypt manually ...
Elytum's user avatar
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NodeJs apps cannot be access on https on kubernetes

I'm installing PositiveSSL on Kubernetes, but I can only access my apps on http, when I access on https it stay loading on long time and ending with "The connection has timed out". Here is ...
Development FlazHost's user avatar
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What is the best practice for dealing with in a Grails application? [closed]

I recently added a trust store file, src/main/resources/rds-truststore.jks, to my Grails 6 application to connect to an AWS database using SSL. In order for that to work when the application is ...
wubbalubba's user avatar
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SSL certificate validation and indirect CRL in C

I am trying to write C code to verify a certificate, including checking the CRL to check if it is revoked. Certificate chain Here is the chain of certs, edited for privacy and brevity: mycert.pem ...
antou's user avatar
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how to dockerize a mongodb replica set with both encryption at rest and in transit (SSL) enabled

I would like to setup a mongodb replica set with both encryption at rest and in transit, with docker. By encryption at rest, it's meant that stored data is encrypted, and "in transit" means ...
F. F.'s user avatar
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ssl version issue - ubuntu 24 cannot install gem with ruby 2.7.6 (rvm)

After upgrading to Ubuntu 24, I can no longer install gems for ruby 2.7.6, here is some output: rvm list => ruby-2.7.6 [ x86_64 ] now I try to bundle bundle Traceback (most recent call last): ...
user1130176's user avatar
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How to add CA-Certificate to appwrite in docker compose?

I am running an appwrite server on a company network and I need to add a ca certificate for web requests. The specific problem is, that appwrite uses serverless functions which are build by appwrite. ...
nb13's user avatar
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RabbitMQ on Windows with SSL for message queues

We have just set up RabbitMQ on a Windows server and want to use SSL for it. I've read through the documentation but this only goes through using an untrusted "testca" cert. I wish to use ...
AngryDog's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Cloudflare Interception and API Request Failures in Python

I've encountered an issue when making POST requests to certain endpoints using Python's requests library. Cloudflare is intercepting these requests, resulting in a 403 Forbidden error. For endpoint A, ...
Not Sul's user avatar
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SIM7500 MQTT TLS Error(socket is closed by server [closed]

I have tried to connect to broker which provides TLS-enabled security. In this process, I have downloaded the CA signed server certificate to the SIM7600 module and configure the ...
Pasan Erathna's user avatar
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window react-native android yarn start error , SSL error/Check comments

The development environment is local. version up down (java node npm gradle) ssl input I am setting up the React Native Cli version locally, but various SSL-...
DAEHEE JEON's user avatar
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Which is the correct way to use for SSL connections with .p12 file?

Our application should make use of (whose implementation is provided by resteasy-jaxrs-3.0.19.Final.jar) to perform an HTTP POST request to an external service whose URL ...
SagittariusA's user avatar
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Spring ssl bundle support for Encrypted RSA private keys

I am using spring ssl bundles for PEM certificate and private key. spring: ssl: bundle: pem: server: key: alias: "my-alias" keystore: ...
Noam Gershi's user avatar
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Use a server and CA certificate for a server SslStream

My C# application (.NET 8) runs a TCP server that accepts SSL/TLS connections, like from any web browser. (It also implements the HTTP protocol, but that's not relevant here.) For the browser (or any ...
ygoe's user avatar
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Issues with SSL/TLS Connection Using A7670 Module and ESP32C6

I am encountering an issue when trying to establish an SSL/TLS connection using the A7670 module. Despite following the available documentation, the problem persists. Below, I have detailed the ...
user1708556's user avatar

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