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Issues with Emitting Events to Socket.IO Server on Different URLs and JSON Data Conversion

I am working on a Node.js backend project using Socket.IO and am facing two issues when trying to interact with the Socket.IO endpoints via Postman: 1. Connection and Event Emission Issue on Different ...
azam45's user avatar
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JSON.stringify omits properties from object

I am trying to understand why JSON.stringify shows a different output to the object I am expecting to see. In my case, my object has a property of height and width So, if I were to do perform the ...
MyDaftQuestions's user avatar
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ERROR Error saving data [TRPCClientError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected character: B]

I have an App that im creating that takes the user through a onboarding process for their user details. I have two screens where it is triggered. One on a screen where the user is checking to see if ...
Jason_Day's user avatar
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Is there a way to indicate type that covers all types that can be JSON-stringified? [duplicate]

I'm new to TypeScript. I'm writing a function where one of the arguments is caller-defined anything that can be put through JSON.stringify. Is there any way to indicate this type, or is it technically ...
Antrikshy's user avatar
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JavaScript: JSON.stringify and replacer, Unexpected behavior

Consider the following code 'use strict'; function stringify(value,p) { function replacer(k,v) { if (!Array.isArray(v)) return p(k) ? v : undefined; return v } ...
1.1's user avatar
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Save an object array into one text record per array element

I have an application which, from time to time, saves object arrays into text files. All the elements of the object array display identical structure. As an example, consider the following object ...
FDavidov's user avatar
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Getting "422 Unprocessable Entity" error when positing stringified body from node.js to Python FastAPI [duplicate]

I have this request, on my node.js application : return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const options = { hostname: 'py', <== docker container port: 8000, path: '...
Sourouche's user avatar
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In Aurelia Slickgrid how to get editor and filter collectionAsync data?

I use aurelia 2 with import and JSON.stringify this import. With the example #3, I tried to get the collectionAsync in Aurelia 2. The fetch method tell me that data presented to collectionAsync at ...
M.Ouedraogo's user avatar
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Why my Json stringify slower then JSON.stringify

So I am trying to understand why my code that stringify an object is much slower then JSON.stringify. I cant think of a reason for this. could someone share why this is hapning. here is my test code ...
Alen.Toma's user avatar
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How to JSON stringify a javascript New Date

I'm getting data from the form's json when the user fills out the calendar const data= JSON.stringify(orderForm.informationDate)); Currently, I get data from JSON to print PDF in any way: {"...
I'm still learning's user avatar
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Sending a JSON string to FastAPI but 422 error due to pydantic model [duplicate]

I try to send this JSON string to my FastAPI API but I always get an 422. {"data":[{"pickup_session_id":1,"product_id":3,"product_usage_type_id":0,"total&...
Ruben's user avatar
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JSON.stringify replacer not working as expected (keep properties where name starts with)

I want to keep all property names that start with a certain string and remove all others from an object. Why is the following not working - keep property foo only - and why does the opposite work? (...
droptix's user avatar
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AsyncStorage returning [SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected character: o]

I am getting the above error when using AsyncStorage. const defaultCity = { name: "Tbilisi", id: "22sH7BDcVH7MOYOtvqbD", }; const [city, setCity] = useState(...
David Henry's user avatar
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Option to preserve empty arrays and objects at "qs.stringify()" funtion of qs package in react

I want to also preserve an empty array but the qs package is deleting the empty array key from the stringified data: const data = { key: [], name: "Lower" }; const stringifiedData = qs....
Vishal Gupta's user avatar
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Typescript - How to extract values from Sanity API Result - JSON

I am trying to get the values from a Sanity Client API call and can't figure out how to get the values from resulting JSON. Here is the result of the api call: [ { slug: { current: "test-...
Don's user avatar
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How can I JSON stringify and then parse an object with functions? (JavaScript)

I have an object with both attributes and functions, and I want to be able to stringify them into JSON, then parse them back out again for a save-load system. Keep in mind, the data has circular ...
Richard Yang's user avatar
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Why double quotes are being escaped in JSON.stringify but not single quotes

I'm creating a json object string that has single quote in the condition which need to be use in sql query. Something like this,'field IN ('ab'c'd')' so instead I tried using double quotes for the ...
mosid's user avatar
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How to use JSON.stringify replace to await Promise values?

