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Receiving 'No signatures found matching expected signature' error when processing Stripe webhook"

I am developing a webhook to process events from Stripe using Deno and the Stripe library. Recently, when trying to validate the webhook signature, I am receiving the following error: Webhook Error: ...
vizeusuario's user avatar
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405 Error or 401 Error (sometimes) on Stripe Endpoint with Next.js, Vercel, and PM2: Unable to Create Checkout Session

I'm integrating Stripe into my Next.js application deployed on Vercel. The goal is to create a checkout session through a POST request to the /api/stripe/create-checkout-session endpoint. However, I'm ...
SilentCraftsman's user avatar
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Stripe error: "You may only specify one of these parameters: default_price_data, type."

Attempting to create a product on stripe dashboard through node-fetch. code snippet: async createProduct(data) { try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: '...
Fabx's user avatar
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Stripe , Theme isn't set to use Theme.AppCompat or Theme.MaterialComponents

I am facing an issue when trying to implement Stripe with flutter , I did all what they said in the readme , but I still have this problem : Your theme isn't set to use Theme.AppCompat or Theme....
MehdiDx's user avatar
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Stripe' hCaptcha affects page speed

I am loading stripe via regular script tag - <script src=""></script>. When doing a page speed test at I get crazy high script ...
fluxus's user avatar
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Stripe schedule create 90 days (current date + 90days)

I'm facing issue while creating stripe schedule 90 days (current date + 90days) by the stripe session. After the package selection on my page it will redirect on the Stripe UI where customer can enter ...
irfanengineer's user avatar
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how to fix flutter Stripe errors?

i get this errors when i want to use the flutter Stripe : **I/flutter (32428): Error: PlatformException(flutter_stripe initialization failed, The plugin failed to initialize: I/flutter (32428): Your ...
behnam's user avatar
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Stripe error - $config must be a string or an array

I'm using Laravel with Vue.js for my application, and I’m encountering an issue when trying to create a Stripe Checkout session. Specifically, when a user attempts to place an order, I get the ...
xBrooK's user avatar
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Issues with Stripe webhook and raw request body

I’m implementing Stripe webhook integration on my Node/Express.ts backend running on Firebase Cloud Functions, and I’m struggling to pass the raw req.body during signature verification. I’ve made a ...
Aurora's user avatar
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in my stripe app, i want to link one email to one customer,so any recurring payment does not keep dusplicating customers, but stripe keeps duplicating

so my product is a subscription service, which grants users access to a service on my website.I've created the product on stripe, and i added the payment link to my website: <a className="...
tunji's user avatar
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Stripe hosted checkout with quantity input on html side

I am building a checkout app and need the quantity selector on the html side and pass that quantity to the checkout page. I do not want the quantity selector on the checkout page. Following stripes ...
Matthew Loeffler's user avatar
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Stripe integration on iOS, Android, and web(on Chrome and Safari on iOS and Windows)

I am trying to integrate Strip payments into my Flutter app on Android, iOS, and web. On the web, I need it to work on any browser and on any OS. I have looked at some YouTube videos but I still can't ...
LostTexan's user avatar
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Add product name in stripe invoice.payment_succeeded event

We are using salesforce connector to connect stripe and salesforce. All the webhook events are captured properly in salesforce and once such event we are using is invoice.payment_succeeded ...
SFDC-Beginner's user avatar
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Apple Pay/Google Pay payment sheets don't dismiss and timeout after successful transaction through Stripe (web)

I'm encountering a strange problem where my payment sheets for Apple Pay and Google Pay are not receiving the result of a transaction through Stripe. I have alerts to log what is happening in my code, ...
Johan Krantz's user avatar
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Stripe Connect, migrate subscription from one parent account to another?