I have a JSON object I want to stringify. Some of the values in this object are Promises. How can I use the replacer parameter in JSON.stringify() to pass the result of the Promise, instead of the ...
Potherca's user avatar
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Why doesn't JSON.stringify handle my array of arrays?

I read this question How can I copy an array of arrays into clipboard using javascript and want to achieve something similar: first I execute $x(XPath) to get an array of arrays: I want to stringify ...
d-b's user avatar
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How to to print nested [object Object] without affecting other types

I am currently trying to show some data on my webpage (not the console, actually inject it into a paragraph) which (for example) looks as follows: ["accept", "#PID<0.395.0>", ...
Astarno's user avatar
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In R, convert list into stringified JSON for body of POST request

output_goal <- '{ "firstName": "Tim", "lastName": "Jones", "team": { "value":104290, "teamMarket": "Card", "...
Canovice's user avatar
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appending JS object inside a html element with type of object

hello I wanted to if there is way to add a javaScript object inside a html tag but i want it to be a type of object not string. for more clarification, here is an example : const codeEl = document....
Mohammad Kargar's user avatar
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For cycle returning [object Object]

I want to create a simple table to store the responses in. A book can have multiple authors so the authors object is an array. Author has two fields(first_name and last_name) I know I have to ...
eScape CS's user avatar
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JSON.stringify() returns empty nested objects {} but works in console [duplicate]

In a Django/React app I am building, I use an API call to get some ids, which returns an object like this: { "0": { "0": "7y8X0Z04gJCKtfrnSAMywJ", &...
Alan Grenfell's user avatar
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JSON.parse error unexpected token u due to value being double?

I am getting unexpected token u attempting to parse something in nodejs with JSON.parse. I am quite certain I know the issue, but I have tried everything I can think of with no luck at solving it. ...
blueberrr's user avatar
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How can I write a multiline string into a file without adding characters to the string?

I have a JavaScript function where I'm trying to write a PowerShell script to a PowerShell file. This is the function: const script = `$Win32Product= Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where Name -...
TheStranger's user avatar
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Task is to "stringify" a value in Python. If the value is a dict obj which has nested dicts, the function must recursively call itself for the nested

My task is to write a function in Python, which would work similarly as JS's JSON.stringify() method. The func's signature is - stringify(value[, replacer[, spaces_count]]). So if value is a dict with ...
David's user avatar
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How to convert a two dimensional json object to one dimensional json object in Typescript

How to convert { 'summary': { 'name': 'test1', 'age': '12', 'gender': 'M' }, 'address': { 'line1': 'Line1 address test', 'line2': 'Line 2 Adress test' } } to { 'summary....
Renjith Krishnan's user avatar
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Is there any way to pass a long javascript array to a python script which is using python cgi

I am creating a webpage with submit button. Once user will click on submit button all checkboxes values selected by user will be stored in java script array and will be passed onto a python script ...
sebaa's user avatar
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JSON.stringify on javascript with WSO2

i'm trying to transform the following JSON in input: { "operation": "create", "id": "$1", "name": "esempio ...
Marco's user avatar
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How do I add spaces between list elements when using JSON.stringify?

I am using Javascript's JSON.stringify() function to convert a list of strings into a comma separated JSON object. array = ["a", "b", "c"]; console.log(JSON.stringify(array)); // Output: ["a","b","...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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JSON.stringify not working with nested array of objects

I know this question has been asked but none of the solutions are working for me and I can't figure out what's wrong. I have an object with a nested array of objects I am stringifying but I get a ...
oscarale's user avatar
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How to properly save my input in local storage in JavaScript?