I'm building an app that uses Stripe Connect to process subscriptions on behalf of my users. Other similar app do the same, they use Stripe Connect to process subscription on behalf of their users. ...
Isaac Souza's user avatar
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Stripe webhooks keep failing in Vercel/Supabase Environment when subscribing

EDIT The actual problem were not the BAD Requests, but rather that one time payments in stripe do not count as "subscriptions". Therefore, my app broke, since I am not checking for payments, ...
InsertIntoHTL's user avatar
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I have installed woocomerce and stripe in my WordPress .i need validation pay via stripe button was disable while card information was invalid [closed]

I have installed woocomerce and stripe in my WordPress .i need validation pay via stripe button was disable while card information was invalid. Any pro WordPress developer here? Need disable pay via ...
Srinivas 07's user avatar
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Stripe API error: Missing required param: query

I am trying to use Pabbly to query my stripe account to obtain what customer ID is associated with a specific email. I am trying the standard "out of the box" query shown below, but keep ...
Bryan Grasso's user avatar
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Stripe connect webhook for event account.updated is never triggered

I created a connect webhook to listen to the account.updated event as soon as connect account has any update but the event is not getting triggered. But when I try to test it via CLI using the command ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Stripe Payment Integration Failing in India with Error: 'An error occurred while processing your payment'

I'm encountering an issue with Stripe payment integration in my Laravel application when processing payments from users in India. The error message displayed is: "An error occurred while ...
Chintan Mangukiya's user avatar
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My stripe payout has been blocked by stripe is there any way to get the payout in my account as it is blocking the payment for 120 days [closed]

For this issue I have done the following things but still its not solving the problem I have generated the ticket for contact support. After that I have submitted the tax documents. Then I have ...
Ved Bohra's user avatar
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Which international online payment method is allowed in Iran [closed]

I want to create an online e-commerce web application and want to integrate a gateway but stripe and paypal is not allowed in Iran which international online payment gateway should I use. Strip Paypal ...
Nematullah Maftoon's user avatar
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Stripe null object dataObjectDeserializer.getObject ( )

Bonjour, J'utilise stripe-java côté backend, en voulant mettre en place le webhook stripe, j'essaye de desrialiser l'objet json recu, seulement j'obtiens tout le temps null, les forums et articles que ...
user1568220's user avatar
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Stripe Subscription update ISSUES while Trial still active PHP

Morning , ran into a problem with stripe subscriptions that I cannot identify a solution to. We have a site that offers 14 free trial the first time a customer subscribes to one of our two plans - ...
Radu's user avatar
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Flutter : "Unrecognized feature: 'payment'.", source:

I am using flutter_stripe:lates, everything working fine but after adding card and process going on there is an error/issue showing: I/chromium(10630): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Unrecognized feature: '...
Sayed Main Uddin's user avatar
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stripe customer unkown even when customerId is supplied

I feel like there is something I'm not doing right here. So basically I made sure that customerId matched, but still after a payment was processed, it shows the customer as unkown. Backend const ...
James Tian's user avatar
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Custom Stripe checkout embedded - listen for user changes in checkout

Hello everyone :-) I hope I can find a good developer who would have time to help develop my problem. I have a problem with integrating custom embedded stripe checkout for my web application. The ...
Remik00's user avatar
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I want to reflect the results of a pay-as-you-go payment in Run Payments with Stripe in firestore

I am using basic html and javascript.I'm a beginner programmer. I am currently working on a program that uses Stripe to process payments on a pay-as-you-go basis and reflect the results in Firestore. ...
yuku's user avatar
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How to expand in a stripe subscription

Given the API documentation about the Subscription object I should be able to use stripe subscriptions list --customer cus_QgBmuycCay7CGu --expand However, I get this ...
mp3por's user avatar
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Modifying subscriptions during the billing cycle

I'm trying to ascertain the best way to go about subscription modifications during a billing cycle. Let's assume we have a monthly billing cycle for users. User A is currently charged $20 per month. ...
Walrus's user avatar
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How can I add more than one plan tier with Stripe?

//api/stripe import { auth, currentUser } from "@clerk/nextjs/server"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; import { prismadb } from "@/lib/prismadb"; import { ...
Jean Mako's user avatar
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How to modify test clock of an existing Stripe customer/subscription?

Stripe documents are clear how to modify the test clock for a Stripe customer. They're here. However, the documentations assume the user wants to create a new customer in Stripe. Hence step 2 is all ...
JCM88's user avatar
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In Stripe, does customer.subscription.update fire when they make a payment?

Basically I'm trying to keep the expiration date on a proprietary token matched to the customer's subscription.current_period_end. But I'm under the impression from the docs that customer.subscription....
Brimby's user avatar
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Stripe Subscription Schedules - final phase is scheduled twice

I’ve been struggling to correctly set up a subscription schedule in Stripe (so that the updated plan executes once, and after that execution, it reverts to the regular subscription with the new price ...
Jan Bouchner's user avatar
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Stripe Python AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'auto_paging_iter'

An example in the Stripe Python library doesn't seem to work. The README says: # .auto_paging_iter() implements both AsyncIterable and Iterable async for c in await stripe.Customer.list_async()....
ardaar's user avatar
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Use Stripe Express Checkout Element for Subscription

I want to know if I can use the stripe express checkout element for subscription? I use ruby btw Based on the document, one of the modes made it seem possible: const elements = stripe.elements({ ...
John Kevin's user avatar
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Django stripe expand data to webhook

I sent an order data by posting a request to stripe, creating session, and setting my order in line_items. The problem is that I want this line_items data to expand to the stripe webhook view, and by ...
itan mare's user avatar
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Xcode - Swift - Integrating Stripe VIA Cocoapod

I Created a brand new project. I hit pod init, and change pod file content to below target 'CardScannerViaPodUIKit' do # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks ...
Aaban Tariq Murtaza's user avatar
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Stripe: IntegrationError: You cannot have multiple Embedded Checkout objects

I'm using react-stripe-js and getting an IntegrationError: You cannot have multiple Embedded Checkout objects. This error occurs when trying to render the form more than once. I think I need to ...
Nick's user avatar
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SvelteKit Stripe webhook handler not completing async operation - How to ensure execution? (Issue caused by Cloudflare)

I'm encountering an issue with a Stripe webhook handler in my SvelteKit project. The handler processes a checkout session and should store the customer ID in Supabase, but it appears the operation is ...
Josip Domazet's user avatar
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How to get the Account Object after AccountCreateOptions

I have this code which succeeds: StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "xxxx"; var options = new AccountCreateOptions { Country =, Email = data....
redoc01's user avatar
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How to add cycle limit to a Stripe Subscription when creating a subscription using the .NET SDK?

I am trying to utilized the Stripe.NET SDK to create a subscription in Stripe. I am using the SubscriptionCreateOptions class to create a new subscription. However, I do not see a option to add an end-...
Jay's user avatar
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When `stripe_dashboard[type]=none` and `requirement_collection=stripe`, Stripe must be liable for negative balances or refunds and chargebacks

I'm currently starting to use the library and I'm creating an online market place for sellers and buyers. I have this in my Ui where the UI takes in some information from the user: And I'm ...
redoc01's user avatar
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How to implement local payemnt system like jazzcash or easy paisa in laravel referral system

I am developing laravel referral sytem where parent user awarded with $1 when his child user (which is reffered by him using his referral link) registered and deposit $3 using Pakistan local payment ...
Malik Muhammad Awan's user avatar
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.NET MAUI ApplePay + Stripe

I want to implement Apple pay payments with Stripe payment gateway in my .net MAUI mobile application, however it is extremely hard to find needed information on how to do that, expecially there is no ...
Seelam Mulinti Gurivi Reddy's user avatar
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Opening new screen is not being executed

I have a Flutter app that I want to add Stripe to so I can charge users. I have added Stripe to the registration page so when a new user registers, they can enter their payment information. Here is ...
LostTexan's user avatar
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Stripe webhooks not firing (live mode) - randomly stopped working, I didnt change anything

First things first to avoid being asked redundant questions: My code and webhooks are set up perfectly fine for live mode. My webhook secret and api keys are all in live mode and everything worked. ...
Edash codes's user avatar
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Stripe Manual Capture with Apple Pay

I'm working on a web application where a seller needs to authorize buyer's credit card and then charge it when the item is shipped, I'm using Stripe's PaymentIntent.create with manual capture, first I ...
new_reactjs's user avatar
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Issue with Stripe Promotion Code "First-time Order Only" Restriction and Guest Customers

I am using Stripe’s promotion code functionality and have created a code with the "first-time order only" restriction to incentivize new customers. The purpose of this restriction is to ...
com m's user avatar
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laravel stripe Sessionl ID too many characters error, how to solve?

Trying to get the details of a customer's chekout session in Laravel. Below is the pertinent code. Cannot find a relevant cause of this error anywhere. When dd'ing the $checkout_session variable below,...
Luke's user avatar
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