I am tasked with creating a to do list form . The User should be able to input their 'todos' and then be displayed those todos. The user has the option to remove and cross out each todo. When the user ...
Antrhopos's user avatar
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stringify-object crashed the test

Every time a test is calling the method stringifyObject from the npm modul stringify-object with an object the test crash with follow exception: TypeError: get_own_enumerable_property_symbols_1....
huci75's user avatar
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How to handle json object that was stringified in Python

I have a question about JSON.stringify() and how to parse it. I have a frontend code and a backend in python (Django). My fetch function looks like this in frontend. const response = await fetch('...
user18431308's user avatar
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How can I download a single merged JSON file within a loop whilst using Google API and Javascript?

I have a script that is looping through an array of Google Place IDs and returns some of their Place Details. I’m then using JSON.Stringify to output the data in JSON format. function initMap() { //=...
Adam's user avatar
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JSON.stringify() arguments returns objects in a straight line with slashes // in between

JSON.stringify() arguments still returns objects in a straight line with slashes // in between. I added ```JSON.stringify(stringifiedData, null, 4) to my code to prettify my object. But I am still ...
Tini's user avatar
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Jmeter 5.5: extract and store ID value from json response body whose json is in string format

enter image description hereI want to extract id value from json body whose partner join value is Yes Response body sample: {"data":{"data1":"{"recommendedPrograms":{...
suravi's user avatar
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Javascript - convert array to stringify format [duplicate]

I have this array: array = [ { "name": "name", "value": "Olá" }, { "name": "age", "...
André Castro's user avatar
-1 votes
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JSON.stringify and toString() method, as well as string() all result in doubled quotation marks

I simply do a dict assignment operation like this headers[col] = JSON.stringify(value); when parsing a TSV and it always results in the JSON keys with double quotation marks when I both use JSON....
apingaway's user avatar
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How to use recursion so this function will work with nested arrays and objects

I'm attempting to write a JSON.stringify function. It works well enough for basic arrays and objects but how can I get it to work for nested arrays? function stringifier (input) { let output = '...
Matt Kelsey's user avatar
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Angular Material Dialog & JSON.stringify

I am unable to show the string provided by JSON.stringify including the spaces for indentation inside a material dialog of my Angular project. It always appears as a raw data string, without any ...
Lokicor's user avatar
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stringify null and undefined without stringify

I'm trying to replicate the functionality of JSON.stringify() with several primitive types, so far I have only managed to pass 'number' and 'string' (the easy ones) which in turn make, function and ...
dr3nan's user avatar
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Node-Red: JSON integration into Insert-Statement

In Node-Red is there a way to integrate a JSON-Msg, into an INSERT-Statement as a string without the usage of stringify? Because after 2000 Characters, the Message is cut off.
QuickSilver1996's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: json.forEach is not a function

let myJSON = { "name": "naam", "schools" : [ "silver stone" , "woodlands stone" , "patthar" ], &...
Ankit's user avatar
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Another - Expecting 'STRING', '}', got 'undefined'

I have a json string created by let jsonString = "{ \"AjaxBookGenieParams\": " + JSON.stringify(ajaxBookGenieParams) + " }"; I have a problem with a web service call not ...
BedfordNYGuy's user avatar
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How to pass variable to JSON without printing it as String

How to pass variable to JSON object and print it like JSON object? I simply want to pass variable value in JSON and print it like JSON which can also be used in console.table(obj) With Stringify: ...
Loizos Vasileiou's user avatar
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how to iterate json with parentheses

I have an api that is returning a json data but that data is wrapped in curly brackets and I am not able to iterate the response. I tried to convert that into string, sliced the brackets and then ...
Azeem112's user avatar
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Replace Symbol Keys in Object With Text

I have the following object like this: { where: { [Symbol(or)]: [ [Object], [Object] ] },hooks: true, rejectOnEmpty: false } I'm calling JSON.stringify on this, and it gets converted to: {"where&...
Alk's user avatar
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How to stringify socket-Object in node.js

I am developing an application, for which I need to send the socket objects themselves. With socket object I mean the following: if I got an event, lets say s.on('message'..., the socket object is s. ...
Robert's user avatar
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